Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Changes for GemFireXD distributed data platform (some marked by "GemStone changes")
# Portions Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
# may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License. See accompanying
# LICENSE file.
# Directory com/pivotal/gemfirexd/internal/tools
# From
UT_Error0=\ (errorCode = {0})
UT_NoSqlst=(no SQLState)
UT_NoMessa=(no message)
UT_Error012=ERROR {0}: {1}{2}
UT_NoSqlst_7=(no SQLState)
UT_NoMessa_8=(no message)
UT_Warni01=WARNING {0}: {1}
UT_1RowInserUpdatDelet=1 row inserted/updated/deleted
UT_0RowsInserUpdatDelet={0} rows inserted/updated/deleted
UT_StateExecu=Statement executed.
UT_0RowsSelec={0} rows selected
UT_1RowSelec=1 row selected
UT_Resul0=+ ResultSet #{0} +
UT_NoCurreRow=No current row
UT_NoCurreRow_19=No current row
UT_Resul0_20=ResultSet #{0}
# Directory com/pivotal/gemfirexd/internal/impl/tools/ij
# From
# GemStone changes -- changed ij to gfxd
IJ_IjErroResoNo=GFXD ERROR: resource not found: {0}
IJ_IjErroFileNo=GFXD ERROR: file not found: {0}
IJ_IjErroUnabTo=GFXD ERROR: unable to reset output to: {0}
# GemStone change -- changed maximumDisplayWidth to width
IJ_IjErroMaxiVa=GFXD ERROR: width value {0} is not a value integer.
# From ij.jj
IJ_Unx=\ **** UNX
IJ_NoConneAvail=No connections available.
IJ_CurreConne=* = current connection
IJ_NoCurreConne=No current connection
IJ_TestsRun0Pass12Fail34=Tests run: {0} pass: {1} ({2}%) fail: {3} ({4}%)
IJ_UnexpResulUnx01=***** UNEXPECTED RESULTS, unx: {0} ({1}%) *****
# GemStone change below to add placeholder for CONNECT CLIENT and CONNECT PEER
# GemStone formatted lines below to fit in 80-width columns
# GemStone moved PROTOCOL, DRIVER, CONNECT lower with comment that it should
# be used only for connecting to other databases using custom JDBC driver
# GemStone added help for the new MAXIMUMLINEWIDTH and no arg invocation
\ \n\
\ Supported commands include:\n\
\ \n\
\ SET CONNECTION connectionName; -- switches to the specified connection\n\
\ SHOW CONNECTIONS; -- lists all connections\n\
\ AUTOCOMMIT [ ON | OFF ]; -- sets autocommit mode for the connection\n\
\ DISCONNECT [ CURRENT | connectionName | ALL ];\n\
\ -- drop current, named, or all connections;\n\
\ -- the default is CURRENT\n\
\ \n\
\ -- PROTOCOL, DRIVER, CONNECT commands below are useful only for connecting\n\
\ -- to other databases with the required JDBC drivers in the CLASSPATH of the\n\
\ -- gfxd tool; use CONNECT CLIENT or CONNECT PEER to connect to GemFireXD system\n\
\ \n\
\ PROTOCOL 'JDBC protocol' [ AS ident ];\n\
\ -- sets a default or named protocol\n\
\ DRIVER 'class for driver'; -- loads the named class\n\
\ CONNECT 'url for database' [ PROTOCOL namedProtocol ] [ AS connectionName ];\n\
\ -- connects to database URL\n\
\ -- and may assign identifier\n\
\ \n\
\ -- other commands are below\n\
\ \n\
\ SHOW SCHEMAS; -- lists all schemas in the current database\n\
\ -- lists tables, views, procedures or synonyms\n\
\ SHOW INDEXES { IN schema | FROM table };\n\
\ -- lists indexes in a schema, or for a table\n\
\ SHOW IMPORTEDKEYS { IN schema | FROM table };\n\
\ -- lists foreign keys in a schema, or for a table\n\
\ DESCRIBE name; -- lists columns in the named table\n\
\ \n\
\ COMMIT; -- commits the current transaction\n\
\ ROLLBACK; -- rolls back the current transaction\n\
\ \n\
\ PREPARE name AS 'SQL-J text'; -- prepares the SQL-J text\n\
\ EXECUTE { name | 'SQL-J text' } [ USING { name | 'SQL-J text' } ] ;\n\
\ -- executes the statement with parameter\n\
\ -- values from the USING result set row\n\
\ REMOVE name; -- removes the named previously\n\
\ -- prepared statement\n\
\ \n\
\ RUN 'filename'; -- run commands from the named file\n\
\ \n\
\ ELAPSEDTIME [ ON | OFF ]; -- sets elapsed time mode for gfxd\n\
\ MAXIMUMDISPLAYWIDTH [ integerValue | columnName integerValue ];\n\
\ -- sets the maximum display width for\n\
\ -- each column to integerValue;\n\
\ -- if column name is provided then set the\n\
\ -- maximum display width for only that column;\n\
\ -- value of RESET for column will reset it to\n\
\ -- default; without arg, returns current value\n\
\ \n\
\ MAXIMUMLINEWIDTH [ integerValue | RESET ];\n\
\ -- sets the maximum total width for\n\
\ -- all columns combined to integerValue;\n\
\ -- this can truncate column widths to below\n\
\ -- that specified by MAXIMUMDISPLAYWIDTH;\n\
\ -- value of 0 or RESET will reset it to default\n\
\ -- behavior; without arg, returns current value\n\
\ \n\
\ PAGING [ ON | OFF ]; -- enable/disable paging of results where\n\
\ -- display pauses for user input after each\n\
\ -- screenful in interactive mode\n\
\ \n\
\ ASYNC name 'SQL-J text'; -- run the command in another thread\n\
\ WAIT FOR name; -- wait for result of ASYNC'd command\n\
\ \n\
\ -- gets a cursor (JDBC result set) on the query\n\
\ -- SCROLL cursors are only available \n\
\ -- in JDBC 2.0 and higher. \n\
\ -- (Cursor scroll type is ignored in JDBC 1.X.)\n\
\ NEXT name; -- gets the next row from the named cursor\n\
\ FIRST name; -- gets the first row from the named\n\
\ -- scroll cursor\n\
\ LAST name; -- gets the last row from the named\n\
\ -- scroll cursor\n\
\ PREVIOUS name; -- gets the previous row from the named\n\
\ -- scroll cursor\n\
\ ABSOLUTE integer name; -- positions the named scroll cursor at the\n\
\ -- absolute row number (A negative number\n\
\ -- denotes position from the last row.) \n\
\ RELATIVE integer name; -- positions the named scroll cursor relative\n\
\ -- to the current row\n\
\ -- (integer is number of rows)\n\
\ AFTER LAST name; -- positions the named scroll cursor after\n\
\ -- the last row\n\
\ BEFORE FIRST name; -- positions the named scroll cursor before\n\
\ -- the first row\n\
\ GETCURRENTROWNUMBER name; -- returns the row number for the current\n\
\ -- position of the named scroll cursor\n\
\ -- (0 is returned when the cursor is not\n\
\ -- positioned on a row.) \n\
\ CLOSE name; -- closes the named cursor\n\
\ -- controls locale sensitive data representation\n\
\ \n\
\ EXIT; -- exits gfxd\n\
\ HELP; -- shows this message\n\
\ \n\
\ Any unrecognized commands are treated as potential SQL-J commands\n\
\ and executed directly.\n\
\ \n
# From
IJ_IllegalStatementName={0} is an illegal name for a statement
IJ_NotYetImpl=Not yet implemented
IJ_AlreHaveACon=Already have a connection named {0}
IJ_ExceRunnComm=Exception running command: {0}
IJ_UnabToGetWar=Unable to get warnings for connection
IJ_CoulNotLocaC=Could not locate class for procotol, {0}
IJ_CoulNotLocaC_5=Could not locate class {0}
IJ_FailToDisc=Failed to disconnect
IJ_DrivNotClasN=Driver not class name {0}
IJ_FileNotFoun=File not found
IJ_CannotCloseInFile=Cannot close gfxd input file, {0}
IJ_IsNotAlloOnA={0} is not allowed on a forward only cursor.
