Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import jakarta.enterprise.event.Event;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus;
import io.quarkus.arc.Arc;
import io.quarkus.arc.ClientProxy;
import io.quarkus.vertx.http.runtime.HttpBuildTimeConfig;
import io.quarkus.vertx.http.runtime.HttpConfiguration;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
* Class that is responsible for running the HTTP based authentication
public final class HttpAuthenticator {
* Special handling for the basic authentication mechanism, for user convenience, we add the mechanism when:
* - not explicitly disabled or enabled
* - is default bean and not programmatically looked up because there are other authentication mechanisms
* - no custom auth mechanism is defined because then, we can't tell if user didn't provide custom impl.
* - there is a provider that supports it (if not, we inform user via the log)
* Presence of this system property means that we need to test whether:
* - there are HTTP Permissions using explicitly this mechanism
* - or {@link}
public static final String TEST_IF_BASIC_AUTH_IMPLICITLY_REQUIRED = "";
* Whether {@link} has been detected,
* which means that user needs to use basic authentication.
* Only set when detected and {@link HttpAuthenticator#TEST_IF_BASIC_AUTH_IMPLICITLY_REQUIRED} is true.
public static final String BASIC_AUTH_ANNOTATION_DETECTED = "";
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HttpAuthenticator.class);
* Added to a {@link RoutingContext} as selected authentication mechanism.
private static final String AUTH_MECHANISM = HttpAuthenticator.class.getName() + "#auth-mechanism";
* Added to a {@link RoutingContext} when {@link this#attemptAuthentication(RoutingContext)} is invoked.
private static final String ATTEMPT_AUTH_INVOKED = HttpAuthenticator.class.getName() + "#attemptAuthentication";
private static boolean selectAuthMechanismWithAnnotation = false;
private final IdentityProviderManager identityProviderManager;
private final HttpAuthenticationMechanism[] mechanisms;
private final SecurityEventHelper securityEventHelper;
private final boolean inclusiveAuth;
HttpAuthenticator(IdentityProviderManager identityProviderManager,
Event authFailureEvent,
Event authSuccessEvent,
BeanManager beanManager, HttpBuildTimeConfig httpBuildTimeConfig,
Instance httpAuthenticationMechanism,
Instance> providers,
@ConfigProperty(name = "") boolean securityEventsEnabled) {
this.securityEventHelper = new SecurityEventHelper<>(authSuccessEvent, authFailureEvent, AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS,
AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, beanManager, securityEventsEnabled);
this.identityProviderManager = identityProviderManager;
this.inclusiveAuth = httpBuildTimeConfig.auth.inclusive;
List mechanisms = new ArrayList<>();
for (HttpAuthenticationMechanism mechanism : httpAuthenticationMechanism) {
if (mechanism.getCredentialTypes().isEmpty()) {
// mechanism does not require any IdentityProvider
log.debugf("HttpAuthenticationMechanism '%s' provided no required credential types, therefore it needs "
+ "to be able to perform authentication without any IdentityProvider", mechanism.getClass().getName());
// mechanism requires an IdentityProvider, therefore we verify that such a provider exists
boolean found = false;
for (Class extends AuthenticationRequest> mechType : mechanism.getCredentialTypes()) {
for (IdentityProvider> i : providers) {
if (i.getRequestType().equals(mechType)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
if (found) {
} else if (BasicAuthenticationMechanism.class.equals(mechanism.getClass())
&& httpBuildTimeConfig.auth.basic.isEmpty()) {
BasicAuthenticationMechanism has been enabled because no other authentication mechanism has been
detected, but there is no IdentityProvider based on username and password. Please use
one of supported extensions if you plan to use the mechanism.
For more information go to the
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("""
HttpAuthenticationMechanism '%s' requires one or more IdentityProviders supporting at least one
of the following credentials types: %s.
Please refer to the for more information.
