org.apache.spark.sql.confluent.json.JsonToSparkSchemaConverter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.spark.sql.confluent.json
import org.apache.spark.sql.confluent.json.JsonSchemaConverter._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.json4s._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* This code originates from and is protected by its corresponding MIT license.
* We added support for date-time datatype, and changed from using play-json library to json4s to minimize SDL dependencies.
* There is some support for additionalProperties, required properties and oneOf.
* Motivation for copying vs creating a PR: It seems that the original version isn't maintained very well. An open PR exists for
* timestamp and decimal datatype support. It is open for nearly one year, see
* Also to change from play-json to json4s would be hard to argument on the original library.
* Schema Converter for converting schema in json format into a spark schema
* The given schema for spark has almost no validity checks, so it will make sense
* to combine this with the schema-validator. For loading data with schema, data is converted
* to the type given in the schema. If this is not possible the whole row will be null (!).
* A field can be null if its type is a 2-element array, one of which is "null". The converted
* schema doesn't check for 'enum' fields, i.e. fields which are limited to a given set.
* It also doesn't check for required fields.
* If a field is specified in the schema, than you can select it and it will
* be null if missing. If a field is not in the schema, it cannot be selected even if
* given in the dataset.
* @param inputSchema The Json schema to convert
* @param isStrictTypingEnabled if isStrictTypingEnabled=true:
* - union types (oneOf) are merged if rational, otherwise they are simply mapped to StringType
* - additional properties are ignored, otherwise the corresponding schema object is mapped to MapType(String,String)
* @param additionalPropertiesDefault This is the default value for 'additionalProperties'-field if it is missing in a schema with type='object'.
* Default value is additionalPropertiesDefault=true, as this is conform with the specification.
* @param definitionsPath Path in schema to look for Definitions. Definitions are needed to resolve references.
* See also
* Default is "definitions", but for OpenAPI Spec this has to be "components", see also
class JsonToSparkSchemaConverter(inputSchema: JValue,
isStrictTypingEnabled: Boolean = true,
additionalPropertiesDefault: Boolean = true,
definitionsPath: String = Definitions
) {
implicit val format: Formats = DefaultFormats
lazy val definitions: JObject = (inputSchema \ definitionsPath).extractOpt[JObject]
def convert(): DataType = {
val name = getJsonName(inputSchema).getOrElse(SchemaRoot)
val schemaType = convertAnyType(inputSchema, name)
private def getJsonName(json: JValue): Option[String] = (json \ SchemaFieldName).extractOpt[String]
private def getJsonId(json: JValue): Option[String] = (json \ SchemaFieldId).extractOpt[String]
private def getJsonDescription(json: JValue): Option[String] = (json \ SchemaFieldDescription).extractOpt[String]
private def getJsonAdditionalProperties(json: JValue): Boolean = {
(json \ SchemaFieldAdditionalProperties).extractOpt[Boolean].getOrElse(additionalPropertiesDefault)
private def convertJsonArray(obj: JObject, name: String, nullable: Boolean): SchemaType = {
val resolvedObj = resolveRefs(obj)
val resolvedName = getJsonId(resolvedObj).getOrElse(name)
// parse items
val items = resolvedObj \ SchemaFieldItems
val arrType = items match {
case JNothing => throw new IllegalStateException(s"No 'items'-field found in schema at $resolvedName")
case v => convertAnyType(v, resolvedName)
SchemaType(ArrayType(arrType.dataType, arrType.nullable), nullable)
private def convertJsonObject(obj: JObject, name: String, nullable: Boolean): SchemaType = {
val resolvedObj = resolveRefs(obj)
val resolvedName = getJsonId(resolvedObj).getOrElse(name)
// parse properties
val properties = resolvedObj \ SchemaFieldProperties
val required = (resolvedObj \ SchemaFieldRequired).extractOpt[JArray]
val requiredFields = { case str: JString => str.s }).getOrElse(Seq())
val additionalProperties = getJsonAdditionalProperties(resolvedObj)
val structType = properties match {
