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 * Copyright 2021 Realm Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.internal

import io.realm.kotlin.internal.FrozenRealmReference
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.InternalConfiguration
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.MutableLiveRealmImpl
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.RealmImpl
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.TypedFrozenRealmImpl
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.AsyncOpenCallback
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.FrozenRealmPointer
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.LiveRealmPointer
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.RealmAppPointer
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.RealmAsyncOpenTaskPointer
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.RealmConfigurationPointer
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.RealmInterop
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.RealmSyncConfigurationPointer
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.RealmSyncSessionPointer
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.SyncAfterClientResetHandler
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.SyncBeforeClientResetHandler
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.SyncErrorCallback
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.SyncError
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.SyncSessionResyncMode
import io.realm.kotlin.internal.platform.fileExists
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.ClientResetRequiredException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.exceptions.DownloadingRealmTimeOutException
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.subscriptions
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.DiscardUnsyncedChangesStrategy
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.InitialRemoteDataConfiguration
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.InitialSubscriptionsConfiguration
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.ManuallyRecoverUnsyncedChangesStrategy
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesStrategy
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.RecoverUnsyncedChangesStrategy
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.SyncClientResetStrategy
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.SyncMode
import io.realm.kotlin.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicBoolean
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicRef
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.coroutines.DelicateCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.TimeoutCancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeout
import org.mongodb.kbson.BsonValue

internal class SyncConfigurationImpl(
    private val configuration: InternalConfiguration,
    internal val partitionValue: BsonValue?,
    override val user: UserImpl,
    override val errorHandler: SyncSession.ErrorHandler,
    override val syncClientResetStrategy: SyncClientResetStrategy,
    override val initialSubscriptions: InitialSubscriptionsConfiguration?,
    override val initialRemoteData: InitialRemoteDataConfiguration?
) : InternalConfiguration by configuration, SyncConfiguration {

    override suspend fun openRealm(realm: RealmImpl): Pair {
        // Partition-based Realms with `waitForInitialRemoteData` enabled will use
        // async open first do download the server side Realm. This is much faster than
        // creating the Realm locally first and then downloading (and integrating) changes into
        // that.
        // Flexible Sync Realms with `waitForInitialRemoteData` enabled will use async open
        // in order to prevent overloading the server with schema updates. By itself, it isn't
        // a big problem, but if many thousands of devices all connect at the same time it puts
        // unnecessary pressure on the server.
        val fileExists: Boolean = fileExists(configuration.path)
        val asyncOpenCreatedRealmFile: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
        if (initialRemoteData != null && !fileExists) {
            // Channel to work around not being able to use `suspendCoroutine` to wrap the callback, as
            // that results in the `Continuation` being frozen, which breaks it.
            val channel = Channel(1)
            val taskPointer: AtomicRef = atomic(null)
            try {
                val result: Any = withTimeout(initialRemoteData.timeout.inWholeMilliseconds) {
                    withContext(realm.notificationScheduler.dispatcher) {
                        val callback = AsyncOpenCallback { error: Throwable? ->
                            if (error != null) {
                            } else {

                        val configPtr = createNativeConfiguration()
                        taskPointer.value = RealmInterop.realm_open_synchronized(configPtr)
                        RealmInterop.realm_async_open_task_start(taskPointer.value!!, callback)
                when (result) {
                    is Boolean -> {
                        // Track whether or not async open created the file.
                        asyncOpenCreatedRealmFile.value = true
                    is Throwable -> throw result
                    else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: $result")
            } catch (ex: TimeoutCancellationException) {
                taskPointer.value?.let { ptr: RealmAsyncOpenTaskPointer ->
                throw DownloadingRealmTimeOutException(this)
            } finally {

        // Open the local Realm file. This will include any data potentially downloaded
        // by Async Open above.
        // Core will track whether or not the file was created as part of opening for the first
        // time, but that might conflicts with us potentially using async open before calling
        // this method.
        // So there are two possibilities for the file to be created:
        // 1) .waitForInitialRemoteData caused async open to be used, which created the file.
        // 2) The synced Realm was opened locally first (without async open), which then created the file.
        val result: Pair = configuration.openRealm(realm)
        return Pair(result.first, result.second || asyncOpenCreatedRealmFile.value)

    override suspend fun initializeRealmData(realm: RealmImpl, realmFileCreated: Boolean) {
        // Create or update subscriptions for Flexible Sync realms as needed.
        initialSubscriptions?.let { initialSubscriptionsConfig ->
            if (initialSubscriptionsConfig.rerunOnOpen || realmFileCreated) {
                realm.subscriptions.update {
                    with(initialSubscriptions.callback) {