""".formatted(mechanism.getClass().getName(), mechanism.getCredentialTypes()));
addBasicAuthMechanismIfImplicitlyRequired(httpAuthenticationMechanism, mechanisms, providers);
if (mechanisms.isEmpty()) {
this.mechanisms = new HttpAuthenticationMechanism[] { new NoAuthenticationMechanism() };
} else {
mechanisms.sort(new Comparator() {
public int compare(HttpAuthenticationMechanism mech1, HttpAuthenticationMechanism mech2) {
//descending order
return, mech1.getPriority());
this.mechanisms = mechanisms.toArray(new HttpAuthenticationMechanism[mechanisms.size()]);
// if inclusive auth and mTLS are enabled, the mTLS must have the highest priority
if (inclusiveAuth && Arc.container().instance(MtlsAuthenticationMechanism.class).isAvailable()) {
var topMechanism = ClientProxy.unwrap(this.mechanisms[0]);
boolean isMutualTls = topMechanism instanceof MtlsAuthenticationMechanism;
if (!isMutualTls) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
Inclusive authentication is enabled and '%s' does not have
the highest priority. Please lower priority of the '%s' authentication mechanism under '%s'.
public IdentityProviderManager getIdentityProviderManager() {
return identityProviderManager;
* Attempts authentication with the contents of the request. If this is possible the Uni
* will resolve to a valid SecurityIdentity when it is subscribed to. Note that Uni is lazy,
* so this may not happen until the Uni is subscribed to.
* If invalid credentials are present then the completion stage will resolve to a
* {@link}
* If no credentials are present it will resolve to null.
public Uni attemptAuthentication(RoutingContext routingContext) {
// we need to keep track of authN attempts so that we know authN only happens after
// the HTTP request has been matched with the annotated method
if (selectAuthMechanismWithAnnotation) {
// determine whether user selected path specific mechanism via HTTP Security policy or annotation
final String pathSpecificMechanism;
if (selectAuthMechanismWithAnnotation && isAuthMechanismSelected(routingContext)) {
pathSpecificMechanism = routingContext.get(AUTH_MECHANISM);
} else {
AbstractPathMatchingHttpSecurityPolicy pathMatchingPolicy = routingContext
pathSpecificMechanism = pathMatchingPolicy != null ? pathMatchingPolicy.getAuthMechanismName(routingContext) : null;
// authenticate
Uni result;
if (pathSpecificMechanism == null) {
result = createSecurityIdentity(routingContext, 0);
} else {
result = findBestCandidateMechanism(routingContext, pathSpecificMechanism, 0).onItem().ifNotNull()
.transformToUni(new Function>() {
public Uni apply(HttpAuthenticationMechanism mech) {
return mech.authenticate(routingContext, identityProviderManager);
if (routingContext.get(ROLES_MAPPING_KEY) != null) {
result = result.onItem().ifNotNull().transform(routingContext.get(ROLES_MAPPING_KEY));
// fire security events if required
if (securityEventHelper.fireEventOnFailure()) {
result = result.onFailure().invoke(new Consumer() {
public void accept(Throwable throwable) {
securityEventHelper.fireFailureEvent(new AuthenticationFailureEvent(throwable,
Map.of(RoutingContext.class.getName(), routingContext)));
if (securityEventHelper.fireEventOnSuccess()) {
result = result.onItem().ifNotNull().invoke(new Consumer() {
public void accept(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity) {
securityEventHelper.fireSuccessEvent(new AuthenticationSuccessEvent(securityIdentity,
Map.of(RoutingContext.class.getName(), routingContext)));
return result;
private Uni createSecurityIdentity(RoutingContext routingContext, int i) {
if (i == mechanisms.length) {
return Uni.createFrom().nullItem();
return mechanisms[i].authenticate(routingContext, identityProviderManager)
.onItem().transformToUni(new Function>() {
public Uni apply(SecurityIdentity identity) {
if (identity != null) {
if (inclusiveAuth) {
return authenticateWithAllMechanisms(identity, i, routingContext);
if (selectAuthMechanismWithAnnotation && !isAuthMechanismSelected(routingContext)) {
return rememberAuthMechScheme(mechanisms[i], routingContext).replaceWith(identity);
return Uni.createFrom().item(identity);
return createSecurityIdentity(routingContext, i + 1);
* @return
public Uni sendChallenge(RoutingContext routingContext) {
//we want to consume any body content if present
//challenges won't read the body and didn't resume context themselves
//as if we don't consume things can get stuck
if (!routingContext.request().isEnded()) {
Uni result = null;
// we only require auth mechanism to put itself into routing context when there is more than one mechanism registered
if (mechanisms.length > 1) {
HttpAuthenticationMechanism matchingMech = routingContext.get(HttpAuthenticationMechanism.class.getName());
if (matchingMech != null) {
result = matchingMech.sendChallenge(routingContext);
