io.quarkus.arc.deployment.ArcConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.quarkus.arc.deployment;
import static io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigPhase.BUILD_TIME;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import io.quarkus.deployment.index.IndexDependencyConfig;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigDocMapKey;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigDocSection;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigItem;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigRoot;
@ConfigRoot(phase = BUILD_TIME)
public class ArcConfig {
public static final Set ALLOWED_REMOVE_UNUSED_BEANS_VALUES = Set.of("all", "true", "none", "false", "fwk",
* - If set to {@code all} (or {@code true}) the container will attempt to remove all unused beans.
* - If set to {@code none} (or {@code false}) no beans will ever be removed even if they are unused (according to the
* criteria set out
* below)
* - If set to {@code fwk}, then all unused beans will be removed, except the unused beans whose classes are declared in
* the
* application code
* An unused bean:
* - is not a built-in bean or interceptor,
* - is not eligible for injection to any injection point,
* - is not excluded by any extension,
* - does not have a name,
* - does not declare an observer,
* - does not declare any producer which is eligible for injection to any injection point,
* - is not directly eligible for injection into any {@link jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance} injection point
* @see UnremovableBeanBuildItem
@ConfigItem(defaultValue = "all")
public String removeUnusedBeans;
* If set to true {@code @Inject} is automatically added to all non-static non-final fields that are annotated with
* one of the annotations defined by {@link AutoInjectAnnotationBuildItem}.
@ConfigItem(defaultValue = "true")
public boolean autoInjectFields;
* If set to true, the bytecode of unproxyable beans will be transformed. This ensures that a proxy/subclass
* can be created properly. If the value is set to false, then an exception is thrown at build time indicating that a
* subclass/proxy could not be created.
* Quarkus performs the following transformations when this setting is enabled:
* - Remove 'final' modifier from classes and methods when a proxy is required.
- Create a no-args constructor if needed.
- Makes private no-args constructors package-private if necessary.
* An element value can be:
* - a fully qualified class name, i.e. {@code org.acme.Foo}
* - a simple class name as defined by {@link Class#getSimpleName()}, i.e. {@code Foo}
* - a package name with suffix {@code .*}, i.e. {@code org.acme.*}, matches a package
* - a package name with suffix {@code .**}, i.e. {@code org.acme.**}, matches a package that starts with the value
* Each element value is used to match an alternative bean class, an alternative stereotype annotation type or a bean class
* that declares an alternative producer. If any value matches then the priority of {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} is used for
* the relevant bean. The priority declared via {@link jakarta.annotation.Priority} is overridden.
public Optional> selectedAlternatives;
* If set to true then {@code jakarta.enterprise.inject.Produces} is automatically added to all non-void methods that are
* annotated with a scope annotation, a stereotype or a qualifier, and are not annotated with {@code Inject} or
* {@code Produces}, and no parameter is annotated with {@code Disposes}, {@code Observes} or {@code ObservesAsync}.
@ConfigItem(defaultValue = "true")
public boolean autoProducerMethods;
* The list of types that should be excluded from discovery.
* An element value can be:
* - a fully qualified class name, i.e. {@code org.acme.Foo}
* - a simple class name as defined by {@link Class#getSimpleName()}, i.e. {@code Foo}
* - a package name with suffix {@code .*}, i.e. {@code org.acme.*}, matches a package
* - a package name with suffix {@code .**}, i.e. {@code org.acme.**}, matches a package that starts with the value
* If any element value matches a discovered type then the type is excluded from discovery, i.e. no beans and observer
* methods are created from this type.
public Optional> excludeTypes;
* List of types that should be considered unremovable regardless of whether they are directly used or not.
* This is a configuration option equivalent to using {@link io.quarkus.arc.Unremovable} annotation.
* An element value can be:
* - a fully qualified class name, i.e. {@code org.acme.Foo}
* - a simple class name as defined by {@link Class#getSimpleName()}, i.e. {@code Foo}
* - a package name with suffix {@code .*}, i.e. {@code org.acme.*}, matches a package
* - a package name with suffix {@code .**}, i.e. {@code org.acme.**}, matches a package that starts with the value
* If any element value matches a discovered bean, then such a bean is considered unremovable.
* @see {@link #removeUnusedBeans}
* @see {@link io.quarkus.arc.Unremovable}
public Optional> unremovableTypes;
* Artifacts that should be excluded from discovery.
* These artifacts would be otherwise scanned for beans, i.e. they
* contain a Jandex index or a beans.xml descriptor.
Map excludeDependency;
* If set to true then the container attempts to detect "unused removed beans" false positives during programmatic lookup at
* runtime. You can disable this feature to conserve some memory when running your application in production.
* @see ArcConfig#removeUnusedBeans
@ConfigItem(defaultValue = "true")
public boolean detectUnusedFalsePositives;
* If set to true then the container attempts to detect wrong usages of annotations and eventually fails the build to
* prevent unexpected behavior of a Quarkus application.
* A typical example is {@code @jakarta.ejb.Singleton} which is often confused with {@code @jakarta.inject.Singleton}. As a
* result a component annotated with {@code @jakarta.ejb.Singleton} would be completely ignored. Another example is an inner
* class annotated with a scope annotation - this component would be again completely ignored.
@ConfigItem(defaultValue = "true")
public boolean detectWrongAnnotations;
* If set to {@code true}, the container will perform additional validations mandated by the CDI specification.
* Some improvements on top of the CDI specification may be disabled. Applications that work as expected
* in the strict mode should work without a change in the default, non-strict mode.
* The strict mode is mainly introduced to allow passing the CDI Lite TCK. Applications are recommended
* to use the default, non-strict mode, which makes CDI more convenient to use. The "strictness" of
* the strict mode (the set of additional validations and the set of disabled improvements on top of
* the CDI specification) may change over time.
* Note that {@link #transformUnproxyableClasses} and {@link #removeUnusedBeans} also has effect on specification
* compatibility. You may want to disable these features to get behavior closer to the specification.
@ConfigItem(defaultValue = "false")
public boolean strictCompatibility;
* Dev mode configuration.
public ArcDevModeConfig devMode;
* Test mode configuration.
public ArcTestConfig test;
* The list of packages that will not be checked for split package issues.
* A package string representation can be:
* - a full name of the package, i.e. {@code}
* - a package name with suffix {@code .*}, i.e. {@code org.acme.*}, which matches a package that starts with provided
* value
public Optional> ignoredSplitPackages;
* Context propagation configuration.
public ArcContextPropagationConfig contextPropagation;
* If set to {@code true}, the container should try to optimize the contexts for some of the scopes. If set to {@code auto}
* then optimize the contexts if there's less than 1000 beans in the application. If set to {@code false} do not optimize
* the contexts.
* Typically, some implementation parts of the context for {@link jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped} could be
* pregenerated during build.
@ConfigItem(defaultValue = "auto", generateDocumentation = false)
public OptimizeContexts optimizeContexts;
public enum OptimizeContexts {
public final boolean isRemoveUnusedBeansFieldValid() {
return ALLOWED_REMOVE_UNUSED_BEANS_VALUES.contains(removeUnusedBeans.toLowerCase());
public final boolean shouldEnableBeanRemoval() {
final String lowerCase = removeUnusedBeans.toLowerCase();
return "all".equals(lowerCase) || "true".equals(lowerCase) || "fwk".equals(lowerCase) || "framework".equals(lowerCase);
public final boolean shouldOnlyKeepAppBeans() {
final String lowerCase = removeUnusedBeans.toLowerCase();
return "fwk".equals(lowerCase) || "framework".equals(lowerCase);