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com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.BucketRegion Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License. See accompanying
* LICENSE file.
package com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.*;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.*;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.hdfs.HDFSIOException;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.hdfs.internal.AbstractBucketRegionQueue;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.hdfs.internal.hoplog.HoplogOrganizer;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.partition.PartitionListener;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.internal.IndexUpdater;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.DistributedMember;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.DistributedSystem;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.AtomicLongWithTerminalState;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.DirectReplyProcessor;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.DistributionAdvisor.Profile;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.DistributionManager;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.DistributionStats;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.i18n.LogWriterI18n;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.Assert;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.HeapDataOutputStream;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.BucketAdvisor.BucketProfile;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.FilterRoutingInfo.FilterInfo;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.control.MemoryEvent;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.locks.ExclusiveSharedLockObject;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.locks.LockingPolicy.ReadEntryUnderLock;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.partitioned.*;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.CacheClientNotifier;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.ClientTombstoneMessage;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.tier.sockets.ClientUpdateMessage;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.versions.VersionSource;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.versions.VersionStamp;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.versions.VersionTag;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.wan.GatewaySenderEventImpl;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.wan.parallel.ConcurrentParallelGatewaySenderQueue;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.concurrent.AL;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.concurrent.AtomicLong5;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.concurrent.CFactory;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.i18n.LocalizedStrings;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.offheap.StoredObject;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.offheap.annotations.Unretained;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.shared.Version;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.snappy.CallbackFactoryProvider;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.snappy.StoreCallbacks;
* The storage used for a Partitioned Region.
* This class asserts distributed scope as well as a replicate data policy
* It does not support transactions
* Primary election for a BucketRegion can be found in the
* {@link com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.BucketAdvisor} class
* @author Mitch Thomas
* @since 5.1
public class BucketRegion extends DistributedRegion implements Bucket {
* A special value for the bucket size indicating that this bucket
* has been destroyed.
private static final long BUCKET_DESTROYED = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private final AL counter = CFactory.createAL();
private AL limit;
private final AL numOverflowOnDisk = CFactory.createAL();
private final AL numOverflowBytesOnDisk = CFactory.createAL();
private final AL numEntriesInVM = CFactory.createAL();
private final AL evictions = CFactory.createAL();
private static final ThreadLocal bucketRegionIndexCleaner =
new ThreadLocal() ;
* Contains size in bytes of the values stored
* in theRealMap. Sizes are tallied during put and remove operations.
private final AtomicLongWithTerminalState bytesInMemory =
new AtomicLongWithTerminalState();
public static final ReadEntryUnderLock READ_SER_VALUE = new ReadEntryUnderLock() {
public final Object readEntry(final ExclusiveSharedLockObject lockObj,
final Object context, final int iContext, boolean allowTombstones) {
final RegionEntry re = (RegionEntry)lockObj;
final BucketRegion br = (BucketRegion)context;
return br.getSerialized(re, (iContext & DO_NOT_LOCK_ENTRY) != 0);
public static class RawValue {
public static final RawValue NULLVALUE = GemFireCacheImpl.FactoryStatics
public static final RawValue REQUIRES_ENTRY_LOCK = GemFireCacheImpl
protected Object rawValue;
protected transient boolean fromCacheLoader;
protected RawValue(Object rawVal) {
this.rawValue = rawVal;
public static RawValue newInstance(final Object rawVal,
final GemFireCacheImpl cache) {
return cache.getRawValueFactory().newInstance(rawVal);
public final boolean isValueByteArray() {
return this.rawValue instanceof byte[];
public final Object getRawValue() {
return this.rawValue;
public final void writeAsByteArray(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
if (isValueByteArray()) {
DataSerializer.writeByteArray((byte[]) this.rawValue, out);
} else if (this.rawValue instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
} else if (Token.isInvalid(this.rawValue)) {
DataSerializer.writeByteArray(null, out);
} else if (this.rawValue == Token.TOMBSTONE) {
DataSerializer.writeByteArray(null, out);
} else {
DataSerializer.writeObjectAsByteArray(this.rawValue, out);
* Return the de-serialized value without changing the stored form
* in the heap. This causes local access to create a de-serialized copy (extra work)
* in favor of keeping values in serialized form which is important because
* it makes remote access more efficient. This assumption is that remote
* access is much more frequent.
* TODO Unused, but keeping for potential performance boost when local Bucket
* access de-serializes the entry (which could hurt perf.)
* @return the de-serialized value
public final Object getDeserialized(boolean copyOnRead) {
if (isValueByteArray()) {
if (copyOnRead) {
// TODO move this code to CopyHelper.copy?
byte[] src = (byte[])this.rawValue;
byte[] dest = new byte[src.length];
System.arraycopy(this.rawValue, 0, dest, 0, dest.length);
return dest;
} else {
return this.rawValue;
} else if (this.rawValue instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
if (copyOnRead) {
return ((CachedDeserializable)this.rawValue).getDeserializedWritableCopy(null, null);
} else {
return ((CachedDeserializable)this.rawValue).getDeserializedForReading();
} else if (Token.isInvalid(this.rawValue)) {
return null;
} else {
if (copyOnRead) {
return CopyHelper.copy(this.rawValue);
} else {
return this.rawValue;
public final RawValue setFromCacheLoader() {
this.fromCacheLoader = true;
return this;
public final boolean isFromCacheLoader() {
return this.fromCacheLoader;
public String toString() {
return "RawValue(value=" + this.rawValue + ",isByteArray="
+ isValueByteArray() + ')';
* Factory for {@link RawValue} instances. Overridden by GemFireXD to provide
* own RawValues that will also apply projection during serialization.
* @author swale
* @since 7.0
public static class RawValueFactory {
private static final RawValueFactory _instance = new RawValueFactory();
protected RawValue newInstance(final Object rawVal) {
return new RawValue(rawVal);
public static RawValueFactory getFactory() {
return _instance;
private final int redundancy;
/** the partitioned region to which this bucket belongs */
protected final PartitionedRegion partitionedRegion;
private final Map pendingSecondaryExpires = new HashMap();
/* one map per bucket region */
private final HashMap allKeysMap =
new HashMap();
// gemfire.BucktRegion.alwaysFireLocalListeners=true
private volatile AtomicLong5 eventSeqNum = null;
static final UUID zeroUUID = new UUID(0, 0);
private volatile UUID batchUUID = null;
public final ReentrantReadWriteLock columnBatchFlushLock =
new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
public final AtomicLong5 getEventSeqNum() {
return eventSeqNum;
protected final AtomicReference hoplog = new AtomicReference();
public BucketRegion(String regionName, RegionAttributes attrs,
LocalRegion parentRegion, GemFireCacheImpl cache,
InternalRegionArguments internalRegionArgs) {
super(regionName, attrs, parentRegion, cache, internalRegionArgs);
else {
Assert.assertTrue( ! attrs.getEarlyAck());
Assert.assertTrue( ! attrs.getEnableGateway());
Assert.assertTrue( ! isUsedForPartitionedRegionAdmin());
Assert.assertTrue(internalRegionArgs.getBucketAdvisor() != null);
Assert.assertTrue(internalRegionArgs.getPartitionedRegion() != null);
this.redundancy = internalRegionArgs.getPartitionedRegionBucketRedundancy();
this.partitionedRegion = internalRegionArgs.getPartitionedRegion();
// Attempt to direct the GII process to the primary first
protected void initialize(InputStream snapshotInputStream,
InternalDistributedMember imageTarget,
InternalRegionArguments internalRegionArgs)
throws TimeoutException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException
// Set this region in the ProxyBucketRegion early so that profile exchange will
// perform the correct fillInProfile method
boolean success = false;
try {
if (this.partitionedRegion.isShadowPR()
&& this.partitionedRegion.getColocatedWith() != null) {
PartitionedRegion parentPR = ColocationHelper
BucketRegion parentBucket = parentPR.getDataStore().getLocalBucketById(
// needs to be set only once.
if (parentBucket.eventSeqNum == null) {
parentBucket.eventSeqNum = new AtomicLong5(getId());
if (this.partitionedRegion.getColocatedWith() == null) {
this.eventSeqNum = new AtomicLong5(getId());
} else {
PartitionedRegion parentPR = ColocationHelper
BucketRegion parentBucket = parentPR.getDataStore().getLocalBucketById(
if (parentBucket == null) {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"The parentBucket of region"
+ this.partitionedRegion.getFullPath() + " bucketId "
+ getId() + " is NULL");
Assert.assertTrue(parentBucket != null);
this.eventSeqNum = parentBucket.eventSeqNum;
final InternalDistributedMember primaryHolder =
if (primaryHolder != null && ! primaryHolder.equals(getMyId())) {
// Ignore the provided image target, use an existing primary (if any)
super.initialize(snapshotInputStream, primaryHolder, internalRegionArgs);
} else {
super.initialize(snapshotInputStream, imageTarget, internalRegionArgs);
success = true;
} finally {
if(!success) {
public void initialized() {
//announce that the bucket is ready
//setHosting performs a profile exchange, so there
//is no need to call super.initialized() here.
protected DiskStoreImpl findDiskStore(RegionAttributes ra, InternalRegionArguments internalRegionArgs) {
return internalRegionArgs.getPartitionedRegion().getDiskStore();
public void createEventTracker() {
this.eventTracker = new EventTracker(this);
protected CacheDistributionAdvisor createDistributionAdvisor(
InternalRegionArguments internalRegionArgs){
return internalRegionArgs.getBucketAdvisor();
public final BucketAdvisor getBucketAdvisor() {
return (BucketAdvisor)this.distAdvisor;
public final boolean isHosting() {
return getBucketAdvisor().isHosting();
protected EventID distributeTombstoneGC(Set keysRemoved) {
EventID eventId = super.distributeTombstoneGC(keysRemoved);
if (keysRemoved != null && keysRemoved.size() > 0) {
// send the GC to members that don't have the bucket but have the PR so they
// can forward the event to clients
PRTombstoneMessage.send(this, keysRemoved, eventId);
return eventId;
protected void notifyClientsOfTombstoneGC(Map regionGCVersions, SetremovedKeys, EventID eventID, FilterInfo routing) {
if (CacheClientNotifier.getInstance() != null) {
// Only route the event to clients interested in the partitioned region.
// We do this by constructing a region-level event and then use it to
// have the filter profile ferret out all of the clients that have interest
// in this region
FilterProfile fp = getFilterProfile();
if (routing != null ||
(removedKeys != null && removedKeys.size() > 0 && fp != null)) { // fix for bug #46309 - don't send null/empty key set to clients
RegionEventImpl regionEvent = new RegionEventImpl(getPartitionedRegion(), Operation.REGION_DESTROY, null, true, getMyId());
FilterInfo clientRouting = routing;
if (clientRouting == null) {
clientRouting = fp.getLocalFilterRouting(regionEvent);
ClientUpdateMessage clientMessage = ClientTombstoneMessage.gc(getPartitionedRegion(), removedKeys,
CacheClientNotifier.notifyClients(regionEvent, clientMessage);
* Search the CM for keys. If found any, return the first found one
* Otherwise, save the keys into the CM, and return null
* The thread will acquire the lock before searching.
