spark.jobserver.WebApi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package spark.jobserver
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import{ ActorSystem, ActorRef }
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory, ConfigException, ConfigRenderOptions }
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
import ooyala.common.akka.web.{ WebService, CommonRoutes }
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import spark.jobserver.util.SparkJobUtils
import spark.jobserver.util.SSLContextFactory
import spark.jobserver.routes.DataRoutes
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Try
import spark.jobserver.auth._
import spray.http.HttpResponse
import spray.http.MediaTypes
import spray.http.StatusCodes
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport.sprayJsonMarshaller
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.routing.{ HttpService, Route, RequestContext }
import spray.routing.directives.AuthMagnet
import org.apache.shiro.config.IniSecurityManagerFactory
import org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager
import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils
object WebApi {
val StatusKey = "status"
val ResultKey = "result"
def badRequest(ctx: RequestContext, msg: String) {
ctx.complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest, errMap(msg))
def notFound(ctx: RequestContext, msg: String) {
ctx.complete(StatusCodes.NotFound, errMap(msg))
def errMap(errMsg: String) : Map[String, String] = Map(StatusKey -> "ERROR", ResultKey -> errMsg)
def errMap(t: Throwable, status: String) : Map[String, Any] =
Map(StatusKey -> status, ResultKey -> formatException(t))
def getJobDurationString(info: JobInfo): String = { ms => ms / 1000.0 + " secs" }.getOrElse("Job not done yet")
def resultToMap(result: Any): Map[String, Any] = result match {
case m: Map[_, _] => { case (k, v) => (k.toString, v) }.toMap
case s: Seq[_] => { case (item, idx) => (idx.toString, item) }.toMap
case a: Array[_] => { case (item, idx) => (idx.toString, item) }.toMap
case item => Map(ResultKey -> item)
def resultToTable(result: Any): Map[String, Any] = {
Map(ResultKey -> result)
def formatException(t: Throwable): Any =
if (t.getCause != null) {
Map("message" -> t.getMessage,
"errorClass" -> t.getClass.getName,
"cause" -> t.getCause.getMessage,
"causingClass" -> t.getCause.getClass.getName,
"stack" ->
} else {
Map("message" -> t.getMessage,
"errorClass" -> t.getClass.getName,
"stack" ->
def getJobReport(jobInfo: JobInfo): Map[String, Any] = {
Map("jobId" -> jobInfo.jobId,
"startTime" -> jobInfo.startTime.toString(),
"classPath" -> jobInfo.classPath,
"context" -> (if (jobInfo.contextName.isEmpty) "<>" else jobInfo.contextName),
"duration" -> getJobDurationString(jobInfo)) ++ (jobInfo match {
case JobInfo(_, _, _, _, _, None, _) => Map(StatusKey -> "RUNNING")
case JobInfo(_, _, _, _, _, _, Some(ex)) => Map(StatusKey -> "ERROR",
ResultKey -> formatException(ex))
case JobInfo(_, _, _, _, _, Some(e), None) => Map(StatusKey -> "FINISHED")
class WebApi(system: ActorSystem,
config: Config,
port: Int,
jarManager: ActorRef,
dataManager: ActorRef,
supervisor: ActorRef,
jobInfo: ActorRef)
extends HttpService with CommonRoutes with DataRoutes with SJSAuthenticator with CORSSupport {
import CommonMessages._
import ContextSupervisor._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import WebApi._
// Get spray-json type classes for serializing Map[String, Any]
import ooyala.common.akka.web.JsonUtils._
override def actorRefFactory: ActorSystem = system
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
implicit val ShortTimeout =
Timeout(config.getDuration("spark.jobserver.short-timeout", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val DefaultSyncTimeout = Timeout(10 seconds)
val DefaultJobLimit = 50
val StatusKey = "status"
val ResultKey = "result"
val contextTimeout = SparkJobUtils.getContextTimeout(config)
val bindAddress = config.getString("spark.jobserver.bind-address")
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
val myRoutes = cors {
jarRoutes ~ contextRoutes ~ jobRoutes ~
dataRoutes ~ healthzRoutes ~ otherRoutes
lazy val authenticator: AuthMagnet[AuthInfo] = {
if (config.getBoolean("shiro.authentication")) {
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit"Using authentication.")
val authTimeout = Try(config.getDuration("shiro.authentication-timeout",
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).toInt / 1000).getOrElse(10)
} else {"No authentication.")
