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io.sirix.service.json.serialize.JsonSerializer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2011, University of Konstanz, Distributed Systems Group All rights reserved.

* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions * in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of Konstanz nor the names of its contributors may be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. *

* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package io.sirix.service.json.serialize; import io.sirix.access.DatabaseConfiguration; import io.sirix.access.Databases; import io.sirix.access.ResourceConfiguration; import io.sirix.api.ResourceSession; import io.sirix.api.json.JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx; import io.sirix.api.json.JsonNodeTrx; import io.sirix.api.json.JsonResourceSession; import io.sirix.api.visitor.VisitResultType; import io.sirix.axis.IncludeSelf; import io.sirix.node.NodeKind; import io.sirix.service.AbstractSerializer; import io.sirix.service.xml.serialize.XmlSerializerProperties; import io.sirix.settings.Constants; import io.sirix.settings.Fixed; import io.sirix.utils.LogWrapper; import io.sirix.utils.SirixFiles; import io.brackit.query.util.serialize.Serializer; import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import static; import static io.sirix.service.xml.serialize.XmlSerializerProperties.S_INDENT; import static io.sirix.service.xml.serialize.XmlSerializerProperties.S_INDENT_SPACES; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; /** *

* Serializes a subtree into the JSON-format. *

*/ public final class JsonSerializer extends AbstractSerializer { /** * {@link LogWrapper} reference. */ private static final LogWrapper LOGWRAPPER = new LogWrapper(LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonSerializer.class)); /** * OutputStream to write to. */ private final Appendable out; /** * Indent output. */ private final boolean indent; /** * Number of spaces to indent. */ private final int indentSpaces; /** * Determines if serializing with initial indentation. */ private final boolean withInitialIndent; private final boolean emitXQueryResultSequence; private final boolean serializeTimestamp; private final boolean withMetaData; private final boolean withNodeKeyMetaData; private final boolean withNodeKeyAndChildNodeKeyMetaData; private final boolean serializeStartNodeWithBrackets; private boolean hadToAddBracket; private int currentIndent; /** * Private constructor. * * @param resourceMgr resource manager to read the resource * @param builder builder of the JSON serializer */ private JsonSerializer(final JsonResourceSession resourceMgr, final Builder builder) { super(resourceMgr, builder.maxLevel == Long.MAX_VALUE && builder.maxNodes == Long.MAX_VALUE && builder.maxChildNodes == Long.MAX_VALUE ? null : new JsonMaxLevelMaxNodesMaxChildNodesVisitor(builder.startNodeKey, IncludeSelf.YES, builder.maxLevel, builder.maxNodes, builder.maxChildNodes), builder.startNodeKey, builder.version, builder.versions); out =; indent = builder.indent; indentSpaces = builder.indentSpaces; withInitialIndent = builder.initialIndent; emitXQueryResultSequence = builder.emitXQueryResultSequence; serializeTimestamp = builder.serializeTimestamp; withMetaData = builder.withMetaData; withNodeKeyMetaData = builder.withNodeKey; withNodeKeyAndChildNodeKeyMetaData = builder.withNodeKeyAndChildCount; serializeStartNodeWithBrackets = builder.serializeStartNodeWithBrackets; } /** * Emit node. * * @param rtx Sirix {@link JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx} */ @Override public void emitNode(final JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { try { final var hasChildren = rtx.hasChildren(); switch (rtx.getKind()) { case JSON_DOCUMENT: break; case OBJECT: emitMetaData(rtx); if (withMetaDataField() && shouldEmitChildren(hasChildren)) { appendArrayStart(true); } appendObjectStart(shouldEmitChildren(hasChildren)); if (!hasChildren || (visitor != null && ((!hasToSkipSiblings && currentLevel() + 1 > maxLevel()) || ( hasToSkipSiblings && currentLevel() > maxLevel())))) { appendObjectEnd(false); if (withMetaDataField()) { appendObjectEnd(true); } printCommaIfNeeded(rtx); } break; case ARRAY: emitMetaData(rtx); appendArrayStart(shouldEmitChildren(hasChildren)); if (!hasChildren || (visitor != null && ((!hasToSkipSiblings && currentLevel() + 1 > maxLevel()) || ( hasToSkipSiblings && currentLevel() > maxLevel())))) { appendArrayEnd(false); if (withMetaDataField()) { appendObjectEnd(true); } printCommaIfNeeded(rtx); } break; case OBJECT_KEY: if (startNodeKey != Fixed.NULL_NODE_KEY.getStandardProperty() && rtx.getNodeKey() == startNodeKey && serializeStartNodeWithBrackets) { appendObjectStart(hasChildren); hadToAddBracket = true; } if (withMetaDataField()) { if (rtx.hasLeftSibling() && !(startNodeKey != Fixed.NULL_NODE_KEY.getStandardProperty() && rtx.getNodeKey() == startNodeKey)) { appendObjectStart(true); } appendObjectKeyValue(quote("key"), quote(rtx.getName().stringValue())).appendSeparator() .appendObjectKey(quote("metadata")) .appendObjectStart(hasChildren); if (withNodeKeyMetaData || withNodeKeyAndChildNodeKeyMetaData) { appendObjectKeyValue(quote("nodeKey"), String.valueOf(rtx.getNodeKey())); } if (withMetaData) { appendSeparator(); if (rtx.getHash() != 0L) { appendObjectKeyValue(quote("hash"), quote(printHashValue(rtx))); appendSeparator(); } appendObjectKeyValue(quote("type"), quote(rtx.getKind().toString())); if (rtx.getHash() != 0L) { appendSeparator().appendObjectKeyValue(quote("descendantCount"), String.valueOf(rtx.getDescendantCount())); } } appendObjectEnd(hasChildren).appendSeparator(); appendObjectKey(quote("value")); } else { appendObjectKey(quote(rtx.getName().stringValue())); } break; case BOOLEAN_VALUE: case OBJECT_BOOLEAN_VALUE: emitMetaData(rtx); appendObjectValue(Boolean.valueOf(rtx.getValue()).toString()); if (withMetaDataField()) { appendObjectEnd(true); } printCommaIfNeeded(rtx); break; case NULL_VALUE: case OBJECT_NULL_VALUE: emitMetaData(rtx); appendObjectValue("null"); if (withMetaDataField()) { appendObjectEnd(true); } printCommaIfNeeded(rtx); break; case NUMBER_VALUE: case OBJECT_NUMBER_VALUE: emitMetaData(rtx); appendObjectValue(rtx.getValue()); if (withMetaDataField()) { appendObjectEnd(true); } printCommaIfNeeded(rtx); break; case STRING_VALUE: case OBJECT_STRING_VALUE: emitMetaData(rtx); appendObjectValue(quote(StringValue.escape(rtx.getValue()))); if (withMetaDataField()) { appendObjectEnd(true); } printCommaIfNeeded(rtx); break; // $CASES-OMITTED$ default: throw new IllegalStateException("Node kind not known!"); } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private String printHashValue(JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { return String.format("%016x", rtx.getHash()); } private boolean withMetaDataField() { return withMetaData || withNodeKeyMetaData || withNodeKeyAndChildNodeKeyMetaData; } private boolean shouldEmitChildren(boolean hasChildren) { return (visitor == null && hasChildren) || (visitor != null && hasChildren && currentLevel() + 1 <= maxLevel()); } private void emitMetaData(JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) throws IOException { if (withMetaDataField()) { appendObjectStart(true).appendObjectKey(quote("metadata")).appendObjectStart(true); if (withNodeKeyMetaData || withNodeKeyAndChildNodeKeyMetaData) { appendObjectKeyValue(quote("nodeKey"), String.valueOf(rtx.getNodeKey())); if (withMetaData || withNodeKeyAndChildNodeKeyMetaData && (rtx.getKind() == NodeKind.OBJECT || rtx.getKind() == NodeKind.ARRAY)) { appendSeparator(); } } if (withMetaData) { if (rtx.getHash() != 0L) { appendObjectKeyValue(quote("hash"), quote(printHashValue(rtx))); appendSeparator(); } appendObjectKeyValue(quote("type"), quote(rtx.getKind().toString())); if (rtx.getHash() != 0L && (rtx.getKind() == NodeKind.OBJECT || rtx.getKind() == NodeKind.ARRAY)) { appendSeparator().appendObjectKeyValue(quote("descendantCount"), String.valueOf(rtx.getDescendantCount())); } } if (withNodeKeyAndChildNodeKeyMetaData && (rtx.getKind() == NodeKind.OBJECT || rtx.getKind() == NodeKind.ARRAY)) { if (withMetaData) { appendSeparator(); } appendObjectKeyValue(quote("childCount"), String.valueOf(rtx.getChildCount())); } appendObjectEnd(true).appendSeparator().appendObjectKey(quote("value")); } } @Override protected void setTrxForVisitor(JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { castVisitor().setTrx(rtx); } private long maxLevel() { return castVisitor().getMaxLevel(); } private long maxChildNodes() { return castVisitor().getMaxChildNodes(); } private long maxNumberOfNodes() { return castVisitor().getMaxNodes(); } private JsonMaxLevelMaxNodesMaxChildNodesVisitor castVisitor() { return (JsonMaxLevelMaxNodesMaxChildNodesVisitor) visitor; } private long currentLevel() { return castVisitor().getCurrentLevel(); } private long currentChildNodes() { return castVisitor().getCurrentChildNodes(); } private long numberOfVisitedNodesPlusOne() { return castVisitor().getNumberOfVisitedNodesPlusOne(); } @Override protected boolean isSubtreeGoingToBeVisited(final JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { if (rtx.isObjectKey()) { return true; } return visitor == null || (!hasToSkipSiblings && currentLevel() + 1 <= maxLevel()) || (hasToSkipSiblings && currentLevel() <= maxLevel()); } @Override protected boolean areSiblingNodesGoingToBeSkipped(JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { if (rtx.isObjectKey() || visitor == null) { return false; } return currentChildNodes() + 1 > maxChildNodes(); } private void printCommaIfNeeded(final JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) throws IOException { final boolean hasRightSibling = rtx.hasRightSibling(); if (hasRightSibling && rtx.getNodeKey() != startNodeKey && (visitor == null || currentChildNodes() < maxChildNodes() && numberOfVisitedNodesPlusOne() < maxNumberOfNodes())) { appendSeparator(); } } @Override protected void emitEndNode(final JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx, final boolean lastEndNode) { try { final var lastVisitResultType = visitor == null ? null : ((JsonMaxLevelMaxNodesMaxChildNodesVisitor) visitor).getLastVisitResultType(); switch (rtx.getKind()) { case ARRAY -> { if (withMetaDataField()) { appendArrayEnd(true).appendObjectEnd(true); } else { appendArrayEnd(shouldEmitChildren(rtx.hasChildren())); } if (hasToAppendSeparator(rtx, lastVisitResultType, lastEndNode)) { appendSeparator(); } } case OBJECT -> { if (withMetaDataField()) { appendArrayEnd(true).appendObjectEnd(true); } else { appendObjectEnd(shouldEmitChildren(rtx.hasChildren())); } if (hasToAppendSeparator(rtx, lastVisitResultType, lastEndNode)) { appendSeparator(); } } case OBJECT_KEY -> { if ((withMetaDataField() && !(startNodeKey != Fixed.NULL_NODE_KEY.getStandardProperty() && rtx.getNodeKey() == startNodeKey)) || (hadToAddBracket && rtx.getNodeKey() == startNodeKey)) { appendObjectEnd(true); } if (hasToAppendSeparator(rtx, lastVisitResultType, lastEndNode)) { appendSeparator(); } } // $CASES-OMITTED$ default -> { } } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private boolean hasToAppendSeparator(JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx, VisitResultType lastVisitResultType, boolean lastEndNode) { return rtx.hasRightSibling() && rtx.getNodeKey() != startNodeKey && VisitResultType.TERMINATE != lastVisitResultType && (visitor == null || lastEndNode); } @Override protected void emitStartDocument() { try { final int length = (revisions.length == 1 && revisions[0] < 0) ? resMgr.getMostRecentRevisionNumber() : revisions.length; if (length > 1) { appendObjectStart(true); if (indent) { // mOut.append(CharsForSerializing.NEWLINE.getBytes()); stack.push(Constants.NULL_ID_LONG); } appendObjectKey(quote("sirix")); appendArrayStart(true); } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override protected void emitEndDocument() { try { final int length = (revisions.length == 1 && revisions[0] < 0) ? resMgr.getMostRecentRevisionNumber() : revisions.length; if (length > 