io.shiftleft.passes.KeyPool.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.shiftleft.passes
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicInteger, AtomicLong}
* A pool of long integers that serve as node ids.
* Using the method `next`, the pool provides the
* next id in a thread-safe manner.
* */
trait KeyPool {
* Returns the next id from the key pool
* */
def next: Long
A key pool that returns the integers of the interval
[first, last] in a thread-safe manner.
* */
class IntervalKeyPool(val first: Long, val last: Long) extends KeyPool {
* Get next number in interval or raise if
* number is larger than `last`
* */
def next: Long = {
if (!valid) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Call to `next` on invalidated IntervalKeyPool.")
val n = cur.incrementAndGet()
if (n > last) {
throw new RuntimeException("Pool exhausted")
} else {
* Split key pool into `numberOfPartitions` partitions
* of mostly equal size. Invalidates the current pool
* to ensure that the user does not continue to use both
* the original pool and pools derived from it via `split`.
def split(numberOfPartitions: Int): Iterator[IntervalKeyPool] = {
valid = false
if (numberOfPartitions == 0) {
} else {
val curFirst = cur.get()
val k = (last - curFirst) / numberOfPartitions
(1 to numberOfPartitions).map { i =>
val poolFirst = curFirst + (i - 1) * k
new IntervalKeyPool(poolFirst, poolFirst + k - 1)
private val cur: AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(first - 1)
private var valid: Boolean = true
* A key pool that returns elements of `seq`
* in order in a thread-safe manner.
* */
class SequenceKeyPool(seq: Seq[Long]) extends KeyPool {
val seqLen: Int = seq.size
var cur = new AtomicInteger(-1)
override def next: Long = {
val i = cur.incrementAndGet()
if (i >= seqLen) {
throw new RuntimeException("Pool exhausted")
} else {
object KeyPoolCreator {
* Divide the keyspace into n intervals and return
* a list of corresponding key pools.
* */
def obtain(n: Long, minValue: Long = 0, maxValue: Long = Long.MaxValue): List[IntervalKeyPool] = {
val nIntervals = Math.max(n, 1)
val intervalLen: Long = (maxValue - minValue) / nIntervals
List.range(0, nIntervals).map { i =>
val first = i * intervalLen + minValue
val last = first + intervalLen - 1
new IntervalKeyPool(first, last)