io.smallrye.jwt.config.JWTAuthContextInfoProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc, and individual contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.smallrye.jwt.config;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.Dependent;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Produces;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.config.Names;
import io.smallrye.jwt.KeyFormat;
import io.smallrye.jwt.KeyProvider;
import io.smallrye.jwt.SmallryeJwtUtils;
import io.smallrye.jwt.algorithm.KeyEncryptionAlgorithm;
import io.smallrye.jwt.algorithm.SignatureAlgorithm;
import io.smallrye.jwt.auth.principal.JWTAuthContextInfo;
import io.smallrye.jwt.util.KeyUtils;
import io.smallrye.jwt.util.ResourceUtils;
* A CDI provider for the JWTAuthContextInfo that obtains the necessary information from
* MP config properties.
public class JWTAuthContextInfoProvider {
private static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "Authorization";
private static final String BEARER_SCHEME = "Bearer";
private static final String NONE = "NONE";
private static final String DEFAULT_GROUPS_SEPARATOR = " ";
* Create JWTAuthContextInfoProvider with the public key and issuer
* @param publicKey the public key value
* @param issuer the issuer
* @return a new instance of JWTAuthContextInfoProvider
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider createWithKey(String publicKey, String issuer) {
return create(publicKey, NONE, false, false, issuer, Optional.empty());
* Create JWTAuthContextInfoProvider with the decryption key and issuer
* @param decryptionKey the decryption key value
* @param issuer the issuer
* @return a new instance of JWTAuthContextInfoProvider
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider createWithDecryptionKey(String decryptionKey, String issuer) {
return create(NONE, NONE, false, false, issuer, Optional.of(decryptionKey));
* Create JWTAuthContextInfoProvider with the verification public key location and issuer
* @param keyLocation the verification public key location
* @param issuer the issuer
* @return a new instance of JWTAuthContextInfoProvider
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider createWithKeyLocation(String keyLocation, String issuer) {
return create(NONE, keyLocation, false, false, issuer, Optional.empty());
* Create JWTAuthContextInfoProvider with the verification public key location and issuer.
* Tokens will be expected to contain either 'x5t' or 'x5t#S256' thumbprints.
* @param keyLocation certificate location which points to a PEM certificate or JWK containing the certificate chain
* @param issuer the issuer
* @return a new instance of JWTAuthContextInfoProvider
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider createWithCertificate(String keyLocation, String issuer) {
return create(NONE, keyLocation, false, true, issuer, Optional.empty());
* Create JWTAuthContextInfoProvider with the verification secret key location and issuer
* @param keyLocation the verification secret key location
* @param issuer the issuer
* @return a new instance of JWTAuthContextInfoProvider
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider createWithSecretKeyLocation(String keyLocation, String issuer) {
return create(NONE, keyLocation, true, false, issuer, Optional.empty());
* Create JWTAuthContextInfoProvider with the keystore and issuer
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider createWithVerifyKeyStoreLocation(String keyLocation,
Optional theKeyStorePassword,
Optional theKeyStoreVerifyKeyAlias,
Optional theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias, String issuer) {
return create(NONE, keyLocation, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), theKeyStorePassword,
theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias, false, false, issuer, Optional.empty());
* Create JWTAuthContextInfoProvider with the keystore and issuer
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider createWithKeyStoreLocation(String keyLocation,
Optional theKeyStorePassword,
Optional theKeyStoreVerifyKeyAlias,
Optional theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias, String issuer) {
return create(NONE, keyLocation, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), theKeyStorePassword, theKeyStoreVerifyKeyAlias,
theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias, false, false, issuer, Optional.empty());
public static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider create(String key,
String keyLocation,
boolean secretKey,
boolean verifyCertificateThumbprint,
String issuer,
Optional decryptionKey) {
return create(key, keyLocation, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(),
Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), secretKey, verifyCertificateThumbprint, issuer, decryptionKey);
private static JWTAuthContextInfoProvider create(String key,
String keyLocation,
Optional theKeyStoreType,
Optional theKeyStoreProvider,
Optional theKeyStorePassword,
Optional theKeyStoreVerifyKeyAlias,
Optional theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias,
boolean secretKey,
boolean verifyCertificateThumbprint,
String issuer,
Optional decryptionKey) {
JWTAuthContextInfoProvider provider = new JWTAuthContextInfoProvider();
provider.mpJwtPublicKey = !secretKey ? key : NONE;
provider.jwtSecretKey = secretKey ? key : NONE;
provider.mpJwtPublicKeyAlgorithm = Set.of(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256);
provider.mpJwtLocation = !secretKey && !theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias.isPresent() ? keyLocation : NONE;
provider.verifyKeyLocation = secretKey ? keyLocation : NONE;
provider.verifyCertificateThumbprint = verifyCertificateThumbprint;
provider.mpJwtIssuer = issuer;
provider.mpJwtDecryptKeyLocation = theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias.isPresent() ? keyLocation : NONE;
provider.jwtDecryptKey = decryptionKey;
provider.decryptionKeyLocation = NONE;
provider.mpJwtTokenHeader = Optional.of(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER);
provider.mpJwtTokenCookie = Optional.of(BEARER_SCHEME);
provider.tokenHeader = provider.mpJwtTokenHeader;
provider.tokenCookie = provider.mpJwtTokenCookie;
provider.tokenKeyId = Optional.empty();
provider.tokenDecryptionKeyId = Optional.empty();
provider.tokenSchemes = BEARER_SCHEME;
provider.requireNamedPrincipal = Optional.of(Boolean.TRUE);
provider.defaultSubClaim = Optional.empty();
provider.subPath = Optional.empty();
provider.defaultGroupsClaim = Optional.empty();
provider.groupsPath = Optional.empty();
provider.expGracePeriodSecs = 0;
provider.maxTimeToLiveSecs = Optional.empty();
provider.mpJwtVerifyClockSkew = 60;
provider.mpJwtVerifyTokenAge = Optional.empty();
provider.jwksRefreshInterval = 60;
provider.forcedJwksRefreshInterval = 30;
provider.signatureAlgorithm = Optional.of(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256);
provider.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = Optional.empty();
provider.mpJwtDecryptKeyAlgorithm = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP,
provider.keyFormat = KeyFormat.ANY;
provider.keyProvider = KeyProvider.DEFAULT;
provider.mpJwtVerifyAudiences = Optional.empty();
provider.expectedAudience = Optional.empty();
provider.groupsSeparator = DEFAULT_GROUPS_SEPARATOR;
provider.requiredClaims = Optional.empty();
provider.tlsCertificate = Optional.empty();
provider.tlsCertificatePath = Optional.empty();
provider.tlsTrustedHosts = Optional.empty();
provider.httpProxyHost = Optional.empty();
provider.httpProxyPort = 80;
provider.keyStoreType = theKeyStoreType;
provider.keyStoreProvider = theKeyStoreProvider;
provider.keyStorePassword = theKeyStorePassword;
provider.keyStoreVerifyKeyAlias = theKeyStoreVerifyKeyAlias;
provider.keyStoreDecryptKeyAlias = theKeyStoreDecryptKeyAlias;
provider.keyStoreDecryptKeyPassword = Optional.empty();
return provider;
// The MP-JWT spec defined configuration properties
* @since 1.1
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.verify.publickey", defaultValue = NONE)
private String mpJwtPublicKey;
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.secretkey", defaultValue = NONE)
private String jwtSecretKey;
* @since 1.2
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.verify.publickey.algorithm", defaultValue = "RS256")
private Set mpJwtPublicKeyAlgorithm = Set.of(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256);
* @since 1.1
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.verify.issuer", defaultValue = NONE)
private String mpJwtIssuer;
* @since 1.1
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location", defaultValue = NONE)
private String mpJwtLocation;
* @since 1.2
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.decrypt.key.location", defaultValue = NONE)
private String mpJwtDecryptKeyLocation;
* @since 2.1
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.decrypt.key.algorithm", defaultValue = "RSA_OAEP,RSA_OAEP_256")
private Set mpJwtDecryptKeyAlgorithm = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP,
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.decrypt.key")
private Optional jwtDecryptKey;
* Verification key location.
* This property can point to both public and secret keys and if it is set then 'mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location' will be
* ignored.