1) { if (indent) { stack.popLong(); } appendArrayEnd(true).appendObjectEnd(true); } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override protected void emitRevisionStartNode(final @NonNull JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { try { final int length = (revisions.length == 1 && revisions[0] < 0) ? resMgr.getMostRecentRevisionNumber() : revisions.length; if (emitXQueryResultSequence || length > 1) { appendObjectStart(rtx.hasChildren()).appendObjectKeyValue(quote("revisionNumber"), Integer.toString(rtx.getRevisionNumber())) .appendSeparator(); if (serializeTimestamp) { appendObjectKeyValue(quote("revisionTimestamp"), quote(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.withZone(ZoneOffset.UTC) .format(rtx.getRevisionTimestamp()))).appendSeparator(); } appendObjectKey(quote("revision")); if (rtx.hasFirstChild()) { stack.push(Constants.NULL_ID_LONG); } } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override protected void emitRevisionEndNode(final @NonNull JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { try { final int length = (revisions.length == 1 && revisions[0] < 0) ? resMgr.getMostRecentRevisionNumber() : revisions.length; if (emitXQueryResultSequence || length > 1) { if (rtx.moveToDocumentRoot() && rtx.hasFirstChild()) stack.popLong(); appendObjectEnd(rtx.hasChildren()); if (hasMoreRevisionsToSerialize(rtx)) appendSeparator(); } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private boolean hasMoreRevisionsToSerialize(final JsonNodeReadOnlyTrx rtx) { return rtx.getRevisionNumber() < revisions[revisions.length - 1] || (revisions.length == 1 && revisions[0] == -1 && rtx.getRevisionNumber() < rtx.getResourceSession().getMostRecentRevisionNumber()); } /** * Indentation of output. * * @throws IOException if can't indent output */ private void indent() throws IOException { if (indent) { for (int i = 0; i < currentIndent; i++) { out.append(" "); } } } private void newLine() throws IOException { if (indent) { out.append("\n"); indent(); } } private JsonSerializer appendObjectStart(final boolean hasChildren) throws IOException { out.append('{'); if (hasChildren) { currentIndent += indentSpaces; newLine(); } return this; } private JsonSerializer appendObjectEnd(final boolean hasChildren) throws IOException { if (hasChildren) { currentIndent -= indentSpaces; newLine(); } out.append('}'); return this; } private void appendArrayStart(final boolean hasChildren) throws IOException { out.append('['); if (hasChildren) { currentIndent += indentSpaces; newLine(); } } private JsonSerializer appendArrayEnd(final boolean hasChildren) throws IOException { if (hasChildren) { currentIndent -= indentSpaces; newLine(); } out.append(']'); return this; } private JsonSerializer appendObjectKey(String key) throws IOException { out.append(key); if (indent) { out.append(": "); } else { out.append(":"); } return this; } private void appendObjectValue(String value) throws IOException { out.append(value); } private JsonSerializer appendObjectKeyValue(String key, String value) throws IOException { out.append(key); if (indent) { out.append(": "); } else { out.append(":"); } out.append(value); return this; } private JsonSerializer appendSeparator() throws IOException { out.append(','); newLine(); return this; } private String quote(String value) { return "\"" + value + "\""; } /** * Main method. * * @param args args[0] specifies the input-TT file/folder; args[1] specifies the output XML file. * @throws Exception any exception */ public static void main(final String... args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage: JsonSerializer database output.json"); }"Serializing '" + args[0] + "' to '" + args[1] + "' ... "); final long time = System.nanoTime(); final Path target = Paths.get(args[1]); SirixFiles.recursiveRemove(target); Files.createDirectories(target.getParent()); Files.createFile(target); final Path databaseFile = Paths.get(args[0]); final DatabaseConfiguration config = new DatabaseConfiguration(databaseFile); Databases.createJsonDatabase(config); try (final var db = Databases.openJsonDatabase(databaseFile)) { db.createResource(new ResourceConfiguration.Builder("shredded").build()); try (final JsonResourceSession resMgr = db.beginResourceSession("shredded"); final FileWriter outputStream = new FileWriter(target.toFile())) { final JsonSerializer serializer = JsonSerializer.newBuilder(resMgr, outputStream).build();; } }" done [" + (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1_000_000 + "ms]."); } /** * Constructor, setting the necessary stuff. * * @param resMgr Sirix {@link ResourceSession} * @param stream {@link OutputStream} to write to * @param revisions revisions to serialize */ public static Builder newBuilder(final JsonResourceSession resMgr, final Writer stream, final int... revisions) { return new Builder(resMgr, stream, revisions); } /** * Constructor. * * @param resMgr Sirix {@link ResourceSession} * @param nodeKey root node key of subtree to shredder * @param stream {@link OutputStream} to write to * @param properties {@link XmlSerializerProperties} to use * @param revisions revisions to serialize */ public static Builder newBuilder(final JsonResourceSession resMgr, final @NonNegative long nodeKey, final Writer stream, final JsonSerializerProperties properties, final int... revisions) { return new Builder(resMgr, nodeKey, stream, properties, revisions); } /** * JsonSerializerBuilder to setup the JsonSerializer. */ public static final class Builder { /** * Intermediate boolean for indendation, not necessary. */ private boolean indent; /** * Intermediate number of spaces to indent, not necessary. */ private int indentSpaces = 2; /** * Stream to pipe to. */ private final Appendable stream; /** * Resource manager to use. */ private final JsonResourceSession resourceMgr; /** * Further revisions to serialize. */ private int[] versions; /** * Revision to serialize. */ private int version; /** * Node key of subtree to shredder. */ private long startNodeKey; /** * Determines if an initial indent is needed or not. */ private boolean initialIndent; /** * Determines if it's an XQuery result sequence. */ private boolean emitXQueryResultSequence; /** * Determines if a timestamp should be serialized or not. */ private boolean serializeTimestamp; /** * Determines if SirixDB meta data should be serialized for JSON object key nodes or not. */ private boolean withMetaData; /** * Determines the maximum level to up to which to skip subtrees from serialization. */ private long maxLevel; /** * Determines the maximum of nodes to serialize. */ private long maxNodes; /** * Determines if nodeKey meta data should be serialized or not. */ private boolean withNodeKey; /** * Determines if childCount meta data should be serialized or not. */ private boolean withNodeKeyAndChildCount; private boolean serializeStartNodeWithBrackets; private long maxChildNodes; /** * Constructor, setting the necessary stuff. * * @param resourceMgr Sirix {@link ResourceSession} * @param stream {@link OutputStream} to write to * @param revisions revisions to serialize */ public Builder(final JsonResourceSession resourceMgr, final Appendable stream, final int... revisions) { serializeStartNodeWithBrackets = true; maxLevel = Long.MAX_VALUE; startNodeKey = 0; this.resourceMgr = requireNonNull(resourceMgr); = requireNonNull(stream); if (revisions == null || revisions.length == 0) { version = this.resourceMgr.getMostRecentRevisionNumber(); } else { version = revisions[0]; versions = new int[revisions.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(revisions, 1, versions, 0, revisions.length - 1); } maxNodes = Long.MAX_VALUE; maxChildNodes = Long.