if (result == null) {
result = mechanisms[0].sendChallenge(routingContext);
for (int i = 1; i < mechanisms.length; ++i) {
HttpAuthenticationMechanism mech = mechanisms[i];
result = result.onItem().transformToUni(new Function>() {
public Uni extends Boolean> apply(Boolean authDone) {
if (authDone) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(authDone);
return mech.sendChallenge(routingContext);
return result.onItem().transformToUni(new Function>() {
public Uni extends Boolean> apply(Boolean authDone) {
if (!authDone) {
log.debug("Authentication has not been done, returning HTTP status 401");
return Uni.createFrom().item(authDone);
public Uni getChallenge(RoutingContext routingContext) {
// we only require auth mechanism to put itself into routing context when there is more than one mechanism registered
if (mechanisms.length > 1) {
HttpAuthenticationMechanism matchingMech = routingContext.get(HttpAuthenticationMechanism.class.getName());
if (matchingMech != null) {
return matchingMech.getChallenge(routingContext);
Uni result = mechanisms[0].getChallenge(routingContext);
for (int i = 1; i < mechanisms.length; ++i) {
HttpAuthenticationMechanism mech = mechanisms[i];
result = result.onItem().transformToUni(new Function>() {
public Uni extends ChallengeData> apply(ChallengeData data) {
if (data != null) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(data);
return mech.getChallenge(routingContext);
return result;
private Uni authenticateWithAllMechanisms(SecurityIdentity identity, int i,
RoutingContext routingContext) {
return getCredentialTransport(mechanisms[i], routingContext)
.onItem().transformToUni(new Function>() {
public Uni apply(HttpCredentialTransport httpCredentialTransport) {
if (httpCredentialTransport == null || httpCredentialTransport.getAuthenticationScheme() == null) {
Illegal state - HttpAuthenticationMechanism '%s' authentication scheme is not available.
The authentication scheme is required when inclusive authentication is enabled.
return Uni.createFrom().failure(new AuthenticationFailedException());
var authMechanism = httpCredentialTransport.getAuthenticationScheme();
// add current identity to the RoutingContext
var authMechToIdentity = getSecurityIdentities(routingContext);
boolean isFirstIdentity = authMechToIdentity == null;
if (isFirstIdentity) {
authMechToIdentity = new HashMap<>();
routingContext.put(SECURITY_IDENTITIES_ATTRIBUTE, authMechToIdentity);
authMechToIdentity.putIfAbsent(authMechanism, identity);
// authenticate with remaining mechanisms
if (isFirstIdentity) {
return createSecurityIdentity(routingContext, i + 1)
.replaceWith(addRoutingCtxToIdentityIfMissing(identity, routingContext));
} else {
return createSecurityIdentity(routingContext, i + 1);
private Uni findBestCandidateMechanism(RoutingContext routingContext,
String pathSpecificMechanism, int i) {
if (i == mechanisms.length) {
return Uni.createFrom().nullItem();
return getPathSpecificMechanism(i, routingContext, pathSpecificMechanism).onItem().transformToUni(
new Function>() {
public Uni extends HttpAuthenticationMechanism> apply(HttpAuthenticationMechanism mech) {
if (mech != null) {
if (selectAuthMechanismWithAnnotation && !isAuthMechanismSelected(routingContext)) {
return rememberAuthMechScheme(mech, routingContext).replaceWith(mech);
return Uni.createFrom().item(mech);
return findBestCandidateMechanism(routingContext, pathSpecificMechanism, i + 1);
private Uni getPathSpecificMechanism(int index, RoutingContext routingContext,
String pathSpecificMechanism) {
return getCredentialTransport(mechanisms[index], routingContext).onItem()
.transform(new Function() {
public HttpAuthenticationMechanism apply(HttpCredentialTransport t) {
if (t != null && t.getAuthenticationScheme().equalsIgnoreCase(pathSpecificMechanism)) {
routingContext.put(HttpAuthenticationMechanism.class.getName(), mechanisms[index]);
routingContext.put(AUTH_MECHANISM, t.getAuthenticationScheme());
return mechanisms[index];
return null;
static void selectAuthMechanismWithAnnotation() {
selectAuthMechanismWithAnnotation = true;
static void selectAuthMechanism(RoutingContext routingContext, String authMechanism) {
if (requestAlreadyAuthenticated(routingContext, authMechanism)) {
throw new AuthenticationFailedException("""
The '%1$s' authentication mechanism is required to authenticate the request but it was already
authenticated with the '%2$s' authentication mechanism. It can happen if the '%1$s' is selected with
an annotation but '%2$s' is activated by the HTTP security policy which is enforced before
the JAX-RS chain is run. In such cases, please set the
'quarkus.http.auth.permission."permissions".applies-to=JAXRS' to all HTTP security policies
which secure the same REST endpoints as the ones secured by the '%1$s' authentication mechanism
selected with the annotation.
