org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.serializer._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenContext, GeneratedExpressionCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.GenericArrayData
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
* Invokes a static function, returning the result. By default, any of the arguments being null
* will result in returning null instead of calling the function.
* @param staticObject The target of the static call. This can either be the object itself
* (methods defined on scala objects), or the class object
* (static methods defined in java).
* @param dataType The expected return type of the function call
* @param functionName The name of the method to call.
* @param arguments An optional list of expressions to pass as arguments to the function.
* @param propagateNull When true, and any of the arguments is null, null will be returned instead
* of calling the function.
case class StaticInvoke(
staticObject: Class[_],
dataType: DataType,
functionName: String,
arguments: Seq[Expression] = Nil,
propagateNull: Boolean = true) extends Expression {
val objectName = staticObject.getName.stripSuffix("$")
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def children: Seq[Expression] = arguments
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported.")
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val javaType = ctx.javaType(dataType)
val argGen =
val argString =", ")
if (propagateNull) {
val objNullCheck = if (ctx.defaultValue(dataType) == "null") {
s"${ev.isNull} = ${ev.value} == null;"
} else {
val argsNonNull = s"!(${" || ")})"
boolean ${ev.isNull} = !$argsNonNull;
$javaType ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)};
if ($argsNonNull) {
${ev.value} = $objectName.$functionName($argString);
} else {
$javaType ${ev.value} = $objectName.$functionName($argString);
final boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${ev.value} == null;
* Calls the specified function on an object, optionally passing arguments. If the `targetObject`
* expression evaluates to null then null will be returned.
* In some cases, due to erasure, the schema may expect a primitive type when in fact the method
* is returning java.lang.Object. In this case, we will generate code that attempts to unbox the
* value automatically.
* @param targetObject An expression that will return the object to call the method on.
* @param functionName The name of the method to call.
* @param dataType The expected return type of the function.
* @param arguments An optional list of expressions, whos evaluation will be passed to the function.
case class Invoke(
targetObject: Expression,
functionName: String,
dataType: DataType,
arguments: Seq[Expression] = Nil) extends Expression {
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def children: Seq[Expression] = arguments.+:(targetObject)
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported.")
lazy val method = targetObject.dataType match {
case ObjectType(cls) =>
.find(_.getName == functionName)
.getOrElse(sys.error(s"Couldn't find $functionName on $cls"))
case _ => ""
lazy val unboxer = (dataType, method) match {
case (IntegerType, "java.lang.Object") => (s: String) =>
case (LongType, "java.lang.Object") => (s: String) =>
case (FloatType, "java.lang.Object") => (s: String) =>
case (ShortType, "java.lang.Object") => (s: String) =>
case (ByteType, "java.lang.Object") => (s: String) =>
case (DoubleType, "java.lang.Object") => (s: String) =>
case (BooleanType, "java.lang.Object") => (s: String) =>
case _ => identity[String] _
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val javaType = ctx.javaType(dataType)
val obj = targetObject.gen(ctx)
val argGen =
val argString =", ")
// If the function can return null, we do an extra check to make sure our null bit is still set
// correctly.
val objNullCheck = if (ctx.defaultValue(dataType) == "null") {
s"${ev.isNull} = ${ev.value} == null;"
} else {
val value = unboxer(s"${obj.value}.$functionName($argString)")
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${obj.isNull};
$javaType ${ev.value} =
${ev.isNull} ?
${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)} : ($javaType) $value;
object NewInstance {
def apply(
cls: Class[_],
arguments: Seq[Expression],
dataType: DataType,
propagateNull: Boolean = true): NewInstance =
new NewInstance(cls, arguments, propagateNull, dataType, None)
* Constructs a new instance of the given class, using the result of evaluating the specified
* expressions as arguments.
* @param cls The class to construct.
* @param arguments A list of expression to use as arguments to the constructor.
* @param propagateNull When true, if any of the arguments is null, then null will be returned
* instead of trying to construct the object.
* @param dataType The type of object being constructed, as a Spark SQL datatype. This allows you
* to manually specify the type when the object in question is a valid internal
* representation (i.e. ArrayData) instead of an object.