* @param keys
* @return first key found in CM
* null means not found
private LockObject searchAndLock(Object keys[]) {
final LogWriterI18n logger = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
LockObject foundLock = null;
synchronized (allKeysMap) {
// check if there's any key in map
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if ((foundLock = searchLock(keys[i], logger)) != null) {
// save the keys when still locked
if (foundLock == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
addNewLock(keys[i], logger);
return foundLock;
private LockObject searchLock(final Object key, final LogWriterI18n logger) {
final LockObject foundLock;
if ((foundLock = allKeysMap.get(key)) != null) {
if (logger.finerEnabled()) {
logger.finer("LockKeys: found key: " + key + ":"
+ foundLock.lockedTimeStamp);
return foundLock;
return null;
private void addNewLock(final Object key, final LogWriterI18n logger) {
final LockObject lockValue = new LockObject(key,
logger.fineEnabled() ? System.currentTimeMillis() : 0);
allKeysMap.put(key, lockValue);
if (logger.finerEnabled()) {
logger.finer("LockKeys: add key: " + key + ":"
+ lockValue.lockedTimeStamp);
* Search the CM for the key. If found, return the lock for the key.
* Otherwise, save the key into the CM, and return null
* The thread will acquire the lock before searching.
* @param key
private LockObject searchAndLock(final Object key) {
final LogWriterI18n logger = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
LockObject foundLock = null;
synchronized (allKeysMap) {
// check if there's any key in map
if ((foundLock = searchLock(key, logger)) == null) {
// save the keys when still locked
addNewLock(key, logger);
return foundLock;
* After processed the keys, this method will remove them from CM.
* And notifyAll for each key.
* The thread needs to acquire lock of CM first.
* @param keys
public void removeAndNotifyKeys(Object keys[]) {
final LogWriterI18n logger = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
synchronized (allKeysMap) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
removeAndNotifyKeyNoLock(keys[i], logger);
} // for
private void removeAndNotifyKeyNoLock(final Object key,
final LogWriterI18n logger) {
LockObject lockValue = allKeysMap.remove(key);
if (lockValue != null) {
// let current thread become the monitor of the key object
synchronized (lockValue) {
if (logger.finerEnabled()) {
long waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
- lockValue.lockedTimeStamp;
logger.finer("LockKeys: remove key " + key
+ ", notifyAll for " + lockValue + ". It waited " + waitTime);
* After processing the key, this method will remove it from CM.
* And notifyAll for each key.
* The thread needs to acquire lock of CM first.
* @param key
public void removeAndNotifyKey(final Object key) {
final LogWriterI18n logger = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
synchronized (allKeysMap) {
removeAndNotifyKeyNoLock(key, logger);
* Keep checking if CM has contained any key in keys. If yes, wait for notify,
* then retry again. This method will block current thread for long time.
* It only exits when current thread successfully save its keys into CM.
* @param keys
public void waitUntilLocked(Object keys[]) {
final String title = "BucketRegion.waitUntilLocked:";
final LogWriterI18n logger = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
while (true) {
LockObject foundLock = searchAndLock(keys);
if (foundLock != null) {
waitForLock(foundLock, logger, title);
} else {
// now the keys have been locked by this thread
} // to lock and process
} // while
private void waitForLock(final LockObject foundLock,
final LogWriterI18n logger, final String title) {
synchronized(foundLock) {
try {
while (!foundLock.isRemoved()) {
// primary could be changed by prRebalancing while waiting here
catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO this isn't a localizable string and it's being logged at info level, title+" interrupted while waiting for "+foundLock+":"+e.getMessage());
if (logger.fineEnabled()) {
long waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis()-foundLock.lockedTimeStamp;
logger.fine(title+" waited " + waitTime + " ms to lock "+foundLock);
* Keep checking if CM has contained any key in keys. If yes, wait for notify,
* then retry again. This method will block current thread for long time.
* It only exits when current thread successfully save its keys into CM.
* @param key
public void waitUntilLocked(final Object key) {
final String title = "BucketRegion.waitUntilLocked:";
final LogWriterI18n logger = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
while (true) {
LockObject foundLock = searchAndLock(key);
if (foundLock != null) {
waitForLock(foundLock, logger, title);
} else {
// now the keys have been locked by this thread
} // to lock and process
} // while
// this is in secondary bucket
boolean basicUpdate(final EntryEventImpl event,
final boolean ifNew,
final boolean ifOld,
final long lastModified,
final boolean overwriteDestroyed,
final boolean cacheWrite)
throws TimeoutException,
CacheWriterException {
// check validity of key against keyConstraint
if (this.keyConstraint != null) {
if (!this.keyConstraint.isInstance(event.getKey()))
throw new ClassCastException(LocalizedStrings.LocalRegion_KEY_0_DOES_NOT_SATISFY_KEYCONSTRAINT_1.
toLocalizedString(new Object[]{event.getKey().getClass().getName(), this.keyConstraint.getName()}));
if (getPartitionedRegion().needsBatching()) {
return getDataView(event).putEntry(event, ifNew, ifOld, null, false,
cacheWrite, lastModified, overwriteDestroyed);
// Entry (Put/Create) rules
// If this is a primary for the bucket
// 1) apply op locally, aka update or create entry
// 2) distribute op to bucket secondaries and bridge servers with synchrony on local entry
// 3) cache listener with synchrony on entry
// Else not a primary
// 1) apply op locally
// 2) update local bs, gateway
boolean virtualPut(EntryEventImpl event,
boolean ifNew,
boolean ifOld,
Object expectedOldValue,
boolean requireOldValue,
long lastModified,
boolean overwriteDestroyed)
throws TimeoutException,
CacheWriterException {
final boolean locked = beginLocalWrite(event);
if (getPartitionedRegion().needsBatching()) {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
.fine(" Insert into bucket id " + this.getId() + " key " + event.getKey());
boolean success = false;
try {
if (this.partitionedRegion.isLocalParallelWanEnabled()) {
if (!hasSeenEvent(event)) {
RegionEntry oldEntry = this.entries
.basicPut(event, lastModified, ifNew, ifOld, expectedOldValue,
requireOldValue, overwriteDestroyed);
// if (DistributionManager.VERBOSE) {
// getCache().getLoggerI18n().info(LocalizedStrings.DEBUG,
// "BR.virtualPut: oldEntry returned = " + oldEntry + " so basic put returned: " + (oldEntry != null));
// }
success = true;
return oldEntry != null;
if (event.getDeltaBytes() != null && event.getRawNewValue() == null) {
// This means that this event has delta bytes but no full value.
// Request the full value of this event.
// The value in this vm may not be same as this event's value.
throw new InvalidDeltaException(
"Cache encountered replay of event containing delta bytes for key "
+ event.getKey());
// Forward the operation and event messages
// to members with bucket copies that may not have seen the event. Their
// EventTrackers will keep them from applying the event a second time if
// they've already seen it.
if (DistributionManager.VERBOSE) {
"BR.virtualPut: this cache has already seen this event " + event);
distributeUpdateOperation(event, lastModified);
success = true;
return true;
} finally {
if (locked) {
// create and insert column batch
if (success && checkForColumnBatchCreation()) {
public final boolean checkForColumnBatchCreation() {
final PartitionedRegion pr = getPartitionedRegion();
return pr.needsBatching()
&& (getRegionSize() >= pr.getColumnMaxDeltaRows()
|| getTotalBytes() >= pr.getColumnBatchSize());
public final boolean createAndInsertColumnBatch(boolean forceFlush) {
// do nothing if a flush is already in progress
if (this.columnBatchFlushLock.isWriteLocked()) {
return false;
final ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock sync =
try {
return internalCreateAndInsertColumnBatch(forceFlush);
} finally {
private boolean internalCreateAndInsertColumnBatch(boolean forceFlush) {
// TODO: with forceFlush, ideally we should merge with an existing
// ColumnBatch if the current size to be flushed is small like < 1000
// (and split if total size has become too large)
boolean doFlush = false;
if (forceFlush) {
doFlush = getRegionSize() >= getPartitionedRegion()
if (!doFlush) {
doFlush = checkForColumnBatchCreation();
// we may have to use region.size so that no state
// has to be maintained
// one more check for size to make sure that concurrent call doesn't succeed.
// anyway batchUUID will be null in that case.
if (this.batchUUID != null && doFlush && getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
// need to flush the region
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
getCache().getLoggerI18n().fine("createAndInsertColumnBatch: " +
"Creating the column batch for bucket " + this.getId()
+ ", and batchID " + this.batchUUID);
Set keysToDestroy = createColumnBatchAndPutInColumnTable();
// create new batchUUID
return true;
} else {
return false;
//TODO: Suranjan. it will change for tx operations, setting of batchID will be from commitPhase1
public void setBatchUUID(EntryEventImpl event) {
// we may have to use region.size so that no state
// has to be maintained
//TODO: Suranjan Will using region.size in synchronized be slower? or should maintain atomic variable per bucket?
boolean resetBatchId = false;
if (getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
UUID batchUUIDToUse;
if (event.getPutAllOperation() != null) { //isPutAll op
batchUUIDToUse = generateAndSetBatchIDIfNULL(resetBatchId);
// loose check on size, not very strict
} else if (size() >= getPartitionedRegion().getColumnMaxDeltaRows()) {
batchUUIDToUse = generateAndSetBatchIDIfNULL(resetBatchId);
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
.fine("Creating the new batchUUID for PRIMARY bucket " + this.getId()
+ "(NON PUTALL operation) as " + this.batchUUID);
} else {
batchUUIDToUse = generateAndSetBatchIDIfNULL(resetBatchId);
} else {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
.fine("Setting the batchUUID for SECONDARY bucket " + this.getId() + "(PUT/PUTALL operation)," +
" continuing the same batchUUID as " + event.getBatchUUID());
this.batchUUID = event.getBatchUUID();
private synchronized UUID generateAndSetBatchIDIfNULL(boolean resetBatchId) {
if (resetBatchId) {
this.batchUUID = null;
return this.batchUUID;
final UUID buid = this.batchUUID;
if (buid == null || buid.equals(zeroUUID)) {
this.batchUUID = partitionedRegion.newJavaUUID();
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
.fine("Setting the batchUUID for PRIMARY bucket " + this.getId() + " (PUT/PUTALL operation)," +
" created the batchUUID as " + this.batchUUID);
} else {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
.fine("Setting the batchUUID for PRIMARY bucket " + this.getId() + "(PUT/PUTALL operation)," +
" continuing the same batchUUID as " + this.batchUUID);
return this.batchUUID;
private Set createColumnBatchAndPutInColumnTable() {
StoreCallbacks callback = CallbackFactoryProvider.getStoreCallbacks();
return callback.createColumnBatch(this, this.batchUUID, this.getId());
// TODO: Suranjan Not optimized way to destroy all entries, as changes at level of RVV required.