* Note that the secret keys will only recognized in the JWK format.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.key.location", defaultValue = NONE)
private String verifyKeyLocation;
* Decryption key location
* @deprecated Use {@link JWTAuthContextInfoProvider#mpJwtDecryptKeyLocation}
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.decrypt.key.location", defaultValue = NONE)
private String decryptionKeyLocation;
* Supported JSON Web Algorithm encryption algorithm.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.decrypt.algorithm")
private Optional keyEncryptionAlgorithm;
* @since 1.2
@ConfigProperty(name = Names.TOKEN_HEADER)
private Optional mpJwtTokenHeader;
* @since 1.2
@ConfigProperty(name = Names.TOKEN_COOKIE)
private Optional mpJwtTokenCookie;
* @since 1.2
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.verify.audiences")
Optional> mpJwtVerifyAudiences;
* @since 2.1
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.verify.clock.skew", defaultValue = "60")
private int mpJwtVerifyClockSkew;
* @since 2.1
@ConfigProperty(name = "mp.jwt.verify.token.age")
Optional mpJwtVerifyTokenAge;
// SmallRye JWT specific properties
* HTTP header which is expected to contain a JWT token, default value is 'Authorization'
* @deprecated Use {@link JWTAuthContextInfoProvider#mpJwtTokenHeader}
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.token.header")
private Optional tokenHeader;
* Cookie name containing a JWT token. This property is ignored unless the "smallrye.jwt.token.header" is set to 'Cookie'
* @deprecated Use {@link JWTAuthContextInfoProvider#mpJwtTokenCookie}
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.token.cookie")
private Optional tokenCookie;
* If `true` then `Authorization` header will be checked even if the `smallrye.jwt.token.header` is set to `Cookie` but no
* cookie with a `smallrye.jwt.token.cookie` name exists.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.always-check-authorization", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean alwaysCheckAuthorization;
* Verification key identifier ('kid'). If it is set then if a signed JWT token contains 'kid' then both values must
* match.
* It will also be used to select a verification JWK key from a JWK set.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.token.kid")
private Optional tokenKeyId;
* Decryption key identifier ('kid'). If it is set then if an encrypted JWT token contains 'kid' then both values must
* match.
* It will also be used to select a decryption JWK key from a JWK set.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.token.decryption.kid")
private Optional tokenDecryptionKeyId;
* The scheme used with an HTTP Authorization header.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.token.schemes", defaultValue = BEARER_SCHEME)
private String tokenSchemes;
* Check that the JWT has at least one of 'sub', 'upn' or 'preferred_user_name' set. If not the JWT validation will
* fail.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.require.named-principal", defaultValue = "true")
private Optional requireNamedPrincipal = Optional.of(Boolean.TRUE);
* Default subject claim value. This property can be used to support the JWT tokens without a 'sub' claim.
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
private Optional defaultSubClaim;
* Path to the claim containing the sub. It starts from the top level JSON object and
* can contain multiple segments where each segment represents a JSON object name only, example: "realm/sub".
* Use double quotes with the namespace qualified claim names.
* This property can be used if a token has no 'sub' claim but has the sub set in a different claim.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.path.sub")
private Optional subPath;
* Default groups claim value. This property can be used to support the JWT tokens without a 'groups' claim.
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
private Optional defaultGroupsClaim;
* Path to the claim containing an array of groups. It starts from the top level JSON object and
* can contain multiple segments where each segment represents a JSON object name only, example: "realm/groups".
* Use double quotes with the namespace qualified claim names.
* This property can be used if a token has no 'groups' claim but has the groups set in a different claim.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.path.groups")
private Optional groupsPath;
* Separator for splitting a string which may contain multiple group values.
* It will only be used if the "smallrye.jwt.path.groups" property points to a custom claim whose value is a string.
* The default value is a single space because the standard 'scope' claim may contain a space separated sequence.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.groups-separator", defaultValue = DEFAULT_GROUPS_SEPARATOR)
private String groupsSeparator;
* @deprecated Use {@link JWTAuthContextInfoProvider#mpJwtVerifyClockSkew} instead
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.expiration.grace", defaultValue = "0")
private int expGracePeriodSecs;
* The maximum number of seconds that a JWT may be issued for use. Effectively, the difference
* between the expiration date of the JWT and the issued at date must not exceed this value.
* Note that setting this property to a non-positive value relaxes the requirement for the token to have a valid 'iat'
* (issued at) claim.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.time-to-live")
Optional maxTimeToLiveSecs;
* JWK cache refresh interval in minutes. It will be ignored unless the 'mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location' property points
* to the HTTP or HTTPS URL based JWK set.
* Note this property will only be used if no HTTP Cache-Control response header with a positive 'max-age' parameter value
* is available.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.jwks.refresh-interval", defaultValue = "60")
private int jwksRefreshInterval;
* Forced JWK cache refresh interval in minutes which is used to restrict the frequency of the forced refresh attempts which
* may happen when the token verification fails due to the cache having no JWK key with a 'kid' property matching the
* current token's 'kid' header.
