Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2005 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This class represents a point on the unit sphere as a pair of
* latitude-longitude coordinates. Like the rest of the "geometry" package, the
* intent is to represent spherical geometry as a mathematical abstraction, so
* functions that are specifically related to the Earth's geometry (e.g.
* easting/northing conversions) should be put elsewhere.
public strictfp class S2LatLng {
* Approximate "effective" radius of the Earth in meters.
public static final double EARTH_RADIUS_METERS = 6367000.0;
/** The center point the lat/lng coordinate system. */
public static final S2LatLng CENTER = new S2LatLng(0.0, 0.0);
private final double latRadians;
private final double lngRadians;
public static S2LatLng fromRadians(double latRadians, double lngRadians) {
return new S2LatLng(latRadians, lngRadians);
public static S2LatLng fromDegrees(double latDegrees, double lngDegrees) {
return new S2LatLng(S1Angle.degrees(latDegrees), S1Angle.degrees(lngDegrees));
public static S2LatLng fromE5(long latE5, long lngE5) {
return new S2LatLng(S1Angle.e5(latE5), S1Angle.e5(lngE5));
public static S2LatLng fromE6(long latE6, long lngE6) {
return new S2LatLng(S1Angle.e6(latE6), S1Angle.e6(lngE6));
public static S2LatLng fromE7(long latE7, long lngE7) {
return new S2LatLng(S1Angle.e7(latE7), S1Angle.e7(lngE7));
public static S1Angle latitude(S2Point p) {
// We use atan2 rather than asin because the input vector is not necessarily
// unit length, and atan2 is much more accurate than asin near the poles.
return S1Angle.radians(
Math.atan2(p.get(2), Math.sqrt(p.get(0) * p.get(0) + p.get(1) * p.get(1))));
public static S1Angle longitude(S2Point p) {
// Note that atan2(0, 0) is defined to be zero.
return S1Angle.radians(Math.atan2(p.get(1), p.get(0)));
/** This is internal to avoid ambiguity about which units are expected. */
private S2LatLng(double latRadians, double lngRadians) {
this.latRadians = latRadians;
this.lngRadians = lngRadians;
* Basic constructor. The latitude and longitude must be within the ranges
* allowed by is_valid() below.
* TODO(dbeaumont): Make this a static factory method (fromLatLng() ?).
public S2LatLng(S1Angle lat, S1Angle lng) {
this(lat.radians(), lng.radians());
* Default constructor for convenience when declaring arrays, etc.
* TODO(dbeaumont): Remove the default constructor (just use CENTER).
public S2LatLng() {
this(0, 0);
* Convert a point (not necessarily normalized) to an S2LatLng.
* TODO(dbeaumont): Make this a static factory method (fromPoint() ?).
public S2LatLng(S2Point p) {
this(Math.atan2(p.z, Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y)), Math.atan2(p.y, p.x));
// The latitude and longitude are already normalized. We use atan2 to
// compute the latitude because the input vector is not necessarily unit
// length, and atan2 is much more accurate than asin near the poles.
// Note that atan2(0, 0) is defined to be zero.
/** Returns the latitude of this point as a new S1Angle. */
public S1Angle lat() {
return S1Angle.radians(latRadians);
/** Returns the latitude of this point as radians. */
public double latRadians() {
return latRadians;
/** Returns the latitude of this point as degrees. */
public double latDegrees() {
return 180.0 / Math.PI * latRadians;
/** Returns the longitude of this point as a new S1Angle. */
public S1Angle lng() {
return S1Angle.radians(lngRadians);
/** Returns the longitude of this point as radians. */
public double lngRadians() {
return lngRadians;
/** Returns the longitude of this point as degrees. */
public double lngDegrees() {
return 180.0 / Math.PI * lngRadians;
* Return true if the latitude is between -90 and 90 degrees inclusive and the
* longitude is between -180 and 180 degrees inclusive.
public boolean isValid() {
return Math.abs(lat().radians()) <= S2.M_PI_2 && Math.abs(lng().radians()) <= S2.M_PI;
* Returns a new S2LatLng based on this instance for which {@link #isValid()}
* will be {@code true}.
