ratpack.exec.Execution Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package ratpack.exec;
import ratpack.func.Action;
import ratpack.registry.MutableRegistry;
* A logical stream of execution, which is potentially serialized over many threads.
* Ratpack is non blocking.
* This requires that IO and other blocking operations are performed asynchronously.
* In completely synchronous execution, the thread and the call stack serve as the representation of a stream of execution,
* with the execution being bound to a single thread exclusively for its entire duration.
* The {@code Execution} concept in Ratpack brings some of the characteristics of the traditional single-thread exclusive model
* to the asynchronous, non-exclusive, environment.
* A well understood example of a logical stream of execution in the web application environment is the handling of a request.
* This can be thought of as a single logical operation; the request comes in and processing happens until the response is sent back.
* Many web application frameworks exclusively assign a thread to such a stream of execution, from a large thread pool.
* If a blocking operation is performed during the execution, the thread sits waiting until it can continue (e.g. the IO completes, or the contended resource becomes available).
* Thereby the segments of the execution are serialized and the call stack provides execution context.
* Ratpack supports the non-blocking model, where threads do not wait.
* Instead of threads waiting for IO or some future event, they are returned to the “pool” to be used by other executions (and therefore the pool can be smaller).
* When the IO completes or the contended resource becomes available, execution continues with a new call stack and possibly on a different thread.
* The execution object underpins an entire logical operation, even when that operation may be performed by multiple threads.
* The “execution” in Ratpack simulates aspects of the traditional execution context by allowing {@link #setErrorHandler(ratpack.func.Action) registration of an error handler} that is carried
* across execution segments (and therefore threads), and {@link #onComplete(Runnable) completion notifications}.
* Importantly, it also serializes execution segments by way of the {@link #promise(ratpack.func.Action)} method.
* These methods are fundamentally asynchronous in that they facilitate performing operations where the result will arrive later without waiting for the result,
* but are synchronous in the operations the perform are serialized and not executed concurrently or in parallel.
* Crucially, this means that state that is local to an execution does not need to be thread safe.
Executions and request handling
* The execution object actually underpins the {@link ratpack.handling.Context} objects that are used when handling requests.
* It is rarely used directly when request handling, except when concurrency or parallelism is required to process data via the {@link ratpack.handling.Context#fork(ratpack.func.Action)} method.
* Moreover, it provides its own error handling and completion mechanisms.
public interface Execution extends MutableRegistry, ExecControl {
* Registers an action to occur if an exception is raised during an execution segment that is uncaught, or when asynchronous operations with no defined error handler fail.
* import ratpack.launch.LaunchConfigBuilder;
* import ratpack.exec.Execution;
* import ratpack.exec.ExecController;
* import ratpack.func.Action;
* import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
* import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
* public class Example {
* public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
* final BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
* ExecController controller = LaunchConfigBuilder.noBaseDir().build().getExecController();
* controller.start(new Action<Execution>() {
* public void execute(Execution execution) {
* execution.setErrorHandler(new Action<Throwable>() {
* public void execute(Throwable throwable) {
* try {
* queue.put("caught be execution error handler: " + throwable.getMessage());
* } catch (Exception e) {
* // Important to not let the error handler throw an exception that would cause the error handler to be invoked again,
* // and throw another exception… resulting in a stack overflow.
* e.printStackTrace();
* }
* }
* });
* execution
* .blocking(new Callable<String>() {
* public String call() {
* return "foo";
* }
* })
* .then(new Action<String>() {
* public void execute(String value) {
* throw new RuntimeException(value);
* }
* });
* }
* });
* assert queue.take().equals("caught be execution error handler: foo");
* }
* }
* Before the error handler is invoked, all queued execution segments are discarded.
* import ratpack.launch.LaunchConfigBuilder;
* import ratpack.exec.Execution;
* import ratpack.exec.ExecController;
* import ratpack.func.Action;
* import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
* import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
* public class Example {
* public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
* final BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
* ExecController controller = LaunchConfigBuilder.noBaseDir().build().getExecController();
* controller.start(new Action<Execution>() {
* public void execute(Execution execution) {
* execution.setErrorHandler(new Action<Throwable>() {
* public void execute(Throwable throwable) {
* try {
* queue.put("caught be execution error handler: " + throwable.getMessage());
* } catch (Exception e) {
* // Important to not let the error handler throw an exception that would cause the error handler to be invoked again,
* // and throw another exception… resulting in a stack overflow.
* e.printStackTrace();
* }
* }
* });
* // This blocking call will never be executed as the execution segment that queued it
* // will throw an exception that is uncaught
* execution
* .blocking(new Callable<String>() {
* public String call() {
* return "foo";
* }
* })
* .then(new Action<String>() {
* public void execute(String value) {
* throw new RuntimeException("will never be executed");
* }
* });
* throw new RuntimeException("after blocking call");
* }
* });
* assert queue.take().equals("caught be execution error handler: after blocking call");
* }
* }
* Note: it is generally not advisable to call this method for a request handling execution,
* as Ratpack installs an error handler for such executions that delegates to {@link ratpack.handling.Context#error(Exception)}.
* It is generally used for background and forked executions.
* @param errorHandler the action that should be invoked when an exception is uncaught during an execution segment.
void setErrorHandler(Action super Throwable> errorHandler);
* Adds an interceptor that wraps the rest of the current execution segment and all future segments of this execution.
* The given action is executed immediately (i.e. as opposed to being queued to be executed as the next execution segment).
* Any code executed after a call to this method in the same execution segment WILL NOT be intercepted.
* Therefore, it is advisable to not execute any code after calling this method in a given execution segment.
* See {@link ExecInterceptor} for example use of an interceptor.
* @param execInterceptor the execution interceptor to add
* @param continuation the rest of the code to be executed
* @throws Exception any thrown by {@code continuation}
* @see ExecInterceptor
void addInterceptor(ExecInterceptor execInterceptor, Action super Execution> continuation) throws Exception;
* The execution controller that this execution is associated with.
* @return the execution controller that this execution is associated with
ExecController getController();
* Registers code to be executed when the execution completes.
* An execution completes when an execution segment completes (that did not queue an async operation via ({@link #promise(ratpack.func.Action)}) and there are no further segments.
* Multiple callbacks can be registered with this method.
* They will be executed in registration order.
* Note: for request handling, it is generally more useful to use {@link ratpack.handling.Context#onClose(ratpack.func.Action)} that this method for executing code
* at the end of the execution as it exposes the request outcome.
* @param runnable code to execute when this execution completes
void onComplete(Runnable runnable);