IJ_GetcCallFail=getConnection call failed
IJ_Ioex=IOException: {0}
IJ_NeedToDiscFi=Need to disconnect first
IJ_NoAsynStatEx=No async statement exists with the name {0}
IJ_NoConnExisWi=No connection exists with the name {0}
IJ_NoProtExisWi=No protocol exists with the name {0}
IJ_NoSuchTable=No table exists with the name {0}
IJ_IsOnlySuppIn={0} is only supported in JDBC 2.0 and greater.
IJ_UsinClauHadN=Using clause had no results
IJ_UnabToEsta=Unable to establish {0}
IJ_UnabToGetWar_19=Unable to get warnings for result set
IJ_ResoNotFoun=Resource not found
IJ_ScroCursAre1=Scroll cursors are only supported with JDK1.2 and higher.
IJ_UnabToGetWar_22=Unable to get warnings for statement
IJ_WaitForStatI=Wait for statement interrupted: {0}
IJ_0IsAnInvaVal=0 is an invalid value for ABSOLUTE
# From
IJ_FataExceTerm=Fatal Exception; terminating
IJ_Fata01=FatalException: {0}: {1}
# From
# From
IJ_UsageJavaComCloudToolsIjPPropeInput=Usage: gfxd [-p propertyfile] [-ca connectionAttributePropertyFile] [inputfile]
IJ_IjWarniAutocMayCloseUsingResulSet=IJ WARNING: Autocommit may close using result set
# From
IJ_IjVers30C199=gfxd version {0}
IJ_ElapTime0Mil=ELAPSED TIME = {0} milliseconds
IJ_IjErro0=GFXD ERROR: {0}
IJ_JavaErro0=JAVA ERROR: {0}
IJ_ElapTime0Mil_4=ELAPSED TIME = {0} milliseconds
IJ_IjErro0_5=GFXD ERROR: {0}
IJ_IjErro0_6=GFXD ERROR: {0}
IJ_JavaErro0_7=JAVA ERROR: {0}
IJ_Erro0=\ (errorCode = {0})
IJ_NoSqls=(no SQLState)
IJ_NoMess=(no message)
IJ_Erro012=ERROR {0}: {1}{2}
IJ_RunUsage=Usage: RUN 'filename';
# From
IJ_Reco0InDoubT=Recovered {0} in doubt transactions
IJ_Tran01=Transaction {0} : {1}
IJ_01SeeLog={0} : {1} (see gemfirexd.log)
IJ_XAClass=EmbeddedXADataSource not in classpath, please put gemfirexd.jar file in your classpath
IJ_XANoI=EmbeddedXADataSource cannot be instantiated, please put gemfirexd.jar file in your classpath
# From
IJ_EncoAtLineColu=Encountered "{0}" at line {1}, column {2}
# From
IJ_LexiErroAtLine0Colu1=Lexical error at line {0}, column {1}. Encountered: {2}after :"{3}"
IJ_SuggestHelp=Issue the 'help' command for general information on GFXD command syntax.\nAny unrecognized commands are treated as potential SQL commands and executed directly.\nConsult your DBMS server reference documentation for details of the SQL syntax supported by your server.
IJ_UsingConn=Using {0}
TL_incorCase=Case of the Derby attribute is incorrect.
TL_unknownAtt=Attribute is unknown to Derby.
TL_trueFalse=Value should be set to true/false.
TL_dupAtt=Attribute is a duplicate.
TL_urlLabel1=URL Attribute {0}{1}{2}
# Directory com/pivotal/gemfirexd/internal/tools
# From
DBLOOK_MissingLocale=Resources not found for current locale; switching to {0}.
# GemStone changed the example URLs below
\ \n\
\ USAGE:\n\ java -d [OPTIONS]\n\n\
\ \twhere the source URL is the full URL, including the connection protocol\n\
\ \tand any connection attributes that might apply. For example, use\n\
\ \t'jdbc:gemfirexd:', or 'jdbc:gemfirexd://localhost:1527/myDB;user=usr;'. \n\n\
\ \toptions include: \n\n\
\ \t-z to specify a schema to which the DDL generation\n\
\ \t should be limited. Only database objects with that schema will have\n\
\ \t their DDL generated.\n\n\
\ \t-t ... to specify a list of tables for which\n\
\ \t the DDL will be generated; any tables not in the list will be ignored.\n\n\
\ \t-td to specify what should be appended to the end\n\
\ \t of each DDL statement.\n\t\tThis defaults to ';'.\n\n\
\ \t-noview to prevent the generation of DDL for views.\n\n\
\ \t-append to keep from overwriting the output files.\n\n\
\ \t-verbose to have error messages printed to the console (in addition\n\
\ \t to the log file). If not specified, errors will only be printed to the\n\
\ \t log file.\n\n\
\ \t-o to specify the file name to which the generated DDL\n\
\ \t will be written.\n\
\ \t\tIf not specified, default is the console.\
\ \n
DBLOOK_FileCreation=This file was created using Derby's dblook utility.
DBLOOK_OutputLocation=Output will be sent to file {0}\n
DBLOOK_Timestamp=Timestamp: {0}
DBLOOK_DBName=Source database is: {0}
DBLOOK_DBUrl=Connection URL is: {0}
DBLOOK_TargetTables=The dblook utility will consider only specified tables.
DBLOOK_TargetSchema=Specified schema is: {0}
# Directory com/pivotal/gemfirexd/internal/tools/impl/dblook
DBLOOK_TablesHeader=DDL Statements for tables
DBLOOK_ChecksHeader=DDL Statements for checks
DBLOOK_IndexesHeader=DDL Statements for indexes
DBLOOK_JarsHeader=DDL Statements for jars
DBLOOK_KeysHeader=DDL Statements for keys
DBLOOK_FunctionHeader=DDL Statements for functions
DBLOOK_SchemasHeader=DDL Statements for schemas
DBLOOK_StoredProcHeader=DDL Statements for stored procedures
DBLOOK_SynonymHeader=DDL Statements for Synonyms
DBLOOK_TriggersHeader=DDL Statements for triggers
DBLOOK_UDTHeader=DDL Statements for user defined types
DBLOOK_ViewsHeader=DDL Statements for views
DBLOOK_TablePrivHeader=GRANT statements for tables
DBLOOK_ColumnPrivHeader=GRANT statements for columns
DBLOOK_RoutinePrivHeader=GRANT statements for routines
DBLOOK_UDTPrivHeader=GRANT statements for user defined types
**** NOTE **** In order for jar files to be loaded correctly,\n\
-- you must either 1) ensure that the DBJARS directory (created\n\
-- automatically by dblook) exists where it was created (i.e. at\n\
-- the path shown in the statements below), or else 2) change the\n\
-- path in the statements below to reflect the current location of\n\
-- DBJARS. If the DBJARS directory does not exist, or if it\n\
-- has been moved and the path is not correct, the following DDL\n\
-- statements will throw errors, and the jar files will NOT be\n\
-- loaded.
