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io.servicetalk.loadbalancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A networking framework that evolves with your application
* Copyright © 2018-2023 Apple Inc. and the ServiceTalk project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.servicetalk.loadbalancer;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.ConnectionFactory;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.ConnectionLimitReachedException;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.ConnectionRejectedException;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.LoadBalancedConnection;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.LoadBalancer;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.NoActiveHostException;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.NoAvailableHostException;
import io.servicetalk.client.api.ServiceDiscovererEvent;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.PublisherSource.Processor;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.PublisherSource.Subscriber;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.PublisherSource.Subscription;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.AsyncCloseable;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.AsyncContext;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Completable;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.CompositeCloseable;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Executor;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.ListenableAsyncCloseable;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Publisher;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Single;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.DelayedCancellable;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.SequentialCancellable;
import io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.ThrowableUtils;
import io.servicetalk.context.api.ContextMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static io.servicetalk.client.api.LoadBalancerReadyEvent.LOAD_BALANCER_NOT_READY_EVENT;
import static io.servicetalk.client.api.LoadBalancerReadyEvent.LOAD_BALANCER_READY_EVENT;
import static io.servicetalk.client.api.ServiceDiscovererEvent.Status.AVAILABLE;
import static io.servicetalk.client.api.ServiceDiscovererEvent.Status.EXPIRED;
import static io.servicetalk.client.api.ServiceDiscovererEvent.Status.UNAVAILABLE;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.AsyncCloseables.newCompositeCloseable;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.AsyncCloseables.toAsyncCloseable;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Completable.completed;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Processors.newPublisherProcessorDropHeadOnOverflow;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Publisher.from;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.RetryStrategies.retryWithConstantBackoffDeltaJitter;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Single.defer;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Single.failed;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.Single.succeeded;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.SourceAdapters.fromSource;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.api.SourceAdapters.toSource;
import static io.servicetalk.concurrent.internal.FlowControlUtils.addWithOverflowProtection;
import static java.lang.Integer.toHexString;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.System.identityHashCode;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater;
import static;
* Consult {@link RoundRobinLoadBalancerFactory} for a description of this {@link LoadBalancer} type.
* @param The resolved address type.
* @param The type of connection.
final class RoundRobinLoadBalancer
implements LoadBalancer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class);
private static final Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Object[0];
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater usedHostsUpdater =
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, List.class, "usedHosts");
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater indexUpdater =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, "index");
private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater nextResubscribeTimeUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, "nextResubscribeTime");
private static final long RESUBSCRIBING = -1L;
* With a relatively small number of connections we can minimize connection creation under moderate concurrency by
* exhausting the full search space without sacrificing too much latency caused by the cost of a CAS operation per
* selection attempt.
private static final int MIN_RANDOM_SEARCH_SPACE = 64;
* For larger search spaces, due to the cost of a CAS operation per selection attempt we see diminishing returns for
* trying to locate an available connection when most connections are in use. This increases tail latencies, thus
* after some number of failed attempts it appears to be more beneficial to open a new connection instead.
* The current heuristics were chosen based on a set of benchmarks under various circumstances, low connection
* counts, larger connection counts, low connection churn, high connection churn.
private static final float RANDOM_SEARCH_FACTOR = 0.75f;
private volatile long nextResubscribeTime = RESUBSCRIBING;
private volatile int index;
private volatile List> usedHosts = emptyList();
private final String id;
private final String targetResource;
private final Publisher extends Collection extends ServiceDiscovererEvent>> eventPublisher;
private final Processor eventStreamProcessor = newPublisherProcessorDropHeadOnOverflow(32);
private final Publisher eventStream;
private final SequentialCancellable discoveryCancellable = new SequentialCancellable();
private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
private final int linearSearchSpace;
private final HealthCheckConfig healthCheckConfig;
private final ListenableAsyncCloseable asyncCloseable;
* Creates a new instance.
* @param id a (unique) ID to identify the created {@link RoundRobinLoadBalancer}.
* @param targetResourceName {@link String} representation of the target resource for which this instance
* is performing load balancing.
* @param eventPublisher provides a stream of addresses to connect to.
* @param connectionFactory a function which creates new connections.
* @param healthCheckConfig configuration for the health checking mechanism, which monitors hosts that
* are unable to have a connection established. Providing {@code null} disables this mechanism (meaning the host
* continues being eligible for connecting on the request path).
