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Sync Library code for Realm Kotlin. This artifact is not supposed to be consumed directly, but through 'io.realm.kotlin:gradle-plugin:1.5.2' instead.
The newest version!
package io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.internal
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.AppCallback
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.CoreError
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.ErrorCategory
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.ErrorCode
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.AppError
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.SyncError
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.AppException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.AuthException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.BadFlexibleSyncQueryException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.BadRequestException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.CompensatingWriteException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.ConnectionException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.CredentialsCannotBeLinkedException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.FunctionExecutionException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.ServiceException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.SyncException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.UserAlreadyConfirmedException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.UserAlreadyExistsException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.UserNotFoundException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.WrongSyncTypeException
import io.realm.kotlin.serializers.MutableRealmIntKSerializer
import io.realm.kotlin.serializers.RealmAnyKSerializer
import io.realm.kotlin.serializers.RealmInstantKSerializer
import io.realm.kotlin.serializers.RealmUUIDKSerializer
import io.realm.kotlin.types.MutableRealmInt
import io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmAny
import io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmInstant
import io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmUUID
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ChannelResult
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.modules.SerializersModule
import kotlinx.serialization.serializer
internal fun channelResultCallback(
channel: Channel>,
success: (T) -> R
): AppCallback {
return object : AppCallback {
override fun onSuccess(result: T) {
try {
val sendResult: ChannelResult =
if (!sendResult.isSuccess) {
throw sendResult.exceptionOrNull()!!
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
channel.trySend(Result.failure(ex)).let {
if (!it.isSuccess) {
throw it.exceptionOrNull()!!
override fun onError(error: AppError) {
try {
val sendResult = channel.trySend(Result.failure(convertAppError(error)))
if (!sendResult.isSuccess) {
throw sendResult.exceptionOrNull()!!
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
channel.trySend(Result.failure(ex)).let {
if (!it.isSuccess) {
throw it.exceptionOrNull()!!
internal fun convertSyncError(syncError: SyncError): SyncException {
val errorCode = syncError.errorCode
val message = createMessageFromSyncError(errorCode)
return when (errorCode.errorCode) {
ErrorCode.RLM_ERR_WRONG_SYNC_TYPE -> WrongSyncTypeException(message)
// Flexible Sync Query was rejected by the server
BadFlexibleSyncQueryException(message, syncError.isFatal)
ErrorCode.RLM_ERR_SYNC_COMPENSATING_WRITE -> CompensatingWriteException(
-> {
// Permission denied errors should be unrecoverable according to Core, i.e. the
// client will disconnect sync and transition to the "inactive" state
@Suppress("DEPRECATION") io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.UnrecoverableSyncException(
else -> {
// An error happened we are not sure how to handle. Just report as a generic
// SyncException.
when (syncError.isFatal) {
false -> SyncException(message, syncError.isFatal)
true -> @Suppress("DEPRECATION") io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.UnrecoverableSyncException(
@Suppress("ComplexMethod", "MagicNumber", "LongMethod")
internal fun convertAppError(appError: AppError): Throwable {
val msg = createMessageFromAppError(appError)
return when {
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_CUSTOM_ERROR in appError -> {
// Custom errors are only being thrown when executing the network request on the
// platform side and it failed in a way that didn't produce a HTTP status code.
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_HTTP_ERROR in appError -> {
// HTTP errors from network requests towards Atlas. Generally we should see
// errors in these ranges:
// 300-399: Redirect Codes. Indicate either a misconfiguration in a users network
// environement or on Atlas itself. Retrying should be acceptable.
// 400-499: Client error codes. These point to different error scenarios on the
// client and each should be considered individually.
// 500-599: Server error codes. We assume all of these are intermiddent and retrying
// should be safe.
val statusCode: Int = appError.code.nativeValue
when (statusCode) {
in 300..399 -> ConnectionException(msg)
401 -> InvalidCredentialsException(msg) // Unauthorized
408, // Request Timeout
429, // Too Many Requests
in 500..599 -> ConnectionException(msg)
else -> ServiceException(msg)
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_JSON_ERROR in appError -> {
// The JSON response from Atlas could not be parsed as valid JSON. Errors of this kind
// would indicate a problem on Atlas that should be fixed with no action needed by the
// client. So retrying the action should generally be safe. Although it might take a
// while for the server to correct the behavior.
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_CLIENT_ERROR in appError -> {
// See
// `ClientErrorCode::user_not_logged in` is used when the client decides that a login
// is no longer valid, this normally happens if the refresh_token has expired. The
// user needs to log in again in that case.
// `ClientErrorCode::user_not_found` is mostly used as a proxy for an illegal argument,
// but since most of our API methods that throws this is on the `User` object itself,
// it is being converted to an `IllegalStateException` here. It is also used internally
// when refreshing the access token, but since this error never reaches the end user,
// we just ignore this case.
// `ClientErrorCode::app_deallocated` should never happen, so is just returned as an
// AppException.
when (appError.code) {
else -> {
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_SERVICE_ERROR in appError -> {
// This category is response codes from the server, that for some reason didn't
// accept a request from the client. Most of the error codes in this category
// can (most likely) be fixed by the client and should have a more granular
// exception type, but until we understand the details, they will be reported as
// generic `ServiceException`'s.
when (appError.code) {
else -> ServiceException(message = msg, errorCode = appError.code)
else -> AppException(msg)
internal fun createMessageFromSyncError(error: CoreError): String {
val categoryDesc = error.categories.description
val errorCodeDesc: String? = error.errorCode?.description ?: if (ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_SYSTEM_ERROR in error.categories) {
// We lack information about these kinds of errors,
// so rather than returning a potentially misleading
// name, just return nothing.
