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spark.jobserver.LocalContextSupervisorActor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package spark.jobserver

import{Terminated, Props, ActorRef, PoisonPill}
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import ooyala.common.akka.InstrumentedActor
import spark.jobserver.JobManagerActor.{SparkContextDead, SparkContextAlive, SparkContextStatus}
import spark.jobserver.util.SparkJobUtils
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat

/** Messages common to all ContextSupervisors */
object ContextSupervisor {
  // Messages/actions
  case object AddContextsFromConfig // Start up initial contexts
  case object ListContexts
  case class AddContext(name: String, contextConfig: Config)
  case class GetAdHocContext(classPath: String, contextConfig: Config)
  case class GetContext(name: String) // returns JobManager, JobResultActor
  case class GetResultActor(name: String)  // returns JobResultActor
  case class StopContext(name: String)

  // Errors/Responses
  case object ContextInitialized
  case class ContextInitError(t: Throwable)
  case object ContextAlreadyExists
  case object NoSuchContext
  case object ContextStopped

 * This class starts and stops JobManagers / Contexts in-process.
 * It is responsible for watching out for the death of contexts/JobManagers.
 * == Auto context start configuration ==
 * Contexts can be configured to be created automatically at job server initialization.
 * Configuration example:
 * {{{
 *   spark {
 *     contexts {
 *       olap-demo {
 *         num-cpu-cores = 4            # Number of cores to allocate.  Required.
 *         memory-per-node = 1024m      # Executor memory per node, -Xmx style eg 512m, 1G, etc.
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }
 * }}}
 * == Other configuration ==
 * {{{
 *   spark {
 *     jobserver {
 *       context-creation-timeout = 15 s
 *       yarn-context-creation-timeout = 40 s
 *     }
 *     # Default settings for all context creation
 *     context-settings {
 *       spark.mesos.coarse = true
 *     }
 *   }
 * }}}
class LocalContextSupervisorActor(dao: JobDAO) extends InstrumentedActor {
  import ContextSupervisor._
  import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
  import scala.concurrent.duration._

  val config = context.system.settings.config
  val defaultContextConfig = config.getConfig("spark.context-settings")
  val contextTimeout = SparkJobUtils.getContextTimeout(config)
  import context.dispatcher   // to get ExecutionContext for futures

  private val contexts = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, ActorRef]
  private val resultActors = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, ActorRef]

  // This is for capturing results for ad-hoc jobs. Otherwise when ad-hoc job dies, resultActor also dies,
  // and there is no way to retrieve results.
  val globalResultActor = context.actorOf(Props[JobResultActor], "global-result-actor")

  def wrappedReceive: Receive = {
    case AddContextsFromConfig =>

    case ListContexts =>
      sender ! contexts.keys.toSeq

    case AddContext(name, contextConfig) =>
      val originator = sender // Sender is a mutable reference, must capture in immutable val
      val mergedConfig = contextConfig.withFallback(defaultContextConfig)
      if (contexts contains name) {
        originator ! ContextAlreadyExists
      } else {
        startContext(name, mergedConfig, false, contextTimeout) { contextMgr =>
          originator ! ContextInitialized
        } { err =>
          originator ! ContextInitError(err)

    case GetAdHocContext(classPath, contextConfig) =>
      val originator = sender // Sender is a mutable reference, must capture in immutable val"Creating SparkContext for adhoc jobs.")

      val mergedConfig = contextConfig.withFallback(defaultContextConfig)

      // Keep generating context name till there is no collision
      var contextName = ""
      do {
        contextName = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8) + "-" + classPath
      } while (contexts contains contextName)

      // Create JobManagerActor and JobResultActor
      startContext(contextName, mergedConfig, true, contextTimeout) { contextMgr =>
        originator ! (contexts(contextName), resultActors(contextName))
      } { err =>
        originator ! ContextInitError(err)

    case GetResultActor(name) =>
      sender ! resultActors.get(name).getOrElse(globalResultActor)

    case GetContext(name) =>
      if (contexts contains name) {
        val future = (contexts(name) ? SparkContextStatus) (contextTimeout.seconds)
        val originator = sender
        future.collect {
          case SparkContextAlive => originator ! (contexts(name), resultActors(name))
          case SparkContextDead =>
  "SparkContext {} is dead", name)
            self ! StopContext(name)
            originator ! NoSuchContext
      } else {
        sender ! NoSuchContext

    case StopContext(name) =>
      if (contexts contains name) {"Shutting down context {}", name)
        contexts(name) ! PoisonPill
        sender ! ContextStopped
      } else {
        sender ! NoSuchContext

    case Terminated(actorRef) =>
      val name :String ="Actor terminated: " + name)

  private def startContext(name: String, contextConfig: Config, isAdHoc: Boolean, timeoutSecs: Int = 1)
                          (successFunc: ActorRef => Unit)
                          (failureFunc: Throwable => Unit) {
    require(!(contexts contains name), "There is already a context named " + name)"Creating a SparkContext named {}", name)

    val resultActorRef = if (isAdHoc) Some(globalResultActor) else None
    val ref = context.actorOf(Props(
      classOf[JobManagerActor], dao, name, contextConfig, isAdHoc, resultActorRef), name)
    (ref ? JobManagerActor.Initialize)(Timeout(timeoutSecs.second)).onComplete {
      case Failure(e: Exception) =>
        logger.error("Exception after sending Initialize to JobManagerActor", e)
        // Make sure we try to shut down the context in case it gets created anyways
        ref ! PoisonPill
      case Success(JobManagerActor.Initialized(resultActor)) =>"SparkContext {} initialized", name)
        contexts(name) = ref
        resultActors(name) = resultActor
      case Success(JobManagerActor.InitError(t)) =>
        ref ! PoisonPill
      case x =>
        logger.warn("Unexpected message received by startContext: {}", x)

  // Adds the contexts from the config file
  private def addContextsFromConfig(config: Config) {
    for (contexts <- Try(config.getObject("spark.contexts"))) {
      contexts.keySet().asScala.foreach { contextName =>
        val contextConfig = config.getConfig("spark.contexts." + contextName)
        startContext(contextName, contextConfig, false, contextTimeout) { ref => } {
          e => logger.error("Unable to start context " + contextName, e)
        Thread sleep 500 // Give some spacing so multiple contexts can be created


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