* @see RoundRobinLoadBalancerFactory
final String id,
final String targetResourceName,
final Publisher extends Collection extends ServiceDiscovererEvent>> eventPublisher,
final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
final int linearSearchSpace,
@Nullable final HealthCheckConfig healthCheckConfig) { = id + '@' + toHexString(identityHashCode(this));
this.targetResource = requireNonNull(targetResourceName);
this.eventPublisher = requireNonNull(eventPublisher);
this.eventStream = fromSource(eventStreamProcessor)
.replay(1); // Allow for multiple subscribers and provide new subscribers with last signal.
this.connectionFactory = requireNonNull(connectionFactory);
this.linearSearchSpace = linearSearchSpace;
this.healthCheckConfig = healthCheckConfig;
this.asyncCloseable = toAsyncCloseable(graceful -> {
final CompositeCloseable compositeCloseable;
for (;;) {
List> currentList = usedHosts;
if (isClosedList(currentList) ||
usedHostsUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currentList, new ClosedList<>(currentList))) {
compositeCloseable = newCompositeCloseable().appendAll(currentList).appendAll(connectionFactory);
LOGGER.debug("{} is closing {}gracefully. Last seen addresses (size={}): {}.",
this, graceful ? "" : "non", currentList.size(), currentList);
return (graceful ? compositeCloseable.closeAsyncGracefully() : compositeCloseable.closeAsync())
.beforeOnError(t -> {
if (!graceful) {
usedHosts = new ClosedList<>(emptyList());
.beforeOnComplete(() -> usedHosts = new ClosedList<>(emptyList()));
// Maintain a Subscriber so signals are always delivered to replay and new Subscribers get the latest signal.
private void subscribeToEvents(boolean resubscribe) {
// This method is invoked only when we are in RESUBSCRIBING state. Only one thread can own this state.
assert nextResubscribeTime == RESUBSCRIBING;
if (resubscribe) {
LOGGER.debug("{}: resubscribing to the ServiceDiscoverer event publisher.", this);
toSource(eventPublisher).subscribe(new EventSubscriber(resubscribe));
if (healthCheckConfig != null) {
assert healthCheckConfig.executor instanceof NormalizedTimeSourceExecutor;
nextResubscribeTime = nextResubscribeTime(healthCheckConfig, this);
private static long nextResubscribeTime(
final HealthCheckConfig config, final RoundRobinLoadBalancer lb) {
final long lower = config.healthCheckResubscribeLowerBound;
final long upper = config.healthCheckResubscribeUpperBound;
final long currentTime = config.executor.currentTime(NANOSECONDS);
final long result = currentTime + (lower == upper ? lower : ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(lower, upper));
LOGGER.debug("{}: current time {}, next resubscribe attempt can be performed at {}.",
lb, currentTime, result);
return result;
private static boolean allUnhealthy(
final List> usedHosts) {
boolean allUnhealthy = !usedHosts.isEmpty();
for (Host host : usedHosts) {
if (!Host.isUnhealthy(host.connState)) {
allUnhealthy = false;
return allUnhealthy;
private static boolean onlyAvailable(
final Collection extends ServiceDiscovererEvent> events) {
boolean onlyAvailable = !events.isEmpty();
for (ServiceDiscovererEvent event : events) {
if (!AVAILABLE.equals(event.status())) {
onlyAvailable = false;
return onlyAvailable;
private static boolean notAvailable(
final Host host,
final Collection extends ServiceDiscovererEvent> events) {
boolean available = false;
for (ServiceDiscovererEvent event : events) {
if (host.address.equals(event.address())) {
available = true;
return !available;
private final class EventSubscriber
implements Subscriber>> {
private boolean firstEventsAfterResubscribe;
EventSubscriber(boolean resubscribe) {
this.firstEventsAfterResubscribe = resubscribe;
public void onSubscribe(final Subscription s) {
// We request max value here to make sure we do not access Subscription concurrently
// (requestN here and cancel from discoveryCancellable). If we request-1 in onNext we would have to wrap
// the Subscription in a ConcurrentSubscription which is costly.
