Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* An S2Polygon is an S2Region object that represents a polygon. A polygon
* consists of zero or more {@link S2Loop loops} representing "shells" and
* "holes". All loops should be oriented CCW, i.e. the shell or hole is on the
* left side of the loop. Loops may be specified in any order. A point is
* defined to be inside the polygon if it is contained by an odd number of
* loops.
* Polygons have the following restrictions:
* - Loops may not cross, i.e. the boundary of a loop may not intersect both
* the interior and exterior of any other loop.
* - Loops may not share edges, i.e. if a loop contains an edge AB, then no
* other loop may contain AB or BA.
* - No loop may cover more than half the area of the sphere. This ensures that
* no loop properly contains the complement of any other loop, even if the loops
* are from different polygons. (Loops that represent exact hemispheres are
* allowed.)
* Loops may share vertices, however no vertex may appear twice in a single
* loop.
public final strictfp class S2Polygon implements S2Region, Comparable {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(S2Polygon.class.getCanonicalName());
private List loops;
private S2LatLngRect bound;
private boolean hasHoles;
private int numVertices;
* Creates an empty polygon that should be initialized by calling Init().
public S2Polygon() {
this.loops = Lists.newArrayList();
this.bound = S2LatLngRect.empty();
this.hasHoles = false;
this.numVertices = 0;
* Convenience constructor that calls Init() with the given loops. Clears the
* given list.
public S2Polygon(List loops) {
this.loops = Lists.newArrayList();
this.bound = S2LatLngRect.empty();
* Copy constructor.
public S2Polygon(S2Loop loop) {
this.loops = Lists.newArrayList();
this.bound = loop.getRectBound();
this.hasHoles = false;
this.numVertices = loop.numVertices();
* Copy constructor.
public S2Polygon(S2Polygon src) {
this.loops = Lists.newArrayList();
this.bound = src.getRectBound();
this.hasHoles = src.hasHoles;
this.numVertices = src.numVertices;
for (int i = 0; i < src.numLoops(); ++i) {
loops.add(new S2Loop(src.loop(i)));
* Comparator (needed by Comparable interface). For two polygons to be
* compared as equal: - the must have the same number of loops; - the loops
* must be ordered in the same way (this is guaranteed by the total ordering
* imposed by sortValueLoops). - loops must be logically equivalent (even if
* ordered with a different starting point, e.g. ABCD and BCDA).
public int compareTo(S2Polygon other) {
// If number of loops differ, use that.
if (this.numLoops() != other.numLoops()) {
return this.numLoops() - other.numLoops();
for (int i = 0; i < this.numLoops(); ++i) {
int compare = this.loops.get(i).compareTo(other.loops.get(i));
if (compare != 0) {
return compare;
return 0;
* Initialize a polygon by taking ownership of the given loops and clearing
* the given list. This method figures out the loop nesting hierarchy and then
* reorders the loops by following a preorder traversal. This implies that
* each loop is immediately followed by its descendants in the nesting
* hierarchy. (See also getParent and getLastDescendant.)
public void init(List loops) {
// assert isValid(loops);
// assert (this.loops.isEmpty());
Map> loopMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// Yes, a null key is valid. It is used here to refer to the root of the
// loopMap
loopMap.put(null, Lists.newArrayList());
for (S2Loop loop : loops) {
insertLoop(loop, null, loopMap);
this.numVertices += loop.numVertices();
// Sort all of the lists of loops; in this way we guarantee a total ordering
// on loops in the polygon. Loops will be sorted by their natural ordering,
// while also preserving the requirement that each loop is immediately
// followed by its descendants in the nesting hierarchy.
// TODO(andriy): as per kirilll in CL 18750833 code review comments:
// This should work for now, but I think it's possible to guarantee the
// correct order inside insertLoop by searching for the correct position in
// the children list before inserting.
// Reorder the loops in depth-first traversal order.
// Starting at null == starting at the root
initLoop(null, -1, loopMap);
// TODO(dbeaumont): Add tests or preconditions for these asserts (here and elesewhere).