// TODO: Suranjan Need to do something like putAll.
// TODO: Suranjan Effect of transaction?
// This destroy is under a lock which makes sure that there is no put into the region
// No need to take the lock on key
private void destroyAllEntries(Set keysToDestroy) {
for(Object key : keysToDestroy) {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
.fine("Destroying the entries after creating ColumnBatch " + key +
" batchid " + this.batchUUID + " total size " + this.size() +
" keysToDestroy size " + keysToDestroy.size());
EntryEventImpl event = EntryEventImpl.create(
getPartitionedRegion(), Operation.DESTROY, null, null,
null, false, this.getMyId());
event.setBatchUUID(this.batchUUID); // to make sure that lock is not nexessary
if (getTXState() != null) {
getTXState().destroyExistingEntry(event, true, null);
} else {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
.fine("Destroyed all for batchID " + this.batchUUID + " total size " + this.size());
public void handleWANEvent(EntryEventImpl event) {
if (this.eventSeqNum == null) {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"The bucket corresponding to this user bucket is not created yet. This event will not go to remote wan site. Event: "
+ event);
if (!(this instanceof AbstractBucketRegionQueue)) {
if (getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
// see if it is a tx scenario
if(event.hasTX() && event.getTailKey() != -1) {
// DO Nothing
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"WAN: On primary bucket " + getId() + " , tx phase1 has already set the seq number as "
+ event.getTailKey());
else {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"WAN: On primary bucket " + getId() + " , setting the seq number as "
+ this.eventSeqNum.get() + ". was it a tx operation? " + event.hasTX());
} else {
// Can there be a race here? Like one thread has done put in primary but
// its update comes later
// in that case its possible that a tail key is missed.
// we can handle that by only incrementing the tailKey and never
// setting it less than the current value.
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"WAN: On secondary bucket " + getId() + " , setting the seq number as "
+ event.getTailKey() + ". was it a tx operation? " + event.hasTX());
public final long reserveWANSeqNumber(boolean checkWanPrimary) {
long reservedSeqNumber = -1;
final AtomicLong5 eventSeqNum = this.eventSeqNum;
if (eventSeqNum != null) {
final PartitionedRegion pr = this.partitionedRegion;
if (!checkWanPrimary
|| (pr.isLocalParallelWanEnabled() || pr.isHDFSRegion())
&& !(this instanceof AbstractBucketRegionQueue)) {
if (!checkWanPrimary || getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
reservedSeqNumber = eventSeqNum.addAndGet(pr
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"WAN: On primary bucket " + getId()
+ " , setting the seq number as " + eventSeqNum.get());
else {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"WAN: On secondary bucket " + getId()
+ " , cannot reserve any seq number ");
else {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"Cannot reserve as the bucket corresponding "
+ "to this user bucket is not created yet. ");
return reservedSeqNumber;
* Fix for Bug#45917
* We are updating the seqNumber so that new seqNumbers are
* generated starting from the latest in the system.
* @param l
public void updateEventSeqNum(long l) {
if (getCache().getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled()) {
"WAN: On bucket " + getId() + " , setting the seq number as "
+ l + " , before GII");
protected void distributeUpdateOperation(EntryEventImpl event, long lastModified) {
if (!event.isOriginRemote()
&& !event.isNetSearch()
&& getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
if (event.getPutAllOperation() == null) {
new UpdateOperation(event, lastModified).distribute();
} else {
// consolidate the UpdateOperation for each entry into a PutAllMessage
// since we did not call basicPutPart3(), so we have to explicitly addEntry here
event.getPutAllOperation().addEntry(event, this.getId());
if (!event.getOperation().isPutAll()) { // putAll will invoke listeners later
event.invokeCallbacks(this, true, true);
* distribute the operation in basicPutPart2 so the region entry lock is
* held
protected long basicPutPart2(EntryEventImpl event, RegionEntry entry, boolean isInitialized,
long lastModified, boolean clearConflict) {
// Assumed this is called with entry synchrony
// Typically UpdateOperation is called with the
// timestamp returned from basicPutPart2, but as a bucket we want to do
// distribution *before* we do basicPutPart2.
final long modifiedTime = event.getEventTime(lastModified);
// Update the get stats if necessary.
if (this.partitionedRegion.getDataStore().hasClientInterest(event)) {
updateStatsForGet(entry, true);
if (!event.isOriginRemote()) {
if (event.getVersionTag() == null || event.getVersionTag().isGatewayTag()) {
LogWriterI18n log = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
boolean eventHasDelta = event.getDeltaBytes() != null;
VersionTag v = entry.generateVersionTag(null, false, eventHasDelta,
this, event);
if (v != null) {
if (log.fineEnabled()) { log.fine("generated version tag " + v + /*" for " + event.getKey() +*/ " in region " + this.getName()); }
// This code assumes it is safe ignore token mode (GII in progress)
// because it assumes when the origin of the event is local,
// the GII has completed and the region is initialized and open for local
// ops
long start = this.partitionedRegion.getPrStats().startSendReplication();
try {
if (event.getPutAllOperation() == null) {
Delta deltaNewValue = null;
if (event.isLoadedFromHDFS()) {
LogWriterI18n log = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
if (log.fineEnabled()) {
log.fine("Removing delta from the event for propagation of " +
"update operation as it is loaded from HDFS "
+ event);
// removing the delta so that old value gets replaced by new
// value on secondary for HDFS loaded event. As the row is not
// loaded on the secondary, delta can not be applied
deltaNewValue = event.getDeltaNewValue();
UpdateOperation op = new UpdateOperation(event, modifiedTime);
//set the delta back again
if (event.isLoadedFromHDFS() && (deltaNewValue != null)) {
} else {
// consolidate the UpdateOperation for each entry into a PutAllMessage
// basicPutPart3 will call event.getPutAllOperation().addEntry(event);
} finally {
return super.basicPutPart2(event, entry, isInitialized, lastModified, clearConflict);
protected void notifyGatewayHubs(EnumListenerEvent operation,
EntryEventImpl event) {
if (shouldNotifyGatewayHub()) {
// We need to clone the event for PRs.
EntryEventImpl prEvent = createEventForPR(event);
try {
this.partitionedRegion.notifyGatewayHubs(operation, prEvent);
} finally {
} else {
// We don't need to clone the event for new Gateway Senders.
// Preserve the bucket reference for resetting it later.
LocalRegion bucketRegion = event.getRegion();
try {
this.partitionedRegion.notifyGatewayHubs(operation, event);
} finally {
// reset the event region back to bucket region.
// This should work as gateway queue create GatewaySenderEvent for queueing.
public void checkForPrimary() {
final boolean isp = getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary();
if (! isp){
InternalDistributedMember primaryHolder = getBucketAdvisor().basicGetPrimaryMember();
throw new PrimaryBucketException("Bucket " + getName()
+ " is not primary. Current primary holder is "+primaryHolder);
* Checks to make sure that this node is primary, and locks the bucket
* to make sure the bucket stays the primary bucket while the write
* is in progress. Any call to this method must be followed with a call
* to endLocalWrite().
* @param event
private boolean beginLocalWrite(EntryEventImpl event) {
if (skipWriteLock(event)) {
return false;
if (cache.isCacheAtShutdownAll()) {
throw new CacheClosedException("Cache is shutting down");
final Object key = event.getKey();
waitUntilLocked(key); // it might wait for long time
boolean lockedForPrimary = false;
try {
return (lockedForPrimary = true);
} finally {
if (!lockedForPrimary) {
* lock this bucket and, if present, its colocated "parent"
* @param tryLock - whether to use tryLock (true) or a blocking lock (false)
* @return true if locks were obtained and are still held
public boolean doLockForPrimary(boolean tryLock) {
boolean locked = lockPrimaryStateReadLock(tryLock);
if(!locked) {
return false;
boolean isPrimary = false;
try {
// Throw a PrimaryBucketException if this VM is assumed to be the
// primary but isn't, preventing update and distribution
if (cache.isCacheAtShutdownAll()) {
throw new CacheClosedException("Cache is shutting down");
isPrimary = true;
} finally {
if(!isPrimary) {
return true;
private boolean lockPrimaryStateReadLock(boolean tryLock) {
Lock activeWriteLock = this.getBucketAdvisor().getActiveWriteLock();
Lock parentLock = this.getBucketAdvisor().getParentActiveWriteLock();
for (;;) {
boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
try {
//Get the lock. If we have to wait here, it's because
//this VM is actively becoming "not primary". We don't want
//to throw an exception until this VM is actually no longer
//primary, so we wait here for not primary to complete. See bug #39963
if (parentLock != null) {
if (tryLock) {
boolean locked = parentLock.tryLock();
if (!locked) {
return false;
} else {
if (tryLock) {
boolean locked = activeWriteLock.tryLock();
if (!locked) {
return false;
} else {
else {
if (tryLock) {
boolean locked = activeWriteLock.tryLock();
if (!locked) {
return false;
} else {
break; // success
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true;
// don't throw InternalGemFireError to fix bug 40102
} finally {
if (interrupted) {
return true;
public void doUnlockForPrimary() {
Lock activeWriteLock = this.getBucketAdvisor().getActiveWriteLock();
Lock parentLock = this.getBucketAdvisor().getParentActiveWriteLock();
if(parentLock!= null){
* Release the lock on the bucket that makes the bucket
* stay the primary during a write.
private void endLocalWrite(EntryEventImpl event) {
protected boolean skipWriteLock(EntryEventImpl event) {
return event.isOriginRemote() || event.isNetSearch() || event.hasTX()
|| event.getOperation().isLocal() || event.getOperation().isPutAll()
|| (event.isExpiration() && (isEntryEvictDestroyEnabled() || event.isPendingSecondaryExpireDestroy()));
// this is stubbed out because distribution is done in basicPutPart2 while
// the region entry is still locked
protected void distributeUpdate(EntryEventImpl event, long lastModified) {
// Entry Invalidation rules
// If this is a primary for the bucket
// 1) apply op locally, aka update entry
// 2) distribute op to bucket secondaries and bridge servers with synchrony on local entry
// 3) cache listener with synchrony on entry
// 4) update local bs, gateway
// Else not a primary
// 1) apply op locally
// 2) update local bs, gateway
void basicInvalidate(EntryEventImpl event) throws EntryNotFoundException
basicInvalidate(event, isInitialized(), false);
void basicInvalidate(final EntryEventImpl event, boolean invokeCallbacks,
boolean forceNewEntry)
throws EntryNotFoundException {
// disallow local invalidation
Assert.assertTrue(! event.isLocalInvalid());
// avoid Assert that incurs expensive ThreadLocal lookup
assert !isTX(): "unexpected invocation with existing " + getTXState()
+ " for " + event;
final boolean locked = beginLocalWrite(event);
try {
// increment the tailKey so that invalidate operations are written to HDFS
if (this.partitionedRegion.hdfsStoreName != null) {
assert this.partitionedRegion.isLocalParallelWanEnabled();
// which performs the local op.