* possibly overwritten by test
def initSecurityManager() {
val sManager = new IniSecurityManagerFactory(config.getString("shiro.config.path")).getInstance()
def start() {
* activates ssl or tsl encryption between client and SJS if so requested
* in config
implicit val sslContext: SSLContext = {
implicit def sslEngineProvider: ServerSSLEngineProvider = {
ServerSSLEngineProvider { engine =>
val protocols = config.getStringList("spray.can.server.enabledProtocols")
}"Starting browser web service...")
WebService.start(myRoutes ~ commonRoutes, system, bindAddress, port)
* Routes for listing and uploading jars
* GET /jars - lists all current jars
* POST /jars/ - upload a new jar file
def jarRoutes: Route = pathPrefix("jars") {
// user authentication
authenticate(authenticator) { authInfo =>
// GET /jars route returns a JSON map of the app name and the last time a jar was uploaded.
get { ctx =>
val future = (jarManager ? ListJars).mapTo[collection.Map[String, DateTime]] { jarTimeMap =>
val stringTimeMap = { case (app, dt) => (app, dt.toString()) }.toMap
}.recover {
case e: Exception => ctx.complete(500, errMap(e, "ERROR"))
} ~
// POST /jars/
// The needs to be unique; uploading a jar with the same appName will replace it.
post {
path(Segment) { appName =>
entity(as[Array[Byte]]) { jarBytes =>
val future = jarManager ? StoreJar(appName, jarBytes)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx => {
case JarStored => ctx.complete(StatusCodes.OK)
case InvalidJar => badRequest(ctx, "Jar is not of the right format")
}.recover {
case e: Exception => ctx.complete(500, errMap(e, "ERROR"))
* Routes for listing, deletion of and storing data files
* GET /data - lists all currently stored files
* DELETE /data/ - deletes given file, no-op if file does not exist
* POST /data/ - upload a new data file, using the given prefix,
* a time stamp is appended to ensure uniqueness
* @author TimMaltGermany
def dataRoutes: Route = pathPrefix("data") {
// user authentication
authenticate(authenticator) { authInfo =>
* Routes for listing, adding, and stopping contexts
* GET /contexts - lists all current contexts
* POST /contexts/ - creates a new context
* DELETE /contexts/ - stops a context and all jobs running in it
def contextRoutes: Route = pathPrefix("contexts") {
import ContextSupervisor._
import collection.JavaConverters._
// user authentication
authenticate(authenticator) { authInfo =>
get { ctx =>
(supervisor ? ListContexts).mapTo[Seq[String]]
.map { contexts => ctx.complete(contexts) }
} ~
post {
* POST /contexts/? -
* Creates a long-running context with contextName and options for context creation
* All options are merged into the defaults in spark.context-settings
* @optional @param num-cpu-cores Int - Number of cores the context will use
* @optional @param memory-per-node String - -Xmx style string (512m, 1g, etc)
* for max memory per node
* @return the string "OK", or error if context exists or could not be initialized
path(Segment) { (contextName) =>
// Enforce user context name to start with letters
if (!contextName.head.isLetter) {
complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest, errMap("context name must start with letters"))
} else {
parameterMap { (params) =>
val config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(params.asJava).resolve()
val future = (supervisor ? AddContext(contextName, config))(contextTimeout.seconds)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx => {
case ContextInitialized => ctx.complete(StatusCodes.OK)
case ContextAlreadyExists => badRequest(ctx, "context " + contextName + " exists")
case ContextInitError(e) => ctx.complete(500, errMap(e, "CONTEXT INIT ERROR"))
} ~
delete {
// DELETE /contexts/
// Stop the context with the given name. Executors will be shut down and all cached RDDs
// and currently running jobs will be lost. Use with care!
