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import static io.quarkus.redis.runtime.datasource.Validation.notNullOrBlank;
import static io.quarkus.redis.runtime.datasource.Validation.notNullOrEmpty;
import static io.quarkus.redis.runtime.datasource.Validation.positive;
import static io.smallrye.mutiny.helpers.ParameterValidation.doesNotContainNull;
import static io.smallrye.mutiny.helpers.ParameterValidation.validate;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import io.quarkus.redis.datasource.RedisCommandExtraArguments;
* Represents the argument of the {@code ft.create} command.
public class CreateArgs implements RedisCommandExtraArguments {
private boolean onJson;
private boolean onHash;
private String[] prefixes;
private String filter;
private String language;
private String languageField;
private double score = -1.0;
private String scoreField;
private String payloadField;
private boolean maxTextFields;
private boolean noOffsets;
private Duration temporary;
private boolean noHl;
private boolean noFields;
private boolean noFreqs;
private String[] stopWords;
private boolean skipInitialScan;
private final List schema = new ArrayList<>();
* Enables indexing hash objects.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs onHash() {
this.onHash = true;
return this;
* Enable indexing JSON documents.
* To index JSON, you must have the RedisJSON module installed.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs onJson() {
this.onJson = true;
return this;
* Tells the index which keys it should index. You can add several prefixes to index.
* Because the argument is optional, the default is * (all keys).
* @param prefixes the prefix of the keys
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs prefixes(String... prefixes) {
this.prefixes = doesNotContainNull(notNullOrEmpty(prefixes, "prefixes"), "prefixes");
return this;
* Sets a filter expression with the full RediSearch aggregation expression language.
* It is possible to use @__key to access the key that was just added/changed.
* A field can be used to set field name by passing 'FILTER @indexName=="myindexname"'.
* @param filter the filter
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs filter(String filter) {
this.filter = notNullOrBlank(filter, "filter");
return this;
* If set, indicates the default language for documents in the index. Default to English.
* @param language the language
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs language(String language) {
this.language = notNullOrBlank(language, "language");
return this;
* Set a document attribute used as the document language.
* A stemmer is used for the supplied language during indexing. If an unsupported language is sent, the command
* returns an error.
* @param languageField the language field
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs languageField(String languageField) {
this.languageField = notNullOrBlank(languageField, "languageField");
return this;
* Set the default score for documents in the index. Default score is 1.0.
* @param score the score
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs score(double score) {
positive(score, "score");
this.score = score;
return this;
* Sets the document attribute that you use as the document rank based on the user ranking.
* Ranking must be between 0.0 and 1.0. If not set, the default score is 1.
* @param field the field
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs scoreField(String field) {
this.scoreField = notNullOrBlank(field, "field");
return this;
* Sets the document attribute that you use as a binary safe payload string to the document that can be evaluated
* at query time by a custom scoring function or retrieved to the client.
* @param field the field
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs payloadField(String field) {
this.payloadField = notNullOrBlank(field, "field");
return this;
* Forces RediSearch to encode indexes as if there were more than 32 text attributes, which allows you to add
* additional attributes (beyond 32) using {@code FT.ALTER}. For efficiency, RediSearch encodes indexes differently
* if they are created with less than 32 text attributes.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs maxTextFields() {
this.maxTextFields = true;
return this;
* Sets to not store term offsets for documents.
* It saves memory, but does not allow exact searches or highlighting. It implies {@code NOHL}.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs noOffsets() {
this.noOffsets = true;
return this;
* Creates a lightweight temporary index that expires after a specified period of inactivity.
* The internal idle timer is reset whenever the index is searched or added to. Because such indexes are lightweight,
* you can create thousands of such indexes without negative performance implications and, therefore, you should
* consider using {@code SKIPINITIALSCAN} to avoid costly scanning.
* When dropped, a temporary index does not delete the hashes as they may have been indexed in several indexes.
* Adding the {@code DD} flag deletes the hashes as well.
* @param duration the duration
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs temporary(Duration duration) {
this.temporary = validate(duration, "duration");
return this;
* Conserves storage space and memory by disabling highlighting support. If set, the corresponding byte offsets
* for term positions are not stored. {@code NOHL} is also implied by {@code NOOFFSETS}.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs noHl() {
this.noHl = true;
return this;
* Does not store attribute bits for each term. It saves memory, but it does not allow filtering by specific
* attributes.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs noFields() {
this.noFields = true;
return this;
* Avoids saving the term frequencies in the index. It saves memory, but does not allow sorting based on the
* frequencies of a given term within the document.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs noFreqs() {
this.noFreqs = true;
return this;
* Sets the index with a custom stop word list, to be ignored during indexing and search time.
* @param words the stop word list
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs stopWords(String... words) {
this.stopWords = doesNotContainNull(notNullOrEmpty(words, "words"), "words");
return this;
* If set, does not scan and index.
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs skipInitialScan() {
this.skipInitialScan = true;
return this;
* Adds a field to the schema.
* @param field the field
* @param alias the alias, can be {@code null}
* @param type the field type
* @param options the additional options
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs indexedField(String field, String alias, FieldType type, FieldOptions options) {
schema.add(new IndexedField(field, alias, type, options));
return this;
* Adds a field to the schema.
* @param field the field
* @param type the field type
* @param options the additional options
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs indexedField(String field, FieldType type, FieldOptions options) {
return indexedField(field, null, type, options);
* Adds a field to the schema.
* @param field the field
* @param type the field type
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs indexedField(String field, FieldType type) {
return indexedField(field, null, type, null);
* Adds a field to the schema.
* @param field the field
* @param alias the alias, can be {@code null}
* @param type the field type
* @return the current {@code CreateArgs}
public CreateArgs indexedField(String field, String alias, FieldType type) {
return indexedField(field, alias, type, null);
public List