io.reactiverse.vertx.maven.plugin.components.impl.ShrinkWrapFatJarPackageService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Red Hat, Inc.
* Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
package io.reactiverse.vertx.maven.plugin.components.impl;
import io.reactiverse.vertx.maven.plugin.components.*;
import io.reactiverse.vertx.maven.plugin.mojos.Archive;
import io.reactiverse.vertx.maven.plugin.mojos.DependencySet;
import io.reactiverse.vertx.maven.plugin.mojos.FileItem;
import io.reactiverse.vertx.maven.plugin.mojos.FileSet;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter.resolve.ScopeFilter;
import org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter.resolve.transform.ArtifactIncludeFilterTransformer;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.SelectorUtils;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ArchivePath;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Node;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.asset.ByteArrayAsset;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.exporter.ZipExporter;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.importer.ZipImporter;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
* Service packaging the fat jar using ShrinkWrap.
* @author Clement Escoffier
role = PackageService.class,
hint = "fat-jar")
public class ShrinkWrapFatJarPackageService implements PackageService {
private static final List DEFAULT_EXCLUDES;
static {
DEFAULT_EXCLUDES = new ArrayList<>(FileUtils.getDefaultExcludesAsList());
public PackageType type() {
return PackageType.FAT_JAR;
public File doPackage(PackageConfig config) throws PackagingException {
Log logger = Objects.requireNonNull(config.getMojo().getLog());
Archive archive = Objects.requireNonNull(config.getArchive());
JavaArchive jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class);
addDependencies(config, archive.getDependencySets(), jar);
addFileSets(config, archive, jar);
addProjectClasses(config, archive, jar);
// File Items
for (FileItem item : archive.getFiles()) {
embedFile(config, jar, item);
// Generate manifest
try {
generateManifest(jar, archive.getManifest());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PackagingException(e);
// Generate output file
File jarFile;
try {
jarFile = config.getOutput();
boolean useTmpFile = false;
File theCreatedFile = jarFile;
if (jarFile.isFile()) {
useTmpFile = true;
theCreatedFile = new File(jarFile.getParentFile(), jarFile.getName() + ".tmp");
if (useTmpFile) {
boolean delete = Files.deleteIfExists(jarFile.toPath());
boolean renameTo = theCreatedFile.renameTo(jarFile);
logger.debug("Main jar file deleted: " + delete);
logger.debug("Main jar file replaced by temporary file: " + renameTo);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PackagingException(e);
return jarFile;
private void addFileSets(PackageConfig config, Archive archive, JavaArchive jar) {
Log logger = config.getMojo().getLog();
for (FileSet fs : archive.getFileSets()) {
embedFileSet(logger, config.getProject(), fs, jar);
private static void addProjectClasses(PackageConfig config, Archive archive, JavaArchive jar) {
if (archive.isIncludeClasses()) {
File classes = new File(config.getProject().getBuild().getOutputDirectory());
if (classes.isDirectory()) {
jar.addAsResource(classes, "/");
private void addDependencies(PackageConfig config, Collection dependencies, JavaArchive jar) {
Log logger = config.getMojo().getLog();
for (DependencySet ds : dependencies) {
ScopeFilter scopeFilter = ServiceUtils.newScopeFilter(ds.getScope());
ArtifactFilter filter = new ArtifactIncludeFilterTransformer().transform(scopeFilter);
Set artifacts = ServiceUtils.filterArtifacts(config.getArtifacts(),
ds.getIncludes(), ds.getExcludes(),
ds.isUseTransitiveDependencies(), logger, filter);
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
File file = artifact.getFile();
if (file.isFile()) {
logger.debug("Adding Dependency :" + artifact);
embedDependency(logger, ds, jar, file);
} else {
logger.warn("Cannot embed artifact " + artifact
+ " - the file does not exist");
private static void embedFile(PackageConfig config, JavaArchive jar, FileItem item) throws PackagingException {
String path;
if (item.getOutputDirectory() == null) {
path = "/";
} else {
path = item.getOutputDirectory();
if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
path = "/" + path;
if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
path = path + "/";