path(Segment) { (contextName) =>
val future = supervisor ? StopContext(contextName)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`text/plain`) { ctx => {
case ContextStopped => ctx.complete(StatusCodes.OK)
case NoSuchContext => notFound(ctx, "context " + contextName + " not found")
} ~
put {
parameter("reset") { reset =>
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`text/plain`) { ctx =>
reset match {
case "reboot" => {
import ContextSupervisor._
import collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
logger.warn("refreshing contexts")
val future = (supervisor ? ListContexts).mapTo[Seq[String]]
val lookupTimeout = Try(config.getDuration("spark.jobserver.context-lookup-timeout",
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).toInt / 1000).getOrElse(1)
val contexts = Await.result(future, lookupTimeout.seconds).asInstanceOf[Seq[String]]
val stopFutures = => supervisor ? StopContext(c))
Await.ready(Future.sequence(stopFutures), contextTimeout.seconds)
Thread.sleep(1000) // we apparently need some sleeping in here, so spark can catch up
(supervisor ? AddContextsFromConfig).onFailure {
case t => ctx.complete("ERROR")
case _ => ctx.complete("ERROR")
* Routes for getting health status of job server
* GET /healthz - return OK or error message
def healthzRoutes: Route = pathPrefix("healthz") {
//no authentication required
get { ctx =>"Receiving healthz check request")
def otherRoutes: Route = get {
implicit val ar = actorRefFactory
//no authentication required
path("") {
// Main index.html page
} ~ pathPrefix("html") {
// Static files needed by index.html
val errorEvents: Set[Class[_]] = Set(classOf[JobErroredOut], classOf[JobValidationFailed])
val asyncEvents = Set(classOf[JobStarted]) ++ errorEvents
val syncEvents = Set(classOf[JobResult]) ++ errorEvents
* Main routes for starting a job, listing existing jobs, getting job results
def jobRoutes: Route = pathPrefix("jobs") {
import JobInfoActor._
import JobManagerActor._
// user authentication
authenticate(authenticator) { authInfo =>
* GET /jobs//config --
* returns the configuration used to launch this job or an error if not found.
* @required @param jobId
(get & path(Segment / "config")) { jobId =>
val renderOptions = ConfigRenderOptions.defaults().setComments(false).setOriginComments(false)
val future = jobInfo ? GetJobConfig(jobId)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx => {
case NoSuchJobId =>
notFound(ctx, "No such job ID " + jobId.toString)
case cnf: Config =>
} ~
// GET /jobs/
// Returns job information in JSON.
// If the job isn't finished yet, then {"status": "RUNNING" | "ERROR"} is returned.
// Returned JSON contains result attribute if status is "FINISHED"
(get & path(Segment)) { jobId =>
val statusFuture = jobInfo ? GetJobStatus(jobId)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx => {
case NoSuchJobId =>
notFound(ctx, "No such job ID " + jobId.toString)
case info: JobInfo =>
val jobReport = getJobReport(info)
val resultFuture = jobInfo ? GetJobResult(jobId) {
case JobResult(_, result) =>
ctx.complete(jobReport ++ resultToTable(result))
case _ =>
} ~
// DELETE /jobs/
// Stop the current job. All other jobs submited with this spark context
// will continue to run
(delete & path(Segment)) { jobId =>
val future = jobInfo ? GetJobStatus(jobId)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx => {
case NoSuchJobId =>
notFound(ctx, "No such job ID " + jobId.toString)
case JobInfo(_, contextName, _, classPath, _, None, _) =>
val jobManager = getJobManagerForContext(Some(contextName), config, classPath)
jobManager.get ! KillJob(jobId)
ctx.complete(Map(StatusKey -> "KILLED"))
case JobInfo(_, _, _, _, _, _, Some(ex)) =>
ctx.complete(Map(StatusKey -> "ERROR", "ERROR" -> formatException(ex)))
case JobInfo(_, _, _, _, _, Some(e), None) =>
notFound(ctx, "No running job with ID " + jobId.toString)
} ~
* GET /jobs -- returns a JSON list of hashes containing job status, ex:
* [
* {jobId: "word-count-2013-04-22", status: "RUNNING"}
* ]
* @optional @param limit Int - optional limit to number of jobs to display, defaults to 50
get {
parameters('[Int] ?) { (limitOpt) =>
val limit = limitOpt.getOrElse(DefaultJobLimit)
val future = (jobInfo ? GetJobStatuses(Some(limit))).mapTo[Seq[JobInfo]]
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx => { infos =>
val jobReport = { info =>
} ~
* POST /jobs -- Starts a new job. The job JAR must have been previously uploaded, and
* the classpath must refer to an object that implements SparkJob. The `validate()`
* API will be invoked before `runJob`.