DBLOOK_FailedToLoadJar=Failed to load jar file {0}
DBLOOK_DefaultSchema=Reverting back to default schema 'APP'
-- Note: At least one unexpected error/warning message was\n\
-- encountered during DDL generation. See dblook.log\n\
-- to review the message(s).\n\
# Directory com/pivotal/gemfirexd/internal/tools/iapi
java -jar derbyrun.jar gfxd [-p propertiesfile] [sql script]\n\
java -jar derbyrun.jar sysinfo [-cp ...] [-cp help] \n\
java -jar derbyrun.jar dblook [args] (or no arguments for usage)\n\
java -jar derbyrun.jar server [args] (or no arguments for usage)
# Directory com/pivotal/gemfirexd/tools
# Directory com/pivotal/gemfirexd/tools/internal
# GemStone additions below
\ CONNECT CLIENT '':[;]'' [ AS connectionName ];\n\
\ -- connects to a server at given host/port,\n\
\ -- with optional semi-colon separated properties\n\
\ \n\
\ Example: CONNECT CLIENT ''localhost:1527'';\n\
\ -- connects to server running on localhost at port 1527\n\
\ \n\
\ Example: CONNECT CLIENT ''localhost:1527;user=gem1;password=gem1'';\n\
\ -- connects to server running on localhost:1527 with user/password\n
\ CONNECT PEER '''' [ AS connectionName ];\n\
\ -- connects as a peer to GemFireXD system,\n\
\ -- with given semi-colon separated properties\n\
\ \n\
\ Example: CONNECT PEER ''locators=localhost[2000];host-data=false'';\n\
\ -- connects to distributed system using locator running on\n\
\ -- localhost at port 2000, and having no data hosted in self\n
\ CONNECT HOSTS ''[:][,[:] ... '' [ GROUP ALIAS '''']\n\
\ -- connects to the managing agent running on all given host port combination\n\
\ -- port is optional. In that case tries to connect to default port.\n\
\ -- all the hosts can be refered together using the optional alias.\n\
\ \n\
\ -- connects to managing agent on host1:1234 and host2 on default port\n\
\ -- alias is FOO\n
\ \n\
\ \n\
\ {0} start [-J]* [-dir=] [-classpath=]\n\
\ [-auth-provider=]\n\
\ [-server-auth-provider=]\n\
\ [-user=] [-password[=]]\n\
\ [-=]*\n\
\ Starts an {1} JVM\n\
\ Options:\n\
\ -J A JVM option passed to the spawned {1} JVM\n\
\ (example -J-Xmx1024m to set the JVM heap to 1GB)\n\
\ -dir the working directory containing the {1}\n\
\ status file. (defaults to the current directory)\n\
\ -classpath Location of user classes required by the {1}.\n\
\ This path is appended to the current classpath.\n\
\ -log-file The path of the file to which this JVM writes log messages.\n\
\ -auth-provider The authentication mechanism to use for client connections.\n\
\ Currently supported values are BUILTIN and LDAP.\n\
\ Default is to not use any authentication.\n\
\ -server-auth-provider The authentication mechanism to use for joining other\n\
\ servers and locators in the cluster.\n\
\ Currently supported values are BUILTIN and LDAP.\n\
\ Default is to use -auth-provider if specified,\n\
\ else to not use any authentication.\n\
\ -user If the servers/locators have been set to use authentication,\n\
\ then the user name to use for booting the server and join\n\
\ the distributed system.\n\
\ -password If the servers/locators have been set to use authentication,\n\
\ then the password for the user (specified with -user option)\n\
\ to use for booting the server and join the distributed system.\n\
\ The value of password is optional and if skipped then user\n\
\ will be prompted to enter the password from console.\n\
\ - Any other GemFireXD boot property such as "log-level".\n\
\ \n\
\ {0} stop [-dir=]\n\n\
\ Stops an {1} JVM. It waits for the member to be stopped for maximum time\n\
\ as specified by "gemfirexd.launcher.SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME_MS" system property\n\
\ in milliseconds (default is 20000 millis i.e. 20 secs)\n\
\ -dir The working directory containing the {1}\n\
\ status file. (defaults to the current directory)\n\
\ \n\
\ {0} status [-dir=]\n\n\
\ Reports the status and process id of an {1} JVM\n\
\ -dir The working directory containing the {1}\n\
\ status file. (defaults to the current directory)\n\
\ \n\
\ {0} wait [-dir=]\n\n\
\ If the {1} status is "waiting" when using the "-sync=false" option\n\
\ then wait for it to be completely initialized and in "running" status.\n\
\ If the status is "stopping", then wait for member to be stopped for\n\
\ maximum time as specified by "gemfirexd.launcher.SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME_MS"\n\
\ system property in milliseconds (default is 20000 ms i.e. 20 secs)\n\
\ -dir The working directory containing the {1}\n\
\ status file. (defaults to the current directory)
FS_NAME=GemFireXD Server
FS_START_LONER=Starting {0} as a stand-alone loner JVM
FS_START_MCAST=Starting {0} using multicast for peer discovery: {1}
FS_START_LOCATORS=Starting {0} using locators for peer discovery: {1}
FS_START_EMBEDDED_LOCATOR=Starting {0} with embedded locator: {1}
\ [-sync= (default false)]\n\
\ [-heap-size=] [-off-heap-size=]\n\
\ [-mcast-port= (default 10334)]\n\
\ [-mcast-address= (default]\n\
\ [-locators=] [-start-locator=]\n\
\ [-server-groups=] [-lock-memory]\n\
\ [-rebalance] [-init-scripts=]\n\
\ [-bind-address= (default is hostname or localhost\n\
\ if hostname points to a local loopback address)]\n\
\ [-run-netserver= (default true)]\n\
\ [-client-bind-address= (default is localhost)]\n\
\ [-client-port= (default 1527)]\n\
\ [-critical-heap-percentage=\n\
\ (default 90% if -heap-size is provided, otherwise not \n\
\ configured)]\n\
\ [-eviction-heap-percentage=\n\
\ (default 80% of critical-heap-percentage)]\n\
\ [-critical-off-heap-percentage=\n\
\ (default 90% if -off-heap-size is provided, otherwise not\n\
\ configured)]\n\
\ [-eviction-off-heap-percentage=\n\
\ (default 80% of critical-off-heap-percentage)]\n\
\ [-host-data= (default true)]\n\
\ [-log-file= (default gfxdserver.log)]
#snappy specific message, hides mcast port args, offheap-size renamed to memory-size etc.
