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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
* A Pipeline has to implement all of these methods.
* It has to test for permissions to use these methods.
* @param PipelineConnectionProperties
* @param TopicHandler
* @param ProducerSession
* @param ConsumerSession
public interface IPipelineAPI, C extends ConsumerSession> extends IPipelineBase {
String getAPIName();
Schema getSchema(int schemaid) throws PropertiesException;
SchemaHandler registerSchema(SchemaRegistryName schemaname, String description, Schema keyschema, Schema valueschema) throws PropertiesException;
* @return A list of schema names for this tenant
* @throws PropertiesException if something goes wrong
List getSchemas() throws PropertiesException;
* Creates a new topic and fails if it exists already. see {@link #getTopicOrCreate(TopicName, int, short)}
* @param topic TopicName
* @param partitioncount for the topic
* @param replicationfactor for the topic
* @param configs optional parameters
* @return TopicHandler
* @throws PropertiesException if something goes wrong
T topicCreate(TopicName topic, int partitioncount, short replicationfactor, Map configs) throws PropertiesException;
* Creates a new topic and fails if it exists already. see {@link #getTopicOrCreate(TopicName, int, short)}
* @param topic TopicName
* @param partitioncount for the topic
* @param replicationfactor for the topic
* @return TopicHandler
* @throws PropertiesException if something goes wrong
T topicCreate(TopicName topic, int partitioncount, short replicationfactor) throws PropertiesException;
* A synchronized version of the {@link #getTopic(TopicName)} and {@link #topicCreate(TopicName, int, short, Map)} to deal with the case where
* two threads want to create the same topic at the same time.
* @param name name of the topic within the tenant
* @param partitioncount for the topic
* @param replicationfactor for the topic
* @param configs Optional server specific properties
* @return TopicHandler
* @throws PropertiesException if something goes wrong
T getTopicOrCreate(TopicName name, int partitioncount, short replicationfactor, Map configs) throws PropertiesException;
* Simplified version of {@link #getTopicOrCreate(TopicName, int, short, Map)} for convenience.
* @param topicname name of the topic within the tenant
* @param partitioncount for the topic
* @param replicationfactor for the topic
* @return TopicHandler
* @throws PropertiesException if something goes wrong
T getTopicOrCreate(TopicName topicname, int partitioncount, short replicationfactor) throws PropertiesException;
SchemaHandler getOrCreateSchema(SchemaRegistryName name, String description, Schema keyschema, Schema valueschema) throws PropertiesException;
* Get the TopicHandler of an already existing topic.
* @param topicname The tenant's name of the topic
* @return The TopicHandler representing the topic or null
* @throws PropertiesException if something goes wrong
T getTopic(TopicName topicname) throws PropertiesException;
* Get a list of all known topics
* @return A list of all known topics in the server
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
List getTopics() throws IOException;
* Read the most recent n records from a topic.
* @param topicname TopicName
* @param count of most recent records to return
* @return List of AvroRecords and their metadata in descending order, most recent first!
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
List getLastRecords(TopicName topicname, int count) throws IOException;
* Read all records from a given timestamp onwards. Like {@link #getLastRecords(TopicName, int)} but based using a
* timestamp as starting point and with the option to limit on one schema.
* @param topicname TopicName
* @param timestamp starting point to read from
* @param count stop reading after this many records
* @param schema optional schema name to scan for
* @return List of AvroRecords and their metadata in ascending order, oldest first!
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
List getAllRecordsSince(TopicName topicname, long timestamp, int count, SchemaRegistryName schema) throws IOException;
P createNewProducerSession(ProducerProperties properties) throws PropertiesException;
C createNewConsumerSession(ConsumerProperties properties) throws PropertiesException;
ServiceSession createNewServiceSession(ServiceProperties properties) throws PropertiesException;
* This method should implement everything that is needed to open the connection to the topic server and thus enables all other api methods.
* The implementation should set useful information during the open sequence to enable the end user
* to see where the open method might have failed.
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
void open() throws IOException;
void close();
* @param producername to remove
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
void removeProducerMetadata(String producername) throws IOException;
void removeConsumerMetadata(String consumername) throws IOException;
void removeServiceMetadata(String consumername) throws IOException;
* Add the producer's information to the metadata directory
* @param producer ProducerEntity to add metadata for
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
void addProducerMetadata(ProducerEntity producer) throws IOException;
* Add the consumer's information to the metadata directory
* @param consumer ConsumerEntity to add metadata for
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
void addConsumerMetadata(ConsumerEntity consumer) throws IOException;
* Add the service information to the metadata directory
* @param service ServiceEntity to add metadata for
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
void addServiceMetadata(ServiceEntity service) throws IOException;
* @return The information of all producers, the topics they use and the schemas of each topic
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
ProducerMetadataEntity getProducerMetadata() throws IOException;
* @return The list of all consumers and the topics they listen on
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
ConsumerMetadataEntity getConsumerMetadata() throws IOException;
* @return The list of all services and the topics they work on
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong
ServiceMetadataEntity getServiceMetadata() throws IOException;
S getAPIProperties();
* Find the properties file in the provided directory structure and load the contents so the {@link #open()} has all information it needs.
* @throws PropertiesException in case properties are wrong
public void loadConnectionProperties() throws PropertiesException;
public void reloadConnectionProperties() throws IOException;
* Write the current connection properties into a file within the currently active root directory tree.
* Note: The root directory needs to be set at the point. Usually because the {@link #loadConnectionProperties()} was called and it remembers that directory.
* @throws PropertiesException in case the properties cannot be written
public void writeConnectionProperties() throws PropertiesException;
* @return A short label identifying the target
public String getConnectionLabel();
* @return The hostname the JVM is running on
public String getHostName();
boolean hasConnectionProperties();
void setWEBINFDir(File webinfdir);
void validate() throws IOException;
boolean isAlive();
String getBackingServerConnectionLabel();
* Returns the list of all schemas that have been initial-loaded.
* If an entry was never initial loaded, then it is not present.
* @param producername the name of the producer
* @param instanceno the producer instance number
* @return a Map with schema name and its LoadInfo
* @throws IOException in case of any errors
Map getLoadInfo(String producername, int instanceno) throws IOException;
* Returns the list of all schemas and for each producer instance that has been initial-loaded.
* If an entry was never initial loaded, then it is not present.
* @param producername the name of the producer
* @return a Map of instances containing a Map of schema name their LoadInfo
* @throws IOException in case of any errors
Map> getLoadInfo(String producername) throws IOException;
* This method must be called early, before the open.
* @param globalsettings provides global information like internal topic names
void setGlobalSettings(GlobalSettings globalsettings);
* To mark a schema as not-being-initial-loaded-yet, an entry with AVRO_FIELD_WAS_SUCCESSFUL=false needs to be created.
* @param producername responsible for the transaction
* @param schemaname the transaction is created for
* @param producerinstance creating the transaction
* @throws IOException in case of errors
void resetInitialLoad(String producername, String schemaname, int producerinstance) throws IOException;
* Rewind the delta process to an earlier state
* @param producername to rewind the delta for
* @param producerinstance to rewind the delta for
* @param transactionid to start the delta from
* @throws IOException in case of error
void rewindDeltaLoad(String producername, int producerinstance, String transactionid) throws IOException;
* Rewind all topics and partitions this consumer is reading from to a particular time.
* This requires all consumers connected to Kafka with the same name (=consumer group) to be shut down.
* @param props properties of the consumer, required to get the name
* @param epoch Unix epoch to rewind the consumer group to
* @throws IOException in case of errors
void rewindConsumer(ConsumerProperties props, long epoch) throws IOException;