case _: JObject if additionalProperties && !isStrictTypingEnabled => MapType(StringType, StringType)
case v: JObject => convertJsonProperties(v, requiredFields)
case JNothing if additionalProperties => MapType(StringType, StringType)
case JNothing => throw new IllegalStateException(s"No 'properties'-field found in schema at $resolvedName")
case x => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Converting properties for $resolvedName but properties type is $x instead of object")
SchemaType(structType, nullable)
private def convertJsonProperties(properties: JObject, required: Seq[String]): StructType = {
val fields = { case (k, v) =>
val fieldType = convertAnyType(v, k)
val field = StructField(getJsonName(v).getOrElse(k), fieldType.dataType, nullable = fieldType.nullable || !required.contains(k))
// add description as metadata if defined
val description = getJsonDescription(v)
private def mergeObjectTypes(obj1: JObject, obj2: JObject, name: String): JObject = {
val type1 = extractType(obj1, name)
val type2 = extractType(obj2, name)
assert(type1.json == JString("object"), "type1 must be object")
assert(type2.json == JString("object"), "type2 must be object")
val mergedType = if (type1.nullable || type2.nullable) JArray(List(JString("object"), JString("null"))) else JString("object")
JField(SchemaFieldType, mergedType),
JField(SchemaFieldProperties, (obj1 \ SchemaFieldProperties).merge(obj2 \ SchemaFieldProperties)),
JField(SchemaFieldRequired, JArray(List((obj1 \ SchemaFieldRequired).extractOpt[Seq[String]], (obj2 \ SchemaFieldRequired).extractOpt[Seq[String]]).flatten.reduceLeft(_ intersect _).map(JString).toList)),
JField(SchemaFieldAdditionalProperties, JBool(Seq((obj1 \ SchemaFieldAdditionalProperties).extractOpt[Boolean], (obj2 \ SchemaFieldAdditionalProperties).extractOpt[Boolean], Some(false)).flatten.reduceLeft(_ || _))),
private def mergeArrayTypes(obj1: JObject, obj2: JObject, name: String): JObject = {
val type1 = extractType(obj1, name)
val type2 = extractType(obj2, name)
assert(type1.json == JString("array"), "type1 must be array")
assert(type2.json == JString("array"), "type2 must be array")
val items1 = type1.json match {
case JArray(arr) => arr
case x => Seq(x)
val items2 = type2.json match {
case JArray(arr) => arr
case x => Seq(x)
val mergedItems = (items1 ++ items2).reduceLeft(mergeTypes(name))
val mergedType = if (type1.nullable || type2.nullable) JArray(List(JString("array"), JString("null"))) else JString("array")
JField(SchemaFieldType, mergedType),
JField(SchemaFieldItems, mergedItems),
private def resolveRefsIfObj(json: JValue) = {
json match {
case jsonObj: JObject => resolveRefs(jsonObj)
case _ => json
private def mergeTypes(name: String)(jsonType1: JValue, jsonType2: JValue): JValue = {
val resolvedType1 = resolveRefsIfObj(jsonType1)
val resolvedType2 = resolveRefsIfObj(jsonType2)
val type1 = extractType(resolvedType1, name).json
val type2 = extractType(resolvedType2, name).json
Seq(type1, type2).sortBy(_.toString) match {
case Seq(JString("object"), JString("object")) =>
mergeObjectTypes(resolvedType1.asInstanceOf[JObject], resolvedType2.asInstanceOf[JObject], name)
case Seq(JString("object"), _) | Seq(_, JString("object")) =>
if (isStrictTypingEnabled) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot unify types <$resolvedType1> and <$resolvedType2> in schema at <$name>")
else JString("string")
case Seq(JString("array"), JString("array")) =>
mergeArrayTypes(resolvedType1.asInstanceOf[JObject], resolvedType2.asInstanceOf[JObject], name)
case Seq(JString("array"), _) | Seq(_, JString("array")) =>
if (isStrictTypingEnabled) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot unify types <$resolvedType1> and <$resolvedType2> in schema at <$name>")
else JString("string")
case Seq(JString("string"), _) | Seq(_, JString("string")) => JString("string")
case Seq(JString("float"), JString("number")) => JString("number")
case Seq(JString("integer"), JString("number")) => JString("number")
case Seq(JString("integer"), JString("float")) => JString("number")
case _ =>
if (isStrictTypingEnabled) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot unify types <$resolvedType1> and <$resolvedType2> in schema at <$name>")
else JString("string")
private case class NullableType(json: JValue, nullable: Boolean)
private def extractArrayType(array: Seq[JValue], name: String): NullableType = {