// The ARM then calls basicInvalidatePart2 with the entry synchronized.
if ( !hasSeenEvent(event) ) {
if (event.getOperation().isExpiration()) { // bug 39905 - invoke listeners for expiration
DistributedSystem sys = cache.getDistributedSystem();
EventID newID = new EventID(sys);
boolean forceCallbacks = isEntryEvictDestroyEnabled();
boolean done = this.entries.invalidate(event, invokeCallbacks, forceNewEntry, forceCallbacks);
ExpirationAction expirationAction = getEntryExpirationAction();
if (done && !getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary() && expirationAction != null
&& expirationAction.isInvalidate()) {
synchronized(pendingSecondaryExpires) {
else {
if (DistributionManager.VERBOSE) {
"LR.basicInvalidate: this cache has already seen this event " + event);
if (!event.isOriginRemote()
&& getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
// This cache has processed the event, forward operation
// and event messages to backup buckets
new InvalidateOperation(event).distribute();
event.invokeCallbacks(this,true, false);
} finally {
if (locked) {
void basicInvalidatePart2(final RegionEntry re, final EntryEventImpl event,
boolean clearConflict, boolean invokeCallbacks)
// Assumed this is called with the entry synchronized
if (!event.isOriginRemote()) {
if (event.getVersionTag() == null || event.getVersionTag().isGatewayTag()) {
LogWriterI18n log = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
VersionTag v = re.generateVersionTag(null, false, false, this, event);
if (log.fineEnabled() && v != null) { log.fine("generated version tag " + v + /*" for " + event.getKey() +*/ " in region " + this.getName()); }
// This code assumes it is safe ignore token mode (GII in progress)
// because it assumes when the origin of the event is local,
// the GII has completed and the region is initialized and open for local
// ops
// This code assumes that this bucket is primary
// distribute op to bucket secondaries and event to other listeners
InvalidateOperation op = new InvalidateOperation(event);
super.basicInvalidatePart2(re, event, clearConflict /*Clear conflict occurred */, invokeCallbacks);
void distributeInvalidate(EntryEventImpl event) {
protected void distributeInvalidateRegion(RegionEventImpl event) {
// switch region in event so that we can have distributed region
// send InvalidateRegion message.
event.region = this;
event.region = this.partitionedRegion;
protected boolean shouldDistributeInvalidateRegion(RegionEventImpl event) {
return getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary();
protected boolean shouldGenerateVersionTag(RegionEntry entry, EntryEventImpl event) {
if (event.getOperation().isLocal()) { // bug #45402 - localDestroy generated a version tag
return false;
return this.concurrencyChecksEnabled && ((event.getVersionTag() == null) || event.getVersionTag().isGatewayTag());
void expireDestroy(EntryEventImpl event, boolean cacheWrite) {
/* Early out before we throw a PrimaryBucketException because we're not primary */
if (!skipWriteLock(event) && !getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
try {
super.expireDestroy(event, cacheWrite);
} catch(PrimaryBucketException e) {
//must have concurrently removed the primary
void expireInvalidate(EntryEventImpl event) {
if(!getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
try {
} catch (PrimaryBucketException e) {
//must have concurrently removed the primary
final void performExpiryTimeout(ExpiryTask p_task) throws CacheException
ExpiryTask task = p_task;
boolean isEvictDestroy = isEntryEvictDestroyEnabled();
//Fix for bug 43805 - get the primary lock before
//synchronizing on pendingSecondaryExpires, to match the lock
//ordering in other place (like acquiredPrimaryLock)
try {
// Why do we care if evict destroy is configured?
// See bug 41096 for the answer.
if(!getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary() && !isEvictDestroy) {
synchronized (this.pendingSecondaryExpires) {
if (task.isPending()) {
Object key = task.getKey();
if (key != null) {
this.pendingSecondaryExpires.put(key, task);
} else {
} finally {
protected boolean isEntryEvictDestroyEnabled() {
return getEvictionAttributes() != null && EvictionAction.LOCAL_DESTROY.equals(getEvictionAttributes().getAction());
protected final void processPendingSecondaryExpires()
ExpiryTask[] tasks;
while (true) {
// note we just keep looping until no more pendingExpires exist
synchronized (this.pendingSecondaryExpires) {
if (this.pendingSecondaryExpires.isEmpty()) {
tasks = new ExpiryTask[this.pendingSecondaryExpires.size()];
tasks = this.pendingSecondaryExpires.values().toArray(tasks);
try {
if (isCacheClosing() || isClosed() || this.isDestroyed) {
final LogWriterI18n logger = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
try {
if (logger.fineEnabled()) {
logger.fine(tasks[i].toString() + " fired at "
+ System.currentTimeMillis());
if (isCacheClosing() || isClosed() || isDestroyed()) {
catch (EntryNotFoundException ignore) {
// ignore and try the next expiry task
catch (RegionDestroyedException re) {
// Ignore - our job is done
catch (CancelException ex) {
// ignore
catch (Throwable ex) {
Error err;
if (ex instanceof Error && SystemFailure.isJVMFailureError(
err = (Error)ex)) {
// If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
// now, so don't let this thread continue.
throw err;
// Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
// check for fatal JVM error (see above). However, there is
// _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
// error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
// is still usable:
getCache().getLoggerI18n().severe(LocalizedStrings.LocalRegion_EXCEPTION_IN_EXPIRATION_TASK, ex);
* Creates an event for the EVICT_DESTROY operation so that events will fire
* for Partitioned Regions.
* @param key - the key that this event is related to
* @return an event for EVICT_DESTROY
protected EntryEventImpl generateEvictDestroyEvent(Object key) {
EntryEventImpl event = super.generateEvictDestroyEvent(key);
event.setInvokePRCallbacks(true); //see bug 40797
return event;
// Entry Destruction rules
// If this is a primary for the bucket
// 1) apply op locally, aka destroy entry (REMOVED token)
// 2) distribute op to bucket secondaries and bridge servers with synchrony on local entry
// 3) cache listener with synchrony on local entry
// 4) update local bs, gateway
// Else not a primary
// 1) apply op locally
// 2) update local bs, gateway
void basicDestroy(final EntryEventImpl event,
final boolean cacheWrite,
Object expectedOldValue)
throws EntryNotFoundException, CacheWriterException, TimeoutException {
// avoid Assert that incurs expensive ThreadLocal lookup
// assert (!(isTX() && !event.getOperation().isEviction())): "unexpected invocation with existing " + getTXState()
// + " for " + event;
final boolean locked = beginLocalWrite(event);
try {
// increment the tailKey for the destroy event
if (this.partitionedRegion.isLocalParallelWanEnabled()) {
LogWriterI18n log = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
// In GemFire EVICT_DESTROY is not distributed, so in order to remove the entry
// from memory, allow the destroy to proceed. fixes #49784
if (GemFireCacheImpl.gfxdSystem() && event.isLoadedFromHDFS() && !getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
if (log.fineEnabled()) {
log.fine("Put the destory event in HDFS queue on secondary "
+ "and return as event is HDFS loaded " + event);
notifyGatewayHubs(EnumListenerEvent.AFTER_DESTROY, event);
if (log.fineEnabled()) {
if (GemFireCacheImpl.gfxdSystem()) {
log.fine("Going ahead with the destroy as not hdfs loaded event " + event + " am i primary " + getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary());
} else {
log.fine("Going ahead with the destroy on GemFire system");
// This call should invoke AbstractRegionMap (aka ARM) destroy method
// which calls the CacheWriter, then performs the local op.
// The ARM then calls basicDestroyPart2 with the entry synchronized.
if ( !hasSeenEvent(event) ) {
if (event.getOperation().isExpiration()) { // bug 39905 - invoke listeners for expiration
DistributedSystem sys = cache.getDistributedSystem();
EventID newID = new EventID(sys);
boolean done = mapDestroy(event,
event.getOperation().isEviction(), // isEviction
if(done && !getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary() && isEntryExpiryPossible()) {
synchronized(pendingSecondaryExpires) {
else {
} finally {
if (locked) {
protected void distributeDestroyOperation (EntryEventImpl event) {
if (DistributionManager.VERBOSE) {
"BR.basicDestroy: this cache has already seen this event " + event);
if (!event.isOriginRemote()
&& getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
// This cache has processed the event, forward operation
// and event messages to backup buckets
new DestroyOperation(event).distribute();
event.invokeCallbacks(this,true, false);
protected void basicDestroyBeforeRemoval(RegionEntry entry, EntryEventImpl event) {
// Assumed this is called with entry synchrony
if (!event.isOriginRemote()
&& !event.getOperation().isLocal()
&& !Operation.EVICT_DESTROY.equals(event.getOperation())
&& !(event.isExpiration() && isEntryEvictDestroyEnabled())) {
if (event.getVersionTag() == null || event.getVersionTag().isGatewayTag()) {
LogWriterI18n log = getCache().getLoggerI18n();
VersionTag v = entry.generateVersionTag(null, false, false, this, event);
if (log.fineEnabled() && v != null) { log.fine("generated version tag " + v + /*" for " + event.getKey() +*/ " in region " + this.getName()); }
// This code assumes it is safe ignore token mode (GII in progress)
// because it assume when the origin of the event is local,
// then GII has completed (the region has been completely initialized)
// This code assumes that this bucket is primary
new DestroyOperation(event).distribute();
super.basicDestroyBeforeRemoval(entry, event);
void distributeDestroy(EntryEventImpl event, Object expectedOldValue) {
// impl removed - not needed for listener invocation alterations
// void basicDestroyPart2(RegionEntry re, EntryEventImpl event, boolean inTokenMode, boolean invokeCallbacks)
protected void validateArguments(Object key, Object value,
Object aCallbackArgument) {
// LocalRegion#supportsTransaction already ensures that TX is always null
// for BucketRegions so no need for check below
assert !isTX(); // avoid Assert that incurs expensive ThreadLocal lookup
super.validateArguments(key, value, aCallbackArgument);
public void forceSerialized(EntryEventImpl event) {
// Object obj = event.getRawNewValue();
// if (obj instanceof byte[]
// || obj == null
// || obj instanceof CachedDeserializable
// || obj == NotAvailable.NOT_AVAILABLE
// || Token.isInvalidOrRemoved(obj)) {
// // already serialized
// return;
// }
// throw new InternalGemFireError("event did not force serialized: " + event);
* This method is called when a miss from a get ends up
* finding an object through a cache loader or from a server.
* In that case we want to make sure that we don't move
* this bucket while putting the value in the ache.