\ [-sync= (default false)]\n\
\ [-heap-size=] [-memory-size=]\n\
\ [-locators=] [-server-groups=]\n\
\ [-rebalance] [-init-scripts=]\n\
\ [-bind-address= (default is hostname or localhost\n\
\ if hostname points to a local loopback address)]\n\
\ [-run-netserver= (default true)]\n\
\ [-client-bind-address= (default is localhost)]\n\
\ [-client-port= (default 1527)]\n\
\ [-critical-heap-percentage=\n\
\ (default 90% if -heap-size is provided, otherwise not \n\
\ configured)]\n\
\ [-eviction-heap-percentage=\n\
\ (default 80% of critical-heap-percentage)]\n\
\ [-host-data= (default true)]\n\
\ [-log-file= (default gfxdserver.log)]
\ -sync If true then wait for complete initialization of the server\n\
\ including DataDictionary, persistent tables, network server,\n\
\ else return when this node starts waiting for other members\n\
\ to join to sync persistent data (default false).\n\
\ -heap-size Sets both the initial heap and max heap sizes.\n\
\ Size has the same format as the -Xmx/-Xms JVM options.\n\
\ -heap-size is equivalent to specifying both -J-Xmx and -J-Xms.\n\
\ -off-heap-size Size has the same format as the -Xmx/-Xms JVM options.\n\
\ -mcast-port The multicast port used to communicate with other members of\n\
\ the distributed system. If zero, multicast is disabled for\n\
\ both member discovery and distribution. Valid values are in\n\
\ the range 0..65535 with default of 10334 and the servers use\n\
\ multicast for discovery if locators have not been specified.\n\
\ -mcast-address The multicast address used to discover other members of the\n\
\ distributed system. Only used if "-locators" option has not\n\
\ been specified.\n\
\ -locators The list of locators as comma-separated host:port values used\n\
\ to communicate with running locators in the system to\n\
\ discover other peers of the distributed system. The list\n\
\ must include all locators in use, and must be configured\n\
\ consistently for every member of the distributed system.\n\
\ -start-locator Specified an embedded locator in this server that will be\n\
\ started and stopped automatically with this server. The\n\
\ locator is specified as [], or just .\n\
\ When address is not specified then the one specified in\n\
\ "-bind-address" is used, if set, else machine's default\n\
\ address is used.\n\
\ -server-groups A comma separated list of server groups that this JVM is\n\
\ a member of. Used for creating tables in particular sets\n\
\ of servers or for firing data-aware procedures in particular\n\
\ server groups. See the documentation of SERVER GROUPS\n\
\ extension to CREATE TABLE and of CALL PROCEDURE\n\
\ for more details. If this option is not specified then the\n\
\ server only belongs to the default server group that has no\n\
\ name and contains all members of the distributed system.\n\
\ -lock-memory Locks heap and off-heap memory pages into RAM, thereby\n\
\ preventing the operating system from swapping them out to disk.\n\
\ -rebalance Passing this option causes the new JVM to trigger a\n\
\ rebalancing operation for all partitioned tables in the\n\
\ system.\n\
\ -init-scripts A comma-separated list of files/URLs containing the initial SQL\n\
\ commands to be executed in this JVM prior to executing any\n\
\ other commands. The files should contain semi-colon separated\n\
\ SQL statements.\n\
\ These scripts are executed after initial DDL configuration has\n\
\ been completed from persisted data in this JVM or from existing\n\
\ nodes that brings the meta-data in consistent state with the\n\
\ cluster and so these commands can assume existence of tables\n\
\ and other schema objects that have been created in the cluster.\n\
\ -bind-address Address to which this peer binds for receiving peer-to-peer\n\
\ messages. Default is to use the hostname, or localhost\n\
\ in case hostname points to a local loopback address.\n\
\ -run-netserver If true then it starts a network server (see the\n\
\ -client-bind-address and -client-port options to specify\n\
\ where the server should listen) that can service thin clients.\n\
\ If set to false then the -client-bind-address and -client-port\n\
\ options have no affect. The default is to start a thrift\n\
\ server with SnappyData product and DRDA in rowstore mode.\n\
\ The "-thrift-server-*" and "-drda-server-*" arguments can\n\
\ be used to start an additional server of respective type.\n\
\ -client-bind-address Address to which the network controller binds for\n\
\ client connections.\n\
\ -client-port Port that the network controller listens on for\n\
\ client connections, 1-65535 with default of 1527.\n\
\ -thrift-server-address Address to which the Thrift server binds for\n\
\ thrift client connections.\n\
\ -thrift-server-port Port that the Thrift server listens on for\n\
\ thrift client connections, 1-65535 with default disabled.\n\
\ -drda-server-address Address to which the DRDA server binds for\n\
\ DRDA client connections.\n\
\ -drda-server-port Port that the DRDA server listens on for\n\
\ DRDA client connections, 1-65535 with default disabled.\n\
\ -critical-heap-percentage Resource Manager critical heap threshold in\n\
\ percentage of the old generation heap, 0-100.\n\
\ -eviction-heap-percentage Resource Manager eviction heap threshold in\n\
\ percentage of the old generation heap, 0-100.\n\
\ Default is 80% of critical-heap-percentage.\n\
\ -critical-off-heap-percentage Resource Manager critical off-heap threshold in\n\
\ percentage, 0-100.\n\
\ -eviction-off-heap-percentage Resource Manager eviction off-heap threshold in\n\
\ percentage, 0-100.\n\
\ Default is 80% of critical-off-heap-percentage.\n\
\ -host-data If set to false then the server JVM will not host any table\n\
\ data and will act as an accessor JVM still having the\n\
\ capability to route queries to appropriate datastores and\n\
\ aggregating the results.\n
#snappy specific message, hides mcast port args, offheap-size renamed to memory-size etc.
