org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Cast.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
import java.math.{BigDecimal => JavaBigDecimal}
import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.{CalendarInterval, UTF8String}
object Cast {
* Returns true iff we can cast `from` type to `to` type.
def canCast(from: DataType, to: DataType): Boolean = (from, to) match {
case (fromType, toType) if fromType == toType => true
case (NullType, _) => true
case (_, StringType) => true
case (StringType, BinaryType) => true
case (StringType, BooleanType) => true
case (DateType, BooleanType) => true
case (TimestampType, BooleanType) => true
case (_: NumericType, BooleanType) => true
case (StringType, TimestampType) => true
case (BooleanType, TimestampType) => true
case (DateType, TimestampType) => true
case (_: NumericType, TimestampType) => true
case (_, DateType) => true
case (StringType, CalendarIntervalType) => true
case (StringType, _: NumericType) => true
case (BooleanType, _: NumericType) => true
case (DateType, _: NumericType) => true
case (TimestampType, _: NumericType) => true
case (_: NumericType, _: NumericType) => true
case (ArrayType(fromType, fn), ArrayType(toType, tn)) =>
canCast(fromType, toType) &&
resolvableNullability(fn || forceNullable(fromType, toType), tn)
case (MapType(fromKey, fromValue, fn), MapType(toKey, toValue, tn)) =>
canCast(fromKey, toKey) &&
(!forceNullable(fromKey, toKey)) &&
canCast(fromValue, toValue) &&
resolvableNullability(fn || forceNullable(fromValue, toValue), tn)
case (StructType(fromFields), StructType(toFields)) =>
fromFields.length == toFields.length && {
case (fromField, toField) =>
canCast(fromField.dataType, toField.dataType) &&
fromField.nullable || forceNullable(fromField.dataType, toField.dataType),
case (udt1: UserDefinedType[_], udt2: UserDefinedType[_]) if udt1.userClass == udt2.userClass =>
case _ => false
private def resolvableNullability(from: Boolean, to: Boolean) = !from || to
private def forceNullable(from: DataType, to: DataType) = (from, to) match {
case (StringType, _: NumericType) => true
case (StringType, TimestampType) => true
case (DoubleType, TimestampType) => true
case (FloatType, TimestampType) => true
case (StringType, DateType) => true
case (_: NumericType, DateType) => true
case (BooleanType, DateType) => true
case (DateType, _: NumericType) => true
case (DateType, BooleanType) => true
case (DoubleType, _: DecimalType) => true
case (FloatType, _: DecimalType) => true
case (_, DecimalType.Fixed(_, _)) => true // TODO: not all upcasts here can really give null
case _ => false
/** Cast the child expression to the target data type. */
case class Cast(child: Expression, dataType: DataType)
extends UnaryExpression with CodegenFallback {
override def toString: String = s"cast($child as ${dataType.simpleString})"
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
if (Cast.canCast(child.dataType, dataType)) {
} else {
s"cannot cast ${child.dataType} to $dataType")
override def nullable: Boolean = Cast.forceNullable(child.dataType, dataType) || child.nullable
// [[func]] assumes the input is no longer null because eval already does the null check.