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Constructor. * * @param resourceMgr Sirix {@link ResourceSession} * @param nodeKey root node key of subtree to shredder * @param stream {@link OutputStream} to write to * @param properties {@link JsonSerializerProperties} to use * @param revisions revisions to serialize */ public Builder(final JsonResourceSession resourceMgr, final @NonNegative long nodeKey, final Writer stream, final JsonSerializerProperties properties, final int... revisions) { checkArgument(nodeKey >= 0, "nodeKey must be >= 0!"); serializeStartNodeWithBrackets = true; maxLevel = -1; this.resourceMgr = requireNonNull(resourceMgr); this.startNodeKey = nodeKey; = requireNonNull(stream); if (revisions == null || revisions.length == 0) { version = this.resourceMgr.getMostRecentRevisionNumber(); } else { version = revisions[0]; versions = new int[revisions.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(revisions, 1, versions, 0, revisions.length - 1); } final ConcurrentMap map = requireNonNull(properties.getProps()); indent = requireNonNull((Boolean) map.get(S_INDENT[0])); indentSpaces = requireNonNull((Integer) map.get(S_INDENT_SPACES[0])); } /** * Specify the start node key. * * @param nodeKey node key to start serialization from (the root of the subtree to serialize) * @return this instance */ public Builder startNodeKey(final long nodeKey) { this.startNodeKey = nodeKey; return this; } /** * Specify the maximum of nodes. * * @param maxNodes max nodes to serialize * @return this XMLSerializerBuilder reference */ public Builder numberOfNodes(final long maxNodes) { this.maxNodes = maxNodes; return this; } /** * If the {@code startNodeKey} denotes an object key node "{}" are added. * * @param serializeStartNodeWithBrackets {@code true}, if brackets should be serialized, {@code false otherwise} * @return this reference */ public Builder serializeStartNodeWithBrackets(final boolean serializeStartNodeWithBrackets) { this.serializeStartNodeWithBrackets = serializeStartNodeWithBrackets; return this; } /** * Specify the maximum level. * * @param maxLevel the maximum level until which to serialize * @return this reference */ public Builder maxLevel(final long maxLevel) { this.maxLevel = maxLevel; return this; } /** * Sets an initial indentation. * * @return this reference */ public Builder withInitialIndent() { initialIndent = true; return this; } /** * Sets the max number of child nodes to serialize. * * @return this reference */ public Builder maxChildren(final long maxChildren) { this.maxChildNodes = maxChildren; return this; } /** * Sets if the serialization is used for XQuery result sets. * * @return this reference */ public Builder isXQueryResultSequence() { emitXQueryResultSequence = true; return this; } /** * Sets if the serialization of timestamps of the revision(s) is used or not. * * @return this reference */ public Builder serializeTimestamp(boolean serializeTimestamp) { this.serializeTimestamp = serializeTimestamp; return this; } /** * Sets if metadata should be serialized or not. * * @return this reference */ public Builder withMetaData(boolean withMetaData) { this.withMetaData = withMetaData; this.withNodeKey = true; this.withNodeKeyAndChildCount = true; return this; } /** * Sets if nodeKey metadata should be serialized or not. * * @return this reference */ public Builder withNodeKeyMetaData(boolean withNodeKey) { this.withNodeKey = withNodeKey; return this; } /** * Sets if nodeKey and childCount metadata should be serialized or not. * * @return this reference */ public Builder withNodeKeyAndChildCountMetaData(boolean withNodeKeyAndChildCount) { this.withNodeKeyAndChildCount = withNodeKeyAndChildCount; return this; } /** * Pretty prints the output. * * @return this reference */ public Builder prettyPrint() { indent = true; return this; } /** * The versions to serialize. * * @param revisions the versions to serialize * @return this {@link Builder} instance */ public Builder revisions(final int[] revisions) { requireNonNull(revisions); version = revisions[0]; versions = new int[revisions.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(revisions, 1, versions, 0, revisions.length - 1); return this; } /** * Building new {@link Serializer} instance. * * @return a new {@link Serializer} instance */ public JsonSerializer build() { return new JsonSerializer(resourceMgr, this); } } }

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