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* Copyright 2014 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
* distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
* the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package rx;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import rx.annotations.*;
import rx.exceptions.*;
import rx.functions.*;
import rx.internal.operators.*;
import rx.internal.producers.SingleProducer;
import rx.internal.util.*;
import rx.observables.*;
import rx.observers.SafeSubscriber;
import rx.plugins.*;
import rx.schedulers.*;
import rx.subscriptions.Subscriptions;
* The Observable class that implements the Reactive Pattern.
* This class provides methods for subscribing to the Observable as well as delegate methods to the various
* Observers.
* The documentation for this class makes use of marble diagrams. The following legend explains these diagrams:
* For more information see the ReactiveX
* documentation.
* @param
* the type of the items emitted by the Observable
public class Observable {
final OnSubscribe onSubscribe;
* Creates an Observable with a Function to execute when it is subscribed to.
* Note: Use {@link #create(OnSubscribe)} to create an Observable, instead of this constructor,
* unless you specifically have a need for inheritance.
* @param f
* {@link OnSubscribe} to be executed when {@link #subscribe(Subscriber)} is called
protected Observable(OnSubscribe f) {
this.onSubscribe = f;
private static final RxJavaObservableExecutionHook hook = RxJavaPlugins.getInstance().getObservableExecutionHook();
* Returns an Observable that will execute the specified function when a {@link Subscriber} subscribes to
* it.
* Write the function you pass to {@code create} so that it behaves as an Observable: It should invoke the
* Subscriber's {@link Subscriber#onNext onNext}, {@link Subscriber#onError onError}, and
* {@link Subscriber#onCompleted onCompleted} methods appropriately.
* A well-formed Observable must invoke either the Subscriber's {@code onCompleted} method exactly once or
* its {@code onError} method exactly once.
{@code create} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param
* the type of the items that this Observable emits
* @param f
* a function that accepts an {@code Subscriber}, and invokes its {@code onNext},
* {@code onError}, and {@code onCompleted} methods as appropriate
* @return an Observable that, when a {@link Subscriber} subscribes to it, will execute the specified
* function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Create
public final static Observable create(OnSubscribe f) {
return new Observable(hook.onCreate(f));
* Invoked when Observable.subscribe is called.
public interface OnSubscribe extends Action1> {
// cover for generics insanity
* Operator function for lifting into an Observable.
public interface Operator extends Func1, Subscriber super T>> {
// cover for generics insanity
* Passes all emitted values from this Observable to the provided conversion function to be collected and
* returned as a single value. Note that it is legal for a conversion function to return an Observable
* (enabling chaining).
* @param conversion a function that converts from this {@code Observable} to an {@code R}
* @return an instance of R created by the provided conversion function
* @since (if this graduates from Experimental/Beta to supported, replace this parenthetical with the release number)
public R extend(Func1 super OnSubscribe, ? extends R> conversion) {
return OnSubscribe() {
public void call(Subscriber super T> subscriber) {
subscriber.add(Observable.subscribe(subscriber, Observable.this));
* Lifts a function to the current Observable and returns a new Observable that when subscribed to will pass
* the values of the current Observable through the Operator function.
* In other words, this allows chaining Observers together on an Observable for acting on the values within
* the Observable.
* If the operator you are creating is designed to act on the individual items emitted by a source
* Observable, use {@code lift}. If your operator is designed to transform the source Observable as a whole
* (for instance, by applying a particular set of existing RxJava operators to it) use {@link #compose}.
{@code lift} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param operator the Operator that implements the Observable-operating function to be applied to the source
* Observable
* @return an Observable that is the result of applying the lifted Operator to the source Observable
* @see RxJava wiki: Implementing Your Own Operators
public final Observable lift(final Operator extends R, ? super T> operator) {
return new Observable(new OnSubscribe() {
public void call(Subscriber super R> o) {
try {
Subscriber super T> st = hook.onLift(operator).call(o);
try {
// new Subscriber created and being subscribed with so 'onStart' it
} catch (Throwable e) {
// localized capture of errors rather than it skipping all operators
// and ending up in the try/catch of the subscribe method which then
// prevents onErrorResumeNext and other similar approaches to error handling
} catch (Throwable e) {
// if the lift function failed all we can do is pass the error to the final Subscriber
// as we don't have the operator available to us
* Transform an Observable by applying a particular Transformer function to it.
* This method operates on the Observable itself whereas {@link #lift} operates on the Observable's
* Subscribers or Observers.
* If the operator you are creating is designed to act on the individual items emitted by a source
* Observable, use {@link #lift}. If your operator is designed to transform the source Observable as a whole
* (for instance, by applying a particular set of existing RxJava operators to it) use {@code compose}.