// Since, we synchronously process onNexts we do not really care about flow control.
public void onNext(@Nullable final Collection extends ServiceDiscovererEvent> events) {
if (events == null) {
LOGGER.debug("{}: unexpectedly received null instead of events.", RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this);
for (ServiceDiscovererEvent event : events) {
final ServiceDiscovererEvent.Status eventStatus = event.status();
LOGGER.debug("{}: received new ServiceDiscoverer event {}. Inferred status: {}.",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this, event, eventStatus);
final List> usedAddresses =
usedHostsUpdater.updateAndGet(RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this, oldHosts -> {
if (isClosedList(oldHosts)) {
return oldHosts;
final ResolvedAddress addr = requireNonNull(event.address());
final List> oldHostsTyped =
(List>) oldHosts;
if (AVAILABLE.equals(eventStatus)) {
return addHostToList(oldHostsTyped, addr);
} else if (EXPIRED.equals(eventStatus)) {
if (oldHostsTyped.isEmpty()) {
return emptyList();
} else {
return markHostAsExpired(oldHostsTyped, addr);
} else if (UNAVAILABLE.equals(eventStatus)) {
return listWithHostRemoved(oldHostsTyped, host -> {
boolean match = host.address.equals(addr);
if (match) {
return match;
} else {
LOGGER.error("{}: Unexpected Status in event:" +
" {} (mapped to {}). Leaving usedHosts unchanged: {}",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this, event, eventStatus, oldHosts);
return oldHosts;
LOGGER.debug("{}: now using addresses (size={}): {}.",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this, usedAddresses.size(), usedAddresses);
if (AVAILABLE.equals(eventStatus)) {
if (usedAddresses.size() == 1) {
} else if (usedAddresses.isEmpty()) {
if (firstEventsAfterResubscribe) {
// We can enter this path only if we re-subscribed because all previous hosts were UNHEALTHY.
if (events.isEmpty()) {
return; // Wait for the next collection of events.
firstEventsAfterResubscribe = false;
if (!onlyAvailable(events)) {
// Looks like the current ServiceDiscoverer maintains a state between re-subscribes. It already
// assigned correct states to all hosts. Even if some of them were left UNHEALTHY, we should keep
// running health-checks.
// Looks like the current ServiceDiscoverer doesn't maintain a state between re-subscribes and always
// starts from an empty state propagating only AVAILABLE events. To be in sync with the
// ServiceDiscoverer we should clean up and close gracefully all hosts that are not present in the
// initial collection of events, regardless of their current state.
final List> currentHosts = usedHosts;
for (Host host : currentHosts) {
if (notAvailable(host, events)) {
private List> markHostAsExpired(
final List> oldHostsTyped, final ResolvedAddress addr) {
for (Host host : oldHostsTyped) {
if (host.address.equals(addr)) {
// Host removal will be handled by the Host's onClose::afterFinally callback
break; // because duplicates are not allowed, we can stop iteration
return oldHostsTyped;
private Host createHost(ResolvedAddress addr) {
Host host = new Host<>(RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this.toString(), addr, healthCheckConfig);
host.onClose().afterFinally(() ->
usedHostsUpdater.updateAndGet(RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this, previousHosts -> {
List> previousHostsTyped =
(List>) previousHosts;
return listWithHostRemoved(previousHostsTyped, current -> current == host);
return host;
private List> addHostToList(
List> oldHostsTyped, ResolvedAddress addr) {
if (oldHostsTyped.isEmpty()) {
return singletonList(createHost(addr));
// duplicates are not allowed
for (Host host : oldHostsTyped) {
if (host.address.equals(addr)) {
if (!host.markActiveIfNotClosed()) {
// If the host is already in CLOSED state, we should create a new entry.
// For duplicate ACTIVE events or for repeated activation due to failed CAS
// of replacing the usedHosts array the marking succeeds so we will not add a new entry.
return oldHostsTyped;
final List> newHosts = new ArrayList<>(oldHostsTyped.size() + 1);
return newHosts;
private List> listWithHostRemoved(
List> oldHostsTyped, Predicate> hostPredicate) {
if (oldHostsTyped.isEmpty()) {
// this can happen when an expired host is removed during closing of the RoundRobinLoadBalancer,
// but all of its connections have already been closed
return oldHostsTyped;
final List> newHosts = new ArrayList<>(oldHostsTyped.size() - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < oldHostsTyped.size(); ++i) {
final Host current = oldHostsTyped.get(i);
if (hostPredicate.test(current)) {
for (int x = i + 1; x < oldHostsTyped.size(); ++x) {
return newHosts.isEmpty() ? emptyList() : newHosts;
} else {
return newHosts;
public void onError(final Throwable t) {
List> hosts = usedHosts;
if (healthCheckConfig == null) {
// Terminate processor only if we will never re-subscribe
"{}: service discoverer {} emitted an error. Last seen addresses (size={}): {}.",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this, eventPublisher, hosts.size(), hosts, t);
public void onComplete() {
List> hosts = usedHosts;
if (healthCheckConfig == null) {
// Terminate processor only if we will never re-subscribe
LOGGER.error("{}: service discoverer completed. Last seen addresses (size={}): {}.",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.this, hosts.size(), hosts);
private static Single failedLBClosed(String targetResource) {
return failed(new IllegalStateException("LoadBalancer for " + targetResource + " has closed"));
public Single selectConnection(final Predicate selector, @Nullable final ContextMap context) {
return defer(() -> selectConnection0(selector, context, false).shareContextOnSubscribe());
public Single newConnection(@Nullable final ContextMap context) {
return defer(() -> selectConnection0(c -> true, context, true).shareContextOnSubscribe());
public Publisher eventStream() {
return eventStream;
public String toString() {
return "RoundRobinLoadBalancer{" +
"id=" + id +
", targetResource=" + targetResource +
private Single selectConnection0(final Predicate selector, @Nullable final ContextMap context,
final boolean forceNewConnectionAndReserve) {
final List> usedHosts = this.usedHosts;
if (usedHosts.isEmpty()) {
return isClosedList(usedHosts) ? failedLBClosed(targetResource) :
// This is the case when SD has emitted some items but none of the hosts are available.
