io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.amqp.AmqpCreditBasedSender Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.amqp;
import static io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.amqp.i18n.AMQPExceptions.ex;
import static io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.amqp.i18n.AMQPLogging.log;
import static java.time.Duration.ofSeconds;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Flow.Processor;
import java.util.concurrent.Flow.Subscriber;
import java.util.concurrent.Flow.Subscription;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Message;
import io.opentelemetry.api.OpenTelemetry;
import io.smallrye.common.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.helpers.Subscriptions;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.tuples.Tuple3;
import io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.amqp.ce.AmqpCloudEventHelper;
import io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.amqp.tracing.AmqpOpenTelemetryInstrumenter;
import io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.ce.OutgoingCloudEventMetadata;
import io.vertx.amqp.impl.AmqpMessageImpl;
import io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpSender;
public class AmqpCreditBasedSender implements Processor, Message>>, Subscription {
private final ConnectionHolder holder;
private final Uni retrieveSender;
private final AmqpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration configuration;
private final AmqpConnector connector;
private final AtomicReference upstream = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference>> downstream = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicBoolean once = new AtomicBoolean();
private final boolean durable;
private final long ttl;
private final String configuredAddress;
private final boolean tracingEnabled;
private final boolean mandatoryCloudEventAttributeSet;
private final boolean writeCloudEvents;
private final boolean writeAsBinaryCloudEvent;
private final int retryAttempts;
private final int retryInterval;
private final AmqpOpenTelemetryInstrumenter amqpInstrumenter;
private volatile boolean isAnonymous;
* A flag tracking if we are retrieving the credits for the sender.
* It avoids flooding the broker with credit requests.
private volatile boolean creditRetrievalInProgress = false;
private final long maxInflights;
public AmqpCreditBasedSender(AmqpConnector connector, ConnectionHolder holder,
AmqpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration configuration, Uni retrieveSender,
Instance openTelemetryInstance) {
this.connector = connector;
this.holder = holder;
this.retrieveSender = retrieveSender;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.durable = configuration.getDurable();
this.ttl = configuration.getTtl();
this.configuredAddress = configuration.getAddress().orElseGet(configuration::getChannel);
this.tracingEnabled = configuration.getTracingEnabled();
this.mandatoryCloudEventAttributeSet = configuration.getCloudEventsType().isPresent()
&& configuration.getCloudEventsSource().isPresent();
this.writeCloudEvents = configuration.getCloudEvents();
this.writeAsBinaryCloudEvent = configuration.getCloudEventsMode().equalsIgnoreCase("binary");
this.retryAttempts = configuration.getReconnectAttempts();
this.retryInterval = configuration.getReconnectInterval();
this.maxInflights = configuration.getMaxInflightMessages();
if (tracingEnabled) {
amqpInstrumenter = AmqpOpenTelemetryInstrumenter.createForSender(openTelemetryInstance);
} else {
amqpInstrumenter = null;
public void subscribe(Subscriber super Message>> subscriber) {
if (!downstream.compareAndSet(null, subscriber)) {, ex.illegalStateOnlyOneSubscriberAllowed());
} else {
if (upstream.get() != null) {
private Uni getSenderAndCredits() {
return retrieveSender
.onItem().call(sender -> {
isAnonymous = configuration.getUseAnonymousSender()
.orElseGet(() -> ConnectionHolder.supportAnonymousRelay(sender.connection()));
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
holder.getContext().runOnContext(() -> {
return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(future);
public Uni isConnected() {
return isConnected(true);
public int getHealthTimeout() {
return configuration.getHealthTimeout();
private Uni isConnected(boolean attemptConnection) {
return holder.isConnected()
.chain(ok -> {
if (!ok && attemptConnection) {
// Retry connection, this normally happen during the "send" call
return holder.getOrEstablishConnection()
.chain(x -> isConnected(false));
return Uni.createFrom().item(ok);
public void onSubscribe(Subscription subscription) {
if (this.upstream.compareAndSet(null, subscription)) {
Subscriber super Message>> subscriber = downstream.get();
if (subscriber != null) {
} else {
Subscriber super Message>> subscriber = downstream.get();
if (subscriber != null) {
* Must be called on the context having created the AMQP connection
* @param sender the sender
* @return the remaining credits
private long setCreditsAndRequest(AmqpSender sender) {
long credits = sender.remainingCredits();
Subscription subscription = upstream.get();
if (credits != 0L && subscription != Subscriptions.CANCELLED) {
// Request upfront the sender remaining credits or the max inflights
long request = maxInflights > 0 ? Math.min(credits, maxInflights) : credits;
log.retrievedCreditsForChannel(configuration.getChannel(), credits);
return credits;
if (credits == 0L && subscription != Subscriptions.CANCELLED) {
return 0L;
void requestUpstream() {
Subscription subscription = upstream.get();
if (subscription != null && subscription != Subscriptions.CANCELLED) {
public void onNext(Message> message) {
if (isCancelled()) {
Subscriber super Message>> subscriber = this.downstream.get();
try {
send(message, durable, ttl, configuredAddress, isAnonymous)
.subscribe().with(tuple -> {
if (tuple != null) { // No serialization issue
long remainingCredits = tuple.getItem3();
if (remainingCredits == 0) { // no more credit, request more
} else { // keep the request one more message
} else {
}, subscriber::onError);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Message can be sent - nacking and skipping.