// forall i != j : containsChild(loop(i), loop(j), loopMap) == loop(i).containsNested(loop(j)));
// Compute the bounding rectangle of the entire polygon.
hasHoles = false;
bound = S2LatLngRect.empty();
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
if (loop(i).sign() < 0) {
hasHoles = true;
} else {
bound = bound.union(loop(i).getRectBound());
* Release ownership of the loops of this polygon by appending them to the
* given list. Resets the polygon to be empty.
public void release(List loops) {
bound = S2LatLngRect.empty();
hasHoles = false;
numVertices = 0;
* Return true if the given loops form a valid polygon. Assumes that that all
* of the given loops have already been validated.
public static boolean isValid(final List loops) {
// If a loop contains an edge AB, then no other loop may contain AB or BA.
// We only need this test if there are at least two loops, assuming that
// each loop has already been validated.
if (loops.size() > 1) {
Map edges = Maps.newHashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < loops.size(); ++i) {
S2Loop lp = loops.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < lp.numVertices(); ++j) {
UndirectedEdge key = new UndirectedEdge(lp.vertex(j), lp.vertex(j + 1));
LoopVertexIndexPair value = new LoopVertexIndexPair(i, j);
if (edges.containsKey(key)) {
LoopVertexIndexPair other = edges.get(key);
"Duplicate edge: loop " + i + ", edge " + j + " and loop " + other.getLoopIndex()
+ ", edge " + other.getVertexIndex());
return false;
} else {
edges.put(key, value);
// Verify that no loop covers more than half of the sphere, and that no
// two loops cross.
for (int i = 0; i < loops.size(); ++i) {
if (!loops.get(i).isNormalized()) {"Loop " + i + " encloses more than half the sphere");
return false;
for (int j = i + 1; j < loops.size(); ++j) {
// This test not only checks for edge crossings, it also detects
// cases where the two boundaries cross at a shared vertex.
if (loops.get(i).containsOrCrosses(loops.get(j)) < 0) {"Loop " + i + " crosses loop " + j);
return false;
return true;
public int numLoops() {
return loops.size();
public S2Loop loop(int k) {
return loops.get(k);
* Return the index of the parent of loop k, or -1 if it has no parent.
public int getParent(int k) {
int depth = loop(k).depth();
if (depth == 0) {
return -1; // Optimization.
while (--k >= 0 && loop(k).depth() >= depth) {
// spin
return k;
* Return the index of the last loop that is contained within loop k. Returns
* num_loops() - 1 if k < 0. Note that loops are indexed according to a
* preorder traversal of the nesting hierarchy, so the immediate children of
* loop k can be found by iterating over loops (k+1)..getLastDescendant(k) and
* selecting those whose depth is equal to (loop(k).depth() + 1).
public int getLastDescendant(int k) {
if (k < 0) {
return numLoops() - 1;
int depth = loop(k).depth();
while (++k < numLoops() && loop(k).depth() > depth) {
// spin
return k - 1;
private S2AreaCentroid getAreaCentroid(boolean doCentroid) {
double areaSum = 0;
S2Point centroidSum = new S2Point(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
S2AreaCentroid areaCentroid = doCentroid ? loop(i).getAreaAndCentroid() : null;
double loopArea = doCentroid ? areaCentroid.getArea() : loop(i).getArea();
int loopSign = loop(i).sign();
areaSum += loopSign * loopArea;
if (doCentroid) {
S2Point currentCentroid = areaCentroid.getCentroid();
centroidSum =
new S2Point(centroidSum.x + loopSign * currentCentroid.x,
centroidSum.y + loopSign * currentCentroid.y,
centroidSum.z + loopSign * currentCentroid.z);
return new S2AreaCentroid(areaSum, doCentroid ? centroidSum : null);
* Return the area of the polygon interior, i.e. the region on the left side
* of an odd number of loops (this value return value is between 0 and 4*Pi)
* and the true centroid of the polygon multiplied by the area of the polygon
* (see s2.h for details on centroids). Note that the centroid may not be
* contained by the polygon.
