io.smallrye.jwt.auth.principal.PrincipalMessages Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.smallrye.jwt.auth.principal;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Pos;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Producer;
import org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate;
import org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException;
import org.jose4j.lang.UnresolvableKeyException;
@MessageBundle(projectCode = "SRJWT", length = 5)
interface PrincipalMessages {
PrincipalMessages msg = Messages.getBundle(PrincipalMessages.class);
@Message(id = 7000, value = "Failed to verify a token")
ParseException failedToVerifyToken(@Cause Throwable throwable);
@Message(id = 7001, value = "No claim exists in sub, upn or preferred_username")
InvalidJwtException claimNotFound(@Producer Function fn);
@Message(id = 7002, value = "Failed to load a key from the key content")
UnresolvableKeyException failedToLoadKey(@Cause Throwable throwable);
@Message(id = 7003, value = "Failed to load a key from %s")
UnresolvableKeyException failedToLoadKeyFromLocation(@Pos(1) String location, @Cause Throwable throwable);
@Message(id = 7004, value = "Failed to load a key from the key content while resolving")
UnresolvableKeyException failedToLoadKeyWhileResolving();
@Message(id = 7005, value = "Failed to load a key from %s property while resolving")
UnresolvableKeyException failedToLoadKeyFromLocationWhileResolving(@Pos(1) String location);
@Message(id = 7006, value = "Invalid token 'kid' header")
UnresolvableKeyException invalidTokenKid();
@Message(id = 7007, value = "No resource with the named %s location exists")
IOException resourceNotFound(String resourceName);
@Message(id = 7008, value = "Invalid 'iat' or 'exp' claim value")
ParseException invalidIatExp();
@Message(id = 7009, value = "The Expiration Time (exp=%s) claim value cannot be more than %d"
+ " seconds in the future relative to Issued At (iat=%s) claim value")
ParseException expExceeded(NumericDate exp, long maxTimeToLiveSecs, NumericDate iat);
@Message(id = 7010, value = "Required claims are not present in the JWT")
InvalidJwtException missingClaims(@Producer Function fn);
@Message(id = 7011, value = "Verification key is unresolvable")
ParseException verificationKeyUnresolvable();
@Message(id = 7012, value = "Decryption key is unresolvable")
ParseException decryptionKeyUnresolvable(@Cause Throwable throwable);
@Message(id = 7013, value = "Encrypted token sequence is invalid")
ParseException encryptedTokenSequenceInvalid(@Cause Throwable throwable);
@Message(id = 7014, value = "Failed to load X509 certificates")
ParseException failedToLoadCertificates();
@Message(id = 7015, value = "The Expiration Time (exp=%s) claim value cannot be less than Issued At (iat=%s) claim value")
ParseException failedToVerifyIatExp(NumericDate exp, NumericDate iat);
@Message(id = 7016, value = "Encrypted token headers must contain a content type header")
ParseException encryptedTokenMissingContentType();
@Message(id = 7017, value = "New JWTCallerPrincipalFactory instance can not be created")
ParseException newJWTCallerPrincipalFactoryFailure(@Cause Throwable throwable);
@Message(id = 7018, value = "The token age has exceeded %d seconds")
ParseException tokenAgeExceeded(long tokenAge);
@Message(id = 7019, value = "Required key location is null")
UnresolvableKeyException nullKeyLocation();
@Message(id = 7020, value = "Required key identifier is null")
UnresolvableKeyException nullKeyIdentifier();
@Message(id = 7021, value = "JWK set does not contain provided token 'kid'")
UnmatchedTokenKidException unmatchedTokenKidException();
@Message(id = 7022, value = "Failed to parse a token")
ParseException failedToParseToken(@Cause Throwable throwable);