* - Latitude is clipped to the range {@code [-90, 90]}
- Longitude is normalized to be in the range {@code [-180, 180]}
* If the current point is valid then the returned point will have the same
* coordinates.
public S2LatLng normalized() {
// drem(x, 2 * S2.M_PI) reduces its argument to the range
// [-S2.M_PI, S2.M_PI] inclusive, which is what we want here.
return new S2LatLng(Math.max(-S2.M_PI_2, Math.min(S2.M_PI_2, lat().radians())),
Math.IEEEremainder(lng().radians(), 2 * S2.M_PI));
// Clamps the latitude to the range [-90, 90] degrees, and adds or subtracts
// a multiple of 360 degrees to the longitude if necessary to reduce it to
// the range [-180, 180].
/** Convert an S2LatLng to the equivalent unit-length vector (S2Point). */
public S2Point toPoint() {
double phi = lat().radians();
double theta = lng().radians();
double cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
return new S2Point(Math.cos(theta) * cosphi, Math.sin(theta) * cosphi, Math.sin(phi));
* Return the distance (measured along the surface of the sphere) to the given
* point.
public S1Angle getDistance(final S2LatLng o) {
// This implements the Haversine formula, which is numerically stable for
// small distances but only gets about 8 digits of precision for very large
// distances (e.g. antipodal points). Note that 8 digits is still accurate
// to within about 10cm for a sphere the size of the Earth.
// This could be fixed with another sin() and cos() below, but at that point
// you might as well just convert both arguments to S2Points and compute the
// distance that way (which gives about 15 digits of accuracy for all
// distances).
double lat1 = lat().radians();
double lat2 =;
double lng1 = lng().radians();
double lng2 = o.lng().radians();
double dlat = Math.sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1));
double dlng = Math.sin(0.5 * (lng2 - lng1));
double x = dlat * dlat + dlng * dlng * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2);
return S1Angle.radians(2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(x), Math.sqrt(Math.max(0.0, 1.0 - x))));
// Return the distance (measured along the surface of the sphere) to the
// given S2LatLng. This is mathematically equivalent to:
// S1Angle::FromRadians(ToPoint().Angle(o.ToPoint())
// but this implementation is slightly more efficient.
* Returns the surface distance to the given point assuming a constant radius.
public double getDistance(final S2LatLng o, double radius) {
// TODO(dbeaumont): Maybe check that radius >= 0 ?
return getDistance(o).radians() * radius;
* Returns the surface distance to the given point assuming the default Earth
* radius of {@link #EARTH_RADIUS_METERS}.
public double getEarthDistance(final S2LatLng o) {
return getDistance(o, EARTH_RADIUS_METERS);
* Adds the given point to this point.
* Note that there is no guarantee that the new point will be valid.
public S2LatLng add(final S2LatLng o) {
return new S2LatLng(latRadians + o.latRadians, lngRadians + o.lngRadians);
* Subtracts the given point from this point.
* Note that there is no guarantee that the new point will be valid.
public S2LatLng sub(final S2LatLng o) {
return new S2LatLng(latRadians - o.latRadians, lngRadians - o.lngRadians);
* Scales this point by the given scaling factor.
* Note that there is no guarantee that the new point will be valid.
public S2LatLng mul(final double m) {
// TODO(dbeaumont): Maybe check that m >= 0 ?
return new S2LatLng(latRadians * m, lngRadians * m);
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if (that instanceof S2LatLng) {
S2LatLng o = (S2LatLng) that;
return (latRadians == o.latRadians) && (lngRadians == o.lngRadians);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
long value = 17;
value += 37 * value + Double.doubleToLongBits(latRadians);
value += 37 * value + Double.doubleToLongBits(lngRadians);
return (int) (value ^ (value >>> 32));
* Returns true if both the latitude and longitude of the given point are
* within {@code maxError} radians of this point.
public boolean approxEquals(S2LatLng o, double maxError) {
return (Math.abs(latRadians - o.latRadians) < maxError)
&& (Math.abs(lngRadians - o.lngRadians) < maxError);
* Returns true if the given point is within {@code 1e-9} radians of this
* point. This corresponds to a distance of less than {@code 1cm} at the
* surface of the Earth.
public boolean approxEquals(S2LatLng o) {
return approxEquals(o, 1e-9);
public String toString() {
return "(" + latRadians + ", " + lngRadians + ")";
public String toStringDegrees() {
return "(" + latDegrees() + ", " + lngDegrees() + ")";