"No hosts are available to connect for " + targetResource + ".",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, "selectConnection0(...)"));
// try one loop over hosts and if all are expired, give up
final int cursor = (indexUpdater.getAndIncrement(this) & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % usedHosts.size();
final ThreadLocalRandom rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
Host pickedHost = null;
for (int i = 0; i < usedHosts.size(); ++i) {
// for a particular iteration we maintain a local cursor without contention with other requests
final int localCursor = (cursor + i) % usedHosts.size();
final Host host = usedHosts.get(localCursor);
assert host != null : "Host can't be null.";
if (!forceNewConnectionAndReserve) {
// Try first to see if an existing connection can be used
final Object[] connections = host.connState.connections;
// Exhaust the linear search space first:
final int linearAttempts = min(connections.length, linearSearchSpace);
for (int j = 0; j < linearAttempts; ++j) {
final C connection = (C) connections[j];
if (selector.test(connection)) {
return succeeded(connection);
// Try other connections randomly:
if (connections.length > linearAttempts) {
final int diff = connections.length - linearAttempts;
// With small enough search space, attempt number of times equal to number of remaining connections.
// Back off after exploring most of the search space, it gives diminishing returns.
final int randomAttempts = diff < MIN_RANDOM_SEARCH_SPACE ? diff :
(int) (diff * RANDOM_SEARCH_FACTOR);
for (int j = 0; j < randomAttempts; ++j) {
final C connection = (C) connections[rnd.nextInt(linearAttempts, connections.length)];
if (selector.test(connection)) {
return succeeded(connection);
// Don't open new connections for expired or unhealthy hosts, try a different one.
// Unhealthy hosts have no open connections – that's why we don't fail earlier, the loop will not progress.
if (host.isActiveAndHealthy()) {
pickedHost = host;
if (pickedHost == null) {
if (healthCheckConfig != null && allUnhealthy(usedHosts)) {
final long currNextResubscribeTime = nextResubscribeTime;
if (currNextResubscribeTime >= 0 &&
healthCheckConfig.executor.currentTime(NANOSECONDS) >= currNextResubscribeTime &&
nextResubscribeTimeUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currNextResubscribeTime, RESUBSCRIBING)) {
return failed(StacklessNoActiveHostException.newInstance("Failed to pick an active host for " +
targetResource + ". Either all are busy, expired, or unhealthy: " + usedHosts,
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, "selectConnection0(...)"));
// No connection was selected: create a new one.
final Host host = pickedHost;
// This LB implementation does not automatically provide TransportObserver. Therefore, we pass "null" here.
// Users can apply a ConnectionFactoryFilter if they need to override this "null" value with TransportObserver.
Single extends C> establishConnection = connectionFactory.newConnection(host.address, context, null);
if (host.healthCheckConfig != null) {
// Schedule health check before returning
establishConnection = establishConnection.beforeOnError(t -> host.markUnhealthy(t, connectionFactory));
return establishConnection
.flatMap(newCnx -> {
if (forceNewConnectionAndReserve && !newCnx.tryReserve()) {
return newCnx.closeAsync().concat(failed(StacklessConnectionRejectedException.newInstance(
"Newly created connection " + newCnx + " for " + targetResource
+ " could not be reserved.",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, "selectConnection0(...)")))