        // Download subscription data if needed. Partition-base realms can only configure
        // `waitForInitialRemoteData` which is being accounted for when calling `openRealm`, so that
        // case is ignored here.
        if (initialRemoteData != null && initialSubscriptions != null) {
            val updateExistingFile = initialSubscriptions.rerunOnOpen && !realmFileCreated
            if (realmFileCreated || updateExistingFile) {
                val success: Boolean =
                if (!success) {
                    throw DownloadingRealmTimeOutException(this)

        // Last, run any local Realm initialization logic
        configuration.initializeRealmData(realm, realmFileCreated)

    override fun createNativeConfiguration(): RealmConfigurationPointer {
        val ptr: RealmConfigurationPointer = configuration.createNativeConfiguration()
        return syncInitializer(ptr)

    private val syncInitializer: (RealmConfigurationPointer) -> RealmConfigurationPointer

    init {
        // We need to freeze `errorHandler` reference on initial thread
        val userErrorHandler = errorHandler
        val resetStrategy = syncClientResetStrategy
        val frozenAppPointer =

        val initializerHelper = when (resetStrategy) {
            is DiscardUnsyncedChangesStrategy ->
                DiscardUnsyncedChangesHelper(resetStrategy, configuration)
            is ManuallyRecoverUnsyncedChangesStrategy ->
            is RecoverUnsyncedChangesStrategy ->
                RecoverUnsyncedChangesHelper(resetStrategy, configuration)
            is RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesStrategy ->
                RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesHelper(resetStrategy, configuration)
            else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported client reset strategy: $resetStrategy")

        val errorCallback =
            SyncErrorCallback { pointer: RealmSyncSessionPointer, error: SyncError ->
                val session = SyncSessionImpl(pointer)
                val syncError = convertSyncError(error)
                if (error.isClientResetRequested) {
                    // If a Client Reset happened, we only get here if `onManualResetFallback` needs
                    // to be called. This means there is a high likelihood that users will want to
                    // call ClientResetRequiredException.executeClientReset() inside the callback.
                    // In order to do that, they will need to close the Realm first.
                    // On POSIX this will work fine, but on Windows this will fail as the
                    // C++ session still holds a DBPointer preventing the release of the file during
                    // the callback.
                    // So, in order to prevent errors on Windows, we are running the Kotlin callback
                    // on a separate worker thread. This will allow Core to finish its callback so
                    // when we close the Realm from the worker thread, the underlying
                    // session can also be fully freed.
                    // Given that we do not make any promises regarding which thread the callback
                    // is running on. This should be fine.
                    try {
                        GlobalScope.launch {
                            initializerHelper.onSyncError(session, frozenAppPointer, error)
                    } catch (ex: Exception) {
                        @Suppress("invisible_member", "invisible_reference")
                        configuration.logger.error("Error thrown and ignored in `onManualResetFallback`: $ex")
                } else {
                    userErrorHandler.onError(session, syncError)

        syncInitializer = { nativeConfig: RealmConfigurationPointer ->
            val nativeSyncConfig: RealmSyncConfigurationPointer = when (partitionValue) {
                null -> RealmInterop.realm_flx_sync_config_new(user.nativePointer)
                else -> RealmInterop.realm_sync_config_new(


            // Do any initialization required for the strategies

            RealmInterop.realm_config_set_sync_config(nativeConfig, nativeSyncConfig)


    override val syncMode: SyncMode =
        if (partitionValue == null) SyncMode.FLEXIBLE else SyncMode.PARTITION_BASED

private interface ClientResetStrategyHelper {
    fun initialize(nativeSyncConfig: RealmSyncConfigurationPointer)
    fun onSyncError(session: SyncSession, appPointer: RealmAppPointer, error: SyncError)

private abstract class OnBeforeOnAfterHelper constructor(
    val strategy: T,
    val configuration: InternalConfiguration
) : ClientResetStrategyHelper {

    abstract fun getResyncMode(): SyncSessionResyncMode
    abstract fun getBefore(): SyncBeforeClientResetHandler
    abstract fun getAfter(): SyncAfterClientResetHandler

    override fun initialize(nativeSyncConfig: RealmSyncConfigurationPointer) {
        RealmInterop.realm_sync_config_set_resync_mode(nativeSyncConfig, getResyncMode())

private class RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesHelper constructor(
    strategy: RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesStrategy,
    configuration: InternalConfiguration
) : OnBeforeOnAfterHelper(strategy, configuration) {

    override fun getResyncMode(): SyncSessionResyncMode =

    override fun getBefore(): SyncBeforeClientResetHandler =
        object : SyncBeforeClientResetHandler {
            override fun onBeforeReset(realmBefore: FrozenRealmPointer) {
                strategy.onBeforeReset(TypedFrozenRealmImpl(realmBefore, configuration))

    override fun getAfter(): SyncAfterClientResetHandler =
        object : SyncAfterClientResetHandler {
            override fun onAfterReset(
                realmBefore: FrozenRealmPointer,
                realmAfter: LiveRealmPointer,
                didRecover: Boolean
            ) {
                // Needed to allow writes on the Mutable after Realm

                try {
                    val before = TypedFrozenRealmImpl(realmBefore, configuration)
                    val after = MutableLiveRealmImpl(realmAfter, configuration)
                    if (didRecover) {
                        strategy.onAfterRecovery(before, after)
                    } else {
                        strategy.onAfterDiscard(before, after)