} else {
// Combine all the parts to form an error format that is human-readable.
// An example could be this: `[Connection][WrongProtocolVersion(104)] Wrong protocol version was used: 25`
val errorDesc: String =
if (errorCodeDesc == null) error.errorCodeNativeValue.toString() else "$errorCodeDesc(${error.errorCodeNativeValue})"
// Make sure that messages are uniformly formatted, so it looks nice if we append the
// server log.
val msg = error.message?.let { message: String ->
" $message${if (!message.endsWith(".")) "." else ""}"
} ?: ""
return "[$categoryDesc][$errorDesc]$msg"
@Suppress("ComplexMethod", "MagicNumber", "LongMethod")
private fun createMessageFromAppError(error: AppError): String {
// If the category is "Http", errorCode and httpStatusCode is the same.
// if the category is "Custom", httpStatusCode is optional (i.e != 0), but
// the Kotlin SDK always sets it to 0 in this case.
// For all other categories, httpStatusCode is 0 (i.e not used).
// linkToServerLog is only present if the category is "Service".
val categoryDesc: String? = when {
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_CLIENT_ERROR in error -> ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_CLIENT_ERROR
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_JSON_ERROR in error -> ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_JSON_ERROR
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_HTTP_ERROR in error -> ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_HTTP_ERROR
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_CUSTOM_ERROR in error -> ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_CUSTOM_ERROR
else -> null
}?.description ?: error.categoryFlags.toString()
val errorCodeDesc = error.code.description ?: when {
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_HTTP_ERROR in error -> {
// Source
// Only codes in the 300-599 range is mapped to errors
when (error.code.nativeValue) {
300 -> "MultipleChoices"
301 -> "MovedPermanently"
302 -> "Found"
303 -> "SeeOther"
304 -> "NotModified"
305 -> "UseProxy"
307 -> "TemporaryRedirect"
308 -> "PermanentRedirect"
400 -> "BadRequest"
401 -> "Unauthorized"
402 -> "PaymentRequired"
403 -> "Forbidden"
404 -> "NotFound"
405 -> "MethodNotAllowed"
406 -> "NotAcceptable"
407 -> "ProxyAuthenticationRequired"
408 -> "RequestTimeout"
409 -> "Conflict"
410 -> "Gone"
411 -> "LengthRequired"
412 -> "PreconditionFailed"
413 -> "ContentTooLarge"
414 -> "UriTooLong"
415 -> "UnsupportedMediaType"
416 -> "RangeNotSatisfiable"
417 -> "ExpectationFailed"
421 -> "MisdirectedRequest"
422 -> "UnprocessableContent"
423 -> "Locked"
424 -> "FailedDependency"
425 -> "TooEarly"
426 -> "UpgradeRequired"
428 -> "PreconditionRequired"
429 -> "TooManyRequests"
431 -> "RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge"
451 -> "UnavailableForLegalReasons"
500 -> "InternalServerError"
501 -> "NotImplemented"
502 -> "BadGateway"
503 -> "ServiceUnavailable"
504 -> "GatewayTimeout"
505 -> "HttpVersionNotSupported"
506 -> "VariantAlsoNegotiates"
507 -> "InsufficientStorage"
508 -> "LoopDetected"
510 -> "NotExtended"
511 -> "NetworkAuthenticationRequired"
else -> "Unknown"
ErrorCategory.RLM_ERR_CAT_CUSTOM_ERROR in error -> {
when (error.code.nativeValue) {
KtorNetworkTransport.ERROR_IO -> "IO"
KtorNetworkTransport.ERROR_INTERRUPTED -> "Interrupted"
else -> "Unknown"
else -> "Unknown"
// Make sure that messages are uniformly formatted, so it looks nice if we append the
// server log.
val msg = error.message?.let { message: String ->
if (message.endsWith(".")) {
} else {
" $message."
} ?: ""
// Combine all the parts to form an error format that is human-readable.
// An example could be this: `[Service][UserNotFound(44)] No matching user was found. Server logs:`
val serverLogsLink = error.linkToServerLog?.let { link: String ->
" Server log entry: $link"
} ?: ""
val errorDesc = "$errorCodeDesc(${error.code.nativeValue})"
return "[$categoryDesc][$errorDesc]$msg$serverLogsLink"
internal inline fun SerializersModule.serializerOrRealmBuiltInSerializer(): KSerializer =
when (T::class) {
* Automatically resolves any Realm datatype serializer or defaults to the type built in.
* ReamLists, Sets and others cannot be resolved here as we don't have the type information
* required to instantiate them. They require to be instantiated by the user.
MutableRealmInt::class -> MutableRealmIntKSerializer
RealmUUID::class -> RealmUUIDKSerializer
RealmInstant::class -> RealmInstantKSerializer
RealmAny::class -> RealmAnyKSerializer
else -> serializer()
} as KSerializer
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