* @see LocalRegion#basicPutEntry(EntryEventImpl, long)
protected RegionEntry basicPutEntry(final EntryEventImpl event,
final long lastModified) throws TimeoutException, CacheWriterException {
final boolean locked = beginLocalWrite(event);
try {
return super.basicPutEntry(event, lastModified);
} finally {
if (locked) {
void basicUpdateEntryVersion(EntryEventImpl event)
throws EntryNotFoundException {
try {
if (!hasSeenEvent(event)) {
} else {
if (DistributionManager.VERBOSE) {
"BR.basicUpdateEntryVersion: this cache has already seen this event "
+ event);
if (!event.isOriginRemote() && getBucketAdvisor().isPrimary()) {
// This cache has processed the event, forward operation
// and event messages to backup buckets
new UpdateEntryVersionOperation(event).distribute();
} finally {
public int getRedundancyLevel()
return this.redundancy;
public boolean isPrimary() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(LocalizedStrings.BucketRegion_THIS_SHOULD_NEVER_BE_CALLED_ON_0.toLocalizedString(getClass()));
public final boolean isDestroyed() {
//TODO prpersist - Added this if null check for the partitioned region
// because we create the disk store for a bucket *before* in the constructor
// for local region, which is before this final field is assigned. This is why
// we shouldn't do some much work in the constructors! This is a temporary
// hack until I move must of the constructor code to region.initialize.
return isBucketDestroyed()
|| (this.partitionedRegion != null
&& this.partitionedRegion.isLocallyDestroyed && !isInDestroyingThread());
* Return true if this bucket has been destroyed.
* Don't bother checking to see if the PR that owns this bucket was destroyed;
* that has already been checked.
* @since 6.0
public final boolean isBucketDestroyed() {
return super.isDestroyed();
public boolean isHDFSRegion() {
return this.partitionedRegion.isHDFSRegion();
public boolean isHDFSReadWriteRegion() {
return this.partitionedRegion.isHDFSReadWriteRegion();
protected boolean isHDFSWriteOnly() {
return this.partitionedRegion.isHDFSWriteOnly();
public int sizeEstimate() {
if (isHDFSReadWriteRegion()) {
try {
ConcurrentParallelGatewaySenderQueue q = getHDFSQueue();
if (q == null) return 0;
int hdfsBucketRegionSize = q.getBucketRegionQueue(
partitionedRegion, getId()).size();
int hoplogEstimate = (int) getHoplogOrganizer().sizeEstimate();
if (getLogWriterI18n().fineEnabled()) {
getLogWriterI18n().fine("for bucket " + getName() + " estimateSize returning "
+ (hdfsBucketRegionSize + hoplogEstimate));
return hdfsBucketRegionSize + hoplogEstimate;
} catch (ForceReattemptException e) {
throw new PrimaryBucketException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
return size();
public void checkReadiness()
if (isDestroyed()) {
throw new RegionDestroyedException(toString(), getFullPath());
public final PartitionedRegion getPartitionedRegion(){
return this.partitionedRegion;
public BucketRegion getHostedBucketRegion() {
return this;
* is the current thread involved in destroying the PR that
* owns this region?
private final boolean isInDestroyingThread() {
return this.partitionedRegion.locallyDestroyingThread
== Thread.currentThread();
// public int getSerialNumber() {
// String s = "This should never be called on " + getClass();
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s);
// }
public void fillInProfile(Profile profile) {
BucketProfile bp = (BucketProfile) profile;
bp.isInitializing = this.initializationLatchAfterGetInitialImage.getCount() > 0;
/** check to see if the partitioned region is locally destroyed or closed */
public boolean isPartitionedRegionOpen() {
return !this.partitionedRegion.isLocallyDestroyed &&
!this.partitionedRegion.isClosed && !this.partitionedRegion.isDestroyed();
* Horribly plagiarized from the similar method in LocalRegion
* @param key
* @param updateStats
* @param clientEvent holder for client version tag
* @param returnTombstones whether Token.TOMBSTONE should be returned for destroyed entries
* @return serialized form if present, null if the entry is not in the cache,
* or INVALID or LOCAL_INVALID re is a miss (invalid)
* @throws IOException
* if there is a serialization problem
* @see LocalRegion#getDeserializedValue(RegionEntry, Object, Object, boolean,
* boolean, boolean, TXStateInterface, EntryEventImpl, boolean, boolean)
private RawValue getSerialized(Object key, boolean updateStats,
boolean doNotLockEntry, final TXStateInterface lockState,
EntryEventImpl clientEvent, boolean returnTombstones, boolean allowReadFromHDFS)
throws EntryNotFoundException, IOException {
RegionEntry re = null;
if (allowReadFromHDFS) {
re = this.entries.getEntry(key);
} else {
re = this.entries.getOperationalEntryInVM(key);
if (re == null) {
return RawValue.NULLVALUE;
if (re.isTombstone() && !returnTombstones) {
return RawValue.NULLVALUE;
Object v = null;
try {
if (lockState != null) {
v = lockState.lockEntryForRead(re, key, this,
doNotLockEntry ? ReadEntryUnderLock.DO_NOT_LOCK_ENTRY : 0,
returnTombstones, READ_SER_VALUE);
else {
v = getSerialized(re, doNotLockEntry); // TODO OFFHEAP: todo v ends up in a RawValue. For now this can be a copy of the offheap onto the heap. But it might be easy to track lifetime of RawValue
if (v == RawValue.REQUIRES_ENTRY_LOCK) {
if (clientEvent != null) {
VersionStamp stamp = re.getVersionStamp();
if (stamp != null) {
} catch (DiskAccessException dae) {
this.handleDiskAccessException(dae, true /* stop bridge servers */);
throw dae;
if (v == null) {
return RawValue.NULLVALUE;
else {
if (updateStats) {
updateStatsForGet(re, true);
return RawValue.newInstance(v, this.cache);
private final Object getSerialized(final RegionEntry re,
final boolean doNotLockEntry) {
// TODO OFFHEAP: todo v ends up in a RawValue. For now this can be a copy of
// the offheap onto the heap. But it might be easy to track lifetime of
// RawValue
Object v = re.getValue(this);
if (doNotLockEntry) {
if (v == Token.NOT_AVAILABLE || v == null) {
return v;
* Return serialized form of an entry
* Horribly plagiarized from the similar method in LocalRegion
* @param keyInfo
* @param generateCallbacks
* @param clientEvent holder for the entry's version information
* @param returnTombstones TODO
* @return serialized (byte) form
* @throws IOException if the result is not serializable
* @see LocalRegion#get(Object, Object, boolean, EntryEventImpl)
public RawValue getSerialized(final Object key, final Object callbackArg,
KeyInfo keyInfo, boolean generateCallbacks, boolean doNotLockEntry,
final TXStateInterface lockState, EntryEventImpl clientEvent,
boolean returnTombstones, boolean allowReadFromHDFS) throws IOException {
CachePerfStats stats = getCachePerfStats();
long start = stats.startGet();
boolean miss = true;
try {
boolean isCreate = false;
RawValue result = getSerialized(key, true, doNotLockEntry, lockState,
clientEvent, returnTombstones, allowReadFromHDFS);
isCreate = result == RawValue.NULLVALUE
|| (result.getRawValue() == Token.TOMBSTONE && !returnTombstones);
miss = (result == RawValue.NULLVALUE || Token.isInvalid(result
if (miss) {
// if scope is local and there is no loader, then
// don't go further to try and get value
if (hasServerProxy() ||
basicGetLoader() != null) {
if(doNotLockEntry) {
if (keyInfo == null) {
keyInfo = new KeyInfo(key, callbackArg, getId());
// TODO OFFHEAP: optimze
Object value = nonTxnFindObject(keyInfo, isCreate,
generateCallbacks, result.getRawValue(), true, true, clientEvent, false, allowReadFromHDFS);
if (value != null) {
result = RawValue.newInstance(value, this.cache)
else { // local scope with no loader, still might need to update stats
if (isCreate) {
recordMiss(getTXState(), null, key);
// changed in 7.0 to return RawValue(Token.INVALID) if the entry is invalid
return result;
} finally {
stats.endGet(start, miss);
} // getSerialized
public final int hashCode() {
return RegionInfoShip
.getHashCode(this.partitionedRegion.getPRId(), getId());
protected StringBuilder getStringBuilder() {
return super.getStringBuilder().append("; serial=")
.append(getSerialNumber()).append("; primary=").append(
protected void distributedRegionCleanup(RegionEventImpl event)
// No need to close advisor, assume its already closed
// However we need to remove our listener from the advisor (see bug 43950).
* Tell the peers that this VM has destroyed the region.
* Also marks the local disk files as to be deleted before
* sending the message to peers.
* @param rebalance true if this is due to a rebalance removing the bucket
public void removeFromPeersAdvisors(boolean rebalance) {
if(getPersistenceAdvisor() != null) {
DiskRegion diskRegion = getDiskRegion();
//Tell our peers whether we are destroying this region
//or just closing it.
boolean shouldDestroy = rebalance || diskRegion == null
|| !diskRegion.isRecreated();
Operation op = shouldDestroy ? Operation.REGION_LOCAL_DESTROY
: Operation.REGION_CLOSE;
RegionEventImpl event = new RegionEventImpl(this, op, null, false,
getMyId(), generateEventID()/* generate EventID */);
// When destroying the whole partitioned region, there's no need to
// distribute the region closure/destruction, the PR RegionAdvisor.close()
// has taken care of it
if (isPartitionedRegionOpen()) {
//Only delete the files on the local disk if
//this is a rebalance, or we are creating the bucket
//for the first time
if (diskRegion != null && shouldDestroy) {
//Send out the destroy op to peers
new DestroyRegionOperation(event, true).distribute();
protected void distributeDestroyRegion(RegionEventImpl event,
boolean notifyOfRegionDeparture) {
//No need to do this when we actually destroy the region,
//we already distributed this info.
