okhttp3.internal.http.RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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ConstantValue client Lokhttp3/OkHttpClient; forWebSocket Z streamAllocation .Lokhttp3/internal/connection/StreamAllocation; callStackTrace Ljava/lang/Object; canceled (Lokhttp3/OkHttpClient;Z)V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this 3Lokhttp3/internal/http/RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor; cancel ()V
StackMapTable ?
isCanceled ()Z setCallStackTrace (Ljava/lang/Object;)V 0()Lokhttp3/internal/connection/StreamAllocation; interceptT Chain InnerClasses /(Lokhttp3/Interceptor$Chain;)Lokhttp3/Response; e ,Lokhttp3/internal/connection/RouteException; requestSendStarted Ljava/io/IOException; response Lokhttp3/Response; releaseConnection followUp Lokhttp3/Request; chain Lokhttp3/Interceptor$Chain; request
priorResponseUVT ? ?W
createAddress $(Lokhttp3/HttpUrl;)Lokhttp3/Address; url Lokhttp3/HttpUrl; sslSocketFactory Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSocketFactory; hostnameVerifier Ljavax/net/ssl/HostnameVerifier; certificatePinner Lokhttp3/CertificatePinner;XYZ recover *(Ljava/io/IOException;ZLokhttp3/Request;)Z userRequest
isRecoverable (Ljava/io/IOException;Z)Z followUpRequest %(Lokhttp3/Response;)Lokhttp3/Request;
selectedProxy Ljava/net/Proxy; requestBody Lokhttp3/RequestBody; maintainBody location Ljava/lang/String;
sameScheme requestBuilder[ Builder Lokhttp3/Request$Builder; userResponse
connection Lokhttp3/Connection; route Lokhttp3/Route; responseCode method\]^_`[a sameConnection &(Lokhttp3/Response;Lokhttp3/HttpUrl;)Z
SourceFile RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.java java/net/HttpURLConnection okhttp3/internal/http/StatusLine ? v w x y ~ y z { ? ? | } ?b ,okhttp3/internal/connection/StreamAllocationcdeU ?f ? ? gh ? java/io/IOException Canceled i *okhttp3/internal/http/RealInterceptorChainjklm *okhttp3/internal/connection/RouteExceptionno ? ? 2okhttp3/internal/http2/ConnectionShutdownExceptionVpqrstuv ?w ? ?sxyz{ 1okhttp3/internal/http/RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor java/net/ProtocolException java/lang/StringBuilder Too many follow-up requests: |}|~?s? -okhttp3/internal/http/UnrepeatableRequestBody java/net/HttpRetryException Cannot retry streamed HTTP body?? ? ? ??? java/lang/IllegalStateException Closing the body of |? 2 didn't close its backing stream. Bad interceptor?`? ? ?? ?? ?? okhttp3/Address?????????????????? ?? ? ? ?? ? java/io/InterruptedIOException java/net/SocketTimeoutException #javax/net/ssl/SSLHandshakeException?? 'java/security/cert/CertificateException (javax/net/ssl/SSLPeerUnverifiedException ??\ ?? ??]_????? 9Received HTTP_PROXY_AUTH (407) code while not using proxy????? GET^?? HEAD? ? Location??????? ?p???????? ?? Transfer-Encoding?? Content-Length Content-Type
Authorization ??ub java/lang/Object okhttp3/Interceptor okhttp3/Interceptor$Chain okhttp3/Request okhttp3/Response java/lang/Throwable javax/net/ssl/SSLSocketFactory javax/net/ssl/HostnameVerifier okhttp3/CertificatePinner okhttp3/Request$Builder okhttp3/Connection
okhttp3/Route java/lang/String java/net/Proxy okhttp3/HttpUrl okhttp3/RequestBody ()Lokhttp3/Request; okhttp3/OkHttpClient connectionPool ()Lokhttp3/ConnectionPool; ()Lokhttp3/HttpUrl; >(Lokhttp3/ConnectionPool;Lokhttp3/Address;Ljava/lang/Object;)V release (Ljava/lang/String;)V proceed ?(Lokhttp3/Request;Lokhttp3/internal/connection/StreamAllocation;Lokhttp3/internal/http/HttpCodec;Lokhttp3/Connection;)Lokhttp3/Response; streamFailed (Ljava/io/IOException;)V getLastConnectException ()Ljava/io/IOException;
newBuilder ()Lokhttp3/Response$Builder; okhttp3/Response$Builder body 2(Lokhttp3/ResponseBody;)Lokhttp3/Response$Builder; build ()Lokhttp3/Response; .(Lokhttp3/Response;)Lokhttp3/Response$Builder; ()Lokhttp3/ResponseBody; okhttp3/internal/Util closeQuietly (Ljava/io/Closeable;)V append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; toString ()Ljava/lang/String; ()Lokhttp3/RequestBody; code ()I (Ljava/lang/String;I)V codec #()Lokhttp3/internal/http/HttpCodec; -(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; isHttps "()Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSocketFactory; "()Ljavax/net/ssl/HostnameVerifier; ()Lokhttp3/CertificatePinner; host port dns ()Lokhttp3/Dns;
socketFactory ()Ljavax/net/SocketFactory; proxyAuthenticator ()Lokhttp3/Authenticator; proxy ()Ljava/net/Proxy; protocols ()Ljava/util/List; connectionSpecs
proxySelector ()Ljava/net/ProxySelector; ?(Ljava/lang/String;ILokhttp3/Dns;Ljavax/net/SocketFactory;Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSocketFactory;Ljavax/net/ssl/HostnameVerifier;Lokhttp3/CertificatePinner;Lokhttp3/Authenticator;Ljava/net/Proxy;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/net/ProxySelector;)V retryOnConnectionFailure
hasMoreRoutes getCause ()Ljava/lang/Throwable; .()Lokhttp3/internal/connection/RealConnection; ()Lokhttp3/Route; type Type ()Ljava/net/Proxy$Type; java/net/Proxy$Type HTTP Ljava/net/Proxy$Type; okhttp3/Authenticator authenticate 4(Lokhttp3/Route;Lokhttp3/Response;)Lokhttp3/Request;
authenticator equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z followRedirects header &(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; resolve %(Ljava/lang/String;)Lokhttp3/HttpUrl; scheme followSslRedirects ()Lokhttp3/Request$Builder; okhttp3/internal/http/HttpMethod permitsRequestBody (Ljava/lang/String;)Z redirectsWithBody redirectsToGet B(Ljava/lang/String;Lokhttp3/RequestBody;)Lokhttp3/Request$Builder; removeHeader -(Ljava/lang/String;)Lokhttp3/Request$Builder; ,(Lokhttp3/HttpUrl;)Lokhttp3/Request$Builder; 1 " p q r s t u v w x y z { | } B ~ y ? ? Y *? *+? *? ? ? G H I J ? ? ? v w x y ? ? ? a *? *? L+? +? ? ? V W
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