public S2AreaCentroid getAreaAndCentroid() {
return getAreaCentroid(true);
* Return the area of the polygon interior, i.e. the region on the left side
* of an odd number of loops. The return value is between 0 and 4*Pi.
public double getArea() {
return getAreaCentroid(false).getArea();
* Return the true centroid of the polygon multiplied by the area of the
* polygon (see s2.h for details on centroids). Note that the centroid may not
* be contained by the polygon.
public S2Point getCentroid() {
return getAreaCentroid(true).getCentroid();
* Returns the shortest distance from a point P to this polygon, given as the
* angle formed between P, the origin and the nearest point on the polygon to
* P. This angle in radians is equivalent to the arclength along the unit
* sphere.
* If the point is contained inside the polygon, the distance returned is 0.
public S1Angle getDistance(S2Point p) {
if (contains(p)) {
return S1Angle.radians(0);
// The furthest point from p on the sphere is its antipode, which is an
// angle of PI radians. This is an upper bound on the angle.
S1Angle minDistance = S1Angle.radians(Math.PI);
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); i++) {
minDistance = S1Angle.min(minDistance, loop(i).getDistance(p));
return minDistance;
* Return true if this polygon contains the given other polygon, i.e. if
* polygon A contains all points contained by polygon B.
public boolean contains(S2Polygon b) {
// If both polygons have one loop, use the more efficient S2Loop method.
// Note that S2Loop.contains does its own bounding rectangle check.
if (numLoops() == 1 && b.numLoops() == 1) {
return loop(0).contains(b.loop(0));
// Otherwise if neither polygon has holes, we can still use the more
// efficient S2Loop::Contains method (rather than ContainsOrCrosses),
// but it's worthwhile to do our own bounds check first.
if (!bound.contains(b.getRectBound())) {
// If the union of the bounding boxes spans the full longitude range,
// it is still possible that polygon A contains B. (This is only
// possible if at least one polygon has multiple shells.)
if (!bound.lng().union(b.getRectBound().lng()).isFull()) {
return false;
if (!hasHoles && !b.hasHoles) {
for (int j = 0; j < b.numLoops(); ++j) {
if (!anyLoopContains(b.loop(j))) {
return false;
return true;
// This could be implemented more efficiently for polygons with lots of
// holes by keeping a copy of the LoopMap computed during initialization.
// However, in practice most polygons are one loop, and multiloop polygons
// tend to consist of many shells rather than holes. In any case, the real
// way to get more efficiency is to implement a sub-quadratic algorithm
// such as building a trapezoidal map.
// Every shell of B must be contained by an odd number of loops of A,
// and every hole of A must be contained by an even number of loops of B.
return containsAllShells(b) && b.excludesAllHoles(this);
* Return true if this polygon intersects the given other polygon, i.e. if
* there is a point that is contained by both polygons.
public boolean intersects(S2Polygon b) {
// A.intersects(B) if and only if !complement(A).contains(B). However,
// implementing a complement() operation is trickier than it sounds,
// and in any case it's more efficient to test for intersection directly.
// If both polygons have one loop, use the more efficient S2Loop method.
// Note that S2Loop.intersects does its own bounding rectangle check.
if (numLoops() == 1 && b.numLoops() == 1) {
return loop(0).intersects(b.loop(0));
// Otherwise if neither polygon has holes, we can still use the more
// efficient S2Loop.intersects method. The polygons intersect if and
// only if some pair of loop regions intersect.
if (!bound.intersects(b.getRectBound())) {
return false;
if (!hasHoles && !b.hasHoles) {
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < b.numLoops(); ++j) {
if (loop(i).intersects(b.loop(j))) {
return true;
return false;
// Otherwise if any shell of B is contained by an odd number of loops of A,
// or any shell of A is contained by an odd number of loops of B, there is
// an intersection.
return intersectsAnyShell(b) || b.intersectsAnyShell(this);
* Indexing structure to efficiently clipEdge() of a polygon. This is an
* abstract class because we need to use if for both polygons (for
* initToIntersection() and friends) and for sets of lists of points (for
* initToSimplified()).
