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package io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.cpgloading
import flatgraph.*
import flatgraph.misc.ConversionException
import flatgraph.misc.Conversions.toShortSafely
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.proto.cpg.Cpg.PropertyValue.ValueCase.*
import io.shiftleft.proto.cpg.Cpg.{CpgOverlay, CpgStruct, PropertyValue}
import io.shiftleft.utils.StringInterner
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
import scala.util.{Try, Using}
object ProtoCpgLoader {
private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
def loadFromProtoZip(fileName: String, storagePath: Option[Path]): Cpg = {
measureAndReport {
Using.Manager { use =>
def cpgProtos: Iterator[CpgStruct] = {
use(new ZipArchive(fileName)) { entry =>
val inputStream = use(Files.newInputStream(entry))
loadFromListOfProtos(() => cpgProtos, storagePath)
/** @param protoCpgs
* is a function because we need to run two passes due to flatgraph-specific implementation details: one to add the
* nodes, and one to add edges and set node properties
def loadFromListOfProtos(protoCpgs: () => Iterator[CpgStruct], storagePath: Option[Path]): Cpg = {
// TODO use centralised string interner everywhere, maybe move to flatgraph core - keep in mind strong references / GC.
implicit val interner: StringInterner = StringInterner.makeStrongInterner()
val protoToGraphNodeMappings = new ProtoToGraphNodeMappings
val cpg = openOrCreateCpg(storagePath)
// first pass: add the raw nodes without any properties or edges
protoCpgs().foreach { cpgProto =>
addNodesRaw(nodesIter(cpgProto), cpg.graph, protoToGraphNodeMappings)
// second pass: set node properties and add edges
val diffGraph = Cpg.newDiffGraphBuilder
protoCpgs().foreach { protoCpg =>
nodesIter(protoCpg).foreach { protoNode =>
val protoNodeId = protoNode.getKey
lazy val gNode = protoToGraphNodeMappings
.getOrElse(throw new ConversionException(s"node with proto node id=$protoNodeId not found in graph"))
protoNode.getPropertyList.iterator().asScala.foreach { protoProperty =>
diffGraph.setNodeProperty(gNode,, extractPropertyValue(protoProperty.getValue()))
protoCpg.getEdgeList.iterator().asScala.foreach { protoEdge =>
List(protoEdge.getSrc, protoEdge.getDst).map(protoToGraphNodeMappings.findGNode) match {
case List(Some(srcNode), Some(dstNode)) =>
diffGraph.addEdge(srcNode, dstNode,, extractEdgePropertyValue(protoEdge))
case _ => // at least one of the nodes doesn't exist in the cpg, most likely because it was filtered out - ignore
DiffGraphApplier.applyDiff(cpg.graph, diffGraph)
def loadFromListOfProtos(cpgs: java.util.List[CpgStruct], storagePath: Option[Path]): Cpg =
loadFromListOfProtos(() => cpgs.asScala.iterator, storagePath)
private def openOrCreateCpg(storagePath: Option[Path]): Cpg = {
storagePath match {
case Some(storagePath) => Cpg.withStorage(storagePath)
case None => Cpg.empty
private def nodesIter(protoCpg: CpgStruct): Iterator[CpgStruct.Node] =
private def addNodesRaw(
protoNodes: Iterator[CpgStruct.Node],
graph: Graph,
protoToGraphNodeMappings: ProtoToGraphNodeMappings
): Unit = {
val diffGraph = Cpg.newDiffGraphBuilder
protoNodes.filterNot(protoToGraphNodeMappings.contains).foreach { protoNode =>
val label =
graph.schema.getNodeKindByLabelMaybe(label) match {
case None =>
logger.warn(s"nodeKind for label=`$label` not found - is this a valid proto cpg?")
case Some(nodeKind) =>
val newNode = new GenericDNode(graph.schema.getNodeKindByLabel(
protoToGraphNodeMappings.add(protoNode, newNode)
DiffGraphApplier.applyDiff(graph, diffGraph)
private def extractPropertyValue(value: PropertyValue)(implicit interner: StringInterner): Any = {
value.getValueCase match {
case INT_VALUE => value.getIntValue
case BOOL_VALUE => value.getBoolValue
case STRING_VALUE => interner.intern(value.getStringValue)
case VALUE_NOT_SET => null
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Error: unsupported property case: " +
/** flatgraph only supports 0..1 edge properties */
private def extractEdgePropertyValue(protoEdge: CpgStruct.Edge)(implicit interner: StringInterner): Any = {
val protoProperties = protoEdge.getPropertyList.asScala
if (protoProperties.isEmpty)
else if (protoProperties.size == 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"flatgraph only supports zero or one edge properties, but the given edge has ${protoProperties.size} properties: $protoProperties"
def loadOverlays(fileName: String): Try[Iterator[CpgOverlay]] =
loadOverlays(fileName, CpgOverlay.parseFrom)
private def loadOverlays[T <: GeneratedMessageV3](fileName: String, f: InputStream => T): Try[Iterator[T]] =
Using(new ZipArchive(fileName)) { zip =>
.map { path =>
val is = Files.newInputStream(path)
private def compareOverlayPath(a: Path, b: Path): Boolean = {
val file1Split: Array[String] = a.toString.replace("/", "").split("_")
val file2Split: Array[String] = b.toString.replace("/", "").split("_")
if (file1Split.length < 2 || file2Split.length < 2)
a.toString < b.toString
file1Split(0).toInt < file2Split(0).toInt
private def measureAndReport[A](f: => A): A = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val result = f"CPG construction finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms.")