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* Smart Data Lake - Build your data lake the smart way.
* Copyright © 2019-2021 ELCA Informatique SA ()
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
import io.smartdatalake.config.{ConfigurationException, InstanceRegistry}
import io.smartdatalake.config.SdlConfigObject.ActionId
import io.smartdatalake.util.misc.ProductUtil.attributesWithValuesForCaseClass
import io.smartdatalake.util.misc.ScalaUtil.{optionalizeMap, optionalizeSeq}
import io.smartdatalake.util.misc.SmartDataLakeLogger
import io.smartdatalake.util.secrets.StringOrSecret
import io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.RuntimeInfo
import io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject
import io.smartdatalake.workflow.{ActionDAGRunState, ActionPipelineContext}
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import org.json4s.{Formats, NoTypeHints}
import java.time.LocalDateTime
* Log state changes to LogAnalytics workspace.
* Supports LogAnalyticsIngestionBackend and the older LogAnalyticsHttpCollectorBackend by defining corresponding configuration as options.
* To enable add the state listener as follows to global config section:
* stateListeners = [{
* className = ""
* options = {
* endpoint: ""
* ruleId: "dcr-..."
* streamName: "Custom-sdlb-log"
* includeMetadata: "true" # optionally disable logging data object metadata
* }
* }]
class StateChangeLogger(options: Map[String, StringOrSecret]) extends StateListener with SmartDataLakeLogger {
val includeMetadata = options.get("includeMetadata").map(_.resolve().toBoolean).getOrElse(false)
val batchSize = 100 // azure log analytics' limit
val backend: LogAnalyticsBackend[StateLogEvent] = if (options.isDefinedAt("workspaceId")) {
// LogAnalyticsHttpCollectorBackend
val workspaceId = options.getOrElse("workspaceID", throw new ConfigurationException(s"Option workspaceID needed for ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}")).resolve()
val workspaceKey = options.getOrElse("workspaceKey", throw new ConfigurationException(s"Option workspaceKey needed for ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}")).resolve()
val logType = options.get("logType").map(_.resolve()).getOrElse("sdlb_state")
new LogAnalyticsHttpCollectorBackend[StateLogEvent](workspaceId, workspaceKey, logType, serialize)
} else if (options.isDefinedAt("endpoint")) {
// LogAnalyticsIngestionBackend
val endpoint = options.getOrElse("endpoint", throw new ConfigurationException(s"Option endpoint needed for ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}")).resolve()
val ruleId = options.getOrElse("ruleId", throw new ConfigurationException(s"Option ruleId needed for ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}")).resolve()
val streamName = options.getOrElse("streamName", throw new ConfigurationException(s"Option streamName needed for ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}")).resolve()
val batchSize = options.get("batchSize").map(_.resolve().toInt).getOrElse(100)
new LogAnalyticsIngestionBackend[StateLogEvent](endpoint, ruleId, streamName, batchSize, serialize)
} else throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration options missing for LogAnalyticsHttpCollectorBackend or LogAnalyticsIngestionBackend")
implicit val formats: Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
override def init(context: ActionPipelineContext): Unit = {
override def notifyState(state: ActionDAGRunState, context: ActionPipelineContext, changedActionId: Option[ActionId]): Unit = {
val logContext = StateLogEventContext.from(context, state.isFinal)
if (state.isFinal) {
val events = state.actionsState.flatMap { case (actionId, runtimeInfo) =>
extractLogEvents(actionId, runtimeInfo, logContext, context.instanceRegistry)
else if (changedActionId.isDefined) {
val changedActionState = state.actionsState.getOrElse(changedActionId.get, throw new IllegalStateException(s"changed $changedActionId not found in state!"))
val logEvents = extractLogEvents(changedActionId.get, changedActionState, logContext, context.instanceRegistry)
def extractLogEvents(actionId: ActionId, runtimeInfo: RuntimeInfo, logContext: StateLogEventContext, instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry): Seq[StateLogEvent] = {
val results = {
result =>
val metadata = instanceRegistry.get[DataObject](result.dataObjectId).metadata
val metadataMap: Map[String, String] = if (includeMetadata) attributesWithValuesForCaseClass(metadata).toMap.filterKeys(_ != "description").mapValues(_.toString).toMap
else Map()
val dataObjectsState = runtimeInfo.dataObjectsState.find(_.dataObjectId == result.dataObjectId).map(_.state)
StateLogEvent(logContext,, runtimeInfo.state.toString, runtimeInfo.msg,
Some(, optionalizeMap(metadataMap), result.metrics, optionalizeSeq(, dataObjectsState)
// generate at least one log entry per Action if no results
if (results.nonEmpty) results
else Seq(StateLogEvent(logContext,, runtimeInfo.state.toString, runtimeInfo.msg))
private def sendLogEvents(logEvents: Seq[StateLogEvent]): Unit = {
logEvents.grouped(batchSize).foreach {
logEvents =>
logger.debug("sending completed")
private def serialize(event: StateLogEvent): String = Serialization.write(event)
case class StateLogEventContext(application: String, startTime: LocalDateTime, runId: Int, attemptId: Int, phase: String, isFinal: Boolean)
object StateLogEventContext {
def from(context: ActionPipelineContext, isFinal: Boolean): StateLogEventContext = {
application = context.application,
startTime = context.runStartTime,
runId = context.executionId.runId,
attemptId = context.executionId.attemptId,
phase = context.phase.toString,
isFinal = isFinal
case class StateLogEvent(context: StateLogEventContext, actionId: String, state: String, msg: Option[String], dataObjectId: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, metrics: Option[Map[String, Any]] = None, partitionValues: Option[Seq[String]] = None, dataObjectsState: Option[String] = None)