* Usage -- in your subclass, create an array of vertex counts for each loop
* in the loop sequence and pass it to this constructor. Overwrite
* edgeFromTo(), calling decodeIndex() and use the resulting two indices to
* access your accessing vertices.
private abstract static class S2LoopSequenceIndex extends S2EdgeIndex {
/** Map from the unidimensional edge index to the loop this edge belongs to. */
private final int[] indexToLoop;
* Reverse of indexToLoop: maps a loop index to the unidimensional index
* of the first edge in the loop.
private final int[] loopToFirstIndex;
* Must be called by each subclass with the array of vertices per loop. The
* length of the array is the number of loops, and the i
* th loop's vertex count is in the i
* th index of the array.
public S2LoopSequenceIndex(int[] numVertices) {
int totalEdges = 0;
for (int edges : numVertices) {
totalEdges += edges;
indexToLoop = new int[totalEdges];
loopToFirstIndex = new int[numVertices.length];
totalEdges = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numVertices.length; j++) {
loopToFirstIndex[j] = totalEdges;
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices[j]; i++) {
indexToLoop[totalEdges] = j;
public final LoopVertexIndexPair decodeIndex(int index) {
int loopIndex = indexToLoop[index];
int vertexInLoop = index - loopToFirstIndex[loopIndex];
return new LoopVertexIndexPair(loopIndex, vertexInLoop);
// It is faster to return both vertices at once. It makes a difference
// for small polygons.
public abstract S2Edge edgeFromTo(int index);
public final int getNumEdges() {
return indexToLoop.length;
public S2Point edgeFrom(int index) {
S2Edge fromTo = edgeFromTo(index);
S2Point from = fromTo.getStart();
return from;
protected S2Point edgeTo(int index) {
S2Edge fromTo = edgeFromTo(index);
S2Point to = fromTo.getEnd();
return to;
// Indexing structure for an S2Polygon.
private static final class S2PolygonIndex extends S2LoopSequenceIndex {
private final S2Polygon poly;
private final boolean reverse;
private static int[] getVertices(S2Polygon poly) {
int[] vertices = new int[poly.numLoops()];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
vertices[i] = poly.loop(i).numVertices();
return vertices;
public S2PolygonIndex(S2Polygon poly, boolean reverse) {
this.poly = poly;
this.reverse = reverse;
public S2Edge edgeFromTo(int index) {
LoopVertexIndexPair indices = decodeIndex(index);
int loopIndex = indices.getLoopIndex();
int vertexInLoop = indices.getVertexIndex();
S2Loop loop = poly.loop(loopIndex);
int fromIndex;
int toIndex;
if (loop.isHole() ^ reverse) {
fromIndex = loop.numVertices() - 1 - vertexInLoop;
toIndex = 2 * loop.numVertices() - 2 - vertexInLoop;
} else {
fromIndex = vertexInLoop;
toIndex = vertexInLoop + 1;
S2Point from = loop.vertex(fromIndex);
S2Point to = loop.vertex(toIndex);
return new S2Edge(from, to);
private static void addIntersection(S2Point a0,
S2Point a1,
S2Point b0,
S2Point b1,
boolean addSharedEdges,
int crossing,
List intersections) {
if (crossing > 0) {
// There is a proper edge crossing.
S2Point x = S2EdgeUtil.getIntersection(a0, a1, b0, b1);
double t = S2EdgeUtil.getDistanceFraction(x, a0, a1);
intersections.add(new ParametrizedS2Point(t, x));
} else if (S2EdgeUtil.vertexCrossing(a0, a1, b0, b1)) {
// There is a crossing at one of the vertices. The basic rule is simple:
// if a0 equals one of the "b" vertices, the crossing occurs at t=0;
// otherwise, it occurs at t=1.
