org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.WriterContainer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources
import java.util.{Date, UUID}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.{FileOutputCommitter => MapReduceFileOutputCommitter}
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.mapred.SparkHadoopMapRedUtil
import org.apache.spark.mapreduce.SparkHadoopMapReduceUtil
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.UnsafeKVExternalSorter
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{HadoopFsRelation, OutputWriter, OutputWriterFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration
private[sql] abstract class BaseWriterContainer(
@transient val relation: HadoopFsRelation,
@transient private val job: Job,
isAppend: Boolean)
extends SparkHadoopMapReduceUtil
with Logging
with Serializable {
protected val dataSchema = relation.dataSchema
protected val serializableConf =
new SerializableConfiguration(SparkHadoopUtil.get.getConfigurationFromJobContext(job))
// This UUID is used to avoid output file name collision between different appending write jobs.
// These jobs may belong to different SparkContext instances. Concrete data source implementations
// may use this UUID to generate unique file names (e.g., `part-r--.parquet`).
// The reason why this ID is used to identify a job rather than a single task output file is
// that, speculative tasks must generate the same output file name as the original task.
private val uniqueWriteJobId = UUID.randomUUID()
// This is only used on driver side.
@transient private val jobContext: JobContext = job
private val speculationEnabled: Boolean =
relation.sqlContext.sparkContext.conf.getBoolean("spark.speculation", defaultValue = false)
// The following fields are initialized and used on both driver and executor side.
@transient protected var outputCommitter: OutputCommitter = _
@transient private var jobId: JobID = _
@transient private var taskId: TaskID = _
@transient private var taskAttemptId: TaskAttemptID = _
@transient protected var taskAttemptContext: TaskAttemptContext = _
protected val outputPath: String = {
relation.paths.length == 1,
s"Cannot write to multiple destinations: ${relation.paths.mkString(",")}")
protected var outputWriterFactory: OutputWriterFactory = _
private var outputFormatClass: Class[_ <: OutputFormat[_, _]] = _
def writeRows(taskContext: TaskContext, iterator: Iterator[InternalRow]): Unit
def driverSideSetup(): Unit = {
setupIDs(0, 0, 0)
// This UUID is sent to executor side together with the serialized `Configuration` object within
// the `Job` instance. `OutputWriters` on the executor side should use this UUID to generate
// unique task output files.
set("spark.sql.sources.writeJobUUID", uniqueWriteJobId.toString)
// Order of the following two lines is important. For Hadoop 1, TaskAttemptContext constructor
// clones the Configuration object passed in. If we initialize the TaskAttemptContext first,
// configurations made in prepareJobForWrite(job) are not populated into the TaskAttemptContext.
// Also, the `prepareJobForWrite` call must happen before initializing output format and output
// committer, since their initialization involve the job configuration, which can be potentially
// decorated in `prepareJobForWrite`.
outputWriterFactory = relation.prepareJobForWrite(job)
taskAttemptContext = newTaskAttemptContext(serializableConf.value, taskAttemptId)
outputFormatClass = job.getOutputFormatClass
outputCommitter = newOutputCommitter(taskAttemptContext)
def executorSideSetup(taskContext: TaskContext): Unit = {
setupIDs(taskContext.stageId(), taskContext.partitionId(), taskContext.attemptNumber())
taskAttemptContext = newTaskAttemptContext(serializableConf.value, taskAttemptId)
outputCommitter = newOutputCommitter(taskAttemptContext)
protected def getWorkPath: String = {
outputCommitter match {
// FileOutputCommitter writes to a temporary location returned by `getWorkPath`.
case f: MapReduceFileOutputCommitter => f.getWorkPath.toString
case _ => outputPath
protected def newOutputWriter(path: String): OutputWriter = {
try {
outputWriterFactory.newInstance(path, dataSchema, taskAttemptContext)
} catch {
case e: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException =>
if (outputCommitter.isInstanceOf[parquet.DirectParquetOutputCommitter]) {
// Spark-11382: DirectParquetOutputCommitter is not idempotent, meaning on retry
// attempts, the task will fail because the output file is created from a prior attempt.