EntryEventImpl createEventForPR(EntryEventImpl sourceEvent) {
EntryEventImpl e2 = new EntryEventImpl(sourceEvent);
boolean returned = false;
try {
else {
DistributedMember dm = this.getDistributionManager().getDistributionManagerId();
returned = true;
return e2;
} finally {
if (!returned) {
public void invokeTXCallbacks(
final EnumListenerEvent eventType, final EntryEventImpl event,
final boolean callDispatchListenerEvent, final boolean notifyGateway)
if (getCache().getLogger().fineEnabled()) {
getCache().getLogger().fine("BR.invokeTXCallbacks for event " + event);
// bucket events may make it to this point even though the bucket is still
// initializing. We can't block while initializing or a GII state flush
// may hang, so we avoid notifying the bucket
if (this.isInitialized()) {
boolean callThem = callDispatchListenerEvent;
if (event.isPossibleDuplicate()
&& this.eventTracker.isInitialImageProvider(event.getDistributedMember())) {
callThem = false;
super.invokeTXCallbacks(eventType, event, callThem, notifyGateway);
final EntryEventImpl prevent = createEventForPR(event);
try {
this.partitionedRegion.invokeTXCallbacks(eventType, prevent, this.partitionedRegion.isInitialized() ? callDispatchListenerEvent : false, false);
} finally {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion#invokeDestroyCallbacks(com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EnumListenerEvent, com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl, boolean)
public void invokeDestroyCallbacks(
final EnumListenerEvent eventType, final EntryEventImpl event,
final boolean callDispatchListenerEvent, boolean notifyGateways)
// bucket events may make it to this point even though the bucket is still
// initializing. We can't block while initializing or a GII state flush
// may hang, so we avoid notifying the bucket
if (this.isInitialized()) {
boolean callThem = callDispatchListenerEvent;
if (event.isPossibleDuplicate()
&& this.eventTracker.isInitialImageProvider(event.getDistributedMember())) {
callThem = false;
super.invokeDestroyCallbacks(eventType, event, callThem, notifyGateways);
final EntryEventImpl prevent = createEventForPR(event);
try {
this.partitionedRegion.invokeDestroyCallbacks(eventType, prevent, this.partitionedRegion.isInitialized() ? callDispatchListenerEvent : false, false);
} finally {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion#invokeInvalidateCallbacks(com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EnumListenerEvent, com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl, boolean)
public void invokeInvalidateCallbacks(
final EnumListenerEvent eventType, final EntryEventImpl event,
final boolean callDispatchListenerEvent)
// bucket events may make it to this point even though the bucket is still
// initializing. We can't block while initializing or a GII state flush
// may hang, so we avoid notifying the bucket
if (this.isInitialized()) {
boolean callThem = callDispatchListenerEvent;
if (event.isPossibleDuplicate()
&& this.eventTracker.isInitialImageProvider(event.getDistributedMember())) {
callThem = false;
super.invokeInvalidateCallbacks(eventType, event, callThem);
final EntryEventImpl prevent = createEventForPR(event);
try {
this.partitionedRegion.invokeInvalidateCallbacks(eventType, prevent, this.partitionedRegion.isInitialized() ? callDispatchListenerEvent : false);
} finally {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.LocalRegion#invokePutCallbacks(com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EnumListenerEvent, com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.EntryEventImpl, boolean)
public void invokePutCallbacks(
final EnumListenerEvent eventType, final EntryEventImpl event,
final boolean callDispatchListenerEvent, boolean notifyGateways)
if (getCache().getLogger().finerEnabled()) {
getCache().getLogger().finer("invoking put callbacks on bucket for event " + event);
// bucket events may make it to this point even though the bucket is still
// initializing. We can't block while initializing or a GII state flush
// may hang, so we avoid notifying the bucket
if (this.isInitialized()) {
boolean callThem = callDispatchListenerEvent;
if (callThem && event.isPossibleDuplicate()
&& this.eventTracker.isInitialImageProvider(event.getDistributedMember())) {
callThem = false;
super.invokePutCallbacks(eventType, event, callThem, notifyGateways);
final EntryEventImpl prevent = createEventForPR(event);
try {
this.partitionedRegion.invokePutCallbacks(eventType, prevent,
this.partitionedRegion.isInitialized() ? callDispatchListenerEvent : false, false);
} finally {
* perform adjunct messaging for the given operation and return a set of
* members that should be attached to the operation's reply processor (if any)
* @param event the event causing this messaging
* @param cacheOpRecipients set of receiver which got cacheUpdateOperation.
* @param adjunctRecipients recipients that must unconditionally get the event
* @param filterRoutingInfo routing information for all members having the region
* @param processor the reply processor, or null if there isn't one
* @return the set of failed recipients
protected Set performAdjunctMessaging(EntryEventImpl event,
Set cacheOpRecipients, Set adjunctRecipients,
FilterRoutingInfo filterRoutingInfo,
DirectReplyProcessor processor,
boolean calculateDelta,
boolean sendDeltaWithFullValue) {
Set failures = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
PartitionMessage msg = event.getPartitionMessage();
if (calculateDelta) {
if (msg != null) {
// The primary bucket member which is being modified remotely by a GemFire
// thread via a received PartitionedMessage
//Asif: Some of the adjunct recepients include those members which
// are GemFireXDHub & would need old value along with news
msg = msg.getMessageForRelayToListeners(event, adjunctRecipients);
failures = msg.relayToListeners(cacheOpRecipients, adjunctRecipients,
filterRoutingInfo, event, this.partitionedRegion, processor);
else {
// The primary bucket is being modified locally by an application thread locally
Operation op = event.getOperation();
if (op.isCreate() || op.isUpdate()) {
// note that at this point ifNew/ifOld have been used to update the
// local store, and the event operation should be correct
failures = PutMessage.notifyListeners(cacheOpRecipients,
adjunctRecipients, filterRoutingInfo, this.partitionedRegion,
event, op.isCreate(), !op.isCreate(), processor,
else if (op.isDestroy()) {
failures = DestroyMessage.notifyListeners(cacheOpRecipients,
adjunctRecipients, filterRoutingInfo,
this.partitionedRegion, event, processor);
else if (op.isInvalidate()) {
failures = InvalidateMessage.notifyListeners(cacheOpRecipients,
adjunctRecipients, filterRoutingInfo,
this.partitionedRegion, event, processor);
else {
failures = adjunctRecipients;
return failures;
private void setDeltaIfNeeded(EntryEventImpl event) {
Object instance;
if (this.partitionedRegion.getSystem().getConfig().getDeltaPropagation()
&& event.getOperation().isUpdate() && event.getDeltaBytes() == null) {
@Unretained Object rawNewValue = event.getRawNewValue();
if (!(rawNewValue instanceof CachedDeserializable)) {
if (rawNewValue instanceof StoredObject && !((StoredObject) rawNewValue).isSerialized()) {
// it is a byte[]; not a Delta
instance = ((CachedDeserializable)rawNewValue).getValue();
final com.gemstone.gemfire.Delta delta;
if (instance instanceof com.gemstone.gemfire.Delta
&& (delta = (com.gemstone.gemfire.Delta)instance).hasDelta()) {
try {
HeapDataOutputStream hdos = new HeapDataOutputStream(Version.CURRENT);
long start = DistributionStats.getStatTime();
catch (RuntimeException re) {
throw re;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new DeltaSerializationException(
.toLocalizedString(), e);
* create a PutAllPRMessage for notify-only and send it to all adjunct nodes.
* return a set of members that should be attached to the operation's reply processor (if any)
* @param dpao DistributedPutAllOperation object for PutAllMessage
* @param cacheOpRecipients set of receiver which got cacheUpdateOperation.
* @param adjunctRecipients recipients that must unconditionally get the event
* @param filterRoutingInfo routing information for all members having the region
* @param processor the reply processor, or null if there isn't one
* @return the set of failed recipients
public Set performPutAllAdjunctMessaging(DistributedPutAllOperation dpao,
Set cacheOpRecipients, Set adjunctRecipients, FilterRoutingInfo filterRoutingInfo,
DirectReplyProcessor processor) {
// create a PutAllPRMessage out of PutAllMessage to send to adjunct nodes
PutAllPRMessage prMsg = dpao.createPRMessagesNotifyOnly(getId());
prMsg.initMessage(this.partitionedRegion, adjunctRecipients, true, processor);
// find members who have clients subscribed to this event and add them
// to the recipients list. Also determine if there are any FilterInfo
// routing tables for any of the receivers
// boolean anyWithRouting = false;
Set recipients = null;
Set membersWithRouting = filterRoutingInfo.getMembers();
for (Iterator it=membersWithRouting.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Object mbr =;
if (!cacheOpRecipients.contains(mbr)) {
// anyWithRouting = true;
if (!adjunctRecipients.contains(mbr)) {
if (recipients == null) {
recipients = new HashSet();
if (recipients == null) {
recipients = adjunctRecipients;
} else {
// Set failures = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
// if (!anyWithRouting) {
Set failures = this.partitionedRegion.getDistributionManager().putOutgoing(prMsg);
// } else {
// // Send message to each member. We set a FilterRoutingInfo serialization
// // target so that serialization of the PutAllData objects held in the
// // message will only serialize the routing entry for the message recipient
// Iterator rIter = recipients.iterator();
// failures = new HashSet();
// while (rIter.hasNext()){
// InternalDistributedMember member = (InternalDistributedMember);
// FilterRoutingInfo.setSerializationTarget(member);
// try {
// prMsg.resetRecipients();
// prMsg.setRecipient(member);
// Set fs = this.partitionedRegion.getDistributionManager().putOutgoing(prMsg);
// if (fs != null && !fs.isEmpty()) {
// failures.addAll(fs);
// }
// } finally {
// FilterRoutingInfo.clearSerializationTarget();
// }
// }
// }
return failures;
* return the set of recipients for adjunct operations
protected Set getAdjunctReceivers(EntryEventImpl event, Set cacheOpReceivers,
Set twoMessages, FilterRoutingInfo routing) {
Operation op = event.getOperation();
if (op.isUpdate() || op.isCreate() || (op.isDestroy() && !op.isExpiration()) || op.isInvalidate()) {
// this method can safely assume that the operation is being distributed from
// the primary bucket holder to other nodes
Set r = this.partitionedRegion.getRegionAdvisor()
if (r.size() > 0) {
// buckets that are initializing may transition out of token mode during
// message transmission and need both cache-op and adjunct messages to
// ensure that listeners are invoked
if (twoMessages.size() > 0) {
if (r.size() == 0) { // can't add to Collections.EMPTY_SET
r = twoMessages;
else {
if (routing != null) {
// add adjunct messages to members with client routings
for (InternalDistributedMember id: routing.getMembers()) {
if (!cacheOpReceivers.contains(id)) {
if (r.isEmpty()) {
r = new HashSet();
return r;
else {
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
public final int getId() {
return getBucketAdvisor().getProxyBucketRegion().getId();
protected void cacheWriteBeforePut(EntryEventImpl event, Set netWriteRecipients,
CacheWriter localWriter,
boolean requireOldValue, Object expectedOldValue)
throws CacheWriterException, TimeoutException {
boolean origRemoteState = false;
try {
if (event.getPartitionMessage() != null || event.hasClientOrigin()) {
this.partitionedRegion.cacheWriteBeforePut(event, netWriteRecipients,
localWriter, requireOldValue, expectedOldValue);
} finally {
if (event.getPartitionMessage() != null || event.hasClientOrigin()) {
boolean cacheWriteBeforeDestroy(EntryEventImpl event, Object expectedOldValue)
throws CacheWriterException, EntryNotFoundException, TimeoutException {
boolean origRemoteState = false;
boolean ret = false;
try {
if (event.getPartitionMessage() != null || event.hasClientOrigin()) {
ret = this.partitionedRegion.cacheWriteBeforeDestroy(event, expectedOldValue);
} finally {
if (event.getPartitionMessage() != null || event.hasClientOrigin()) {
return ret;
// return super.cacheWriteBeforeDestroy(event);
public CacheWriter basicGetWriter() {
return this.partitionedRegion.basicGetWriter();
void cleanUpOnIncompleteOp(EntryEventImpl event, RegionEntry re,
boolean eventRecorded, boolean updateStats, boolean isReplace) {
if(!eventRecorded || isReplace) {
//No indexes updated so safe to remove.
this.entries.removeEntry(event.getKey(), re, updateStats) ;
}/*else {
//if event recorded is true, that means as per event tracker entry is in
//system. As per gemfirexd, indexes have been updated. What is not done
// is basicPutPart2( distribution etc). So we do nothing as PR's re-attempt
// will do the required basicPutPart2. If we remove the entry here, than
//event tracker will not allow re insertion. So either we do nothing or
//if we remove ,than we have to update gfxdindexes as well as undo recording
// of event.