""".formatted(authMechanism, routingContext.get(AUTH_MECHANISM)));
routingContext.put(AUTH_MECHANISM, authMechanism);
private static Uni getCredentialTransport(HttpAuthenticationMechanism mechanism,
RoutingContext routingContext) {
try {
return mechanism.getCredentialTransport(routingContext);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(mechanism.getCredentialTransport());
private static void rememberAuthAttempted(RoutingContext routingContext) {
routingContext.put(ATTEMPT_AUTH_INVOKED, TRUE);
private static boolean isAuthMechanismSelected(RoutingContext routingContext) {
return routingContext.get(AUTH_MECHANISM) != null;
private static boolean requestAlreadyAuthenticated(RoutingContext event, String newAuthMechanism) {
return event.get(ATTEMPT_AUTH_INVOKED) == TRUE && authenticatedWithDifferentAuthMechanism(newAuthMechanism, event);
private static boolean authenticatedWithDifferentAuthMechanism(String newAuthMechanism, RoutingContext event) {
return !newAuthMechanism.equalsIgnoreCase(event.get(AUTH_MECHANISM));
* Remember authentication mechanism used for authentication so that we know what mechanism has been used
* in case that someone tries to change the mechanism after the authentication. This way, we can be permissive
* when the selected mechanism is same as the one already used.
private static Uni rememberAuthMechScheme(HttpAuthenticationMechanism mech, RoutingContext event) {
return getCredentialTransport(mech, event)
.onItem().ifNotNull().invoke(new Consumer() {
public void accept(HttpCredentialTransport t) {
if (t.getAuthenticationScheme() != null) {
event.put(AUTH_MECHANISM, t.getAuthenticationScheme());
private static void addBasicAuthMechanismIfImplicitlyRequired(
Instance httpAuthenticationMechanism,
List mechanisms, Instance> providers) {
if (!Boolean.getBoolean(TEST_IF_BASIC_AUTH_IMPLICITLY_REQUIRED) || isBasicAuthNotRequired()) {
var basicAuthMechInstance =;
if (basicAuthMechInstance.isResolvable() && !mechanisms.contains(basicAuthMechInstance.get())) {
for (IdentityProvider> i : providers) {
if (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationRequest.class.equals(i.getRequestType())) {
BasicAuthenticationMechanism has been enabled because no custom authentication mechanism has been detected
and basic authentication is required either by the HTTP Security Policy or '@BasicAuthentication', but
there is no IdentityProvider based on username and password. Please use one of supported extensions.
For more information, go to the
private static boolean isBasicAuthNotRequired() {
return false;
for (var policy : Arc.container().instance(HttpConfiguration.class).get().auth.permissions.values()) {
if (BasicAuthentication.AUTH_MECHANISM_SCHEME.equals(policy.authMechanism.orElse(null))) {
return false;
return true;
static class NoAuthenticationMechanism implements HttpAuthenticationMechanism {
public Uni authenticate(RoutingContext context,
IdentityProviderManager identityProviderManager) {
return Uni.createFrom().optional(Optional.empty());
public Uni getChallenge(RoutingContext context) {
ChallengeData challengeData = new ChallengeData(HttpResponseStatus.FORBIDDEN.code(), null, null);
return Uni.createFrom().item(challengeData);
public Set> getCredentialTypes() {
return Collections.singleton(AnonymousAuthenticationRequest.class);
public Uni getCredentialTransport(RoutingContext context) {
return Uni.createFrom().nullItem();