// This has the effect that when two symmetric edges are encountered (an
// edge an its reverse), neither one is included in the output. When two
// duplicate edges are encountered, both are included in the output. The
// "addSharedEdges" flag allows one of these two copies to be removed by
// changing its intersection parameter from 0 to 1.
double t = (a0 == b0 || a0 == b1) ? 0 : 1;
if (!addSharedEdges && a1 == b1) {
t = 1;
intersections.add(new ParametrizedS2Point(t, t == 0 ? a0 : a1));
* Find all points where the polygon B intersects the edge (a0,a1), and add
* the corresponding parameter values (in the range [0,1]) to "intersections".
private static void clipEdge(final S2Point a0, final S2Point a1, S2LoopSequenceIndex bIndex,
boolean addSharedEdges, List intersections) {
S2LoopSequenceIndex.DataEdgeIterator it = new S2LoopSequenceIndex.DataEdgeIterator(bIndex);
it.getCandidates(a0, a1);
S2EdgeUtil.EdgeCrosser crosser = new S2EdgeUtil.EdgeCrosser(a0, a1, a0);
S2Point from = null;
S2Point to = null;
for (; it.hasNext(); {
S2Point previousTo = to;
S2Edge fromTo = bIndex.edgeFromTo(it.index());
from = fromTo.getStart();
to = fromTo.getEnd();
if (previousTo != from) {
int crossing = crosser.robustCrossing(to);
if (crossing < 0) {
addIntersection(a0, a1, from, to, addSharedEdges, crossing, intersections);
* Clip the boundary of A to the interior of B, and add the resulting edges to
* "builder". Shells are directed CCW and holes are directed clockwise, unless
* "reverseA" or "reverseB" is true in which case these directions in the
* corresponding polygon are reversed. If "invertB" is true, the boundary of A
* is clipped to the exterior rather than the interior of B. If
* "adSharedEdges" is true, then the output will include any edges that are
* shared between A and B (both edges must be in the same direction after any
* edge reversals are taken into account).
private static void clipBoundary(final S2Polygon a,
boolean reverseA,
final S2Polygon b,
boolean reverseB,
boolean invertB,
boolean addSharedEdges,
S2PolygonBuilder builder) {
S2PolygonIndex bIndex = new S2PolygonIndex(b, reverseB);
List intersections = Lists.newArrayList();
for (S2Loop aLoop : a.loops) {
int n = aLoop.numVertices();
int dir = (aLoop.isHole() ^ reverseA) ? -1 : 1;
boolean inside = b.contains(aLoop.vertex(0)) ^ invertB;
for (int j = (dir > 0) ? 0 : n; n > 0; --n, j += dir) {
S2Point a0 = aLoop.vertex(j);
S2Point a1 = aLoop.vertex(j + dir);
clipEdge(a0, a1, bIndex, addSharedEdges, intersections);
if (inside) {
intersections.add(new ParametrizedS2Point(0.0, a0));
inside = ((intersections.size() & 0x1) == 0x1);
// assert ((b.contains(a1) ^ invertB) == inside);
if (inside) {
intersections.add(new ParametrizedS2Point(1.0, a1));
// Remove duplicates and produce a list of unique intersections.
for (int size = intersections.size(), i = 1; i < size; i += 2) {
builder.addEdge(intersections.get(i - 1).getPoint(), intersections.get(i).getPoint());
* Returns total number of vertices in all loops.
public int getNumVertices() {
return this.numVertices;
* Initialize this polygon to the intersection, union, or difference (A - B)
* of the given two polygons. The "vertexMergeRadius" determines how close two
* vertices must be to be merged together and how close a vertex must be to an
* edge in order to be spliced into it (see S2PolygonBuilder for details). By
* default, the merge radius is just large enough to compensate for errors
* that occur when computing intersection points between edges
* If you are going to convert the resulting polygon to a lower-precision
* format, it is necessary to increase the merge radius in order to get a
* valid result after rounding (i.e. no duplicate vertices, etc). For example,
* if you are going to convert them to geostore.PolygonProto format, then
* S1Angle.e7(1) is a good value for "vertex_merge_radius".
