org.apache.spark.sql.execution.stat.StatFunctions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.stat
import org.apache.spark.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, Column, DataFrame}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{GenericMutableRow, Cast}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LocalRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
private[sql] object StatFunctions extends Logging {
/** Calculate the Pearson Correlation Coefficient for the given columns */
private[sql] def pearsonCorrelation(df: DataFrame, cols: Seq[String]): Double = {
val counts = collectStatisticalData(df, cols)
counts.Ck / math.sqrt(counts.MkX * counts.MkY)
/** Helper class to simplify tracking and merging counts. */
private class CovarianceCounter extends Serializable {
var xAvg = 0.0 // the mean of all examples seen so far in col1
var yAvg = 0.0 // the mean of all examples seen so far in col2
var Ck = 0.0 // the co-moment after k examples
var MkX = 0.0 // sum of squares of differences from the (current) mean for col1
var MkY = 0.0 // sum of squares of differences from the (current) mean for col2
var count = 0L // count of observed examples
// add an example to the calculation
def add(x: Double, y: Double): this.type = {
val deltaX = x - xAvg
val deltaY = y - yAvg
count += 1
xAvg += deltaX / count
yAvg += deltaY / count
Ck += deltaX * (y - yAvg)
MkX += deltaX * (x - xAvg)
MkY += deltaY * (y - yAvg)
// merge counters from other partitions. Formula can be found at:
def merge(other: CovarianceCounter): this.type = {
if (other.count > 0) {
val totalCount = count + other.count
val deltaX = xAvg - other.xAvg
val deltaY = yAvg - other.yAvg
Ck += other.Ck + deltaX * deltaY * count / totalCount * other.count
xAvg = (xAvg * count + other.xAvg * other.count) / totalCount
yAvg = (yAvg * count + other.yAvg * other.count) / totalCount
MkX += other.MkX + deltaX * deltaX * count / totalCount * other.count
MkY += other.MkY + deltaY * deltaY * count / totalCount * other.count
count = totalCount
// return the sample covariance for the observed examples
def cov: Double = Ck / (count - 1)
private def collectStatisticalData(df: DataFrame, cols: Seq[String]): CovarianceCounter = {
require(cols.length == 2, "Currently cov supports calculating the covariance " +
"between two columns.") => (name, df.schema.fields.find( == name))).foreach { case (name, data) =>
require(data.nonEmpty, s"Couldn't find column with name $name")
require(data.get.dataType.isInstanceOf[NumericType], "Covariance calculation for columns " +
s"with dataType ${data.get.dataType} not supported.")
val columns = => Column(Cast(Column(n).expr, DoubleType))) _*).queryExecution.toRdd.aggregate(new CovarianceCounter)(
seqOp = (counter, row) => {
counter.add(row.getDouble(0), row.getDouble(1))
combOp = (baseCounter, other) => {
* Calculate the covariance of two numerical columns of a DataFrame.
* @param df The DataFrame
* @param cols the column names
* @return the covariance of the two columns.
private[sql] def calculateCov(df: DataFrame, cols: Seq[String]): Double = {
val counts = collectStatisticalData(df, cols)
/** Generate a table of frequencies for the elements of two columns. */
private[sql] def crossTabulate(df: DataFrame, col1: String, col2: String): DataFrame = {
val tableName = s"${col1}_$col2"
val counts = df.groupBy(col1, col2).agg(count("*")).take(1e6.toInt)
if (counts.length == 1e6.toInt) {
logWarning("The maximum limit of 1e6 pairs have been collected, which may not be all of " +
"the pairs. Please try reducing the amount of distinct items in your columns.")
def cleanElement(element: Any): String = {
if (element == null) "null" else element.toString
// get the distinct values of column 2, so that we can make them the column names
val distinctCol2: Map[Any, Int] = => cleanElement(e.get(1))).distinct.zipWithIndex.toMap
val columnSize = distinctCol2.size
require(columnSize < 1e4, s"The number of distinct values for $col2, can't " +
s"exceed 1e4. Currently $columnSize")
val table = counts.groupBy(_.get(0)).map { case (col1Item, rows) =>
val countsRow = new GenericMutableRow(columnSize + 1)
rows.foreach { (row: Row) =>
// row.get(0) is column 1
// row.get(1) is column 2
// row.get(2) is the frequency
val columnIndex = distinctCol2.get(cleanElement(row.get(1))).get
countsRow.setLong(columnIndex + 1, row.getLong(2))
// the value of col1 is the first value, the rest are the counts
countsRow.update(0, UTF8String.fromString(cleanElement(col1Item)))
// Back ticks can't exist in DataFrame column names, therefore drop them. To be able to accept
// special keywords and `.`, wrap the column names in ``.
def cleanColumnName(name: String): String = {
name.replace("`", "")
// In the map, the column names (._1) are not ordered by the index (._2). This was the bug in
// SPARK-8681. We need to explicitly sort by the column index and assign the column names.
val headerNames = distinctCol2.toSeq.sortBy(_._2).map { r =>
StructField(cleanColumnName(r._1.toString), LongType)
val schema = StructType(StructField(tableName, StringType) +: headerNames)
new DataFrame(df.sqlContext, LocalRelation(schema.toAttributes, table)).na.fill(0.0)
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