io.rivulet.internal.ViolationReport Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.rivulet.internal;
import io.rivulet.ExpectsRivuletRerun;
import io.rivulet.RerunResult;
import io.rivulet.ViolationReportingUtils;
import io.rivulet.internal.rerun.TestRerunConfiguration;
import java.util.*;
/* Record type that holds information about test runs, violations, test reruns and critical violations. */
public class ViolationReport {
// Whether skipped test reruns should be recorded
public static final boolean RECORD_SKIPPED_RERUNS = false;
// String used to represent various parts of a violation that is a dummy violation made for reporting reruns
// Maps test class names to a map from test method names to their ExpectsRivuletRerun annotation
private static final HashMap> annotationMap = new HashMap<>();
// Set of TestRerunConfigurations for reruns that were skipped
private static final HashSet skippedRerunConfigurations = new HashSet<>();
// Maps base sinks names to the number of violations and critical violations reported at that sink
private final LinkedHashMap violationsPerSink = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Map rerun generator classes to information about the reruns generated by that class
private final LinkedHashMap rerunsPerGenerator = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Maps class names to a map from test methods to violations
private final LinkedHashMap> testsRun = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public ViolationReport() {
violationsPerSink.put("total", new ViolationCount());
rerunsPerGenerator.put("total", new RerunCount());
public void writeJsonToFile(File reportFile) {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().setLenient().create();
String json = gson.toJson(this);
try {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(reportFile);
} catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to write phosphor report to: " + reportFile);
/* Fills in information about how many of the violations for a particular sink were verified by having at least one rerun
* that resulted in a critical violation. */
public void addVerifiedViolationsInformation() {
for(String className : testsRun.keySet()) {
for(String methodName : testsRun.get(className).keySet()) {
for(Violation v : testsRun.get(className).get(methodName).violations) {
if(v.numberOfCriticalViolations() > 0) {
/* Fills information from the ExpectsRivuletReruns in annotationsMap into the TestInfo instances in testsRun. */
private void addAnnotationInfo() {
for(String className : testsRun.keySet()) {
if(annotationMap.containsKey(className)) {
for(String methodName : testsRun.get(className).keySet()) {
if(annotationMap.get(className).containsKey(methodName)) {
TestInfo info = testsRun.get(className).get(methodName);
ExpectsRivuletRerun annotation = annotationMap.get(className).get(methodName);
if(annotation != null) {
info.expectedReruns = annotation.numReruns();
info.expectedCriticalViolations = annotation.numCriticalViolations();
/* Adds information about test reruns that were skipped if RECORD_SKIPPED_RERUNS is true. */
private void addSkippedRerunInfo() {
for(TestRerunConfiguration rerunConfiguration : skippedRerunConfigurations) {
reportTestRerunResult(rerunConfiguration.getTestClass(), rerunConfiguration.getTestMethod(), RerunResult.SKIPPED.message, RerunResult.SKIPPED.message, rerunConfiguration);
/* Checks that the number of reruns and critical violations for each test run matches with the expected value. Returns
* whether a check failed. */
public boolean checkExpectedInfo() {
boolean failed = false;
for(String className : testsRun.keySet()) {
for(String methodName : testsRun.get(className).keySet()) {
TestInfo info = testsRun.get(className).get(methodName);
if(hasRivuletExpectations(info)) {
String failureMessage = null;
if(info.expectedReruns != null) {
String type = (info.expectedReruns == 1 || info.expectedReruns == ExpectsRivuletRerun.AT_LEAST_ONE) ? "rerun" : "reruns";
failureMessage = checkRivuletExpected(info.expectedReruns, info.numberOfReruns(), type, failureMessage);
if(info.expectedCriticalViolations != null) {
String type = (info.expectedCriticalViolations == 1 || info.expectedCriticalViolations == ExpectsRivuletRerun.AT_LEAST_ONE) ? "critical violation" : "critical violations";
failureMessage = checkRivuletExpected(info.expectedCriticalViolations, info.numberOfCriticalViolations(), type, failureMessage);
String testName = ViolationReportingUtils.formatTestName(className, methodName);
if(failureMessage == null) {
String result = ViolationReportingUtils.colorText("[RERUN-CRITERIA-SUCCESS]", ViolationReportingUtils.RivuletColor.SUCCESS);
result = ViolationReportingUtils.boldText(result);
System.out.printf("%s %s\n", result, testName);
} else {
failed = true;
String result = ViolationReportingUtils.colorText("[RERUN-CRITERIA-FAILURE]", ViolationReportingUtils.RivuletColor.FAILURE);