@inline private[this] def buildCast[T](a: Any, func: T => Any): Any = func(a.asInstanceOf[T])
// UDFToString
private[this] def castToString(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case BinaryType => buildCast[Array[Byte]](_, UTF8String.fromBytes)
case DateType => buildCast[Int](_, d => UTF8String.fromString(DateTimeUtils.dateToString(d)))
case TimestampType => buildCast[Long](_,
t => UTF8String.fromString(DateTimeUtils.timestampToString(t)))
case _ => buildCast[Any](_, o => UTF8String.fromString(o.toString))
// BinaryConverter
private[this] def castToBinary(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType => buildCast[UTF8String](_, _.getBytes)
// UDFToBoolean
private[this] def castToBoolean(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => {
if (StringUtils.isTrueString(s)) {
} else if (StringUtils.isFalseString(s)) {
} else {
case TimestampType =>
buildCast[Long](_, t => t != 0)
case DateType =>
// Hive would return null when cast from date to boolean
buildCast[Int](_, d => null)
case LongType =>
buildCast[Long](_, _ != 0)
case IntegerType =>
buildCast[Int](_, _ != 0)
case ShortType =>
buildCast[Short](_, _ != 0)
case ByteType =>
buildCast[Byte](_, _ != 0)
case DecimalType() =>
buildCast[Decimal](_, !_.isZero)
case DoubleType =>
buildCast[Double](_, _ != 0)
case FloatType =>
buildCast[Float](_, _ != 0)
// TimestampConverter
private[this] def castToTimestamp(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, utfs => DateTimeUtils.stringToTimestamp(utfs).orNull)
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => if (b) 1L else 0)
case LongType =>
buildCast[Long](_, l => longToTimestamp(l))
case IntegerType =>
buildCast[Int](_, i => longToTimestamp(i.toLong))
case ShortType =>
buildCast[Short](_, s => longToTimestamp(s.toLong))
case ByteType =>
buildCast[Byte](_, b => longToTimestamp(b.toLong))
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => DateTimeUtils.daysToMillis(d) * 1000)
// TimestampWritable.decimalToTimestamp
case DecimalType() =>
buildCast[Decimal](_, d => decimalToTimestamp(d))
// TimestampWritable.doubleToTimestamp
case DoubleType =>
buildCast[Double](_, d => doubleToTimestamp(d))
// TimestampWritable.floatToTimestamp
case FloatType =>
buildCast[Float](_, f => doubleToTimestamp(f.toDouble))
private[this] def decimalToTimestamp(d: Decimal): Long = {
(d.toBigDecimal * 1000000L).longValue()
private[this] def doubleToTimestamp(d: Double): Any = {
if (d.isNaN || d.isInfinite) null else (d * 1000000L).toLong
// converting seconds to us
private[this] def longToTimestamp(t: Long): Long = t * 1000000L
// converting us to seconds
private[this] def timestampToLong(ts: Long): Long = math.floor(ts.toDouble / 1000000L).toLong
// converting us to seconds in double
private[this] def timestampToDouble(ts: Long): Double = {
ts / 1000000.0
// DateConverter
private[this] def castToDate(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => DateTimeUtils.stringToDate(s).orNull)
case TimestampType =>
// throw valid precision more than seconds, according to Hive.
// Timestamp.nanos is in 0 to 999,999,999, no more than a second.
buildCast[Long](_, t => DateTimeUtils.millisToDays(t / 1000L))
// Hive throws this exception as a Semantic Exception
// It is never possible to compare result when hive return with exception,
// so we can return null
// NULL is more reasonable here, since the query itself obeys the grammar.
case _ => _ => null
// IntervalConverter
private[this] def castToInterval(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => CalendarInterval.fromString(s.toString))
case _ => _ => null
// LongConverter
private[this] def castToLong(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => try s.toString.toLong catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => if (b) 1L else 0L)
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => null)
case TimestampType =>
buildCast[Long](_, t => timestampToLong(t))
case x: NumericType =>
b => x.numeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]].toLong(b)
// IntConverter
private[this] def castToInt(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => try s.toString.toInt catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => if (b) 1 else 0)
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => null)
case TimestampType =>
buildCast[Long](_, t => timestampToLong(t).toInt)
case x: NumericType =>
b => x.numeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]].toInt(b)
// ShortConverter
private[this] def castToShort(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => try s.toString.toShort catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => if (b) 1.toShort else 0.toShort)
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => null)
case TimestampType =>
buildCast[Long](_, t => timestampToLong(t).toShort)
case x: NumericType =>
b => x.numeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]].toInt(b).toShort
// ByteConverter
private[this] def castToByte(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => try s.toString.toByte catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => if (b) 1.toByte else 0.toByte)
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => null)
case TimestampType =>
buildCast[Long](_, t => timestampToLong(t).toByte)
case x: NumericType =>
b => x.numeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]].toInt(b).toByte
* Change the precision / scale in a given decimal to those set in `decimalType` (if any),
* returning null if it overflows or modifying `value` in-place and returning it if successful.