//TODO:OQL indexes? : Hope they get updated during retry. The issue is that oql indexes
// get updated after distribute , so it is entirely possible that oql index are
// not updated. what if retry fails?
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.partitioned.Bucket#getBucketOwners()
* @since gemfire59poc
public Set getBucketOwners() {
return getBucketAdvisor().getProxyBucketRegion().getBucketOwners();
public long getCounter() {
return counter.get();
public void updateCounter(long delta) {
if (delta != 0) {
public void resetCounter() {
if (this.counter.get() != 0) {
public long getLimit() {
if (this.limit == null) {
return 0;
return limit.get();
public void setLimit(long limit) {
// This method can be called before object of this class is created
if (this.limit == null) {
this.limit = CFactory.createAL();
static int calcMemSize(Object value) {
if (value != null && (value instanceof GatewaySenderEventImpl)) {
return ((GatewaySenderEventImpl)value).getSerializedValueSize();
if (value == null || value instanceof Token) {
return 0;
if (!(value instanceof byte[])
&& !CachedDeserializableFactory.preferObject()
&& !(value instanceof CachedDeserializable)
&& !(value instanceof com.gemstone.gemfire.Delta)
&& !(value instanceof Delta)) {
// ezoerner:20090401 it's possible this value is a Delta
throw new InternalGemFireError("DEBUG: calcMemSize: weird value (class "
+ value.getClass() + "): " + value);
try {
return CachedDeserializableFactory.calcMemSize(value);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return 0;
boolean isDestroyingDiskRegion;
protected void updateSizeOnClearRegion(int sizeBeforeClear) {
// This method is only called when the bucket is destroyed. If we
// start supporting clear of partitioned regions, this logic needs to change
// we can't just set these counters to zero, because there could be
// concurrent operations that are also updating these stats. For example,
//a destroy could have already been applied to the map, and then updates
//the stat after we reset it, making the state negative.
final PartitionedRegionDataStore prDs = this.partitionedRegion.getDataStore();
// this.debugMap.clear();
// this.createCount.set(0);
// this.putCount.set(0);
// this.invalidateCount.set(0);
// this.evictCount.set(0);
// this.faultInCount.set(0);
// if (cache.getLogger().infoEnabled()) {
// cache.getLogger().info("updateSizeOnClearRegion (" + this + ")");
// }
long oldMemValue;
if(this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroyingDiskRegion) {
//If this region is destroyed, mark the stat as destroyed.
oldMemValue = this.bytesInMemory.getAndSet(BUCKET_DESTROYED);
} else if(!this.isInitialized()) {
//This case is rather special. We clear the region if the GII failed.
//In the case of bucket regions, we know that there will be no concurrent operations
//if GII has failed, because there is not primary. So it's safe to set these
//counters to 0.
oldMemValue = this.bytesInMemory.getAndSet(0);
// GemFireXD has table/DD locks, so clearing the flags is fine
else if (GemFireCacheImpl.gfxdSystem()) {
oldMemValue = this.bytesInMemory.getAndSet(0);
else {
throw new InternalGemFireError("Trying to clear a bucket region that was not destroyed or in initialization.");
if(oldMemValue != BUCKET_DESTROYED) {
// private final AL createCount = CFactory.createAL();
// private final AL putCount = CFactory.createAL();
// private final AL invalidateCount = CFactory.createAL();
// private final AL removeCount = CFactory.createAL();
// private final AL evictCount = CFactory.createAL();
// private final AL faultInCount = CFactory.createAL();
// private final ConcurrentHashMap debugMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
public int calculateValueSize(Object val) {
// Only needed by BucketRegion
return calcMemSize(val);
public int calculateRegionEntryValueSize(RegionEntry re) {
return calcMemSize(re._getValue()); // OFFHEAP _getValue ok
void updateSizeOnPut(Object key, int oldSize, int newSize) {
// if (cache.getLogger().infoEnabled()) {
// cache.getLogger().info("updateSizeOnPut (" + this
// + " key=" + key
// + ") oldSize = " + oldSize + " newSize = " + newSize
// + " cCount=" + this.createCount.get()
// + " rCount=" + this.removeCount.get()
// + " pCount=" + this.putCount.get()
// + " iCount=" + this.invalidateCount.get()
// + " eCount=" + this.evictCount.get()
// + " fCount=" + this.faultInCount.get()
// + " liveCount=" + getLiveCount()
// + " bSize=" + this.bytesInMemory.get());
// }
// if (newSize == 0) {
// if (oldSize == 0 && oldVal != NotAvailable.NOT_AVAILABLE
// && oldVal != Token.REMOVED_PHASE1) {
// cache.getLogger().info("called updateSizeOnPut with oldVal=" + oldVal + " newVal=" + newVal,
// new RuntimeException("STACK"));
// } else {
// if (oldSize != 0) {
// this.invalidateCount.incrementAndGet();
// }
// if (oldVal != Token.REMOVED_PHASE1) {
// Assert.assertTrue(this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// } else {
// // create invalid. No need to change stats
// Assert.assertTrue(!this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// this.debugMap.put(key, 0);
// }
// }
// } else if (oldSize == 0) {
// if (oldVal != NotAvailable.NOT_AVAILABLE && oldVal != Token.REMOVED_PHASE1) {
// cache.getLogger().info("called updateSizeOnPut with oldVal=" + oldVal,
// new RuntimeException("STACK"));
// }
// // count it as a create since it is in memory again
// this.createCount.incrementAndGet();
// if (oldVal != Token.REMOVED_PHASE1) {
// Assert.assertTrue(this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// Assert.assertTrue(oldSize == this.debugMap.get(key), "expected " + oldSize + "==" + this.debugMap.get(key));
// } else {
// Assert.assertTrue(!this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// }
// this.debugMap.put(key, newSize);
// } else {
// this.putCount.incrementAndGet();
// Assert.assertTrue(oldSize == this.debugMap.get(key), "expected " + oldSize + "==" + this.debugMap.get(key));
// this.debugMap.put(key, newSize);
// }
updateBucket2Size(oldSize, newSize, SizeOp.UPDATE);
// /**
// * Return number of entries stored in memory on this bucket
// */
// private long getLiveCount() {
// return this.createCount.get() - this.removeCount.get() - this.invalidateCount.get()
// - (this.evictCount.get() - this.faultInCount.get());
// }
void updateSizeOnCreate(Object key, int newSize) {
// if (cache.getLogger().infoEnabled()) {
// cache.getLogger().info("updateSizeOnCreate (" + this
// + " key=" + key
// + ") newSize = " + newSize
// + " cCount=" + this.createCount.get()
// + " rCount=" + this.removeCount.get()
// + " pCount=" + this.putCount.get()
// + " iCount=" + this.invalidateCount.get()
// + " eCount=" + this.evictCount.get()
// + " fCount=" + this.faultInCount.get()
// + " liveCount=" + getLiveCount()
// + " bSize=" + this.bytesInMemory.get());
// }
// if (newSize == 0 && newVal != Token.INVALID) {
// cache.getLogger().info("called updateSizeOnCreate with newVal=" + newVal,
// new RuntimeException("STACK"));
// } else {
// if (newSize != 0) {
// this.createCount.incrementAndGet();
// }
// Assert.assertTrue(!this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// this.debugMap.put(key, newSize);
// }
updateBucket2Size(0, newSize, SizeOp.CREATE);
void updateSizeOnRemove(Object key, int oldSize) {
// if (cache.getLogger().infoEnabled()) {
// cache.getLogger().info("updateSizeOnRemove (" + this
// + " key=" + key
// + ") oldSize = " + oldSize
// + " oldObj=" + oldVal
// + " cCount=" + this.createCount.get()
// + " rCount=" + this.removeCount.get()
// + " pCount=" + this.putCount.get()
// + " iCount=" + this.invalidateCount.get()
// + " eCount=" + this.evictCount.get()
// + " fCount=" + this.faultInCount.get()
// + " liveCount=" + getLiveCount()
// + " bSize=" + this.bytesInMemory.get());
// }
// if (oldSize != 0) {
// this.removeCount.incrementAndGet();
// }
// Assert.assertTrue(this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// Assert.assertTrue(oldSize == this.debugMap.get(key), "expected " + oldSize + "==" + this.debugMap.get(key));
// this.debugMap.remove(key);
updateBucket2Size(oldSize, 0, SizeOp.DESTROY);
int updateSizeOnEvict(Object key, int oldSize) {
int newDiskSize = oldSize;
// if (cache.getLogger().infoEnabled()) {
// cache.getLogger().info("updateSizeOnEvict (" + this
// + " key=" + key
// + ") oldSize=" + oldSize
// + " newDiskSize=" + newDiskSize
// + " cCount=" + this.createCount.get()
// + " rCount=" + this.removeCount.get()
// + " pCount=" + this.putCount.get()
// + " iCount=" + this.invalidateCount.get()
// + " eCount=" + this.evictCount.get()
// + " fCount=" + this.faultInCount.get()
// + " liveCount=" + getLiveCount()
// + " bSize=" + this.bytesInMemory.get());
// }
// if (oldSize != 0) {
// this.evictCount.incrementAndGet();
// }
// Assert.assertTrue(this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// Assert.assertTrue(oldSize == this.debugMap.get(key), "expected " + oldSize + "==" + this.debugMap.get(key));
// this.debugMap.put(key, 0);
updateBucket2Size(oldSize, newDiskSize, SizeOp.EVICT);
return newDiskSize;
public void updateSizeOnFaultIn(Object key, int newMemSize, int oldDiskSize) {
// if (cache.getLogger().infoEnabled()) {
// cache.getLogger().info("updateSizeOnFaultIn (" + this
// + " key=" + key
// + ") oldDiskSize=" + oldDiskSize
// + " newSize=" + newMemSize
// + " cCount=" + this.createCount.get()
// + " rCount=" + this.removeCount.get()
// + " pCount=" + this.putCount.get()
// + " iCount=" + this.invalidateCount.get()
// + " eCount=" + this.evictCount.get()
// + " fCount=" + this.faultInCount.get()
// + " liveCount=" + getLiveCount()
// + " bSize=" + this.bytesInMemory.get());
// }
// if (newMemSize != 0) {
// this.faultInCount.incrementAndGet();
// }
// Assert.assertTrue(this.debugMap.containsKey(key));
// Assert.assertTrue(0 == this.debugMap.get(key), "expected " + 0 + "==" + this.debugMap.get(key));
// this.debugMap.put(key, newMemSize);
updateBucket2Size(oldDiskSize, newMemSize, SizeOp.FAULT_IN);
public void initializeStats(long numEntriesInVM, long numOverflowOnDisk,
long numOverflowBytesOnDisk) {
super.initializeStats(numEntriesInVM, numOverflowOnDisk, numOverflowBytesOnDisk);
protected void setMemoryThresholdFlag(MemoryEvent event) {
//Bucket regions are not registered with ResourceListener,
//and should not get this event
public void initialCriticalMembers(boolean localHeapIsCritical,
Set critialMembers) {
// The owner Partitioned Region handles critical threshold events
protected void closeCallbacksExceptListener() {
//closeCacheCallback(getCacheLoader()); - fix bug 40228 - do NOT close loader
public long getSizeInMemory() {
return Math.max(this.bytesInMemory.get(), 0L);
public long getTotalBytes() {
long result = this.bytesInMemory.get();
if(result == BUCKET_DESTROYED) {
return 0;
result += getNumOverflowBytesOnDisk();
return result;
public void preDestroyBucket() {
// cause abort of the GII thread
ImageState is = this.getImageState();
if (is != null) {
is.setClearRegionFlag(true, null);
protected boolean clearIndexes(IndexUpdater indexUpdater, boolean lockForGII,
boolean setIsDestroyed) {
BucketRegionIndexCleaner cleaner = new BucketRegionIndexCleaner(lockForGII, !setIsDestroyed, this);
return false;
protected boolean isExplicitRegionDestroy(RegionEventImpl event) {
return event != null
&& Operation.REGION_LOCAL_DESTROY.equals(event.getOperation())
&& !PartitionedRegionDataStore.FOR_BUCKET_CLOSE.equals(event
protected void invokePartitionListenerAfterBucketRemoved() {
PartitionListener[] partitionListeners = getPartitionedRegion().getPartitionListeners();
if (partitionListeners == null || partitionListeners.length == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < partitionListeners.length; i++) {
PartitionListener listener = partitionListeners[i];
if (listener != null) {
listener.afterBucketRemoved(getId(), keySet());
protected void invokePartitionListenerAfterBucketCreated() {
PartitionListener[] partitionListeners = getPartitionedRegion().getPartitionListeners();
if (partitionListeners == null || partitionListeners.length == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < partitionListeners.length; i++) {
PartitionListener listener = partitionListeners[i];
if (listener != null) {
listener.afterBucketCreated(getId(), keySet());
enum SizeOp {
int computeMemoryDelta(int oldSize, int newSize) {
switch (this) {
case CREATE:
return newSize;
return - oldSize;
case UPDATE:
return newSize - oldSize;
case EVICT:
return - oldSize;
case FAULT_IN:
return newSize;
throw new AssertionError("unhandled sizeOp: " + this);
* Updates the bucket size.