\ -sync If true then wait for complete initialization of the server\n\
\ including DataDictionary, persistent tables, network server,\n\
\ else return when this node starts waiting for other members\n\
\ to join to sync persistent data (default false).\n\
\ -heap-size Sets both the initial heap and max heap sizes.\n\
\ Size has the same format as the -Xmx/-Xms JVM options.\n\
\ -heap-size is equivalent to specifying both -J-Xmx and -J-Xms.\n\
\ -memory-size Size has the same format as the -Xmx/-Xms JVM options.\n\
\ When set then all column tables use off-heap memory \n\
\ (aka DirectByteBuffer) to the specified total limit.\n\
\ -locators The list of locators as comma-separated host:port values used\n\
\ to communicate with running locators in the system to\n\
\ discover other peers of the distributed system. The list\n\
\ must include all locators in use, and must be configured\n\
\ consistently for every member of the distributed system.\n\
\ -server-groups A comma separated list of server groups that this JVM is\n\
\ a member of. Used for creating tables in particular sets\n\
\ of servers or for firing data-aware procedures in particular\n\
\ server groups. See the documentation of SERVER_GROUPS\n\
\ extension to CREATE TABLE for more details. If this option\n\
\ is not specified then the server only belongs to the default\n\
\ server group that has no name and contains all members of the\n\
\ distributed system.\n\
\ -rebalance Passing this option causes the new JVM to trigger a\n\
\ rebalancing operation for all partitioned tables in the\n\
\ system.\n\
\ -init-scripts A comma-separated list of files/URLs containing the initial SQL\n\
\ commands to be executed in this JVM prior to executing any\n\
\ other commands. The files should contain semi-colon separated\n\
\ SQL statements.\n\
\ These scripts are executed after initial DDL configuration has\n\
\ been completed from persisted data in this JVM or from existing\n\
\ nodes that brings the meta-data in consistent state with the\n\
\ cluster and so these commands can assume existence of tables\n\
\ and other schema objects that have been created in the cluster.\n\
\ -bind-address Address to which this peer binds for receiving peer-to-peer\n\
\ messages. Default is to use the hostname, or localhost\n\
\ in case hostname points to a local loopback address.\n\
\ -run-netserver If true then it starts a network server (see the\n\
\ -client-bind-address and -client-port options to specify\n\
\ where the server should listen) that can service thin clients.\n\
\ If set to false then the -client-bind-address and -client-port\n\
\ options have no affect. The default is to start a thrift\n\
\ server with SnappyData product and DRDA in rowstore mode.\n\
\ The "-thrift-server-*" and "-drda-server-*" arguments can\n\
\ be used to start an additional server of respective type.\n\
\ -client-bind-address Address to which the network controller binds for\n\
\ client connections.\n\
\ -client-port Port that the network controller listens on for\n\
\ client connections, 1-65535 with default of 1527.\n\
\ -thrift-server-address Address to which the Thrift server binds for\n\
\ thrift client connections.\n\
\ -thrift-server-port Port that the Thrift server listens on for\n\
\ thrift client connections, 1-65535 with default disabled.\n\
\ -drda-server-address Address to which the DRDA server binds for\n\
\ DRDA client connections.\n\
\ -drda-server-port Port that the DRDA server listens on for\n\
\ DRDA client connections, 1-65535 with default disabled.\n\
\ -critical-heap-percentage Resource Manager critical heap threshold in\n\
\ percentage of the old generation heap, 0-100.\n\
\ -eviction-heap-percentage Resource Manager eviction heap threshold in\n\
\ percentage of the old generation heap, 0-100.\n\
\ Default is 80% of critical-heap-percentage.\n\
\ -host-data If set to false then the server JVM will not host any table\n\
\ data and will act as an accessor JVM still having the\n\
\ capability to route queries to appropriate datastores and\n\
\ aggregating the results.\n
LOC_NAME=GemFireXD Locator
LOC_START_MESSAGE=Starting {0} using peer discovery on: {1}
LOC_START_MESSAGE_WITH_LOCATORS=Starting {0} using peer discovery on: {1}, other locators: {2}
\ [-heap-size=]\n\
\ [-peer-discovery-address= (default is]\n\
\ [-peer-discovery-port= (default 10334)]\n\
\ [-sync= (default false)]\n\
\ [-bind-address= (default -peer-discovery-address)]\n\
\ [-run-netserver= (default true)]\n\
\ [-client-bind-address= (default is\n\
\ bind-address or if not set then local loopback)]\n\
\ [-client-port= (default 1527)]\n\
\ [-locators=]\n\
\ [-log-file= (default gfxdlocator.log)]
\ -heap-size Sets both the initial heap and max heap sizes.\n\
\ Size has the same format as the -Xmx/-Xms JVM options.\n\
\ -peer-discovery-address Address to which the locator binds for peer discovery.\n\
\ The same address is also used for -bind-address to receive\n\
\ peer-to-peer messages from other servers/locators by default.\n\
\ -peer-discovery-port Port that the locator listens on, 1-65535.\n\
\ -sync If true then wait for complete initialization of the locator\n\
\ including DataDictionary, network server, else return as soon\n\
\ as discovery services have been initialized (default false).\n\
\ -bind-address Address to which this locator binds for receiving peer-to-peer\n\
\ messages. Default is the one used for -peer-discovery-address.\n\
\ -run-netserver If true then it starts a network server (see the\n\
\ -client-bind-address and -client-port options to specify\n\
\ where the server should listen) that can service thin clients.\n\
\ If set to false then the -client-bind-address and -client-port\n\
\ options have no affect.\n\
\ -client-bind-address Address to which the network controller binds for\n\
\ client connections.\n\
\ -client-port Port that the network controller listens on for\n\
\ client connections, 1-65535 with default of 1527.\n\
\ -locators The list of other locators as comma-separated host:port values\n\
\ used as backups in case one of the locators fails. The list\n\
\ must include all other locators in use, and must be configured\n\
\ consistently for every member of the distributed system.\n
\ [-mcast-port= (default 10334)]\n\
\ [-mcast-address= (default]\n\
\ [-locators=]\n\
\ [-bind-address= (default is hostname or localhost\n\
\ if hostname points to a local loopback address)]\n\
\ [-log-file= (default gfxdagent.log)]
\ -mcast-port The multicast port used to communicate with other members of\n\
\ the distributed system. If zero, multicast is disabled for\n\
\ both member discovery and distribution. Valid values are in\n\
\ the range 0..65535 with default of 10334 and the servers use\n\
\ multicast for discovery if locators have not been specified.\n\
\ -mcast-address The multicast address used to discover other members of the\n\
\ distributed system. Only used if "-locators" option has not\n\
\ been specified.\n\
\ -locators The list of locators as comma-separated host:port values used\n\
\ to communicate with running locators in the system to\n\
\ discover other peers of the distributed system. The list\n\
\ must include all locators in use, and must be configured\n\
\ consistently for every member of the distributed system.\n\
\ -bind-address Address to which this peer binds for receiving peer-to-peer\n\
\ messages. Default is to use the hostname, or localhost\n\
\ in case hostname points to a local loopback address.\n\
FS_WAITING_MESSAGE=Member disk state is not the most current. {0} is waiting for disk recovery from following members: {1}.\n\
\Refer to log file for details
FS_WAITING_MESSAGE_BUCKETS=Member disk state is not the most current. {0} is waiting for disk recovery of buckets {1} from following members: {2}. \n\
\Refer to log file for details
FS_LOAD_DRIVER_ERROR=Unable to load the JDBC driver {0}
FS_INSTANTIATE_DRIVER_ERROR=Unable to instantiate the JDBC driver {0}
FS_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_DRIVER_ERROR=Not allowed to access the JDBC driver {0}
SERVER_INVALID_PORT=Port not in range 1-65535.
FS_JDBC_SHUTDOWN_ERROR=Unexpected exception in JDBC shutdown
FS_START_ERROR=Error starting server process:
FS_DRDA_ADDRESS_IN_USE=The netserver address, \"{0}[{1,number,#}]\", is already in use. \
Try \"gfxd {1} --help\" for how to configure an alternate socket \
address or to disable launching of the netserver all together.
UTIL_Server_Usage=Starts/stops a GemFireXD Server JVM, or provides status of a running one.
UTIL_Locator_Usage=Starts/stops a GemFireXD Locator JVM, or provides status of a running one.
UTIL_GFXD_Usage=With no arguments, starts the GFXD command shell.\n\
To pass arguments to java launcher process, set JAVA_ARGS environment variable.\n\
CLASSPATH environment variable is added to the classpath of launcher JVM.\n\
If GFXD_JAVA is set, then it is used as the java executable for the launcher,\
\ else the java executable found in PATH is used.
UTIL_GFXD_CmdLine_Usage=To run a GFXD script file and exit:
UTIL_GFXD_Continue_Prompt=---More ('q' to quit)---
UTIL_GFXD_DistributedMembers_Message=Distributed system now has {0} members.