// Invoke the selector before adding the connection to the pool, otherwise, connection can be
// used concurrently and hence a new connection can be rejected by the selector.
if (!selector.test(newCnx)) {
// Failure in selection could be the result of connection factory returning cached connection,
// and not having visibility into max-concurrent-requests, or other threads already selected the
// connection which uses all the max concurrent request count.
// If there is caching Propagate the exception and rely upon retry strategy.
Single failedSingle = failed(StacklessConnectionRejectedException.newInstance(
"Newly created connection " + newCnx + " for " + targetResource
+ " was rejected by the selection filter.",
RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, "selectConnection0(...)"));
// Just in case the connection is not closed add it to the host so we don't lose track,
// duplicates will be filtered out.
return (host.addConnection(newCnx, null) ?
failedSingle : newCnx.closeAsync().concat(failedSingle)).shareContextOnSubscribe();
if (host.addConnection(newCnx, null)) {
return succeeded(newCnx).shareContextOnSubscribe();
return newCnx.closeAsync().concat(isClosedList(this.usedHosts) ? failedLBClosed(targetResource) :
"Failed to add newly created connection " + newCnx + " for " + targetResource
+ " for " + host, RoundRobinLoadBalancer.class, "selectConnection0(...)")))
public Completable onClose() {
return asyncCloseable.onClose();
public Completable onClosing() {
return asyncCloseable.onClosing();
public Completable closeAsync() {
return asyncCloseable.closeAsync();
public Completable closeAsyncGracefully() {
return asyncCloseable.closeAsyncGracefully();
// Visible for testing
List>> usedAddresses() {
static final class HealthCheckConfig {
private final Executor executor;
private final Duration healthCheckInterval;
private final Duration jitter;
private final int failedThreshold;
private final long healthCheckResubscribeLowerBound;
private final long healthCheckResubscribeUpperBound;
HealthCheckConfig(final Executor executor, final Duration healthCheckInterval, final Duration healthCheckJitter,
final int failedThreshold, final long healthCheckResubscribeLowerBound,
final long healthCheckResubscribeUpperBound) {
this.executor = executor;
this.healthCheckInterval = healthCheckInterval;
this.failedThreshold = failedThreshold;
this.jitter = healthCheckJitter;
this.healthCheckResubscribeLowerBound = healthCheckResubscribeLowerBound;
this.healthCheckResubscribeUpperBound = healthCheckResubscribeUpperBound;
private static final class Host implements ListenableAsyncCloseable {
private enum State {
// The enum is not exhaustive, as other states have dynamic properties.
// For clarity, the other state classes are listed as comments:
// ACTIVE - see ActiveState
// UNHEALTHY - see HealthCheck
private static final ActiveState STATE_ACTIVE_NO_FAILURES = new ActiveState();
private static final ConnState ACTIVE_EMPTY_CONN_STATE = new ConnState(EMPTY_ARRAY, STATE_ACTIVE_NO_FAILURES);
private static final ConnState CLOSED_CONN_STATE = new ConnState(EMPTY_ARRAY, State.CLOSED);
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater connStateUpdater =
newUpdater(Host.class, ConnState.class, "connState");
private final String lbDescription;
final Addr address;
private final HealthCheckConfig healthCheckConfig;
private final ListenableAsyncCloseable closeable;
private volatile ConnState connState = ACTIVE_EMPTY_CONN_STATE;
Host(String lbDescription, Addr address, @Nullable HealthCheckConfig healthCheckConfig) {
this.lbDescription = lbDescription;
this.address = address;
this.healthCheckConfig = healthCheckConfig;
this.closeable = toAsyncCloseable(graceful ->
graceful ? doClose(AsyncCloseable::closeAsyncGracefully) : doClose(AsyncCloseable::closeAsync));
boolean markActiveIfNotClosed() {
final Object oldState = connStateUpdater.getAndUpdate(this, oldConnState -> {
if (oldConnState.state == State.EXPIRED) {
return new ConnState(oldConnState.connections, STATE_ACTIVE_NO_FAILURES);
// If oldConnState.state == State.ACTIVE this could mean either a duplicate event,
// or a repeated CAS operation. We could issue a warning, but as we don't know, we don't log anything.