// This often means the most visible error to the user is misleading. Augment the error
// to tell the user to look for the actual error.
throw new SparkException("The output file already exists but this could be due to a " +
"failure from an earlier attempt. Look through the earlier logs or stage page for " +
"the first error.\n File exists error: " + e)
throw e
private def newOutputCommitter(context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputCommitter = {
val defaultOutputCommitter = outputFormatClass.newInstance().getOutputCommitter(context)
if (isAppend) {
// If we are appending data to an existing dir, we will only use the output committer
// associated with the file output format since it is not safe to use a custom
// committer for appending. For example, in S3, direct parquet output committer may
// leave partial data in the destination dir when the the appending job fails.
// See SPARK-8578 for more details
s"Using default output committer ${defaultOutputCommitter.getClass.getCanonicalName} " +
"for appending.")
} else if (speculationEnabled) {
// When speculation is enabled, it's not safe to use customized output committer classes,
// especially direct output committers (e.g. `DirectParquetOutputCommitter`).
// See SPARK-9899 for more details.
s"Using default output committer ${defaultOutputCommitter.getClass.getCanonicalName} " +
"because spark.speculation is configured to be true.")
} else {
val configuration = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getConfigurationFromJobContext(context)
val committerClass = configuration.getClass(
SQLConf.OUTPUT_COMMITTER_CLASS.key, null, classOf[OutputCommitter])
Option(committerClass).map { clazz =>
logInfo(s"Using user defined output committer class ${clazz.getCanonicalName}")
// Every output format based on org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.OutputFormat
// has an associated output committer. To override this output committer,
// we will first try to use the output committer set in SQLConf.OUTPUT_COMMITTER_CLASS.
// If a data source needs to override the output committer, it needs to set the
// output committer in prepareForWrite method.
if (classOf[MapReduceFileOutputCommitter].isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
// The specified output committer is a FileOutputCommitter.
// So, we will use the FileOutputCommitter-specified constructor.
val ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(classOf[Path], classOf[TaskAttemptContext])
ctor.newInstance(new Path(outputPath), context)
} else {
// The specified output committer is just a OutputCommitter.
// So, we will use the no-argument constructor.
val ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor()
}.getOrElse {
// If output committer class is not set, we will use the one associated with the
// file output format.
s"Using output committer class ${defaultOutputCommitter.getClass.getCanonicalName}")
private def setupIDs(jobId: Int, splitId: Int, attemptId: Int): Unit = {
this.jobId = SparkHadoopWriter.createJobID(new Date, jobId)
this.taskId = new TaskID(this.jobId, true, splitId)
// scalastyle:off jobcontext
this.taskAttemptId = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, attemptId)
// scalastyle:on jobcontext
private def setupConf(): Unit = {
serializableConf.value.set("", jobId.toString)
serializableConf.value.set("", taskAttemptId.getTaskID.toString)
serializableConf.value.set("", taskAttemptId.toString)
serializableConf.value.setBoolean("", true)
serializableConf.value.setInt("mapred.task.partition", 0)
def commitTask(): Unit = {
SparkHadoopMapRedUtil.commitTask(outputCommitter, taskAttemptContext, jobId.getId, taskId.getId)
def abortTask(): Unit = {
if (outputCommitter != null) {
logError(s"Task attempt $taskAttemptId aborted.")
def commitJob(): Unit = {
logInfo(s"Job $jobId committed.")
def abortJob(): Unit = {
if (outputCommitter != null) {
outputCommitter.abortJob(jobContext, JobStatus.State.FAILED)
logError(s"Job $jobId aborted.")
* A writer that writes all of the rows in a partition to a single file.
private[sql] class DefaultWriterContainer(
relation: HadoopFsRelation,
job: Job,
isAppend: Boolean)
extends BaseWriterContainer(relation, job, isAppend) {
def writeRows(taskContext: TaskContext, iterator: Iterator[InternalRow]): Unit = {
val configuration = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getConfigurationFromJobContext(taskAttemptContext)
configuration.set("spark.sql.sources.output.path", outputPath)
val writer = newOutputWriter(getWorkPath)
var writerClosed = false
// If anything below fails, we should abort the task.
try {
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val internalRow =
} catch {
case cause: Throwable =>
logError("Aborting task.", cause)
throw new SparkException("Task failed while writing rows.", cause)
def commitTask(): Unit = {
try {
assert(writer != null, "OutputWriter instance should have been initialized")
if (!writerClosed) {
writerClosed = true
} catch {
case cause: Throwable =>
// This exception will be handled in `InsertIntoHadoopFsRelation.insert$writeRows`, and
// will cause `abortTask()` to be invoked.