val nullable = array.contains(JString("null"))
array.size match {
case 1 if nullable =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Null type only is not supported at <$name>")
case 1 =>
NullableType(array.head, nullable = false)
case 2 if nullable =>
array.find(_ != JString("null"))
.map(jsonType => NullableType(jsonType, nullable = true))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Incorrect definition of a nullable parameter at <$name>"))
case _ =>
NullableType(array.filter(_ != JString("null")).distinct.reduceLeft(mergeTypes(name)), nullable)
private def extractType(json: JValue, name: String): NullableType = json match {
case str: JString => NullableType(str, nullable = false)
case JObject(entries) if entries.isEmpty && isStrictTypingEnabled =>
//TODO: map to variant type in Spark 4.0
NullableType(JString("string"), nullable = true)
case jsonObj: JObject =>
val resolvedJsonObj = resolveRefs(jsonObj)
// prepare SchemaFieldFormat (Airbyte extension)
val temporalTypeWithoutTimeZone = (resolvedJsonObj \ SchemaFieldAirbyteType).toOption.collect { case x: JString => x }
val jsonFormat = (resolvedJsonObj \ SchemaFieldFormat).toOption.collect { case x: JString => x }
.map(str => JString(str.s + (if (temporalTypeWithoutTimeZone) "-ntz" else "")))
// prepare jsonType: format as higher prio than fieldType.
val jsonType = jsonFormat
.orElse((resolvedJsonObj \ SchemaFieldType).toOption)
.orElse((resolvedJsonObj \ SchemaFieldOneOf).toOption)
assert(jsonType.isDefined, throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No 'type'-field in schema at <$name>"))
extractType(jsonType.get, name)
case JArray(arr) => extractArrayType(arr, name)
case JNothing =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No 'type'-field in schema at <$name>")
case t =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type <${t.toString}> in schema at <$name>")
def convertObjWithType(jsonObj: JObject, jsonType: JValue, name: String, nullable: Boolean): SchemaType = {
jsonType match {
case JString("object") => convertJsonObject(jsonObj, name, nullable)
case JString("array") => convertJsonArray(jsonObj, name, nullable)
case JString(str) if str=="null" => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"type of object is 'null' at <$name>")
case JString(str) => SchemaType(JsonToSparkTypeMap.getOrElse(str.trim.toLowerCase, StringType), nullable)
def convertAnyType(json: JValue, name: String, nullable: Boolean = false): SchemaType = {
val resolvedName = getJsonId(json).getOrElse(name)
val jsonType = extractType(json, resolvedName)
json match {
case JString(str) => SchemaType(JsonToSparkTypeMap.getOrElse(str.trim.toLowerCase, StringType), jsonType.nullable || nullable)
case JObject(entries) if entries.isEmpty && isStrictTypingEnabled =>
//TODO: map to variant type in Spark 4.0
SchemaType(StringType, nullable = true)
case _: JArray => convertAnyType(jsonType.json, name, jsonType.nullable || nullable)
case _ if jsonType.json.isInstanceOf[JObject] => convertAnyType(jsonType.json, name, jsonType.nullable || nullable)
case jsonObj: JObject =>
val resolvedJsonObj = resolveRefs(jsonObj)
convertObjWithType(resolvedJsonObj, jsonType.json, resolvedName, jsonType.nullable || nullable)
case JNothing =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No 'type'-field in schema at <$resolvedName>")
case t =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type <${t.toString}> in schema at <$resolvedName>")
private def resolveRefs(inputJson: JObject): JObject = {
val schemaRef = (inputJson \ Reference).extractOpt[String]
schemaRef match {
case Some(loc) =>
val searchDefinitions = definitionsPath + "/"
val defIndex = loc.indexOf(searchDefinitions) match {
case -1 => throw new NoSuchElementException(
s"Field with name [$Reference] requires path with path element '[$searchDefinitions]'"
case i: Int => i + searchDefinitions.length
val pathNodes = loc.drop(defIndex).split("/").toList
val definition = pathNodes.foldLeft(definitions: JValue) { case (obj, node) => obj \ node } match {
case obj: JObject => obj
case JNothing => throw new NoSuchElementException(s"Path [$loc] not found in $definitionsPath")
case x => throw new NoSuchElementException(s"Path [$loc] in $definitionsPath is of type ${x.getClass.getSimpleName} instead JObject")
case None => inputJson
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