* It will be ignored unless the 'mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location' points to the HTTP or HTTPS URL based JWK set.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.jwks.forced-refresh-interval", defaultValue = "30")
private int forcedJwksRefreshInterval;
* Supported JSON Web Algorithm asymmetric or symmetric signature algorithm.
* This property should only be used for setting a required symmetric algorithm such as 'HS256'.
* It is deprecated for setting asymmetric algorithms such as 'ES256' - use {@link #mpJwtPublicKeyAlgorithm} instead.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.algorithm")
private Optional signatureAlgorithm;
* Verify the certificate thumbprint.
* If this property is enabled then a signed token must contain either 'x5t' or 'x5t#256' X509Certificate thumbprint
* headers.
* Verification keys can only be in JWK or PEM Certificate key formats in this case.
* JWK keys must have a 'x5c' (Base64-encoded X509Certificate) property set.
* Note that 'smallrye.jwt.token.kid' property will have no effect as 'x5t' and 'x5t#S256'
* are the key identifiers when this property is set.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.certificateThumbprint", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean verifyCertificateThumbprint;
* Supported key format. By default a key can be in any of the supported formats:
* PEM key, PEM certificate, JWK key set or single JWK (possibly Base64URL-encoded).
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.key-format", defaultValue = "ANY")
private KeyFormat keyFormat;
* Supported verification key provider.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.key-provider", defaultValue = "DEFAULT")
private KeyProvider keyProvider;
* Key cache size.
* If the verification key resolver acquires keys dynamically on every request then it may
* use this property, as well as {@link #keyCacheTimeToLive}, to control the key cache.
* For example, setting `smallrye.jwt.verify.key-provider=AWS_ALB` will activate
* AWS ALB verification key resolver which will use the current token `kid` header value
* to fetch the key from the AWS ALB key endpoint. This resolve will need to cache the acquired
* keys and control the cache size.
* If the maximum key cache size has been reached then the cache entries which have been in the cache
* for longer than the configured {@link #keyCacheTimeToLive} duration, should be removed and a new
* key added instead. If the cache size can not be reduced then the key resolver should
* return this key without caching it.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.key-cache-size", defaultValue = "100")
private int keyCacheSize;
* Key cache entry time-to-live duration in minutes.
* If the verification key resolver acquires keys dynamically on every request then it may
* use this property, as well as {@link #keyCacheSize}, to control the key cache.
* For example, setting `smallrye.jwt.verify.key-provider=AWS_ALB` will activate
* AWS ALB verification key resolver which will use the current token `kid` header value
* to fetch the key from the AWS ALB key endpoint. This resolve will need to cache the acquired
* keys.
* If the maximum key cache size {@link #keyCacheSize} has been reached then the cache entries which have been in the cache
* for longer than the configured time-to-live duration, should be removed and a new
* key added instead. If the cache size can not be reduced then the key resolver should
* return this key without caching it.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.key-cache-time-to-live", defaultValue = "10")
private int keyCacheTimeToLive;
* Relax the validation of the verification keys.
* Public RSA keys with the 1024 bit length will be allowed if this property is set to 'true'.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.relax-key-validation", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean relaxVerificationKeyValidation = true;
* The audience value(s) that identify valid recipient(s) of a JWT. Audience validation
* will succeed, if any one of the provided values is equal to any one of the values of
* the "aud" claim in the JWT. The config value should be specified as a comma-separated
* list per MP Config requirements for a collection property.
* @since 2.0.3
* @deprecated Use {@link JWTAuthContextInfoProvider#mpJwtVerifyAudiences}
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.verify.aud")
Optional> expectedAudience;
* List of claim names that must be present in the JWT for it to be valid. The configuration should be specified
* as a comma-separated list.
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
Optional> requiredClaims;
* TLS Trusted Certificate.
* If this property is set then the 'smallrye.jwt.client.tls.certificate.path' will be ignored.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.client.tls.certificate")
private Optional tlsCertificate;
* TLS Trusted Certificate Path.
* This property will be ignored if the 'smallrye.jwt.client.tls.certificate' is set.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.client.tls.certificate.path")
private Optional tlsCertificatePath;
* TLS Trust All.
* If this property is set to 'true' then HTTPS HostnameVerifier will trust all the hostnames.