UTIL_GFXD_ExpectedBoolean=expected true or false for \"{0}=\" but was \"{1}\"
UTIL_GFXD_Tools_Message=To run other utilities and exit:
UTIL_GFXD_Tools_Usage={0} \n\
where is one of:\n{1}\n\
The command to display a particular utility''s usage is:\n\
{0} --help
\ [-J-D=]\n\
\ [-mcast-port= (default 10334)]\n\
\ [-mcast-address= (default]\n\
\ [-locators=]\n\
\ [-bind-address= (default is hostname or localhost\n\
\ if hostname points to a local loopback address)]\n\
\ [-=]*
#snappy specific message hides mcast port args, otherwise same as above
\ [-J-D=]\n\
\ <-locators=>\n\
\ [-bind-address= (default is hostname or localhost\n\
\ if hostname points to a local loopback address)]\n\
\ [-=]*
\ -J-D Set a JVM system property to given value.\n\
\ To pass any other arguments to JVM process, set JAVA_ARGS\n\
\ environment variable before invoking gfxd launcher script.\n\
\ -mcast-port The multicast port used to communicate with other members of\n\
\ the distributed system. If zero, multicast is disabled for\n\
\ both member discovery and distribution. Valid values are in\n\
\ the range 0..65535 with default of 10334 that is used when\n\
\ no "-locators" option has been specified.\n\
\ -mcast-address The multicast address used to discover other members of the\n\
\ distributed system. Only used if "-locators" option has not\n\
\ been specified and has a default of\n\
\ -locators The list of locators as comma-separated host[port] values\n\
\ used to communicate with running locators in the system to\n\
\ discover other peers of the distributed system.\n\
\ -bind-address Address to which this peer binds for receiving peer-to-peer\n\
\ messages. Default is to use the hostname, or localhost\n\
\ in case hostname points to a local loopback address.\n\
\ - Any other distributed system property.
#snappy specific message, hides mcast port args
\ -J-D Set a JVM system property to given value.\n\
\ To pass any other arguments to JVM process, set JAVA_ARGS\n\
\ environment variable before invoking gfxd launcher script.\n\
\ -locators The list of locators as comma-separated host[port] values\n\
\ used to communicate with running locators in the system to\n\
\ discover other peers of the distributed system.\n\
\ -bind-address Address to which this peer binds for receiving peer-to-peer\n\
\ messages. Default is to use the hostname, or localhost\n\
\ in case hostname points to a local loopback address.\n\
\ - Any other distributed system property.
UTIL_user_Prompt=Enter User Name:
UTIL_password_Prompt=Enter Password:
UTIL_reenter_password_Prompt=Re-enter Password:
UTIL_encrypt_password_Output=Encrypted to {0}
UTIL_version_ShortDesc=Prints GemFireXD product version information.
UTIL_stats_ShortDesc=Prints statistic values from a statistic archive.
UTIL_merge_logs_ShortDesc=Merges multiple logs files into a single log.
UTIL_license_ShortDesc=Prints any current GemFireXD licenses and information needed to obtain a new license.
UTIL_revoke_missing_disk_store_ShortDesc=Asks the distributed system members to stop waiting for the specified disk store.
UTIL_compact_disk_store_ShortDesc=Compacts an offline disk store to remove all unneeded records from the persistent files.
UTIL_compact_all_disk_stores_ShortDesc=Asks all the distributed system members to compact their disk stores.
UTIL_list_missing_disk_stores_ShortDesc=Prints disk stores that are currently missing from the distributed system.
UTIL_modify_disk_store_ShortDesc=Modifies the contents stored in a disk store.
UTIL_show_disk_store_metadata_ShortDesc=Shows the disk file metadata information given a disk store directory.
UTIL_shut_down_all_ShortDesc=Asks all the distributed system non-admin members (i.e. excluding locators and agents) to shut down.
UTIL_backup_ShortDesc=Asks all the distributed system members to backup their persistent data.
UTIL_validate_disk_store_ShortDesc=Checks to make sure files of a disk store are valid.
UTIL_modify_disk_store_ShortDesc=Modifies the contents stored in a disk store.
UTIL_encrypt_password_ShortDesc=Encrypts a password. This is used for BUILTIN authentication configuration \
or storing in DBSynchronizer properties file.
UTIL_upgrade_disk_store_ShortDesc=Upgrade an offline disk store for product version >= 1.1 with new version format.
UTIL_export_disk_store_ShortDesc=Exports an offline disk store in binary format.
UTIL_print_stacks_ShortDesc=Fetches stack dumps of all members in the distributed system.
UTIL_version_ProductDirectory=GemFireXD product directory: {0}
Encrypts a password for use in properties file while configuring \
BUILTIN authentication. User is prompted for the user name and password \
on console. The "external" option is for encryption of password for storing \
for external usage by other drivers like in a DBSynchronizer properties file \
and requires a distributed system to connect. In that case it uses a distributed \
system generated private key stored in the DataDictionary which is used for \
symmetric encryption of the passwords or other secrets.
\ [-transformation= (default is AES)]\n\
\ [-keysize= (default is 128)]\n
\ -transformation The transformation to use for symmetric key encryption.\n\
\ See "Sun Providers Documentation" in JSSE docs for the\n\
\ allowed values for Oracle's Sun JVM.\n\
\ -keysize The key size to use for the encryption key.
UTIL_shut_down_all_ExtraArgs=\n [-skip-accessors]
\ -skip-accessors Don't shut down the accessor nodes (having host-data=false)\n\
\ in the system.
# common message for GemFireXD tools below
TOOLS_CONNECTION_URL_MESSAGE=Any valid jdbc connection url\
\ that is passed onto DriverManager.getConnection "as is".
TOOLS_CLIENT_PORT_MESSAGE=Port that a GemFireXD locator/server\
\ is listening on for client connections (default 1527)
TOOLS_CLIENT_ADDRESS_MESSAGE=Host name or IP address that a GemFireXD\
\ locator/server is listening on for client connections\
\ (default "localhost")
TOOLS_MCAST_PORT_MESSAGE=The multicast port used to communicate with other\
\ members of a GemFireXD distributed system. If zero, multicast is disabled for\
\ both member discovery and distribution. Valid values are in\
\ the range 0..65535 with default of 10334 and the member uses\
\ multicast for discovery if locators have not been specified.
TOOLS_MCAST_ADDRESS_MESSAGE=The multicast address used to discover other\
\ members of a GemFireXD distributed system. Only used if "-locators" option has\
\ not been specified and has a default of
TOOLS_LOCATORS_MESSAGE=The list of locators as comma-separated host[port]\
\ values used to communicate with running locators in a GemFireXD system to\
\ discover other peers of the distributed system
TOOLS_BIND_ADDRESS_MESSAGE=Address to which this peer binds for receiving\
\ peer-to-peer messages in a GemFireXD system. Default is to use the hostname,\
\ or localhost in case hostname points to a local loopback address.
TOOLS_AUTH_PROVIDER_MESSAGE=When connecting as a peer, set it to use\
\ authentication for peer-to-peer connections as well as client-server\
\ connections using the given authentication module. All other members\
\ in the distributed system should be configured to use the same module\
\ and user definitions.