// UNHEALTHY state cannot transition to ACTIVE without passing the health check.
return oldConnState;
return oldState != State.CLOSED;
void markClosed() {
final ConnState oldState = closeConnState();
final Object[] toRemove = oldState.connections;
LOGGER.debug("{}: closing {} connection(s) gracefully to the closed address: {}.",
lbDescription, toRemove.length, address);
for (Object conn : toRemove) {
final C cConn = (C) conn;
private ConnState closeConnState() {
for (;;) {
// We need to keep the oldState.connections around even if we are closed because the user may do
// closeGracefully with a timeout, which fails, and then force close. If we discard connections when
// closeGracefully is started we may leak connections.
final ConnState oldState = connState;
if (oldState.state == State.CLOSED || connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, oldState,
new ConnState(oldState.connections, State.CLOSED))) {
return oldState;
void markExpired() {
for (;;) {
ConnState oldState = connStateUpdater.get(this);
if (oldState.state == State.EXPIRED || oldState.state == State.CLOSED) {
Object nextState = oldState.connections.length == 0 ? State.CLOSED : State.EXPIRED;
if (connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, oldState,
new ConnState(oldState.connections, nextState))) {
if (nextState == State.CLOSED) {
// Trigger the callback to remove the host from usedHosts array.
void markHealthy(final HealthCheck originalHealthCheckState) {
// Marking healthy is called when we need to recover from an unexpected error.
// However, it is possible that in the meantime, the host entered an EXPIRED state, then ACTIVE, then failed
// to open connections and entered the UNHEALTHY state before the original thread continues execution here.
// In such case, the flipped state is not the same as the one that just succeeded to open a connection.
// In an unlikely scenario that the following connection attempts fail indefinitely, a health check task
// would leak and would not be cancelled. Therefore, we cancel it here and allow failures to trigger a new
// health check.
ConnState oldState = connStateUpdater.getAndUpdate(this, previous -> {
if (Host.isUnhealthy(previous)) {
return new ConnState(previous.connections, STATE_ACTIVE_NO_FAILURES);
return previous;
if (oldState.state != originalHealthCheckState) {
void markUnhealthy(final Throwable cause, final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
assert healthCheckConfig != null;
for (;;) {
ConnState previous = connStateUpdater.get(this);
if (!Host.isActive(previous) || previous.connections.length > 0
|| cause instanceof ConnectionLimitReachedException) {
LOGGER.debug("{}: failed to open a new connection to the host on address {}. {}.",
lbDescription, address, previous, cause);
ActiveState previousState = (ActiveState) previous.state;
if (previousState.failedConnections + 1 < healthCheckConfig.failedThreshold) {
final ActiveState nextState = previousState.forNextFailedConnection();
if (connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, previous,
new ConnState(previous.connections, nextState))) {
LOGGER.debug("{}: failed to open a new connection to the host on address {}" +
" {} time(s) ({} consecutive failures will trigger health-checking).",
lbDescription, address, nextState.failedConnections,
healthCheckConfig.failedThreshold, cause);
// another thread won the race, try again
final HealthCheck healthCheck = new HealthCheck<>(connectionFactory, this, cause);
final ConnState nextState = new ConnState(previous.connections, healthCheck);
if (connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, previous, nextState)) {"{}: failed to open a new connection to the host on address {} " +
"{} time(s) in a row. Error counting threshold reached, marking this host as " +
"UNHEALTHY for the selection algorithm and triggering background health-checking.",
lbDescription, address, healthCheckConfig.failedThreshold, cause);
boolean isActiveAndHealthy() {
return isActive(connState);
static boolean isActive(final ConnState connState) {
return ActiveState.class.equals(connState.state.getClass());
static boolean isUnhealthy(final ConnState connState) {
return HealthCheck.class.equals(connState.state.getClass());
boolean addConnection(final C connection, final @Nullable HealthCheck currentHealthCheck) {
int addAttempt = 0;
for (;;) {
final ConnState previous = connStateUpdater.get(this);
if (previous.state == State.CLOSED) {
return false;
final Object[] existing = previous.connections;
// Brute force iteration to avoid duplicates. If connections grow larger and faster lookup is required
// we can keep a Set for faster lookups (at the cost of more memory) as well as array.
for (final Object o : existing) {
if (o.equals(connection)) {
return true;
Object[] newList = Arrays.copyOf(existing, existing.length + 1);
newList[existing.length] = connection;
// If we were able to add a new connection to the list, we should mark the host as ACTIVE again and
// reset its failures counter.
final Object newState = Host.isActive(previous) || Host.isUnhealthy(previous) ?
