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* Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
* distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
* the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.operators.observable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.ObservableSource;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observer;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.*;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.exceptions.Exceptions;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.*;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.disposables.DisposableHelper;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.queue.SpscLinkedArrayQueue;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.util.ExceptionHelper;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.plugins.RxJavaPlugins;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.UnicastSubject;
public final class ObservableGroupJoin extends AbstractObservableWithUpstream {
final ObservableSource extends TRight> other;
final Function super TLeft, ? extends ObservableSource> leftEnd;
final Function super TRight, ? extends ObservableSource> rightEnd;
final BiFunction super TLeft, ? super Observable, ? extends R> resultSelector;
public ObservableGroupJoin(
ObservableSource source,
ObservableSource extends TRight> other,
Function super TLeft, ? extends ObservableSource> leftEnd,
Function super TRight, ? extends ObservableSource> rightEnd,
BiFunction super TLeft, ? super Observable, ? extends R> resultSelector) {
this.other = other;
this.leftEnd = leftEnd;
this.rightEnd = rightEnd;
this.resultSelector = resultSelector;
protected void subscribeActual(Observer super R> observer) {
GroupJoinDisposable parent =
new GroupJoinDisposable<>(observer, leftEnd, rightEnd, resultSelector);
LeftRightObserver left = new LeftRightObserver(parent, true);
LeftRightObserver right = new LeftRightObserver(parent, false);
interface JoinSupport {
void innerError(Throwable ex);
void innerComplete(LeftRightObserver sender);
void innerValue(boolean isLeft, Object o);
void innerClose(boolean isLeft, LeftRightEndObserver index);
void innerCloseError(Throwable ex);
static final class GroupJoinDisposable
extends AtomicInteger implements Disposable, JoinSupport {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6071216598687999801L;
final Observer super R> downstream;
final SpscLinkedArrayQueue