@ConfigProperty(name = "", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean tlsTrustAll;
* TLS Trusted Hosts. Set this property if `` property is disabled.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.client.tls.hosts")
private Optional> tlsTrustedHosts;
* HTTP Proxy Host.
@ConfigProperty(name = "")
private Optional httpProxyHost;
* HTTP Proxy Port.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.http.proxy.port", defaultValue = "80")
private int httpProxyPort = 80;
* Key store type. If not given, the type is automatically detected
* based on the file name.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.keystore.type")
private Optional keyStoreType = Optional.empty();
* Key store provider. If not given, the provider is automatically detected
* based on the key store file type.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.keystore.provider")
private Optional keyStoreProvider = Optional.empty();
* Key store password.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.keystore.password")
private Optional keyStorePassword = Optional.empty();
* Key store verification key alias. Public verification key will be extracted from a matching certificate.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.keystore.verify.key.alias")
private Optional keyStoreVerifyKeyAlias = Optional.empty();
* Key store decryption key alias.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.keystore.decrypt.key.alias")
private Optional keyStoreDecryptKeyAlias = Optional.empty();
* Key store decryption key password, in case it's different from {@link #keyStorePassword}.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.keystore.decrypt.key.password")
private Optional keyStoreDecryptKeyPassword = Optional.empty();
* Obtain remote keys on startup.
@ConfigProperty(name = "smallrye.jwt.resolve-remote-keys-at-startup", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean fetchRemoteKeysOnStartup = false;
Optional getOptionalContextInfo() {
String resolvedVerifyKeyLocation = !NONE.equals(verifyKeyLocation)
? verifyKeyLocation
: mpJwtLocation;
// Log the config values
JWTAuthContextInfo contextInfo = new JWTAuthContextInfo();
if (mpJwtIssuer != null && !mpJwtIssuer.equals(NONE)) {
final boolean verificationPublicKeySet = !NONE.equals(mpJwtPublicKey);
final boolean verificationSecretKeySet = !NONE.equals(jwtSecretKey);
final boolean verificationKeyLocationSet = !NONE.equals(resolvedVerifyKeyLocation);
if (verificationPublicKeySet) {
if (verificationKeyLocationSet || verificationSecretKeySet) {
} else if (verificationSecretKeySet) {
if (verificationKeyLocationSet) {
} else if (verificationKeyLocationSet) {
String resolvedVerifyKeyLocationTrimmed = resolvedVerifyKeyLocation.trim();
if (resolvedVerifyKeyLocationTrimmed.startsWith("http")) {
if (fetchRemoteKeysOnStartup) {
try {
InputStream is = ResourceUtils.getResourceStream(resolvedVerifyKeyLocationTrimmed);
if (is != null) {
try (InputStream keyStream = is) {
String KeyContent = new String(ResourceUtils.readBytes(keyStream));
if (contextInfo.getPublicKeyContent() == null) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.invalidPublicKeyLocation();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingPublicKeyLocationFailed(ex);
} else {
} else {
if (isPublicKeyInKeystore()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingPublicKeyLocationFailed(ex);
} else {
try {
if (contextInfo.getPublicKeyContent() == null) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.invalidPublicKeyLocation();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingPublicKeyLocationFailed(ex);
} else if (isPublicKeyInKeystore()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingPublicKeyLocationFailed(ex);
final String theDecryptionKeyLocation;
if (!NONE.equals(mpJwtDecryptKeyLocation)) {
theDecryptionKeyLocation = mpJwtDecryptKeyLocation;
} else if (!NONE.equals(decryptionKeyLocation)) {
ConfigLogging.log.replacedConfig("smallrye.jwt.decrypt.key.location", "mp.jwt.decrypt.key.location");
theDecryptionKeyLocation = decryptionKeyLocation;
} else {
theDecryptionKeyLocation = NONE;
if (jwtDecryptKey.isPresent()) {