public void initToIntersection(final S2Polygon a, final S2Polygon b) {
initToIntersectionSloppy(a, b, S2EdgeUtil.DEFAULT_INTERSECTION_TOLERANCE);
public void initToIntersectionSloppy(
final S2Polygon a, final S2Polygon b, S1Angle vertexMergeRadius) {
Preconditions.checkState(numLoops() == 0);
if (!a.bound.intersects(b.bound)) {
// We want the boundary of A clipped to the interior of B,
// plus the boundary of B clipped to the interior of A,
// plus one copy of any directed edges that are in both boundaries.
S2PolygonBuilder.Options options = S2PolygonBuilder.Options.DIRECTED_XOR;
S2PolygonBuilder builder = new S2PolygonBuilder(options);
clipBoundary(a, false, b, false, false, true, builder);
clipBoundary(b, false, a, false, false, false, builder);
if (!builder.assemblePolygon(this, null)) {
// TODO (andriy): do something more meaningful here.
log.severe("Bad directed edges");
public void initToUnion(final S2Polygon a, final S2Polygon b) {
public void initToUnionSloppy(final S2Polygon a, final S2Polygon b, S1Angle vertexMergeRadius) {
Preconditions.checkState(numLoops() == 0);
// We want the boundary of A clipped to the exterior of B,
// plus the boundary of B clipped to the exterior of A,
// plus one copy of any directed edges that are in both boundaries.
S2PolygonBuilder.Options options = S2PolygonBuilder.Options.DIRECTED_XOR;
S2PolygonBuilder builder = new S2PolygonBuilder(options);
clipBoundary(a, false, b, false, true, true, builder);
clipBoundary(b, false, a, false, true, false, builder);
if (!builder.assemblePolygon(this, null)) {
// TODO(andriy): do something more meaningful here.
log.severe("Bad directed edges");
* Return a polygon which is the union of the given polygons. Note: clears the
* List!
public static S2Polygon destructiveUnion(List polygons) {
return destructiveUnionSloppy(polygons, S2EdgeUtil.DEFAULT_INTERSECTION_TOLERANCE);
* Return a polygon which is the union of the given polygons; combines
* vertices that form edges that are almost identical, as defined by
* vertexMergeRadius. Note: clears the List!
public static S2Polygon destructiveUnionSloppy(
List polygons, S1Angle vertexMergeRadius) {
// Effectively create a priority queue of polygons in order of number of
// vertices. Repeatedly union the two smallest polygons and add the result
// to the queue until we have a single polygon to return.
// map: # of vertices -> polygon
TreeMultimap queue = TreeMultimap.create();
for (S2Polygon polygon : polygons) {
queue.put(polygon.getNumVertices(), polygon);
Set> queueSet = queue.entries();
while (queueSet.size() > 1) {
// Pop two simplest polygons from queue.
queueSet = queue.entries();
Iterator> smallestIter = queueSet.iterator();
Map.Entry smallest =;
int aSize = smallest.getKey().intValue();
S2Polygon aPolygon = smallest.getValue();
smallest =;
int bSize = smallest.getKey().intValue();
S2Polygon bPolygon = smallest.getValue();
// Union and add result back to queue.
S2Polygon unionPolygon = new S2Polygon();
unionPolygon.initToUnionSloppy(aPolygon, bPolygon, vertexMergeRadius);
int unionSize = aSize + bSize;
queue.put(unionSize, unionPolygon);
// We assume that the number of vertices in the union polygon is the
// sum of the number of vertices in the original polygons, which is not
// always true, but will almost always be a decent approximation, and
// faster than recomputing.