result = ViolationReportingUtils.boldText(result);
System.out.printf("%s %s - %s\n", result, testName, failureMessage);
return failed;
/* Returns whether the specified TestInfo's reruns or critical violations are expected to meet some criteria. */
private boolean hasRivuletExpectations(TestInfo info) {
return (info.expectedCriticalViolations != null && info.expectedCriticalViolations != ExpectsRivuletRerun.ANY) ||
(info.expectedReruns != null && info.expectedReruns != ExpectsRivuletRerun.ANY);
/* Checks that the specified actual value meets the specified expected criteria. Adds any failures to the end of the specified
* message and return the new message. */
private String checkRivuletExpected(int expected, int actual, String expectedType, String message) {
String failure = null;
if(expected == ExpectsRivuletRerun.AT_LEAST_ONE) {
if(actual < 1) {
failure = String.format("Expected at least one %s but got %d.", expectedType, actual);
} else if(expected != ExpectsRivuletRerun.ANY && actual != expected) {
failure = String.format("Expected %d %s but got %d.", expected, expectedType, actual);
if(message == null) {
return failure;
} else if(failure == null) {
return message;
} else {
return message + " " + failure;
/* Clears the expected reruns and critical violations information from each test run. */
public void clearExpectedInfo() {
for(LinkedHashMap methodMap : testsRun.values()) {
for(TestInfo info : methodMap.values()) {
info.expectedCriticalViolations = null;
info.expectedReruns = null;
/* Adds information to indicate that the specified violation was reported. */
public synchronized void reportViolation(io.rivulet.internal.Violation violation) {
String className = violation.getTestClass();
String methodName = violation.getTestMethod();
reportTestWasRun(className, methodName);
violationsPerSink.putIfAbsent(violation.getBaseSink(), new ViolationCount());
ViolationCount count = violationsPerSink.get(violation.getBaseSink());
ViolationCount total = violationsPerSink.get("total");
testsRun.get(className).get(methodName).violations.add(new Violation(violation));
/* Adds information to indicate that a test was run. */
public synchronized void reportTestWasRun(String className, String methodName) {
// Add information that indicates that a test was run
if(!testsRun.containsKey(className)) {
testsRun.put(className, new LinkedHashMap<>());
LinkedHashMap methodMap = testsRun.get(className);
if(!methodMap.containsKey(methodName)) {
methodMap.put(methodName, new TestInfo());
/* Adds information about the result of a test rerun. */
public synchronized void reportTestRerunResult(String className, String methodName, String criticalViolationStatus, String testOutcome, TestRerunConfiguration currentConfig) {
reportTestWasRun(className, methodName);
// Create a new rerun from the current configuration's information
Rerun rerunResult = new Rerun(currentConfig.getReplacementRepresentations(), criticalViolationStatus, testOutcome);
TestInfo testInfo = testsRun.get(className).get(methodName);
// Add the new rerun's info to all violations that match one of uniqueIDs of the current configuration, if
// no violations match a uniqueID create a dummy node to represent the original violation
for(String uniqueID : currentConfig.getViolationUIDs()) {
boolean foundMatch = false;
for(Violation v : testInfo.violations) {
if(v.uniqueID.equals(uniqueID)) {
foundMatch = true;
// If no violations match the uniqueID add a new dummy violation
if(!foundMatch) {
Violation dummy = new Violation(uniqueID);
// Update the RerunCount
String generator = currentConfig.getAutoTainterClass().getSimpleName();
rerunsPerGenerator.putIfAbsent(generator, new RerunCount());
RerunCount count = rerunsPerGenerator.get(generator);
RerunCount total = rerunsPerGenerator.get("total");
if(RerunResult.CRITICAL_VIOLATION.message.equals(criticalViolationStatus)) {
/* Adds information from the specified other report to this report. */
public void merge(ViolationReport other) {
// Merge violation per sink information
for(String sink : other.violationsPerSink.keySet()) {
if(!violationsPerSink.containsKey(sink)) {
violationsPerSink.put(sink, other.violationsPerSink.get(sink));
} else {
for(String generator : other.rerunsPerGenerator.keySet()) {
if(!rerunsPerGenerator.containsKey(generator)) {
rerunsPerGenerator.put(generator, other.rerunsPerGenerator.get(generator));
} else {
// Merge tests run information
for(String className : other.testsRun.keySet()) {
for(String methodName : other.testsRun.get(className).keySet()) {
reportTestWasRun(className, methodName);
TestInfo thisInfo = testsRun.get(className).get(methodName);
TestInfo otherInfo = other.testsRun.get(className).get(methodName);
thisInfo.expectedReruns = (thisInfo.expectedReruns == ExpectsRivuletRerun.ANY) ? otherInfo.expectedReruns : thisInfo.expectedReruns;
thisInfo.expectedCriticalViolations = (thisInfo.expectedCriticalViolations == ExpectsRivuletRerun.ANY) ? otherInfo.expectedCriticalViolations : thisInfo.expectedCriticalViolations;