TOOLS_USERNAME_MESSAGE=If the data source has been set to use authentication,\
\ then the user name to use for connecting to the data source
TOOLS_PASSWORD_MESSAGE=If the data source has been set to use authentication,\
\ then the password for the user (specified with -user option) to use for\
\ connecting to the data source. The value of password is optional and if\
\ skipped, then user will be prompted to enter the password from console.
TOOLS_EXTRA_CONN_PROPS_MESSAGE=Any other semi-colon separated connection\
\ properties
TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_MESSAGE=Set value for a given java system property
TOOLS_HELP_MESSAGE=Show this message
TOOLS_BOTH_EMBEDDED_CLIENT_ERROR=ERROR: Cannot specify both embedded driver\
\ attributes and client driver attributes
TOOLS_PARSE_EXCEPTION=Parsing failed. Reason:
TOOLS_OTHER_EXCEPTION=Unexpected exception:
TOOLS_NO_CONSOLE_EXCEPTION=No console found for reading the password
TOOLS_COMMON_DESC=\nEither the client-bind-address/client-port properties\
\ should be specified or one of mcast-port/mcast-address/locators properties\
\ should be specified to establish a connection to GemFireXD system. In the first\
\ case a thin client connection is created to the GemFireXD system to perform\
\ the operation. For the second case a GemFireXD embedded peer connection\
\ is created. If neither is specified then a GemFireXD thin client connection\
\ to localhost:1527 is attempted.
TOOLS_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES_MESSAGE={0} is no longer supported. Please use {1} instead.
# messages for DdlUtils tools below
DDLUTILS_WRITE_SCHEMA_TO_XML_DESC=Reads the schema of a database and\
\ writes it as XML to a file.
\Export schema from a MySQL database ''test'' running on ''''\
\ in schema ''TEST'' to ''db-schema.xml'':\n\
\ gfxd {0} -driver-class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\
\ -url=jdbc:mysql:// -user=test -password=test\
\ -schema-pattern=TEST -file=db-schema.xml
\Export schema from a GemFireXD system running on '''' to\
\ ''db-schema.xml'' using thin client driver, and prompt for password on console:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -user=test -password -file=db-schema.xml
DDLUTILS_WRITE_SCHEMA_TO_SQL_DESC=Reads the schema of a database and\
\ writes it as SQL to a file.
\Export schema from a MySQL database ''test'' running on ''''\
\ in schema ''TEST'' to ''db-schema.sql'':\n\
\ gfxd {0} -driver-class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\
\ -url=jdbc:mysql:// -user=test -password=test\
\ -schema-pattern=TEST -file=db-schema.sql
\Export schema from a GemFireXD system running on '''' to\
\ ''db-schema.sql'' using thin client driver on a system without authentication:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -file=db-schema.sql
\Export schema from a MySQL database ''test'' running on ''''\
\ in schema ''TEST'' to ''db-schema.sql'' using GemFireXD''s SQL format:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -driver-class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\
\ -url=jdbc:mysql:// -user=test -password=test\
\ -schema-pattern=TEST -to-database-type=gemfirexd -file=db-schema.sql
\Export all database objects from a GemFireXD system to ''db-schema.sql'',\
\ including all GemFireXD extensions and jars installed in the system\
\ (the user needs to be a system user on ''''):\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -user=sys -password -export-all -file=db-schema.sql
DDLUTILS_WRITE_DATA_TO_XML_DESC=Reads the data of the given tables\
\ of a database and writes it as XML to a file.
\Export table data from a MySQL database ''test'' running on ''''\
\ for all tables in schema ''TEST'' to ''db-data.xml'':\n\
\ gfxd {0} -driver-class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\
\ -url=jdbc:mysql:// -user=test -password=test\
\ -schema-pattern=TEST -file=db-data.xml
\Export table data from a GemFireXD system running on '''' to\
\ ''db-data.xml'' using thin client driver, and prompt for password on console:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -user=test -password -file=db-data.xml
DDLUTILS_WRITE_DATA_DTD_TO_FILE_DESC=Creates a DTD that specifies the layout\
\ for data XML files (created using write-data-to-xml command).
DDLUTILS_WRITE_SCHEMA_TO_DB_DESC=Creates schema in the database as specified\
\ by the schema XML file(s).
\Import schema into a GemFireXD system running on ''''\
\ reading from ''db-schema.xml'' using thin client driver:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -file=db-schema.xml
\Import schema into a GemFireXD system running on ''''\
\ reading from ''db-schema.xml'' using thin client driver, and prompt for\
\ password on console:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -user=test -password -file=db-schema.xml
\Import schema into a GemFireXD system running on ''''\
\ reading from ''db-schema.xml'' using thin client driver, drop existing schema\
\ objects if required instead of using ALTER TABLE, and skip setting\
\ auto-increment columns (to enable using ALTER TABLE ... GENERATED ALWAYS AS\
\ IDENTITY extension to set it later in data import):\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -do-drops -alter-identity-columns -file=db-schema.xml
\Not an example of ''{0}'' but that of the ''run'' command to import the full\
\ GemFireXD schema exported using ''gfxd write-schema-to-sql -export-all'':\n\
\ gfxd run -client-port=2000\
\ -user=test -password -file=db-schema.sql
DDLUTILS_WRITE_DATA_TO_DB_DESC=Inserts data into the database as defined by the\
\ data XML file(s), and having the schema as specified by the schema XML file(s)\
\ or conforming to the schema as in the database.
\Import table data into a GemFireXD system running on ''''\
\ reading from ''db-data.xml'' using thin client driver\
\ with default batch-size 1000:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -files=db-data.xml
\Import table data into a GemFireXD system running on ''''\
\ reading schema from ''db-schema.xml'' and data from ''db-data.xml'' using\
\ thin client driver, and prompt for password on console:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -user=test -password -schema-files=db-schema.xml -files=db-data.xml
\Import table data into a GemFireXD system running on ''''\
\ reading schema from ''db-schema.xml'' and data from ''db-data.xml'' using\
\ thin client driver, with batch-size of 500, and invoking the ALTER TABLE ...\
\ GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY extension to set the auto-increment columns\
\ at the end of data import:\n\
\ gfxd {0} -client-port=2000\
\ -alter-identity-columns -batch-size=500 -schema-files=db-schema.xml\
\ -files=db-data.xml
DDLUTILS_REPLAY_FAILED_DMLS_DESC=Executes SQL inserts, updates or deletes from other WAN sites \
\ that failed to be executed earlier and are logged in the specified error XML file.
DDLUTILS_COMMON_DESC=\nEither the client-bind-address/client-port properties\
\ should be specified or one of mcast-port/mcast-address/locators properties\
\ should be specified or url/driver-class properties. In the first case a thin\
\ client connection is created to the GemFireXD system to perform the operation.\
\ For the second case a GemFireXD embedded peer connection is created. In the last\
\ case the connection is created to an arbitrary JDBC URL which may be an\
\ external non-GemFireXD data source. If neither is specified then a GemFireXD\
\ thin client connection to localhost:1527 is attempted.