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
return new S2Polygon();
} else {
return queue.get(queue.asMap().firstKey()).first();
public boolean isNormalized() {
Multiset vertices = HashMultiset.create();
S2Loop lastParent = null;
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
S2Loop child = loop(i);
if (child.depth() == 0) {
S2Loop parent = loop(getParent(i));
if (parent != lastParent) {
for (int j = 0; j < parent.numVertices(); ++j) {
lastParent = parent;
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < child.numVertices(); ++j) {
if (vertices.count(child.vertex(j)) > 0) {
if (count > 1) {
return false;
return true;
* Return true if two polygons have the same boundary except for vertex
* perturbations. Both polygons must have loops with the same cyclic vertex
* order and the same nesting hierarchy, but the vertex locations are allowed
* to differ by up to "max_error". Note: This method mostly useful only for
* testing purposes.
boolean boundaryApproxEquals(S2Polygon b, double maxError) {
if (numLoops() != b.numLoops()) {
"!= loops: " + Integer.toString(numLoops()) + " vs. " + Integer.toString(b.numLoops()));
return false;
// For now, we assume that there is at most one candidate match for each
// loop. (So far this method is just used for testing.)
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
S2Loop aLoop = loop(i);
boolean success = false;
for (int j = 0; j < numLoops(); ++j) {
S2Loop bLoop = b.loop(j);
if (bLoop.depth() == aLoop.depth() && bLoop.boundaryApproxEquals(aLoop, maxError)) {
success = true;
if (!success) {
return false;
return true;
// S2Region interface (see for details):
/** Return a bounding spherical cap. */
public S2Cap getCapBound() {
return bound.getCapBound();
/** Return a bounding latitude-longitude rectangle. */
public S2LatLngRect getRectBound() {
return bound;
* If this method returns true, the region completely contains the given cell.
* Otherwise, either the region does not contain the cell or the containment
* relationship could not be determined.
public boolean contains(S2Cell cell) {
if (numLoops() == 1) {
return loop(0).contains(cell);
S2LatLngRect cellBound = cell.getRectBound();
if (!bound.contains(cellBound)) {
return false;
S2Loop cellLoop = new S2Loop(cell, cellBound);
S2Polygon cellPoly = new S2Polygon(cellLoop);
return contains(cellPoly);
* If this method returns false, the region does not intersect the given cell.
* Otherwise, either region intersects the cell, or the intersection
* relationship could not be determined.
public boolean mayIntersect(S2Cell cell) {
if (numLoops() == 1) {
return loop(0).mayIntersect(cell);
S2LatLngRect cellBound = cell.getRectBound();
if (!bound.intersects(cellBound)) {
return false;
S2Loop cellLoop = new S2Loop(cell, cellBound);
S2Polygon cellPoly = new S2Polygon(cellLoop);
return intersects(cellPoly);
* The point 'p' does not need to be normalized.
public boolean contains(S2Point p) {
if (numLoops() == 1) {
return loop(0).contains(p); // Optimization.
if (!bound.contains(p)) {
return false;
boolean inside = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
inside ^= loop(i).contains(p);
if (inside && !hasHoles) {
break; // Shells are disjoint.
return inside;
// For each map entry, sorts the value list.
private static void sortValueLoops(Map> loopMap) {
for (S2Loop key : loopMap.keySet()) {
private static void insertLoop(S2Loop newLoop, S2Loop parent, Map> loopMap) {
List children = loopMap.get(parent);
if (children == null) {
children = Lists.newArrayList();
loopMap.put(parent, children);
for (S2Loop child : children) {
if (child.containsNested(newLoop)) {
insertLoop(newLoop, child, loopMap);
// No loop may contain the complement of another loop. (Handling this case
// is significantly more complicated.)
// assert (parent == null || !newLoop.containsNested(parent));
// Some of the children of the parent loop may now be children of
// the new loop.