* NOTE: this modifies `value` in-place, so don't call it on external data.
private[this] def changePrecision(value: Decimal, decimalType: DecimalType): Decimal = {
if (value.changePrecision(decimalType.precision, decimalType.scale)) value else null
private[this] def castToDecimal(from: DataType, target: DecimalType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => try {
changePrecision(Decimal(new JavaBigDecimal(s.toString)), target)
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => changePrecision(if (b) Decimal.ONE else Decimal.ZERO, target))
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => null) // date can't cast to decimal in Hive
case TimestampType =>
// Note that we lose precision here.
buildCast[Long](_, t => changePrecision(Decimal(timestampToDouble(t)), target))
case dt: DecimalType =>
b => changePrecision(b.asInstanceOf[Decimal].clone(), target)
case t: IntegralType =>
b => changePrecision(Decimal(t.integral.asInstanceOf[Integral[Any]].toLong(b)), target)
case x: FractionalType =>
b => try {
changePrecision(Decimal(x.fractional.asInstanceOf[Fractional[Any]].toDouble(b)), target)
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
// DoubleConverter
private[this] def castToDouble(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => try s.toString.toDouble catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => if (b) 1d else 0d)
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => null)
case TimestampType =>
buildCast[Long](_, t => timestampToDouble(t))
case x: NumericType =>
b => x.numeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]].toDouble(b)
// FloatConverter
private[this] def castToFloat(from: DataType): Any => Any = from match {
case StringType =>
buildCast[UTF8String](_, s => try s.toString.toFloat catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => null
case BooleanType =>
buildCast[Boolean](_, b => if (b) 1f else 0f)
case DateType =>
buildCast[Int](_, d => null)
case TimestampType =>
buildCast[Long](_, t => timestampToDouble(t).toFloat)
case x: NumericType =>
b => x.numeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]].toFloat(b)
private[this] def castArray(fromType: DataType, toType: DataType): Any => Any = {
val elementCast = cast(fromType, toType)
// TODO: Could be faster?
buildCast[ArrayData](_, array => {
val values = new Array[Any](array.numElements())
array.foreach(fromType, (i, e) => {
if (e == null) {
values(i) = null
} else {
values(i) = elementCast(e)
new GenericArrayData(values)
private[this] def castMap(from: MapType, to: MapType): Any => Any = {
val keyCast = castArray(from.keyType, to.keyType)
val valueCast = castArray(from.valueType, to.valueType)
buildCast[MapData](_, map => {
val keys = keyCast(map.keyArray()).asInstanceOf[ArrayData]
val values = valueCast(map.valueArray()).asInstanceOf[ArrayData]
new ArrayBasedMapData(keys, values)
private[this] def castStruct(from: StructType, to: StructType): Any => Any = {
val castFuncs: Array[(Any) => Any] = {
case (fromField, toField) => cast(fromField.dataType, toField.dataType)
// TODO: Could be faster?
val newRow = new GenericMutableRow(from.fields.length)
buildCast[InternalRow](_, row => {
var i = 0
while (i < row.numFields) {
if (row.isNullAt(i)) null else castFuncs(i)(row.get(i, from.apply(i).dataType)))
i += 1
private[this] def cast(from: DataType, to: DataType): Any => Any = to match {
case dt if dt == child.dataType => identity[Any]
case StringType => castToString(from)
case BinaryType => castToBinary(from)
case DateType => castToDate(from)
case decimal: DecimalType => castToDecimal(from, decimal)
case TimestampType => castToTimestamp(from)
case CalendarIntervalType => castToInterval(from)
case BooleanType => castToBoolean(from)
case ByteType => castToByte(from)
case ShortType => castToShort(from)
case IntegerType => castToInt(from)
case FloatType => castToFloat(from)
case LongType => castToLong(from)
case DoubleType => castToDouble(from)
case array: ArrayType => castArray(from.asInstanceOf[ArrayType].elementType, array.elementType)
case map: MapType => castMap(from.asInstanceOf[MapType], map)
case struct: StructType => castStruct(from.asInstanceOf[StructType], struct)
case udt: UserDefinedType[_]
if udt.userClass == from.asInstanceOf[UserDefinedType[_]].userClass =>
case _: UserDefinedType[_] =>
throw new SparkException(s"Cannot cast $from to $to.")