* @param outerPointer If the object being constructed is an inner class the outerPointer must
* for the containing class must be specified.
case class NewInstance(
cls: Class[_],
arguments: Seq[Expression],
propagateNull: Boolean,
dataType: DataType,
outerPointer: Option[Literal]) extends Expression {
private val className = cls.getName
override def nullable: Boolean = propagateNull
override def children: Seq[Expression] = arguments
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported.")
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val javaType = ctx.javaType(dataType)
val argGen =
val argString =", ")
val outer =
val setup =
val constructorCall = { gen =>
s"""${gen.value}.new ${cls.getSimpleName}($argString)"""
}.getOrElse {
s"new $className($argString)"
if (propagateNull && argGen.nonEmpty) {
val argsNonNull = s"!(${" || ")})"
boolean ${ev.isNull} = true;
$javaType ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)};
if ($argsNonNull) {
${ev.value} = $constructorCall;
${ev.isNull} = false;
} else {
final $javaType ${ev.value} = $constructorCall;
final boolean ${ev.isNull} = false;
* Given an expression that returns on object of type `Option[_]`, this expression unwraps the
* option into the specified Spark SQL datatype. In the case of `None`, the nullbit is set instead.
* @param dataType The expected unwrapped option type.
* @param child An expression that returns an `Option`
case class UnwrapOption(
dataType: DataType,
child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with ExpectsInputTypes {
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = ObjectType :: Nil
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported")
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val javaType = ctx.javaType(dataType)
val inputObject = child.gen(ctx)
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${inputObject.value} == null || ${inputObject.value}.isEmpty();
$javaType ${ev.value} =
${ev.isNull} ? ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)} : ($javaType)${inputObject.value}.get();
* Converts the result of evaluating `child` into an option, checking both the isNull bit and
* (in the case of reference types) equality with null.
* @param child The expression to evaluate and wrap.
* @param optType The type of this option.
case class WrapOption(child: Expression, optType: DataType)
extends UnaryExpression with ExpectsInputTypes {
override def dataType: DataType = ObjectType(classOf[Option[_]])
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = optType :: Nil
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported")
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val inputObject = child.gen(ctx)
boolean ${ev.isNull} = false;
scala.Option ${ev.value} =
${inputObject.isNull} ?
scala.Option$$.MODULE$$.apply(null) : new scala.Some(${inputObject.value});
* A place holder for the loop variable used in [[MapObjects]]. This should never be constructed
* manually, but will instead be passed into the provided lambda function.
case class LambdaVariable(value: String, isNull: String, dataType: DataType) extends LeafExpression
with Unevaluable {
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def gen(ctx: CodeGenContext): GeneratedExpressionCode = {
GeneratedExpressionCode(code = "", value = value, isNull = isNull)
object MapObjects {
private val curId = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger()
def apply(
function: Expression => Expression,
inputData: Expression,
elementType: DataType): MapObjects = {
val loopValue = "MapObjects_loopValue" + curId.getAndIncrement()
val loopIsNull = "MapObjects_loopIsNull" + curId.getAndIncrement()
val loopVar = LambdaVariable(loopValue, loopIsNull, elementType)
MapObjects(loopVar, function(loopVar), inputData)
* Applies the given expression to every element of a collection of items, returning the result
* as an ArrayType. This is similar to a typical map operation, but where the lambda function
* is expressed using catalyst expressions.
* The following collection ObjectTypes are currently supported:
* Seq, Array, ArrayData, java.util.List
* @param loopVar A place holder that used as the loop variable when iterate the collection, and
* used as input for the `lambdaFunction`. It also carries the element type info.
* @param lambdaFunction A function that take the `loopVar` as input, and used as lambda function
* to handle collection elements.