STATE_ACTIVE_NO_FAILURES : previous.state;
if (connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this,
previous, new ConnState(newList, newState))) {
// It could happen that the Host turned into UNHEALTHY state either concurrently with adding a new
// connection or with passing a previous health-check (if SD turned it into ACTIVE state). In both
// cases we have to cancel the "previous" ongoing health check. See "markHealthy" for more context.
if (Host.isUnhealthy(previous) &&
(currentHealthCheck == null || previous.state != currentHealthCheck)) {
assert newState == STATE_ACTIVE_NO_FAILURES;
LOGGER.trace("{}: added a new connection {} to {} after {} attempt(s).",
lbDescription, connection, this, addAttempt);
// Instrument the new connection so we prune it on close
connection.onClose().beforeFinally(() -> {
int removeAttempt = 0;
for (;;) {
final ConnState currentConnState = this.connState;
if (currentConnState.state == State.CLOSED) {
assert currentConnState.connections.length > 0;
int i = 0;
final Object[] connections = currentConnState.connections;
// Search for the connection in the list.
for (; i < connections.length; ++i) {
if (connections[i].equals(connection)) {
if (i == connections.length) {
// Connection was already removed, nothing to do.
} else if (connections.length == 1) {
assert !Host.isUnhealthy(currentConnState) : "Cannot be UNHEALTHY with #connections > 0";
if (Host.isActive(currentConnState)) {
if (connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currentConnState,
new ConnState(EMPTY_ARRAY, currentConnState.state))) {
} else if (currentConnState.state == State.EXPIRED
// We're closing the last connection, close the Host.
// Closing the host will trigger the Host's onClose method, which will remove the host
// from used hosts list. If a race condition appears and a new connection was added
// in the meantime, that would mean the host is available again and the CAS operation
// will allow for determining that. It will prevent closing the Host and will only
// remove the connection (previously considered as the last one) from the array
// in the next iteration.
&& connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this, currentConnState, CLOSED_CONN_STATE)) {
} else {
Object[] newList = new Object[connections.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(connections, 0, newList, 0, i);
System.arraycopy(connections, i + 1, newList, i, newList.length - i);
if (connStateUpdater.compareAndSet(this,
currentConnState, new ConnState(newList, currentConnState.state))) {
LOGGER.trace("{}: removed connection {} from {} after {} attempt(s).",
lbDescription, connection, this, removeAttempt);
}).onErrorComplete(t -> {
// Use onErrorComplete instead of whenOnError to avoid double logging of an error inside subscribe():
// SimpleCompletableSubscriber.
LOGGER.error("{}: unexpected error while processing connection.onClose() for {}.",
lbDescription, connection, t);
return true;
return true;
// Used for testing only
Entry> asEntry() {
return new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(address,
Stream.of(connState.connections).map(conn -> (C) conn).collect(toList()));
public Completable closeAsync() {
return closeable.closeAsync();
public Completable closeAsyncGracefully() {
return closeable.closeAsyncGracefully();
public Completable onClose() {
return closeable.onClose();
public Completable onClosing() {
return closeable.onClosing();
private Completable doClose(final Function super C, Completable> closeFunction) {
return Completable.defer(() -> {
final ConnState oldState = closeConnState();
final Object[] connections = oldState.connections;
return (connections.length == 0 ? completed() :
from(connections).flatMapCompletableDelayError(conn -> closeFunction.apply((C) conn)))
private void cancelIfHealthCheck(ConnState connState) {
if (Host.isUnhealthy(connState)) {
HealthCheck healthCheck = (HealthCheck) connState.state;
LOGGER.debug("{}: health check cancelled for {}.", lbDescription,;
public String toString() {
final ConnState connState = this.connState;
return "Host{" +
"lbDescription=" + lbDescription +
", address=" + address +
", state=" + connState.state +
", #connections=" + connState.connections.length +
private static final class ActiveState {
private final int failedConnections;
ActiveState() {
private ActiveState(int failedConnections) {
this.failedConnections = failedConnections;
ActiveState forNextFailedConnection() {
return new ActiveState(addWithOverflowProtection(this.failedConnections, 1));
public String toString() {
return "ACTIVE(failedConnections=" + failedConnections + ')';
private static final class HealthCheck
extends DelayedCancellable {
private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
private final Host host;
private final Throwable lastError;
private HealthCheck(final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
final Host host, final Throwable lastError) {
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; = host;
this.lastError = lastError;
public void schedule(final Throwable originalCause) {
assert host.healthCheckConfig != null;
// Use retry strategy to utilize jitter.
retryWithConstantBackoffDeltaJitter(cause -> true,
.apply(0, originalCause)
// Remove any state from async context
.beforeOnSubscribe(__ -> AsyncContext.clear())
.concat(connectionFactory.newConnection(host.address, null, null)
// There is no risk for StackOverflowError because result of each connection
// attempt will be invoked on IoExecutor as a new task.