void updateBucket2Size(int oldSize, int newSize,
SizeOp op) {
final int memoryDelta = op.computeMemoryDelta(oldSize, newSize);
if (memoryDelta == 0) return;
// cache.getLogger().fine("updateBucketSize(): delta " + delta
// + " b2size[" + bucketId + "]:" + b2size[(int) bucketId]
// + " bytesInUse: "+ bytesInUse
// + " oldObjBytes: " + oldSize
// + " newObjBytes: "+ newSize, new Exception());
// do the bigger one first to keep the sum > 0
void updateBucketMemoryStats(final int memoryDelta) {
if (memoryDelta != 0) {
final long bSize = bytesInMemory.compareAddAndGet(BUCKET_DESTROYED, memoryDelta);
// debugging output for #40116
// if (bSize <= 0) {
// cache.getLogger().info("DEBUG: bSize=" + bSize + " delta=" + memoryDelta
// + " " + System.identityHashCode(this),
// ((bSize == 0 || bSize == memoryDelta)? new Exception("stack trace") : null));
// }
if (bSize < 0 && getCancelCriterion().cancelInProgress() == null) {
// cache.getLogger().info("DEBUG: death " + System.identityHashCode(this));
throw new InternalGemFireError("Bucket " + this + " size (" +
bSize + ") negative after applying delta of " + memoryDelta);
final PartitionedRegionDataStore prDS = this.partitionedRegion.getDataStore();
//cache.getLogger().fine("DEBUG updateBucketMemoryStats delta=" + memoryDelta + " newSize=" + bytesInMemory.get(), new RuntimeException("STACK"));
public static BucketRegionIndexCleaner getIndexCleaner() {
BucketRegionIndexCleaner cleaner = bucketRegionIndexCleaner.get();
return cleaner;
* Returns the current number of entries whose value has been
* overflowed to disk by this bucket.This value will decrease when a value is
* faulted in.
public long getNumOverflowOnDisk() {
return this.numOverflowOnDisk.get();
public long getNumOverflowBytesOnDisk() {
return this.numOverflowBytesOnDisk.get();
* Returns the current number of entries whose value resides in the
* VM for this bucket. This value will decrease when the entry is overflowed to
* disk.
public long getNumEntriesInVM() {
return this.numEntriesInVM.get();
* Increments the current number of entries whose value has been
* overflowed to disk by this bucket, by a given amount.
void incNumOverflowOnDisk(long delta) {
void incNumOverflowBytesOnDisk(long delta) {
if (delta == 0) return;
// The following could be reenabled at a future time.
// I deadcoded for now to make sure I didn't have it break
// the last 6.5 regression.
// It is possible that numOverflowBytesOnDisk might go negative
// for a short period of time if a decrement ever happens before
// its corresponding increment.
// if (res < 0) {
// throw new IllegalStateException("numOverflowBytesOnDisk < 0 " + res);
// }
* Increments the current number of entries whose value has been
* overflowed to disk by this bucket,by a given amount.
void incNumEntriesInVM(long delta) {
public void incEvictions(long delta ) {
public long getEvictions( ) {
return this.evictions.get();
protected boolean isMemoryThresholdReachedForLoad() {
return getBucketAdvisor().getProxyBucketRegion().isBucketSick();
public int getSizeForEviction() {
EvictionAttributes ea = this.getAttributes().getEvictionAttributes();
if (ea == null)
return 0;
EvictionAlgorithm algo = ea.getAlgorithm();
if (!algo.isLRUHeap())
return 0;
EvictionAction action = ea.getAction();
int size = action.isLocalDestroy() ? this.getRegionMap().sizeInVM() : (int)this
return size;
public HashMap getDestroyedSubregionSerialNumbers() {
return new HashMap(0);
public FilterProfile getFilterProfile(){
return this.partitionedRegion.getFilterProfile();
protected void generateLocalFilterRouting(InternalCacheEvent event) {
if (event.getLocalFilterInfo() == null) {
public void beforeAcquiringPrimaryState() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// 48990: when HDFS was down, gemfirexd should still start normally
getPartitionedRegion().getLogWriterI18n().warning(LocalizedStrings.HOPLOG_NOT_STARTED_YET, e);
} catch(Throwable e) {
//49333 - no matter what, we should elect a primary.
getPartitionedRegion().getLogWriterI18n().error(LocalizedStrings.LocalRegion_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, e);
public HoplogOrganizer> createHoplogOrganizer() throws IOException {
if (getPartitionedRegion().isHDFSRegion()) {
HoplogOrganizer> organizer = hoplog.get();
if (organizer != null) {
// hoplog is recreated by anther thread
return organizer;
HoplogOrganizer hdfs = hoplog.getAndSet(getPartitionedRegion().hdfsManager.create(getId()));
assert hdfs == null;
return hoplog.get();
} else {
return null;
public void afterAcquiringPrimaryState() {
* Invoked when a primary bucket is demoted.
public void beforeReleasingPrimaryLockDuringDemotion() {
protected void releaseHoplogOrganizer() {
// release resources during a clean transition
HoplogOrganizer hdfs = hoplog.getAndSet(null);
if (hdfs != null) {
public HoplogOrganizer> getHoplogOrganizer() throws HDFSIOException {
HoplogOrganizer> organizer = hoplog.get();
if (organizer == null) {
synchronized (getBucketAdvisor()) {
try {
organizer = createHoplogOrganizer();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HDFSIOException("Failed to create Hoplog organizer due to ", e);
if (organizer == null) {
throw new HDFSIOException("Hoplog organizer is not available for " + this);
return organizer;
public RegionAttributes getAttributes() {
return this;
public void hdfsCalled(Object key) {
protected void clearHDFSData() {
//clear the HDFS data if present
if (getPartitionedRegion().isHDFSReadWriteRegion()) {
// Clear the queue
ConcurrentParallelGatewaySenderQueue q = getHDFSQueue();
if (q == null) return;
q.clear(getPartitionedRegion(), this.getId());
HoplogOrganizer organizer = hoplog.get();
if (organizer != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GemFireIOException(LocalizedStrings.HOPLOG_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_HDFS_DATA.toLocalizedString(), e);
public EvictionCriteria getEvictionCriteria() {
return this.partitionedRegion.getEvictionCriteria();
public CustomEvictionAttributes getCustomEvictionAttributes() {
return this.partitionedRegion.getCustomEvictionAttributes();
* @return true if the evict destroy was done; false if it was not needed
public boolean customEvictDestroy(Object key)
final EntryEventImpl event =
boolean locked = false;
try {
locked = beginLocalWrite(event);
return mapDestroy(event,
false, // cacheWrite
true, // isEviction
null); // expectedOldValue
catch (CacheWriterException error) {
throw new Error(LocalizedStrings.LocalRegion_CACHE_WRITER_SHOULD_NOT_HAVE_BEEN_CALLED_FOR_EVICTDESTROY.toLocalizedString(), error);
catch (TimeoutException anotherError) {
throw new Error(LocalizedStrings.LocalRegion_NO_DISTRIBUTED_LOCK_SHOULD_HAVE_BEEN_ATTEMPTED_FOR_EVICTDESTROY.toLocalizedString(), anotherError);
catch (EntryNotFoundException yetAnotherError) {
throw new Error(LocalizedStrings.LocalRegion_ENTRYNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION_SHOULD_BE_MASKED_FOR_EVICTDESTROY.toLocalizedString(), yetAnotherError);
} finally {
if (locked) {
public boolean areSecondariesPingable() {
Set hostingservers = this.partitionedRegion.getRegionAdvisor()
if (cache.getLoggerI18n().fineEnabled())
cache.getLoggerI18n().fine("Pinging secondaries of bucket " + this.getId() + " on servers " + hostingservers);
if (hostingservers.size() == 0)
return true;
return ServerPingMessage.send(cache, hostingservers);