* @param inputData An expression that when evaluted returns a collection object.
case class MapObjects private(
loopVar: LambdaVariable,
lambdaFunction: Expression,
inputData: Expression) extends Expression {
private def itemAccessorMethod(dataType: DataType): String => String = dataType match {
case NullType =>
val nullTypeClassName = NullType.getClass.getName + ".MODULE$"
(i: String) => s".get($i, $nullTypeClassName)"
case IntegerType => (i: String) => s".getInt($i)"
case LongType => (i: String) => s".getLong($i)"
case FloatType => (i: String) => s".getFloat($i)"
case DoubleType => (i: String) => s".getDouble($i)"
case ByteType => (i: String) => s".getByte($i)"
case ShortType => (i: String) => s".getShort($i)"
case BooleanType => (i: String) => s".getBoolean($i)"
case StringType => (i: String) => s".getUTF8String($i)"
case s: StructType => (i: String) => s".getStruct($i, ${s.size})"
case a: ArrayType => (i: String) => s".getArray($i)"
case _: MapType => (i: String) => s".getMap($i)"
case udt: UserDefinedType[_] => itemAccessorMethod(udt.sqlType)
private lazy val (lengthFunction, itemAccessor, primitiveElement) = inputData.dataType match {
case ObjectType(cls) if classOf[Seq[_]].isAssignableFrom(cls) =>
(".size()", (i: String) => s".apply($i)", false)
case ObjectType(cls) if cls.isArray =>
(".length", (i: String) => s"[$i]", false)
case ObjectType(cls) if classOf[java.util.List[_]].isAssignableFrom(cls) =>
(".size()", (i: String) => s".get($i)", false)
case ArrayType(t, _) =>
val (sqlType, primitiveElement) = t match {
case m: MapType => (m, false)
case s: StructType => (s, false)
case s: StringType => (s, false)
case udt: UserDefinedType[_] => (udt.sqlType, false)
case o => (o, true)
(".numElements()", itemAccessorMethod(sqlType), primitiveElement)
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def children: Seq[Expression] = lambdaFunction :: inputData :: Nil
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported")
override def dataType: DataType = ArrayType(lambdaFunction.dataType)
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val javaType = ctx.javaType(dataType)
val elementJavaType = ctx.javaType(loopVar.dataType)
val genInputData = inputData.gen(ctx)
val genFunction = lambdaFunction.gen(ctx)
val dataLength = ctx.freshName("dataLength")
val convertedArray = ctx.freshName("convertedArray")
val loopIndex = ctx.freshName("loopIndex")
val convertedType = ctx.boxedType(lambdaFunction.dataType)
// Because of the way Java defines nested arrays, we have to handle the syntax specially.
// Specifically, we have to insert the [$dataLength] in between the type and any extra nested
// array declarations (i.e. new String[1][]).
val arrayConstructor = if (convertedType contains "[]") {
val rawType = convertedType.takeWhile(_ != '[')
val arrayPart = convertedType.reverse.takeWhile(c => c == '[' || c == ']').reverse
s"new $rawType[$dataLength]$arrayPart"
} else {
s"new $convertedType[$dataLength]"
val loopNullCheck = if (primitiveElement) {
s"boolean ${loopVar.isNull} = ${genInputData.value}.isNullAt($loopIndex);"
} else {
s"boolean ${loopVar.isNull} = ${genInputData.isNull} || ${loopVar.value} == null;"
boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${genInputData.value} == null;
$javaType ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)};
if (!${ev.isNull}) {
$convertedType[] $convertedArray = null;
int $dataLength = ${genInputData.value}$lengthFunction;
$convertedArray = $arrayConstructor;
int $loopIndex = 0;
while ($loopIndex < $dataLength) {
$elementJavaType ${loopVar.value} =
if (${genFunction.isNull}) {
$convertedArray[$loopIndex] = null;
} else {
$convertedArray[$loopIndex] = ${genFunction.value};
$loopIndex += 1;
${ev.isNull} = false;
${ev.value} = new ${classOf[GenericArrayData].getName}($convertedArray);
* Constructs a new external row, using the result of evaluating the specified expressions
* as content.
* @param children A list of expression to use as content of the external row.
case class CreateExternalRow(children: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression {
override def dataType: DataType = ObjectType(classOf[Row])
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported")
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val rowClass = classOf[GenericRow].getName
val values = ctx.freshName("values")
boolean ${ev.isNull} = false;
final Object[] $values = new Object[${children.size}];
""" + { case (e, i) =>
val eval = e.gen(ctx)
eval.code + s"""
if (${eval.isNull}) {
$values[$i] = null;
} else {
$values[$i] = ${eval.value};
}.mkString("\n") +
s"final ${classOf[Row].getName} ${ev.value} = new $rowClass($values);"
* Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java).