for(Violation otherViolation : otherInfo.violations) {
Iterator it = thisInfo.violations.iterator();
boolean replace = false;
boolean found = false;
while(it.hasNext()) {
Violation thisViolation =;
if(thisViolation.uniqueID.equals(otherViolation.uniqueID)) {
found = true;
if(thisViolation.baseSink.equals(DUMMY_VIOLATION_VALUE)) {
replace = true;
} else {
if(replace || !found) {
public static ViolationReport readJsonFromFile(File reportFile) {
try {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().setLenient().create();
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(reportFile));
ViolationReport report = gson.fromJson(reader, ViolationReport.class);
return report;
} catch(Exception e) {
return new ViolationReport();
/* Stores information about the ExpectsRivuletRerun annotation for a test. */
public static synchronized void reportAnnotation(String className, String methodName, ExpectsRivuletRerun annotation) {
annotationMap.putIfAbsent(className, new HashMap<>());
HashMap methodAnnotationMap = annotationMap.get(className);
methodAnnotationMap.putIfAbsent(methodName, annotation);
/* Stores information to indicate that the rerun for the specified configuration was skipped. */
public static synchronized void reportSkippedRerun(TestRerunConfiguration rerunConfiguration) {
private static class TestInfo {
final LinkedList violations = new LinkedList<>();
Integer expectedReruns = ExpectsRivuletRerun.ANY;
Integer expectedCriticalViolations = ExpectsRivuletRerun.ANY;
int numberOfReruns() {
int count = 0;
for(Violation v : violations) {
count += v.reruns.size();
return count;
int numberOfCriticalViolations() {
int count = 0;
for(Violation v : violations) {
count += v.numberOfCriticalViolations();
return count;
private static class Violation {
final String baseSink;
final String actualSinkClass;
final String uniqueID;
final TaintedValue[] taintedValues;
final HashSet reruns;
/* Creates a placeholder dummy violation for an original violation with the specified uniqueID. */
Violation(String uniqueID) {
this.actualSinkClass = DUMMY_VIOLATION_VALUE;
this.uniqueID = uniqueID;
this.taintedValues = new TaintedValue[0];
this.reruns = new HashSet<>();
Violation(io.rivulet.internal.Violation violation) {
this.baseSink = violation.getBaseSink();
this.actualSinkClass = violation.getActualSinkClass();
this.uniqueID = violation.getUniqueID();
this.taintedValues = new TaintedValue[violation.getTaintedValues().size()];
int i = 0;
for(TaintedSinkValue val : violation.getTaintedValues()) {
taintedValues[i++] = new TaintedValue(val);
this.reruns = new HashSet<>();
/* Returns the number of reruns for this violation that resulted in a critical violation. */
int numberOfCriticalViolations() {
int count = 0;
for(Rerun rerun : reruns) {
if(rerun.criticalViolationStatus.equals(RerunResult.CRITICAL_VIOLATION.message)) {
return count;
/* Stores information about a tainted value that reached a sink. */
private static class TaintedValue {
String[] sinkValues;
String sinkValueClass;
int sinkArgIndex;
TaintSource[] taintSources;
TaintedValue(TaintedSinkValue val) {
this.sinkValues = val.getFormattedSinkValues().toArray(new String[0]);
this.sinkValueClass = val.getSinkValueClass().toString();
this.sinkArgIndex = val.getSinkArgIndex();
this.taintSources = new TaintSource[val.getTaintSources().size()];
int i = 0;
for(SourceInfoTaintLabel label : val.getTaintSources()) {
taintSources[i++] = new TaintSource(label);
/* Stores information about the source of some tainted values label. */
private static class TaintSource {
String baseSource;
String actualSourceClass;
int sourceArgIndex;
String sourceValueClass;
TaintSource(SourceInfoTaintLabel label) {
this.baseSource = label.getBaseSource();
this.actualSourceClass = label.getActualSourceClass();
this.sourceArgIndex = label.getSourceArgIndex();
this.sourceValueClass = label.getSourceValueClass().toString();
/* Stores information about a test rerun. */
private static class Rerun {
final String[] replacements;
final String criticalViolationStatus;
final String testOutcome;
Rerun(String[] replacements, String criticalViolationStatus, String testOutcome) {
this.replacements = replacements;
this.criticalViolationStatus = criticalViolationStatus;
this.testOutcome = testOutcome;
/* Stores information about the number of critical and non-critical violations. */
private static class ViolationCount {
int violations = 0;
int verifiedViolations = 0;
/* Adds the specified ViolationCount's counts to this ViolationCount's counts. */
void sum(ViolationCount other) {
this.violations += other.violations;
private static class RerunCount {
int rerunsExecuted = 0;
int criticalReruns = 0;
void sum(RerunCount other) {
this.rerunsExecuted += other.rerunsExecuted;
this.criticalReruns += other.criticalReruns;
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