DDLUTILS_URL_MESSAGE=JDBC URL of the data source to connect to
DDLUTILS_DRIVER_CLASS_MESSAGE=JDBC driver class of the driver for the\
\ data source to connect to
DDLUTILS_SCHEMA_OUT_FILE_MESSAGE=Path of the file to write the schema in XML format
DDLUTILS_SCHEMA_SQL_OUT_FILE_MESSAGE=Path of the file to write the schema in SQL format
DDLUTILS_DATA_OUT_FILE_MESSAGE=Path of the file to write the table data in XML format
DDLUTILS_DTD_OUT_FILE_MESSAGE=Path of the file to write the DTD of the data XML
DDLUTILS_SCHEMA_FILES_MESSAGE=Path of the schema XML file(s).\
\ If specified these are used to read the database schema else the schema is\
\ obtained from the database itself during execution.
DDLUTILS_DATA_FILES_MESSAGE=Path of the table data XML file(s)
DDLUTILS_ERROR_FILE_MESSAGE=Path of the error file containing failed events
DDLUTILS_BATCH_SIZE_MESSAGE=If set to a value greater than one, then batch\
\ inserts are enabled and the value specifies the maximum number of\
\ insert statements to combine in one batch. Default is to use batch inserts\
\ with batch size of 1000. Use batch-size of 1 to disable batch inserts.
DDLUTILS_DO_DROPS_MESSAGE=Specifies that tables, external constraints,\
\ etc. can be dropped if necessary instead of using ALTER TABLE for adding\
\ constraints etc.
DDLUTILS_ENSURE_FK_ORDER_MESSAGE=Specifies whether ordering for foreign keys\
\ shall be honored during insertion of data into the database.\
\ If set to false then command will assume that all referenced rows\
\ come before referencing rows in the data XML, otherwise will re-order the\
\ insertion of the rows to ensure the foreign key order. Note that there\
\ is a memory and performance overhead when this is enabled (default disabled).
\ "GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY" after initial import of data. This option\
\ must also be set when importing the schema to skip setting auto-increment\
\ columns as generated ones.
DDLUTILS_XML_SCHEMA_FILES_MESSAGE=Use when the schema has to be read from XML\
\ files dumped using write-schema-to-xml rather than from a database.
DDLUTILS_TO_DATABASE_TYPE_MESSAGE=Specifies the database type for the format\
\ of SQL. Valid values are axion, cloudscape, db2, derby, firebird, hsqldb,\
\ interbase, maxdb, mckoi, mssql, mysql, mysql5, oracle, oracle9, oracle10,\
\ oracle11, postgresql, sapdb, gemfirexd, sybase. This allows reading schema from\
\ some database and dumping in an SQL format compatible with another database.
DDLUTILS_EXPORT_GENERIC_MESSAGE=By default when schema is exported from GemFireXD,\
\ it exports all DDLs as SQL statements including all of its specific extensions.\
\ This option overrides that behaviour to export only generic schema objects as\
\ visible to the JDBC driver.
DDLUTILS_EXPORT_ALL_MESSAGE=Specifies that the database should directly export\
\ all database objects as SQL statements including all of its specific\
\ extensions. Only provided for GemFireXD as a means to do full schema backup.\
\ Requires a system user defined on the connected JVM for the export.
DDLUTILS_DATABASE_TYPE_MESSAGE=Specifies the database type. Only needed to be\
\ set if DdlUtils is not able to derive the setting from the jdbc driver\
\ or the jdbc connection url. Valid values are axion, cloudscape, db2, derby,\
\ firebird, hsqldb, interbase, maxdb, mckoi, mssql, mysql, mysql5, oracle,\
\ oracle9, oracle10, oracle11, postgresql, sapdb, gemfirexd, sybase
DDLUTILS_CATALOG_PATTERN_MESSAGE=Pattern that defines the database catalogs to use.
DDLUTILS_SCHEMA_PATTERN_MESSAGE=Pattern that defines the database schemas to use.
DDLUTILS_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIERS_MESSAGE=Use delimited (quoted) identifiers\
\ such as table and column names (default disabled).
DDLUTILS_ISOLATION_LEVEL_MESSAGE=Set the transaction isolation level to use for\
\ database operations. Valid values are READ_UNCOMMITTED, READ_COMMITTED,\
\ REPEATABLE_READ, SERIALIZABLE (case insensitive) and have the same meanings\
\ as the ANSI transaction isolation levels.
DDLUTILS_UNKNOWN_ISOLATION_LEVEL=Unknown isolation level {0}. Valid values are\
DDLUTILS_INCLUDE_TABLES_MESSAGE=Set the names of the tables to be read.
DDLUTILS_INCLUDE_TABLE_FILTER_MESSAGE=Regular expression to be used for matching\
\ the names of the tables that shall be read. For case insensitive matching\
\ (delimited-identifiers is false), the pattern should use uppercase names.
DDLUTILS_EXCLUDE_TABLES_MESSAGE=Set the names of the tables to be excluded from read.
DDLUTILS_EXCLUDE_TABLE_FILTER_MESSAGE=Regular expression to be used for matching\
\ the names of the tables that shall be excluded from read. For case insensitive\
\ matching (delimited-identifiers is false), the pattern should use uppercase names.
\ in increasing order of logging (default is INFO)
\ and client driver attributes
\ driver-class attributes
DBSYNC_WRITE_FAILURES_TO_DB_DESC=Try and write a file containing failed\
\ operations dumped by DBSynchronizer "ErrorFile" property to given database
DBSYNC_FAILURES_PARSE_ERROR=ERROR: Unexpected entity ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' at: {2}
# messages for jar tools and other utilities below
JARTOOLS_INSTALL_JAR_DESC=Install a jar file in a live GemFireXD system shipping\
\ the bytes to the servers without requiring it to be accessible on them
JARTOOLS_REMOVE_JAR_DESC=Remove an installed jar file providing the name used\
\ during install
JARTOOLS_REPLACE_JAR_DESC=Replace a jar file in a live GemFireXD system with\
\ a new one for an existing name, shipping the bytes to the servers
JARTOOLS_INSTALL_SUCCESS=Jar ''{0}'' successfully installed with name ''{1}''
JARTOOLS_REMOVE_SUCCESS=Jar ''{0}'' with name ''{1}'' removed from the database
JARTOOLS_REPLACE_SUCCESS=Jar ''{0}'' successfully replaced any existing\
\ having name ''{1}''
JARTOOLS_JAR_NAME_MESSAGE=Identifier for the jar qualified with the schema name
JARTOOLS_JAR_FILE_MESSAGE=Path or URL of the jar file to be shipped to\
\ GemFireXD servers
MISCTOOLS_RUN_DESC=Execute SQL commands in given SQL command script.\
\ The format is the same as expected by gfxd shell.
MISCTOOLS_SCRIPT_MESSAGE=Path or URL of the script file to be executed
MISCTOOLS_PATH_MESSAGE=Change current working directory to the path
MISCTOOLS_ENCODING_MESSAGE=The character set of the script file. The names are\
\ the same as used by java.nio.charset.CharSet. Default is UTF-8.
MISCTOOLS_RUN_IGNORE_ERRORS_MESSAGE=Ignore errors in a statement execution.\
\ Default is false meaning any exception in a statement will cause the script\
\ execution to terminate at that point.
MISCTOOLS_PARAM_MESSAGE=Pass parameters to script. -param:= will try\
\ to replace : with before command submission.
MISCTOOLS_NUMTIMESTORUN_MESSAGE=Mention number of times each command needs to run\
\ except command doesn't starts with 'set'.
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