File source = new File(config.getProject().getBasedir(), item.getSource());
if (!source.isFile()) {
Node node = jar.get(item.getSource());
if (node == null) {
throw new PackagingException("Unable to handle the file item " + item.getSource() + ", " +
"file not found in the project or in the archive.");
String name = item.getDestName();
if (name == null) {
name = node.getPath().get().substring(node.getPath().getParent().get().length() + 1);
String out = path + name;
jar.add(node.getAsset(), out);
} else {
String name = item.getDestName();
if (name == null) {
name = source.getName();
String out = path + name;
jar.addAsResource(source, out);
private static void embedFileSet(Log log, MavenProject project, FileSet fs, JavaArchive jar) {
File directory = new File(fs.getDirectory());
if (!directory.isAbsolute()) {
directory = new File(project.getBasedir(), fs.getDirectory());
if (!directory.isDirectory()) {
log.warn("File set root directory (" + directory.getAbsolutePath() + ") does not exist " +
"- skipping");
DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
if (fs.getOutputDirectory() == null) {
if (!fs.getOutputDirectory().startsWith("/")) {
fs.setOutputDirectory("/" + fs.getOutputDirectory());
if (!fs.getOutputDirectory().endsWith("/")) {
fs.setOutputDirectory(fs.getOutputDirectory() + "/");
List excludes = fs.getExcludes();
if (fs.isUseDefaultExcludes()) {
if (!excludes.isEmpty()) {
scanner.setExcludes(excludes.toArray(new String[0]));
if (!fs.getIncludes().isEmpty()) {
scanner.setIncludes(fs.getIncludes().toArray(new String[0]));
String[] files = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
for (String path : files) {
File file = new File(directory, path);
log.debug("Adding " + fs.getOutputDirectory() + path + " to the archive");
jar.addAsResource(file, fs.getOutputDirectory() + path);
private boolean toExclude(DependencySet set, ArchivePath path) {
String name = path.get();
// Check whether the file is explicitly included
if (isExplicitlyIncluded(set, name)) {
return true;
if (set.getOptions().isUseDefaultExcludes()) {
for (String pattern : DEFAULT_EXCLUDES) {
if (SelectorUtils.match(pattern, name)) {
return true;
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")) {
return true;
if (name.equals("/module-info.class")){
return true;
if (set.getOptions().getExcludes() != null) {
for (String pattern : set.getOptions().getExcludes()) {
if (SelectorUtils.match(pattern, name)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isExplicitlyIncluded(DependencySet set, String name) {
List includes = set.getOptions().getIncludes();
if (includes != null && !includes.isEmpty()) {
boolean included = false;
// Check for each include pattern whether or not the path is explicitly included
for (String pattern : includes) {
if (SelectorUtils.match(pattern, name)) {
included = true;
// If the path is not included, exclude the file
// otherwise apply the excludes pattern on it.
return !included;
return false;
* Import from file and make sure the file is closed.
* @param log the logger
* @param set the dependency set
* @param jar the archive
* @param file the file, must not be {@code null}
private void embedDependency(Log log, DependencySet set, JavaArchive jar, File file) {
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file)) {, path -> {
if (jar.contains(path)) {
log.debug(path.get() + " already embedded in the jar");
return false;
if (!toExclude(set, path)) {
return true;
} else {
log.debug("Excluding " + path.get() + " from " + file.getName());
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read the file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
* Generate the manifest for the über jar.
private static void generateManifest(JavaArchive jar, Map entries) throws IOException {
Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
attributes.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0");
if (!entries.containsKey("Multi-Release")) {
Node multiReleaseNode = jar.get("/META-INF/versions");
if (multiReleaseNode != null && !multiReleaseNode.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
attributes.put(new Attributes.Name("Multi-Release"), Boolean.TRUE.toString());
if (entries != null) {
for (Map.Entry entry : entries.entrySet()) {
attributes.put(new Attributes.Name(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] bytes = bout.toByteArray();
jar.setManifest(new ByteArrayAsset(bytes));
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