{@code compose} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param transformer implements the function that transforms the source Observable
* @return the source Observable, transformed by the transformer function
* @see RxJava wiki: Implementing Your Own Operators
public Observable compose(Transformer super T, ? extends R> transformer) {
return ((Transformer) transformer).call(this);
* Transformer function used by {@link #compose}.
* @warn more complete description needed
public interface Transformer extends Func1, Observable> {
// cover for generics insanity
* Returns a Single that emits the single item emitted by the source Observable, if that Observable
* emits only a single item. If the source Observable emits more than one item or no items, notify of an
* {@code IllegalArgumentException} or {@code NoSuchElementException} respectively.
{@code toSingle} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @return a Single that emits the single item emitted by the source Observable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the source observable emits more than one item
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* if the source observable emits no items
* @see ReactiveX documentation: Single
* @since (if this graduates from Experimental/Beta to supported, replace this parenthetical with the release number)
public Single toSingle() {
return new Single(OnSubscribeSingle.create(this));
/* *********************************************************************************************************
* Operators Below Here
* *********************************************************************************************************
* Mirrors the one Observable in an Iterable of several Observables that first either emits an item or sends
* a termination notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param sources
* an Iterable of Observable sources competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Iterable extends Observable extends T>> sources) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(sources));
* Given two Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2));
* Given three Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o3
* an Observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2, Observable extends T> o3) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2, o3));
* Given four Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o3
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o4
* an Observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2, Observable extends T> o3, Observable extends T> o4) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2, o3, o4));
* Given five Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o3
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o4
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o5
* an Observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2, Observable extends T> o3, Observable extends T> o4, Observable extends T> o5) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5));
* Given six Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o3
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o4
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o5
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o6
* an Observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2, Observable extends T> o3, Observable extends T> o4, Observable extends T> o5, Observable extends T> o6) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6));
* Given seven Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o3
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o4
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o5
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o6
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o7
* an Observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2, Observable extends T> o3, Observable extends T> o4, Observable extends T> o5, Observable extends T> o6, Observable extends T> o7) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7));
* Given eight Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o3
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o4
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o5
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o6
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o7
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o8
* an observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2, Observable extends T> o3, Observable extends T> o4, Observable extends T> o5, Observable extends T> o6, Observable extends T> o7, Observable extends T> o8) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8));
* Given nine Observables, mirrors the one that first either emits an item or sends a termination
* notification.
{@code amb} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o2
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o3
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o4
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o5
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o6
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o7
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o8
* an Observable competing to react first
* @param o9
* an Observable competing to react first
* @return an Observable that emits the same sequence as whichever of the source Observables first
* emitted an item or sent a termination notification
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Amb
public final static Observable amb(Observable extends T> o1, Observable extends T> o2, Observable extends T> o3, Observable extends T> o4, Observable extends T> o5, Observable extends T> o6, Observable extends T> o7, Observable extends T> o8, Observable extends T> o9) {
return create(OnSubscribeAmb.amb(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9));
* Combines two source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from either of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Func2 super T1, ? super T2, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines three source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param o3
* the third source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Observable extends T3> o3, Func3 super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2, o3), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines four source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param o3
* the third source Observable
* @param o4
* the fourth source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Observable extends T3> o3, Observable extends T4> o4,
Func4 super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2, o3, o4), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines five source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param o3
* the third source Observable
* @param o4
* the fourth source Observable
* @param o5
* the fifth source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Observable extends T3> o3, Observable extends T4> o4, Observable extends T5> o5,
Func5 super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines six source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param o3
* the third source Observable
* @param o4
* the fourth source Observable
* @param o5
* the fifth source Observable
* @param o6
* the sixth source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Observable extends T3> o3, Observable extends T4> o4, Observable extends T5> o5, Observable extends T6> o6,
Func6 super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines seven source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param o3
* the third source Observable
* @param o4
* the fourth source Observable
* @param o5
* the fifth source Observable
* @param o6
* the sixth source Observable
* @param o7
* the seventh source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Observable extends T3> o3, Observable extends T4> o4, Observable extends T5> o5, Observable extends T6> o6, Observable extends T7> o7,
Func7 super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines eight source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param o3
* the third source Observable
* @param o4
* the fourth source Observable
* @param o5
* the fifth source Observable
* @param o6
* the sixth source Observable
* @param o7
* the seventh source Observable
* @param o8
* the eighth source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Observable extends T3> o3, Observable extends T4> o4, Observable extends T5> o5, Observable extends T6> o6, Observable extends T7> o7, Observable extends T8> o8,
Func8 super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? super T8, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines nine source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of the
* source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param o1
* the first source Observable
* @param o2
* the second source Observable
* @param o3
* the third source Observable
* @param o4
* the fourth source Observable
* @param o5
* the fifth source Observable
* @param o6
* the sixth source Observable
* @param o7
* the seventh source Observable
* @param o8
* the eighth source Observable
* @param o9
* the ninth source Observable
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(Observable extends T1> o1, Observable extends T2> o2, Observable extends T3> o3, Observable extends T4> o4, Observable extends T5> o5, Observable extends T6> o6, Observable extends T7> o7, Observable extends T8> o8,
Observable extends T9> o9,
Func9 super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? super T8, ? super T9, ? extends R> combineFunction) {
return combineLatest(Arrays.asList(o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9), Functions.fromFunc(combineFunction));
* Combines a list of source Observables by emitting an item that aggregates the latest values of each of
* the source Observables each time an item is received from any of the source Observables, where this
* aggregation is defined by a specified function.