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to commit task", cause)
def abortTask(): Unit = {
try {
if (!writerClosed) {
writerClosed = true
} finally {
* A writer that dynamically opens files based on the given partition columns. Internally this is
* done by maintaining a HashMap of open files until `maxFiles` is reached. If this occurs, the
* writer externally sorts the remaining rows and then writes out them out one file at a time.
private[sql] class DynamicPartitionWriterContainer(
relation: HadoopFsRelation,
job: Job,
partitionColumns: Seq[Attribute],
dataColumns: Seq[Attribute],
inputSchema: Seq[Attribute],
defaultPartitionName: String,
maxOpenFiles: Int,
isAppend: Boolean)
extends BaseWriterContainer(relation, job, isAppend) {
def writeRows(taskContext: TaskContext, iterator: Iterator[InternalRow]): Unit = {
val outputWriters = new java.util.HashMap[InternalRow, OutputWriter]
var outputWritersCleared = false
// Returns the partition key given an input row
val getPartitionKey = UnsafeProjection.create(partitionColumns, inputSchema)
// Returns the data columns to be written given an input row
val getOutputRow = UnsafeProjection.create(dataColumns, inputSchema)
// Expressions that given a partition key build a string like: col1=val/col2=val/...
val partitionStringExpression = partitionColumns.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (c, i) =>
val escaped =
PartitioningUtils.escapePathName _, StringType, Seq(Cast(c, StringType)), Seq(StringType))
val str = If(IsNull(c), Literal(defaultPartitionName), escaped)
val partitionName = Literal( + "=") :: str :: Nil
if (i == 0) partitionName else Literal(Path.SEPARATOR) :: partitionName
// Returns the partition path given a partition key.
val getPartitionString =
UnsafeProjection.create(Concat(partitionStringExpression) :: Nil, partitionColumns)
// If anything below fails, we should abort the task.
try {
// This will be filled in if we have to fall back on sorting.
var sorter: UnsafeKVExternalSorter = null
while (iterator.hasNext && sorter == null) {
val inputRow =
val currentKey = getPartitionKey(inputRow)
var currentWriter = outputWriters.get(currentKey)
if (currentWriter == null) {
if (outputWriters.size < maxOpenFiles) {
currentWriter = newOutputWriter(currentKey)
outputWriters.put(currentKey.copy(), currentWriter)
} else {
logInfo(s"Maximum partitions reached, falling back on sorting.")
sorter = new UnsafeKVExternalSorter(
sorter.insertKV(currentKey, getOutputRow(inputRow))
} else {
// If the sorter is not null that means that we reached the maxFiles above and need to finish
// using external sort.
if (sorter != null) {
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val currentRow =
sorter.insertKV(getPartitionKey(currentRow), getOutputRow(currentRow))
logInfo(s"Sorting complete. Writing out partition files one at a time.")
val sortedIterator = sorter.sortedIterator()
var currentKey: InternalRow = null
var currentWriter: OutputWriter = null
try {
while ( {
if (currentKey != sortedIterator.getKey) {
if (currentWriter != null) {
currentKey = sortedIterator.getKey.copy()
logDebug(s"Writing partition: $currentKey")
// Either use an existing file from before, or open a new one.
currentWriter = outputWriters.remove(currentKey)
if (currentWriter == null) {
currentWriter = newOutputWriter(currentKey)
} finally {
if (currentWriter != null) { currentWriter.close() }
} catch {
case cause: Throwable =>
logError("Aborting task.", cause)
throw new SparkException("Task failed while writing rows.", cause)
/** Open and returns a new OutputWriter given a partition key. */
def newOutputWriter(key: InternalRow): OutputWriter = {
val partitionPath = getPartitionString(key).getString(0)
val path = new Path(getWorkPath, partitionPath)
val configuration = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getConfigurationFromJobContext(taskAttemptContext)
"spark.sql.sources.output.path", new Path(outputPath, partitionPath).toString)
val newWriter = super.newOutputWriter(path.toString)
def clearOutputWriters(): Unit = {
if (!outputWritersCleared) {
outputWritersCleared = true
def commitTask(): Unit = {
try {
} catch {
case cause: Throwable =>
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to commit task", cause)
def abortTask(): Unit = {
try {
} finally {
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