log.serializationFailure(configuration.getChannel(), e);
private void onNoMoreCredit(AmqpSender sender) {
if (!creditRetrievalInProgress) {
creditRetrievalInProgress = true;
holder.getContext().runOnContext(() -> {
if (isCancelled()) {
long c = setCreditsAndRequest(sender);
if (c == 0L) { // still no credits, schedule a periodic retry
holder.getVertx().setPeriodic(configuration.getCreditRetrievalPeriod(), id -> {
if (setCreditsAndRequest(sender) != 0L || isCancelled()) {
// Got our new credits or the application has been terminated,
// we cancel the periodic task.
creditRetrievalInProgress = false;
} else {
} else {
creditRetrievalInProgress = false;
private boolean isCancelled() {
Subscription subscription = upstream.get();
return subscription == Subscriptions.CANCELLED || subscription == null;
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
Subscription sub = upstream.getAndSet(Subscriptions.CANCELLED);
Subscriber super Message>> subscriber = this.downstream.get();
if (sub != null && sub != Subscriptions.CANCELLED && subscriber != null) {
public void onComplete() {
Subscription sub = upstream.getAndSet(Subscriptions.CANCELLED);
Subscriber super Message>> subscriber = this.downstream.get();
if (sub != null && sub != Subscriptions.CANCELLED && subscriber != null) {
public void request(long l) {
// Delay the retrieval of the sender and the request until we get a request.
if (!once.getAndSet(true)) {
.subscribe().with(s -> {
}, f -> downstream.get().onError(f));
public void cancel() {
Subscription sub = upstream.getAndSet(Subscriptions.CANCELLED);
if (sub != null && sub != Subscriptions.CANCELLED) {
private Uni, AmqpSender, Long>> send(Message> msg, boolean durable, long ttl, String configuredAddress,
boolean isAnonymousSender) {
final io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage amqp = getMessage(msg, durable, ttl, configuredAddress, isAnonymousSender);
if (amqp == null) {
return Uni.createFrom().nullItem();
if (tracingEnabled) {
amqpInstrumenter.traceOutgoing(msg, new AmqpMessage<>(amqp, null, null, false, true));
return retrieveSender.onItem().transformToUni(s -> s.sendWithAck(amqp)
// We are on Vert.x context that created the client, we can access the remaining credits and update it.
.replaceWith(() -> Tuple3., AmqpSender, Long> of(msg, s, s.remainingCredits())))
.onFailure().retry().withBackOff(ofSeconds(1), ofSeconds(retryInterval)).atMost(retryAttempts)
.onItemOrFailure().call((s, failure) -> {
if (failure != null) {
return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(msg.nack(failure));
} else {
return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(msg.ack());
private io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage getMessage(Message> msg, boolean durable, long ttl, String configuredAddress,
boolean isAnonymousSender) {
io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage amqp;
OutgoingCloudEventMetadata> ceMetadata = msg.getMetadata(OutgoingCloudEventMetadata.class)
if (msg instanceof AmqpMessage) {
amqp = ((AmqpMessage>) msg).getAmqpMessage();
} else if (msg.getPayload() instanceof io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage) {
amqp = (io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage) msg.getPayload();
} else if (msg.getPayload() instanceof io.vertx.amqp.AmqpMessage) {
amqp = new io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage((io.vertx.amqp.AmqpMessage) msg.getPayload());
} else if (msg.getPayload() instanceof org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) {
org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message message = (org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message) msg.getPayload();
AmqpMessageImpl vertxMessage = new AmqpMessageImpl(message);
amqp = new io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage(vertxMessage);
} else {
amqp = AmqpMessageConverter.convertToAmqpMessage(msg, durable, ttl);
if (writeCloudEvents && (ceMetadata != null || mandatoryCloudEventAttributeSet)) {
// We encode the outbound record as Cloud Events if:
// - cloud events are enabled -> writeCloudEvents
// - the incoming message contains Cloud Event metadata (OutgoingCloudEventMetadata -> ceMetadata)
// - or if the message does not contain this metadata, the type and source are configured on the channel
if (writeAsBinaryCloudEvent) {
amqp = AmqpCloudEventHelper.createBinaryCloudEventMessage(amqp, ceMetadata, this.configuration);
} else {
amqp = AmqpCloudEventHelper.createStructuredEventMessage(amqp, ceMetadata, this.configuration);
String actualAddress = getActualAddress(msg, amqp, configuredAddress, isAnonymousSender);
if (connector.getClients().isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (!actualAddress.equals(amqp.address())) {
return amqp;
private String getActualAddress(Message> message, io.vertx.mutiny.amqp.AmqpMessage amqp, String configuredAddress,
boolean isAnonymousSender) {
String address = amqp.address();
if (address != null) {
if (isAnonymousSender) {
return address;
} else {
log.unableToUseAddress(address, configuredAddress);
return configuredAddress;
return message.getMetadata(OutgoingAmqpMetadata.class)
.flatMap(o -> {
String addressFromMessage = o.getAddress();
if (addressFromMessage != null && !isAnonymousSender) {
log.unableToUseAddress(addressFromMessage, configuredAddress);
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.ofNullable(addressFromMessage);
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