{@code combineLatest} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param
* the common base type of source values
* @param
* the result type
* @param sources
* the list of source Observables
* @param combineFunction
* the aggregation function used to combine the items emitted by the source Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items that are the result of combining the items emitted by the source
* Observables by means of the given aggregation function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: CombineLatest
public static final Observable combineLatest(List extends Observable extends T>> sources, FuncN extends R> combineFunction) {
return create(new OnSubscribeCombineLatest(sources, combineFunction));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by each of the Observables emitted by the source
* Observable, one after the other, without interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param observables
* an Observable that emits Observables
* @return an Observable that emits items all of the items emitted by the Observables emitted by
* {@code observables}, one after the other, without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends Observable extends T>> observables) {
return observables.lift(OperatorConcat.instance());
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by two Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the two source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2) {
return concat(just(t1, t2));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by three Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t3
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the three source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2, Observable extends T> t3) {
return concat(just(t1, t2, t3));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by four Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t3
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t4
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the four source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2, Observable extends T> t3, Observable extends T> t4) {
return concat(just(t1, t2, t3, t4));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by five Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t3
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t4
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t5
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the five source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2, Observable extends T> t3, Observable extends T> t4, Observable extends T> t5) {
return concat(just(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by six Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t3
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t4
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t5
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t6
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the six source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2, Observable extends T> t3, Observable extends T> t4, Observable extends T> t5, Observable extends T> t6) {
return concat(just(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by seven Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t3
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t4
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t5
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t6
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t7
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the seven source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2, Observable extends T> t3, Observable extends T> t4, Observable extends T> t5, Observable extends T> t6, Observable extends T> t7) {
return concat(just(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by eight Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t3
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t4
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t5
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t6
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t7
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t8
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the eight source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2, Observable extends T> t3, Observable extends T> t4, Observable extends T> t5, Observable extends T> t6, Observable extends T> t7, Observable extends T> t8) {
return concat(just(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8));
* Returns an Observable that emits the items emitted by nine Observables, one after the other, without
* interleaving them.
{@code concat} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param t1
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t2
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t3
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t4
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t5
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t6
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t7
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t8
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @param t9
* an Observable to be concatenated
* @return an Observable that emits items emitted by the nine source Observables, one after the other,
* without interleaving them
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Concat
public final static Observable concat(Observable extends T> t1, Observable extends T> t2, Observable extends T> t3, Observable extends T> t4, Observable extends T> t5, Observable extends T> t6, Observable extends T> t7, Observable extends T> t8, Observable extends T> t9) {
return concat(just(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9));
* Returns an Observable that calls an Observable factory to create an Observable for each new Observer
* that subscribes. That is, for each subscriber, the actual Observable that subscriber observes is
* determined by the factory function.
* The defer Observer allows you to defer or delay emitting items from an Observable until such time as an
* Observer subscribes to the Observable. This allows an {@link Observer} to easily obtain updates or a
* refreshed version of the sequence.
{@code defer} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.
* @param observableFactory
* the Observable factory function to invoke for each {@link Observer} that subscribes to the
* resulting Observable
* @param
* the type of the items emitted by the Observable
* @return an Observable whose {@link Observer}s' subscriptions trigger an invocation of the given
* Observable factory function
* @see ReactiveX operators documentation: Defer
public final static Observable defer(Func0> observableFactory) {
return create(new OnSubscribeDefer(observableFactory));
/** Lazy initialized Holder for an empty observable which just emits onCompleted to any subscriber. */
private static final class EmptyHolder {
final static Observable