org.apache.spark.sql.UDFRegistration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql
import java.util.{List => JList, Map => JMap}
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import scala.util.Try
import org.apache.spark.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, ScalaUDF}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.aggregate.ScalaUDAF
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedAggregateFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType
* Functions for registering user-defined functions. Use [[SQLContext.udf]] to access this.
* @since 1.3.0
class UDFRegistration private[sql] (sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Logging {
private val functionRegistry = sqlContext.functionRegistry
protected[sql] def registerPython(name: String, udf: UserDefinedPythonFunction): Unit = {
| Registering new PythonUDF:
| name: $name
| command: ${udf.command.toSeq}
| envVars: ${udf.envVars}
| pythonIncludes: ${udf.pythonIncludes}
| pythonExec: ${udf.pythonExec}
| dataType: ${udf.dataType}
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, udf.builder)
* Register a user-defined aggregate function (UDAF).
* @param name the name of the UDAF.
* @param udaf the UDAF needs to be registered.
* @return the registered UDAF.
def register(
name: String,
udaf: UserDefinedAggregateFunction): UserDefinedAggregateFunction = {
def builder(children: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDAF(children, udaf)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
// scalastyle:off
/* register 0-22 were generated by this script
(0 to 22).map { x =>
val types = (1 to x).foldRight("RT")((i, s) => {s"A$i, $s"})
val typeTags = (1 to x).map(i => s"A${i}: TypeTag").foldLeft("RT: TypeTag")(_ + ", " + _)
val inputTypes = (1 to x).foldRight("Nil")((i, s) => {s"ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A$i].dataType :: $s"})
* Register a Scala closure of ${x} arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[$typeTags](name: String, func: Function$x[$types]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try($inputTypes).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
(1 to 22).foreach { i =>
val extTypeArgs = (1 to i).map(_ => "_").mkString(", ")
val anyTypeArgs = (1 to i).map(_ => "Any").mkString(", ")
val anyCast = s".asInstanceOf[UDF$i[$anyTypeArgs, Any]]"
val anyParams = (1 to i).map(_ => "_: Any").mkString(", ")
| * Register a user-defined function with ${i} arguments.
| * @since 1.3.0
| */
|def register(name: String, f: UDF$i[$extTypeArgs, _], returnType: DataType) = {
| functionRegistry.registerFunction(
| name,
| (e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f$$anyParams), returnType, e))
* Register a Scala closure of 0 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function0[RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 1 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function1[A1, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 2 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function2[A1, A2, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 3 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function3[A1, A2, A3, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 4 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function4[A1, A2, A3, A4, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 5 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 6 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 7 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 8 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 9 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 10 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function10[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 11 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function11[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 12 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function12[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 13 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function13[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 14 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function14[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 15 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function15[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 16 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag, A16: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function16[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A16].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 17 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag, A16: TypeTag, A17: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function17[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A16].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A17].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 18 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag, A16: TypeTag, A17: TypeTag, A18: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function18[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A16].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A17].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A18].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 19 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag, A16: TypeTag, A17: TypeTag, A18: TypeTag, A19: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function19[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A16].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A17].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A18].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A19].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 20 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag, A16: TypeTag, A17: TypeTag, A18: TypeTag, A19: TypeTag, A20: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function20[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A16].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A17].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A18].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A19].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A20].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 21 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag, A16: TypeTag, A17: TypeTag, A18: TypeTag, A19: TypeTag, A20: TypeTag, A21: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function21[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A16].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A17].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A18].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A19].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A20].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A21].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a Scala closure of 22 arguments as user-defined function (UDF).
* @tparam RT return type of UDF.
* @since 1.3.0
def register[RT: TypeTag, A1: TypeTag, A2: TypeTag, A3: TypeTag, A4: TypeTag, A5: TypeTag, A6: TypeTag, A7: TypeTag, A8: TypeTag, A9: TypeTag, A10: TypeTag, A11: TypeTag, A12: TypeTag, A13: TypeTag, A14: TypeTag, A15: TypeTag, A16: TypeTag, A17: TypeTag, A18: TypeTag, A19: TypeTag, A20: TypeTag, A21: TypeTag, A22: TypeTag](name: String, func: Function22[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, RT]): UserDefinedFunction = {
val dataType = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[RT].dataType
val inputTypes = Try(ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A1].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A2].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A3].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A4].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A5].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A6].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A7].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A8].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A9].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A10].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A11].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A12].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A13].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A14].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A15].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A16].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A17].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A18].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A19].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A20].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A21].dataType :: ScalaReflection.schemaFor[A22].dataType :: Nil).getOrElse(Nil)
def builder(e: Seq[Expression]) = ScalaUDF(func, dataType, e, inputTypes)
functionRegistry.registerFunction(name, builder)
UserDefinedFunction(func, dataType, inputTypes)
* Register a user-defined function with 1 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF1[_, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF1[Any, Any]].call(_: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 2 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF2[_, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF2[Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 3 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF3[_, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF3[Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 4 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF4[_, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF4[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 5 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF5[_, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF5[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 6 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF6[_, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF6[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 7 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF7[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF7[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 8 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF8[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF8[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 9 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF9[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF9[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 10 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF10[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF10[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 11 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF11[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF11[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 12 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF12[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF12[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 13 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF13[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF13[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 14 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF14[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF14[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 15 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF15[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF15[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 16 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF16[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF16[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 17 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF17[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF17[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 18 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF18[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF18[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 19 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF19[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF19[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 20 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF20[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF20[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 21 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF21[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF21[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
* Register a user-defined function with 22 arguments.
* @since 1.3.0
def register(name: String, f: UDF22[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], returnType: DataType) = {
(e: Seq[Expression]) => ScalaUDF(f.asInstanceOf[UDF22[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any]].call(_: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any, _: Any), returnType, e))
// scalastyle:on
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