invirt.http4k.forms.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package invirt.http4k
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
import org.http4k.core.Body
import org.http4k.core.Request
import org.http4k.lens.BiDiBodyLens
import org.http4k.lens.Validator
import org.http4k.lens.WebForm
import org.http4k.lens.webForm
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
private val bodyFormLens: BiDiBodyLens = Body.webForm(Validator.Ignore).toLens()
private val formsObjectMapper: ObjectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
inline fun Request.toForm(): T {
return this.toForm(T::class)
* This function converts a form POSTed with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' to an object.
* It supports arrays, maps and nested objects. For example:
* parent.children[0].name = John
* departments[HR].employees[0].age = 32
fun Request.toForm(formClass: KClass): T {
val formTree = formFieldsToMapTree(bodyFormLens(this).fields)
// Use this tree of maps to create a Json structure
val tree = formsObjectMapper.valueToTree(formTree)!!
// Convert this Json structure to a Pojo
return formsObjectMapper.treeToValue(tree,
* Converts the given map fields into a tree (maps of maps), which can be used to represent an object model (similar to a JSON structure).
* Firstly, field names are transformed so that square brackets are replaced with a dot notation:
* - parent.child[name] becomes
* - parent.child[0] becomes parent.child.0
* Then a map is created for each "level" in the hierarchy. For example
* becomes
* mapOf("parent" to mapOf("child" to mapOf("name" to "John")))
* This can then be used as a proxy for a JSON object model
internal fun formFieldsToMapTree(fields: Map): Any {
val dotNotationFields = fields
.map { entry ->
val value = entry.value
// The value can be a list a form is submitted like name=John&name=Smith which produces a mapOf("name" to listOf("John", "Smith")
// But when it's a list with one element, we assume that it's a single value rather than a collection. We safeguard against cases
// when the field is a collection and only one value was sent with DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY
val element = if (value is Collection<*> && value.size == 1) value.first()!! else value
entry.key.dotNotation() to element
val tree = mutableMapOf()
// Create the tree based on dot notation in the key names
dotNotationFields.forEach { (key, values) ->
if (key.contains('.')) {
// We have something like So "name" is for "child", and we need to find
// or create the chain of maps from ROOT/parent/child, and add "John" to that map
// This gives us a list of keys that can be navigated from the root of the tree to the map where we need to add
// the "name" field. For example [parent, child].
val parentPath = key.substringBeforeLast('.').split('.')
// Starting from the root, we traverse the chain [parent, child] to find the right map/container (also create any missing ones)
var container = tree
for (currentKey in parentPath) {
container.putIfAbsent(currentKey, mutableMapOf())
container = container[currentKey] as MutableMap
// Add ("name" -> "John")
container[key.substringAfterLast('.')] = values
} else {
// This is a field directly on the root object, like name=John, so we don't need to traverse anything
tree[key] = values
// We now have to replace array entries like parent.children.0, parent.children.1, etc, with a collection.
// At the moment, the tree contains
// mapOf("children" to mapOf("0" to "John", "1" to "Mary))
// and we want this to be
// mapOf("children" to listOf("John", "Mary")
return tree.indexKeysToCollections()
internal fun Any.indexKeysToCollections(): Any {
return if (this is Map<*, *>) {
val index = (keys.first() as String).toIntOrNull()
return if (index != null) {
// We have numeric keys (like 0, 1, 2), which means all keys on this level are indices (it will/should fail otherwise)
entries.sortedBy { (it.key as String).toInt() }
.map { it.value!!.indexKeysToCollections() }
} else {
// We have non-numeric keys (like firstName, lastName, children)
map { it.key to it.value!!.indexKeysToCollections() }.toMap()
} else {
internal fun String.dotNotation(): String {
return replace("[", ".").replace("]", "")