* @param kryo if true, use Kryo. Otherwise, use Java.
case class EncodeUsingSerializer(child: Expression, kryo: Boolean) extends UnaryExpression {
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported")
override protected def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
// Code to initialize the serializer.
val serializer = ctx.freshName("serializer")
val (serializerClass, serializerInstanceClass) = {
if (kryo) {
(classOf[KryoSerializer].getName, classOf[KryoSerializerInstance].getName)
} else {
(classOf[JavaSerializer].getName, classOf[JavaSerializerInstance].getName)
val sparkConf = s"new ${classOf[SparkConf].getName}()"
s"$serializer = ($serializerInstanceClass) new $serializerClass($sparkConf).newInstance();")
// Code to serialize.
val input = child.gen(ctx)
final boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${input.isNull};
${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)};
if (!${ev.isNull}) {
${ev.value} = $serializer.serialize(${input.value}, null).array();
override def dataType: DataType = BinaryType
* Serializes an input object using a generic serializer (Kryo or Java). Note that the ClassTag
* is not an implicit parameter because TreeNode cannot copy implicit parameters.
* @param kryo if true, use Kryo. Otherwise, use Java.
case class DecodeUsingSerializer[T](child: Expression, tag: ClassTag[T], kryo: Boolean)
extends UnaryExpression {
override protected def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
// Code to initialize the serializer.
val serializer = ctx.freshName("serializer")
val (serializerClass, serializerInstanceClass) = {
if (kryo) {
(classOf[KryoSerializer].getName, classOf[KryoSerializerInstance].getName)
} else {
(classOf[JavaSerializer].getName, classOf[JavaSerializerInstance].getName)
val sparkConf = s"new ${classOf[SparkConf].getName}()"
s"$serializer = ($serializerInstanceClass) new $serializerClass($sparkConf).newInstance();")
// Code to serialize.
val input = child.gen(ctx)
final boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${input.isNull};
${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)};
if (!${ev.isNull}) {
${ev.value} = (${ctx.javaType(dataType)})
$serializer.deserialize(java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(${input.value}), null);
override def dataType: DataType = ObjectType(tag.runtimeClass)
* Initialize a Java Bean instance by setting its field values via setters.
case class InitializeJavaBean(beanInstance: Expression, setters: Map[String, Expression])
extends Expression {
override def nullable: Boolean = beanInstance.nullable
override def children: Seq[Expression] = beanInstance +: setters.values.toSeq
override def dataType: DataType = beanInstance.dataType
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported.")
override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val instanceGen = beanInstance.gen(ctx)
val initialize = {
case (setterMethod, fieldValue) =>
val fieldGen = fieldValue.gen(ctx)
ev.isNull = instanceGen.isNull
ev.value = instanceGen.value
if (!${instanceGen.isNull}) {
* Asserts that input values of a non-nullable child expression are not null.
* Note that there are cases where `child.nullable == true`, while we still needs to add this
* assertion. Consider a nullable column `s` whose data type is a struct containing a non-nullable
* `Int` field named `i`. Expression `s.i` is nullable because `s` can be null. However, for all
* non-null `s`, `s.i` can't be null.
case class AssertNotNull(child: Expression, walkedTypePath: Seq[String])
extends UnaryExpression {
override def dataType: DataType = child.dataType
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only code-generated evaluation is supported.")
override protected def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
val childGen = child.gen(ctx)
// This is going to be a string literal in generated java code, so we should escape `"` by `\"`
// and wrap every line with `"` at left side and `\n"` at right side, and finally concat them by
// ` + `.
val typePathString = walkedTypePath
.map(s => s.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\""))
.map(s => '"' + s + "\\n\"")
.mkString(" + ")
ev.isNull = "false"
ev.value = childGen.value
if (${childGen.isNull}) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Null value appeared in non-nullable field:\\n" +
$typePathString +
"If the schema is inferred from a Scala tuple/case class, or a Java bean, " +
"please try to use scala.Option[_] or other nullable types " +
"(e.g. java.lang.Integer instead of int/scala.Int)."
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