private[this] lazy val cast: Any => Any = cast(child.dataType, dataType)
protected override def nullSafeEval(input: Any): Any = cast(input)
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val eval = child.gen(ctx)
val nullSafeCast = nullSafeCastFunction(child.dataType, dataType, ctx)
eval.code +
castCode(ctx, eval.value, eval.isNull, ev.value, ev.isNull, dataType, nullSafeCast)
// three function arguments are: child.primitive, result.primitive and result.isNull
// it returns the code snippets to be put in null safe evaluation region
private[this] type CastFunction = (String, String, String) => String
private[this] def nullSafeCastFunction(
from: DataType,
to: DataType,
ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = to match {
case _ if from == NullType => (c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case _ if to == from => (c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c;"
case StringType => castToStringCode(from, ctx)
case BinaryType => castToBinaryCode(from)
case DateType => castToDateCode(from, ctx)
case decimal: DecimalType => castToDecimalCode(from, decimal, ctx)
case TimestampType => castToTimestampCode(from, ctx)
case CalendarIntervalType => castToIntervalCode(from)
case BooleanType => castToBooleanCode(from)
case ByteType => castToByteCode(from)
case ShortType => castToShortCode(from)
case IntegerType => castToIntCode(from)
case FloatType => castToFloatCode(from)
case LongType => castToLongCode(from)
case DoubleType => castToDoubleCode(from)
case array: ArrayType =>
castArrayCode(from.asInstanceOf[ArrayType].elementType, array.elementType, ctx)
case map: MapType => castMapCode(from.asInstanceOf[MapType], map, ctx)
case struct: StructType => castStructCode(from.asInstanceOf[StructType], struct, ctx)
case udt: UserDefinedType[_]
if udt.userClass == from.asInstanceOf[UserDefinedType[_]].userClass =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c;"
case _: UserDefinedType[_] =>
throw new SparkException(s"Cannot cast $from to $to.")
// Since we need to cast child expressions recursively inside ComplexTypes, such as Map's
// Key and Value, Struct's field, we need to name out all the variable names involved in a cast.
private[this] def castCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, childPrim: String, childNull: String,
resultPrim: String, resultNull: String, resultType: DataType, cast: CastFunction): String = {
boolean $resultNull = $childNull;
${ctx.javaType(resultType)} $resultPrim = ${ctx.defaultValue(resultType)};
if (!${childNull}) {
${cast(childPrim, resultPrim, resultNull)}
private[this] def castToStringCode(from: DataType, ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = {
from match {
case BinaryType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = UTF8String.fromBytes($c);"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"""$evPrim = UTF8String.fromString(
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"""$evPrim = UTF8String.fromString(
case _ =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = UTF8String.fromString(String.valueOf($c));"
private[this] def castToBinaryCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c.getBytes();"
private[this] def castToDateCode(
from: DataType,
ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
val intOpt = ctx.freshName("intOpt")
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"""
scala.Option $intOpt =
if ($intOpt.isDefined()) {
$evPrim = ((Integer) $intOpt.get()).intValue();
} else {
$evNull = true;
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
s"$evPrim = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils.millisToDays($c / 1000L);";
case _ =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
private[this] def changePrecision(d: String, decimalType: DecimalType,
evPrim: String, evNull: String): String =
if ($d.changePrecision(${decimalType.precision}, ${decimalType.scale})) {
$evPrim = $d;
} else {
$evNull = true;
private[this] def castToDecimalCode(
from: DataType,
target: DecimalType,
ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = {
val tmp = ctx.freshName("tmpDecimal")
from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
Decimal $tmp = Decimal.apply(new java.math.BigDecimal($c.toString()));
${changePrecision(tmp, target, evPrim, evNull)}
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
Decimal $tmp = $c ? Decimal.apply(1) : Decimal.apply(0);
${changePrecision(tmp, target, evPrim, evNull)}
case DateType =>
// date can't cast to decimal in Hive
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case TimestampType =>
// Note that we lose precision here.