List newChildren = loopMap.get(newLoop);
for (int i = 0; i < children.size();) {
S2Loop child = children.get(i);
if (newLoop.containsNested(child)) {
if (newChildren == null) {
newChildren = Lists.newArrayList();
loopMap.put(newLoop, newChildren);
} else {
private void initLoop(S2Loop loop, int depth, Map> loopMap) {
if (loop != null) {
List children = loopMap.get(loop);
if (children != null) {
for (S2Loop child : children) {
initLoop(child, depth + 1, loopMap);
private int containsOrCrosses(S2Loop b) {
boolean inside = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
int result = loop(i).containsOrCrosses(b);
if (result < 0) {
return -1; // The loop boundaries intersect.
if (result > 0) {
inside ^= true;
return inside ? 1 : 0; // True if loop B is contained by the polygon.
/** Return true if any loop contains the given loop. */
private boolean anyLoopContains(S2Loop b) {
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
if (loop(i).contains(b)) {
return true;
return false;
/** Return true if this polygon (A) contains all the shells of B. */
private boolean containsAllShells(S2Polygon b) {
for (int j = 0; j < b.numLoops(); ++j) {
if (b.loop(j).sign() < 0) {
if (containsOrCrosses(b.loop(j)) <= 0) {
// Shell of B is not contained by A, or the boundaries intersect.
return false;
return true;
* Return true if this polygon (A) excludes (i.e. does not intersect) all
* holes of B.
private boolean excludesAllHoles(S2Polygon b) {
for (int j = 0; j < b.numLoops(); ++j) {
if (b.loop(j).sign() > 0) {
if (containsOrCrosses(b.loop(j)) != 0) {
// Hole of B is contained by A, or the boundaries intersect.
return false;
return true;
/** Return true if this polygon (A) intersects any shell of B. */
private boolean intersectsAnyShell(S2Polygon b) {
for (int j = 0; j < b.numLoops(); ++j) {
if (b.loop(j).sign() < 0) {
if (containsOrCrosses(b.loop(j)) != 0) {
// Shell of B is contained by A, or the boundaries intersect.
return true;
return false;
* A human readable representation of the polygon
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Polygon: (").append(numLoops()).append(") loops:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < numLoops(); ++i) {
S2Loop s2Loop = loop(i);
sb.append("loop <\n");
for (int v = 0; v < s2Loop.numVertices(); ++v) {
S2Point s2Point = s2Loop.vertex(v);
sb.append("\n"); // end of vertex
sb.append(">\n"); // end of loop
return sb.toString();
private static final class UndirectedEdge {
// Note: An UndirectedEdge and an S2Edge can never be considered equal (in
// terms of the equals() method) and hence they re not be related types.
// If you need to convert between the types then separate conversion
// methods should be introduced.
private final S2Point a;
private final S2Point b;
public UndirectedEdge(S2Point start, S2Point end) {
this.a = start;
this.b = end;
public S2Point getStart() {
return a;
public S2Point getEnd() {
return b;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Edge: (%s <-> %s)\n or [%s <-> %s]",
a.toDegreesString(), b.toDegreesString(), a, b);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == null || !(o instanceof UndirectedEdge)) {
return false;
UndirectedEdge other = (UndirectedEdge) o;
return ((getStart().equals(other.getStart()) && getEnd().equals(other.getEnd()))
|| (getStart().equals(other.getEnd()) && getEnd().equals(other.getStart())));
public int hashCode() {
return getStart().hashCode() + getEnd().hashCode();
private static final class LoopVertexIndexPair {
private final int loopIndex;
private final int vertexIndex;
public LoopVertexIndexPair(int loopIndex, int vertexIndex) {
this.loopIndex = loopIndex;
this.vertexIndex = vertexIndex;
public int getLoopIndex() {
return loopIndex;
public int getVertexIndex() {
return vertexIndex;
* An S2Point that also has a parameter associated with it, which corresponds
* to a time-like order on the points.
private static final class ParametrizedS2Point implements Comparable {
private final double time;
private final S2Point point;
public ParametrizedS2Point(double time, S2Point point) {
this.time = time;
this.point = point;
public double getTime() {
return time;
public S2Point getPoint() {
return point;
public int compareTo(ParametrizedS2Point o) {
int compareTime =, o.time);
if (compareTime != 0) {
return compareTime;
return point.compareTo(o.point);
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