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package io.shiftleft.passes
import io.shiftleft.SerializedCpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.{Cpg, DiffGraphBuilder}
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory, MDC}
import java.util.function.{BiConsumer, Supplier}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationLong
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
/* CpgPass
* Base class of a program which receives a CPG as input for the purpose of modifying it.
* */
abstract class CpgPass(cpg: Cpg, outName: String = "") extends ForkJoinParallelCpgPass[AnyRef](cpg, outName) {
def run(builder: DiffGraphBuilder): Unit
final override def generateParts(): Array[? <: AnyRef] = Array[AnyRef](null)
final override def runOnPart(builder: DiffGraphBuilder, part: AnyRef): Unit =
override def isParallel: Boolean = false
@deprecated abstract class SimpleCpgPass(cpg: Cpg, outName: String = "") extends CpgPass(cpg, outName)
/* ForkJoinParallelCpgPass is a possible replacement for CpgPass and ParallelCpgPass.
* Instead of returning an Iterator, generateParts() returns an Array. This means that the entire collection
* of parts must live on the heap at the same time; on the other hand, there are no possible issues with iterator invalidation,
* e.g. when running over all METHOD nodes and deleting some of them.
* Instead of streaming writes as ParallelCpgPass do, all `runOnPart` invocations read the initial state
* of the graph. Then all changes (accumulated in the DiffGraphBuilders) are merged into a single change, and applied in one go.
* In other words, the parallelism follows the fork/join parallel map-reduce (java: collect, scala: aggregate) model.
* The effect is identical as if one were to sequentially run `runOnParts` on all output elements of `generateParts()`
* in sequential order, with the same builder.
* This simplifies semantics and makes it easy to reason about possible races.
* Note that ForkJoinParallelCpgPass never writes intermediate results, so one must consider peak memory consumption when porting from ParallelCpgPass.
* Initialization and cleanup of external resources or large datastructures can be done in the `init()` and `finish()`
* methods. This may be better than using the constructor or GC, because e.g. SCPG chains of passes construct
* passes eagerly, and releases them only when the entire chain has run.
* */
abstract class ForkJoinParallelCpgPass[T <: AnyRef](cpg: Cpg, @nowarn outName: String = "") extends CpgPassBase {
type DiffGraphBuilder = io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.DiffGraphBuilder
// generate Array of parts that can be processed in parallel
def generateParts(): Array[? <: AnyRef]
// setup large data structures, acquire external resources
def init(): Unit = {}
// release large data structures and external resources
def finish(): Unit = {}
// main function: add desired changes to builder
def runOnPart(builder: DiffGraphBuilder, part: T): Unit
// Override this to disable parallelism of passes. Useful for debugging.
def isParallel: Boolean = true
override def createAndApply(): Unit = createApplySerializeAndStore(null)
override def runWithBuilder(externalBuilder: DiffGraphBuilder): Int = {
try {
val parts = generateParts()
val nParts = parts.size
nParts match {
case 0 =>
case 1 =>
runOnPart(externalBuilder, parts(0).asInstanceOf[T])
case _ =>
val stream =
if (!isParallel)
val diff = stream.collect(
new Supplier[DiffGraphBuilder] {
override def get(): DiffGraphBuilder =
new BiConsumer[DiffGraphBuilder, AnyRef] {
override def accept(builder: DiffGraphBuilder, part: AnyRef): Unit =
runOnPart(builder, part.asInstanceOf[T])
new BiConsumer[DiffGraphBuilder, DiffGraphBuilder] {
override def accept(leftBuilder: DiffGraphBuilder, rightBuilder: DiffGraphBuilder): Unit =
} finally {
override def createApplySerializeAndStore(serializedCpg: SerializedCpg, prefix: String = ""): Unit = {"Start of pass: $name")
val nanosStart = System.nanoTime()
var nParts = 0
var nanosBuilt = -1L
var nDiff = -1
var nDiffT = -1
try {
val diffGraph = Cpg.newDiffGraphBuilder
nParts = runWithBuilder(diffGraph)
nanosBuilt = System.nanoTime()
nDiff = diffGraph.size
// TODO how about `nDiffT` which seems to count the number of modifications..
// nDiffT = overflowdb.BatchedUpdate
// .applyDiff(cpg.graph, diffGraph, null)
// .transitiveModifications()
flatgraph.DiffGraphApplier.applyDiff(cpg.graph, diffGraph)
} catch {
case exc: Exception =>
baseLogger.error(s"Pass ${name} failed", exc)
throw exc
} finally {
try {
} finally {
// the nested finally is somewhat ugly -- but we promised to clean up with finish(), we want to include finish()
// in the reported timings, and we must have our final log message if finish() throws
val nanosStop = System.nanoTime()
val fracRun = if (nanosBuilt == -1) 0.0 else (nanosStop - nanosBuilt) * 100.0 / (nanosStop - nanosStart + 1)
val serializationString = if (serializedCpg != null && !serializedCpg.isEmpty) {
" Diff serialized and stored."
} else ""
f"Pass $name completed in ${(nanosStop - nanosStart) * 1e-6}%.0f ms (${fracRun}%.0f%% on mutations). ${nDiff}%d + ${nDiffT - nDiff}%d changes committed from ${nParts}%d parts.${serializationString}%s"
trait CpgPassBase {
protected def baseLogger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
def createAndApply(): Unit
def createApplySerializeAndStore(serializedCpg: SerializedCpg, prefix: String = ""): Unit
/** Name of the pass. By default it is inferred from the name of the class, override if needed.
def name: String = getClass.getName
/** Runs the cpg pass, adding changes to the passed builder. Use with caution -- API is unstable. Returns max(nParts,
* 1), where nParts is either the number of parallel parts, or the number of iterarator elements in case of legacy
* passes. Includes init() and finish() logic.
def runWithBuilder(builder: DiffGraphBuilder): Int
/** Wraps runWithBuilder with logging, and swallows raised exceptions. Use with caution -- API is unstable. A return
* value of -1 indicates failure, otherwise the return value of runWithBuilder is passed through.
def runWithBuilderLogged(builder: DiffGraphBuilder): Int = {"Start of pass: $name")
val nanoStart = System.nanoTime()
val size0 = builder.size
Try(runWithBuilder(builder)) match {
case Success(nParts) =>
f"Pass ${name} completed in ${(System.nanoTime() - nanoStart) * 1e-6}%.0f ms. ${builder.size - size0}%d changes generated from ${nParts}%d parts."
case Failure(exception) =>
baseLogger.warn(f"Pass ${name} failed in ${(System.nanoTime() - nanoStart) * 1e-6}%.0f ms", exception)
protected def generateOutFileName(prefix: String, outName: String, index: Int): String = {
val outputName = {
if (outName.isEmpty) {
} else {
prefix + "_" + outputName + "_" + index
protected def store(overlay: GeneratedMessageV3, name: String, serializedCpg: SerializedCpg): Unit = {
if (overlay.getSerializedSize > 0) {
serializedCpg.addOverlay(overlay, name)
protected def withStartEndTimesLogged[A](fun: => A): A = {"Running pass: $name")
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
try {
} finally {
val duration = (System.currentTimeMillis - startTime).millis.toCoarsest
MDC.put("time", duration.toString())"Pass $name completed in $duration")