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
Decimal $tmp = Decimal.apply(
${changePrecision(tmp, target, evPrim, evNull)}
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
Decimal $tmp = $c.clone();
${changePrecision(tmp, target, evPrim, evNull)}
case x: IntegralType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
Decimal $tmp = Decimal.apply((long) $c);
${changePrecision(tmp, target, evPrim, evNull)}
case x: FractionalType =>
// All other numeric types can be represented precisely as Doubles
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
Decimal $tmp = Decimal.apply(scala.math.BigDecimal.valueOf((double) $c));
${changePrecision(tmp, target, evPrim, evNull)}
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
private[this] def castToTimestampCode(
from: DataType,
ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
val longOpt = ctx.freshName("longOpt")
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
scala.Option $longOpt =
if ($longOpt.isDefined()) {
$evPrim = ((Long) $longOpt.get()).longValue();
} else {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c ? 1L : 0L;"
case _: IntegralType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = ${longToTimeStampCode(c)};"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
s"$evPrim = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils.daysToMillis($c) * 1000;"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = ${decimalToTimestampCode(c)};"
case DoubleType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
if (Double.isNaN($c) || Double.isInfinite($c)) {
$evNull = true;
} else {
$evPrim = (long)($c * 1000000L);
case FloatType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
if (Float.isNaN($c) || Float.isInfinite($c)) {
$evNull = true;
} else {
$evPrim = (long)($c * 1000000L);
private[this] def castToIntervalCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
s"$evPrim = CalendarInterval.fromString($c.toString());"
private[this] def decimalToTimestampCode(d: String): String =
s"($d.toBigDecimal().bigDecimal().multiply(new java.math.BigDecimal(1000000L))).longValue()"
private[this] def longToTimeStampCode(l: String): String = s"$l * 1000000L"
private[this] def timestampToIntegerCode(ts: String): String =
s"java.lang.Math.floor((double) $ts / 1000000L)"
private[this] def timestampToDoubleCode(ts: String): String = s"$ts / 1000000.0"
private[this] def castToBooleanCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
val stringUtils = StringUtils.getClass.getName.stripSuffix("$")
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
if ($stringUtils.isTrueString($c)) {
$evPrim = true;
} else if ($stringUtils.isFalseString($c)) {
$evPrim = false;
} else {
$evNull = true;
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c != 0;"
case DateType =>
// Hive would return null when cast from date to boolean
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = !$c.isZero();"
case n: NumericType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c != 0;"
private[this] def castToByteCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
$evPrim = Byte.valueOf($c.toString());
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (byte) ${timestampToIntegerCode(c)};"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c.toByte();"
case x: NumericType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (byte) $c;"
private[this] def castToShortCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
$evPrim = Short.valueOf($c.toString());
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c ? (short) 1 : (short) 0;"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (short) ${timestampToIntegerCode(c)};"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c.toShort();"
case x: NumericType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (short) $c;"
private[this] def castToIntCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
$evPrim = Integer.valueOf($c.toString());
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c ? 1 : 0;"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (int) ${timestampToIntegerCode(c)};"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c.toInt();"
case x: NumericType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (int) $c;"
private[this] def castToLongCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
$evPrim = Long.valueOf($c.toString());
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c ? 1L : 0L;"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (long) ${timestampToIntegerCode(c)};"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c.toLong();"
case x: NumericType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (long) $c;"