} else if (!NONE.equals(theDecryptionKeyLocation)) {
String decryptionKeyLocationTrimmed = theDecryptionKeyLocation.trim();
if (decryptionKeyLocationTrimmed.startsWith("http")) {
if (fetchRemoteKeysOnStartup) {
try {
InputStream is = ResourceUtils.getResourceStream(decryptionKeyLocationTrimmed);
if (is != null) {
try (InputStream keyStream = is) {
String KeyContent = new String(ResourceUtils.readBytes(keyStream));
if (contextInfo.getDecryptionKeyContent() == null) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.invalidDecryptKeyLocation();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingDecryptKeyLocationFailed(ex);
} else {
} else {
if (isPrivateKeyInKeystore()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingDecryptKeyLocationFailed(ex);
} else {
try {
if (contextInfo.getDecryptionKeyContent() == null) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.invalidDecryptKeyLocation();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingDecryptKeyLocationFailed(ex);
} else if (isPrivateKeyInKeystore()) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.readingDecryptKeyLocationFailed(ex);
if (mpJwtTokenHeader.isPresent()) {
} else if (tokenHeader.isPresent()) {
ConfigLogging.log.replacedConfig("smallrye.jwt.token.header", "mp.jwt.token.header");
} else {
if (mpJwtTokenCookie.isPresent()) {
SmallryeJwtUtils.setContextTokenCookie(contextInfo, mpJwtTokenCookie);
} else if (tokenCookie.isPresent()) {
ConfigLogging.log.replacedConfig("smallrye.jwt.token.cookie", "mp.jwt.token.cookie");
SmallryeJwtUtils.setContextTokenCookie(contextInfo, tokenCookie);
} else {
SmallryeJwtUtils.setContextTokenCookie(contextInfo, Optional.of(BEARER_SCHEME));
if (expGracePeriodSecs > 0) {
ConfigLogging.log.replacedConfig("smallrye.jwt.expiration.grace", "mp.jwt.verify.clock.skew");
} else if (mpJwtVerifyClockSkew > 0) {
SmallryeJwtUtils.setTokenSchemes(contextInfo, tokenSchemes);
SmallryeJwtUtils.setContextSubPath(contextInfo, subPath);
SmallryeJwtUtils.setContextGroupsPath(contextInfo, groupsPath);
Set resolvedAlgorithm = mpJwtPublicKeyAlgorithm;
if (signatureAlgorithm.isPresent()) {
if (signatureAlgorithm.get().getAlgorithm().startsWith("HS")) {
if (!NONE.equals(resolvedVerifyKeyLocation) && resolvedVerifyKeyLocation == mpJwtLocation) {
throw ConfigMessages.msg.hmacNotSupported();
} else {
ConfigLogging.log.replacedConfig("smallrye.jwt.verify.algorithm", "mp.jwt.verify.publickey.algorithm");
resolvedAlgorithm = Set.of(signatureAlgorithm.get());
final Set theDecryptionKeyAlgorithm;
if (!keyEncryptionAlgorithm.isEmpty()) {
ConfigLogging.log.replacedConfig("smallrye.jwt.decrypt.algorithm", "mp.jwt.decrypt.key.algorithm");
theDecryptionKeyAlgorithm = Collections.singleton(keyEncryptionAlgorithm.get());
} else {
theDecryptionKeyAlgorithm = mpJwtDecryptKeyAlgorithm;
if (mpJwtVerifyAudiences.isPresent()) {
} else if (expectedAudience.isPresent()) {
ConfigLogging.log.replacedConfig("smallrye.jwt.verify.aud", "mp.jwt.verify.audiences");
} else {
return Optional.of(contextInfo);
private void checkKeyFormat(Set resolvedAlgorithm) {
if (resolvedAlgorithm.size() > 1 &&
(keyFormat.equals(KeyFormat.PEM_KEY) || keyFormat.equals(KeyFormat.PEM_CERTIFICATE))) {
private PublicKey getVerificationKeyFromKeystore(String keyStorePath) throws Exception {
KeyStore keyStore = KeyUtils.loadKeyStore(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword.get(), keyStoreType, keyStoreProvider);
return keyStore.getCertificate(keyStoreVerifyKeyAlias.get()).getPublicKey();
private PrivateKey getDecryptionKeyFromKeystore(String keyStorePath) throws Exception {
KeyStore keyStore = KeyUtils.loadKeyStore(keyStorePath, keyStorePassword.get(), keyStoreType, keyStoreProvider);
return (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(keyStoreDecryptKeyAlias.get(),
private boolean isPublicKeyInKeystore() {
return keyStorePassword.isPresent() && keyStoreVerifyKeyAlias.isPresent();
private boolean isPrivateKeyInKeystore() {
return keyStorePassword.isPresent() && keyStoreDecryptKeyAlias.isPresent();
public JWTAuthContextInfo getContextInfo() {
return getOptionalContextInfo().get();