                    // Callback completed successfully we can safely commit the changes
                    // user might have cancelled the transaction manually
                    if (RealmInterop.realm_is_in_transaction(realmAfter)) {
                } catch (exception: Throwable) {
                    // Cancel the transaction
                    // user might have cancelled the transaction manually
                    if (RealmInterop.realm_is_in_transaction(realmAfter)) {
                    // Rethrow so core can send it over again
                    throw exception

    override fun onSyncError(
        session: SyncSession,
        appPointer: RealmAppPointer,
        error: SyncError
    ) {
        // If there is a user exception we appoint it as the cause of the client reset
            ClientResetRequiredException(appPointer, error)

private class RecoverUnsyncedChangesHelper constructor(
    strategy: RecoverUnsyncedChangesStrategy,
    configuration: InternalConfiguration
) : OnBeforeOnAfterHelper(strategy, configuration) {

    override fun getResyncMode(): SyncSessionResyncMode =

    override fun getBefore(): SyncBeforeClientResetHandler =
        object : SyncBeforeClientResetHandler {
            override fun onBeforeReset(realmBefore: FrozenRealmPointer) {
                strategy.onBeforeReset(TypedFrozenRealmImpl(realmBefore, configuration))

    override fun getAfter(): SyncAfterClientResetHandler =
        object : SyncAfterClientResetHandler {
            override fun onAfterReset(
                realmBefore: FrozenRealmPointer,
                realmAfter: LiveRealmPointer,
                didRecover: Boolean
            ) {
                // Needed to allow writes on the Mutable after Realm

                try {
                        TypedFrozenRealmImpl(realmBefore, configuration),
                        MutableLiveRealmImpl(realmAfter, configuration)

                    // Callback completed successfully we can safely commit the changes
                    // user might have cancelled the transaction manually
                    if (RealmInterop.realm_is_in_transaction(realmAfter)) {
                } catch (exception: Throwable) {
                    // Cancel the transaction
                    // user might have cancelled the transaction manually
                    if (RealmInterop.realm_is_in_transaction(realmAfter)) {
                    // Rethrow so core can send it over again
                    throw exception

    override fun onSyncError(
        session: SyncSession,
        appPointer: RealmAppPointer,
        error: SyncError
    ) {
        // If there is a user exception we appoint it as the cause of the client reset
            ClientResetRequiredException(appPointer, error)

private class DiscardUnsyncedChangesHelper constructor(
    strategy: DiscardUnsyncedChangesStrategy,
    configuration: InternalConfiguration
) : OnBeforeOnAfterHelper(strategy, configuration) {

    override fun getResyncMode(): SyncSessionResyncMode =

    override fun getBefore(): SyncBeforeClientResetHandler =
        object : SyncBeforeClientResetHandler {
            override fun onBeforeReset(realmBefore: FrozenRealmPointer) {
                strategy.onBeforeReset(TypedFrozenRealmImpl(realmBefore, configuration))

    override fun getAfter(): SyncAfterClientResetHandler =
        object : SyncAfterClientResetHandler {
            override fun onAfterReset(
                realmBefore: FrozenRealmPointer,
                realmAfter: LiveRealmPointer,
                didRecover: Boolean
            ) {
                // Needed to allow writes on the Mutable after Realm

                try {
                        TypedFrozenRealmImpl(realmBefore, configuration),
                        MutableLiveRealmImpl(realmAfter, configuration)

                    // Callback completed successfully we can safely commit the changes
                    // user might have cancelled the transaction manually
                    if (RealmInterop.realm_is_in_transaction(realmAfter)) {
                } catch (exception: Throwable) {
                    // Cancel the transaction
                    // user might have cancelled the transaction manually
                    if (RealmInterop.realm_is_in_transaction(realmAfter)) {
                    // Rethrow so core can send it over again
                    throw exception

    override fun onSyncError(
        session: SyncSession,
        appPointer: RealmAppPointer,
        error: SyncError
    ) {
            ClientResetRequiredException(appPointer, error)

private class ManuallyRecoverUnsyncedChangesHelper(
    val strategy: ManuallyRecoverUnsyncedChangesStrategy
) : ClientResetStrategyHelper {

    override fun initialize(nativeSyncConfig: RealmSyncConfigurationPointer) {

    override fun onSyncError(
        session: SyncSession,
        appPointer: RealmAppPointer,
        error: SyncError
    ) {
            ClientResetRequiredException(appPointer, error)

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