private[this] def castToFloatCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
$evPrim = Float.valueOf($c.toString());
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c ? 1.0f : 0.0f;"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (float) (${timestampToDoubleCode(c)});"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c.toFloat();"
case x: NumericType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (float) $c;"
private[this] def castToDoubleCode(from: DataType): CastFunction = from match {
case StringType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
try {
$evPrim = Double.valueOf($c.toString());
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
$evNull = true;
case BooleanType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c ? 1.0d : 0.0d;"
case DateType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evNull = true;"
case TimestampType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = ${timestampToDoubleCode(c)};"
case DecimalType() =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = $c.toDouble();"
case x: NumericType =>
(c, evPrim, evNull) => s"$evPrim = (double) $c;"
private[this] def castArrayCode(
fromType: DataType, toType: DataType, ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = {
val elementCast = nullSafeCastFunction(fromType, toType, ctx)
val arrayClass = classOf[GenericArrayData].getName
val fromElementNull = ctx.freshName("feNull")
val fromElementPrim = ctx.freshName("fePrim")
val toElementNull = ctx.freshName("teNull")
val toElementPrim = ctx.freshName("tePrim")
val size = ctx.freshName("n")
val j = ctx.freshName("j")
val values = ctx.freshName("values")
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
final int $size = $c.numElements();
final Object[] $values = new Object[$size];
for (int $j = 0; $j < $size; $j ++) {
if ($c.isNullAt($j)) {
$values[$j] = null;
} else {
boolean $fromElementNull = false;
${ctx.javaType(fromType)} $fromElementPrim =
${ctx.getValue(c, fromType, j)};
${castCode(ctx, fromElementPrim,
fromElementNull, toElementPrim, toElementNull, toType, elementCast)}
if ($toElementNull) {
$values[$j] = null;
} else {
$values[$j] = $toElementPrim;
$evPrim = new $arrayClass($values);
private[this] def castMapCode(from: MapType, to: MapType, ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = {
val keysCast = castArrayCode(from.keyType, to.keyType, ctx)
val valuesCast = castArrayCode(from.valueType, to.valueType, ctx)
val mapClass = classOf[ArrayBasedMapData].getName
val keys = ctx.freshName("keys")
val convertedKeys = ctx.freshName("convertedKeys")
val convertedKeysNull = ctx.freshName("convertedKeysNull")
val values = ctx.freshName("values")
val convertedValues = ctx.freshName("convertedValues")
val convertedValuesNull = ctx.freshName("convertedValuesNull")
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
final ArrayData $keys = $c.keyArray();
final ArrayData $values = $c.valueArray();
${castCode(ctx, keys, "false",
convertedKeys, convertedKeysNull, ArrayType(to.keyType), keysCast)}
${castCode(ctx, values, "false",
convertedValues, convertedValuesNull, ArrayType(to.valueType), valuesCast)}
$evPrim = new $mapClass($convertedKeys, $convertedValues);
private[this] def castStructCode(
from: StructType, to: StructType, ctx: CodeGenContext): CastFunction = {
val fieldsCasts = {
case (fromField, toField) => nullSafeCastFunction(fromField.dataType, toField.dataType, ctx)
val rowClass = classOf[GenericMutableRow].getName
val result = ctx.freshName("result")
val tmpRow = ctx.freshName("tmpRow")
val fieldsEvalCode = { case (cast, i) => {
val fromFieldPrim = ctx.freshName("ffp")
val fromFieldNull = ctx.freshName("ffn")
val toFieldPrim = ctx.freshName("tfp")
val toFieldNull = ctx.freshName("tfn")
val fromType = ctx.javaType(from.fields(i).dataType)
boolean $fromFieldNull = $tmpRow.isNullAt($i);
if ($fromFieldNull) {
} else {
$fromType $fromFieldPrim =
${ctx.getValue(tmpRow, from.fields(i).dataType, i.toString)};
${castCode(ctx, fromFieldPrim,
fromFieldNull, toFieldPrim, toFieldNull, to.fields(i).dataType, cast)}
if ($toFieldNull) {
} else {
${ctx.setColumn(result, to.fields(i).dataType, i, toFieldPrim)};
(c, evPrim, evNull) =>
final $rowClass $result = new $rowClass(${fieldsCasts.size});
final InternalRow $tmpRow = $c;
$evPrim = $result.copy();
* Cast the child expression to the target data type, but will throw error if the cast might
* truncate, e.g. long -> int, timestamp -> data.
case class UpCast(child: Expression, dataType: DataType, walkedTypePath: Seq[String])
extends UnaryExpression with Unevaluable {
override lazy val resolved = false
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