cause -> {
LOGGER.debug("{}: health check failed for {}.",
host.lbDescription, host, cause);
return true;
.flatMapCompletable(newCnx -> {
if (host.addConnection(newCnx, this)) {"{}: health check passed for {}, marked this " +
"host as ACTIVE for the selection algorithm.",
host.lbDescription, host);
return completed();
} else {
// This happens only if the host is closed, no need to mark as healthy.
assert host.connState.state == State.CLOSED;
LOGGER.debug("{}: health check passed for {}, but the " +
"host rejected a new connection {}. Closing it now.",
host.lbDescription, host, newCnx);
return newCnx.closeAsync();
// Use onErrorComplete instead of whenOnError to avoid double logging of an error inside
// subscribe(): SimpleCompletableSubscriber.
.onErrorComplete(t -> {
LOGGER.error("{}: health check terminated with " +
"an unexpected error for {}. Marking this host as ACTIVE as a fallback " +
"to allow connection attempts.", host.lbDescription, host, t);
return true;
public String toString() {
return "UNHEALTHY(" + lastError + ')';
private static final class ConnState {
final Object[] connections;
final Object state;
ConnState(final Object[] connections, final Object state) {
this.connections = connections;
this.state = state;
public String toString() {
return "ConnState{" +
"state=" + state +
", #connections=" + connections.length +
private static final class StacklessNoAvailableHostException extends NoAvailableHostException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5942960040738091793L;
private StacklessNoAvailableHostException(final String message) {
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
return this;
public static StacklessNoAvailableHostException newInstance(String message, Class> clazz, String method) {
return ThrowableUtils.unknownStackTrace(new StacklessNoAvailableHostException(message), clazz, method);
private static final class StacklessNoActiveHostException extends NoActiveHostException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7500474499335155869L;
private StacklessNoActiveHostException(final String message) {
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
return this;
public static StacklessNoActiveHostException newInstance(String message, Class> clazz, String method) {
return ThrowableUtils.unknownStackTrace(new StacklessNoActiveHostException(message), clazz, method);
private static final class StacklessConnectionRejectedException extends ConnectionRejectedException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4940708893680455819L;
private StacklessConnectionRejectedException(final String message) {
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
return this;
public static StacklessConnectionRejectedException newInstance(String message, Class> clazz, String method) {
return ThrowableUtils.unknownStackTrace(new StacklessConnectionRejectedException(message), clazz, method);
private static boolean isClosedList(List> list) {
return list.getClass().equals(ClosedList.class);
private static final class ClosedList implements List {
private final List delegate;
private ClosedList(final List delegate) {
this.delegate = requireNonNull(delegate);
public int size() {
return delegate.size();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return delegate.isEmpty();
public boolean contains(final Object o) {
return delegate.contains(o);
public Iterator iterator() {
return delegate.iterator();
public void forEach(final Consumer super T> action) {
public Object[] toArray() {
return delegate.toArray();
public T1[] toArray(final T1[] a) {
return delegate.toArray(a);
public boolean add(final T t) {
return delegate.add(t);
public boolean remove(final Object o) {
return delegate.remove(o);
public boolean containsAll(final Collection> c) {
return delegate.containsAll(c);
public boolean addAll(final Collection extends T> c) {
return delegate.addAll(c);
public boolean addAll(final int index, final Collection extends T> c) {
return delegate.addAll(c);
public boolean removeAll(final Collection> c) {
return delegate.removeAll(c);
public boolean removeIf(final Predicate super T> filter) {
return delegate.removeIf(filter);
public boolean retainAll(final Collection> c) {
return delegate.retainAll(c);
public void replaceAll(final UnaryOperator operator) {
public void sort(final Comparator super T> c) {
public void clear() {
public T get(final int index) {
return delegate.get(index);
public T set(final int index, final T element) {
return delegate.set(index, element);
public void add(final int index, final T element) {
delegate.add(index, element);
public T remove(final int index) {
return delegate.remove(index);
public int indexOf(final Object o) {
return delegate.indexOf(o);
public int lastIndexOf(final Object o) {
return delegate.lastIndexOf(o);
public ListIterator listIterator() {
return delegate.listIterator();
public ListIterator listIterator(final int index) {
return delegate.listIterator(index);
public List subList(final int fromIndex, final int toIndex) {
return new ClosedList<>(delegate.subList(fromIndex, toIndex));
public Spliterator spliterator() {
return delegate.spliterator();
public Stream stream() {
public Stream parallelStream() {
return delegate.parallelStream();