* @entity The POST entity should be a Typesafe Config format file;
* It will be merged with the job server's config file at startup.
* @required @param appName String - the appName for the job JAR
* @required @param classPath String - the fully qualified class path for the job
* @optional @param context String - the name of the context to run the job under. If not specified,
* then a temporary context is allocated for the job
* @optional @param sync Boolean if "true", then wait for and return results, otherwise return job Id
* @optional @param timeout Int - the number of seconds to wait for sync results to come back
* @return JSON result of { StatusKey -> "OK" | "ERROR", ResultKey -> "result"}, where "result" is
* either the job id, or a result
post {
entity(as[String]) { configString =>
parameters('appName, 'classPath,
'context ?, '[Boolean] ?, '[Int] ?) {
(appName, classPath, contextOpt, syncOpt, timeoutOpt) =>
try {
val async = !syncOpt.getOrElse(false)
val postedJobConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(configString)
val jobConfig = postedJobConfig.withFallback(config).resolve()
val contextConfig = Try(jobConfig.getConfig("spark.context-settings")).
val jobManager = getJobManagerForContext(contextOpt, contextConfig, classPath)
val events = if (async) asyncEvents else syncEvents
val timeout = => Timeout(t.seconds)).getOrElse(DefaultSyncTimeout)
val future = jobManager.get.ask(
JobManagerActor.StartJob(appName, classPath, jobConfig, events))(timeout)
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) { ctx => {
case JobResult(_, res) => ctx.complete(resultToTable(res))
case JobErroredOut(_, _, ex) => ctx.complete(errMap(ex, "ERROR"))
case JobStarted(jobId, context, _) =>
jobInfo ! StoreJobConfig(jobId, postedJobConfig)
ctx.complete(202, Map[String, Any](
StatusKey -> "STARTED",
ResultKey -> Map("jobId" -> jobId, "context" -> context)))
case JobValidationFailed(_, _, ex) =>
ctx.complete(400, errMap(ex, "VALIDATION FAILED"))
case NoSuchApplication => notFound(ctx, "appName " + appName + " not found")
case NoSuchClass => notFound(ctx, "classPath " + classPath + " not found")
case WrongJobType =>
ctx.complete(400, errMap("Invalid job type for this context"))
case JobLoadingError(err) =>
ctx.complete(500, errMap(err, "JOB LOADING FAILED"))
case NoJobSlotsAvailable(maxJobSlots) =>
val errorMsg = "Too many running jobs (" + maxJobSlots.toString +
") for job context '" + contextOpt.getOrElse("ad-hoc") + "'"
ctx.complete(503, Map(StatusKey -> "NO SLOTS AVAILABLE", ResultKey -> errorMsg))
case ContextInitError(e) => ctx.complete(500, errMap(e, "CONTEXT INIT FAILED"))
}.recover {
case e: Exception => ctx.complete(500, errMap(e, "ERROR"))
} catch {
case e: NoSuchElementException =>
complete(StatusCodes.NotFound, errMap("context " + contextOpt.get + " not found"))
case e: ConfigException =>
complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest, errMap("Cannot parse config: " + e.getMessage))
case e: Exception =>
complete(500, errMap(e, "ERROR"))
override def timeoutRoute: Route =
complete(500, errMap("Request timed out. Try using the /jobs/, /jobs APIs to get status/results"))
private def getJobManagerForContext(context: Option[String],
contextConfig: Config,
classPath: String): Option[ActorRef] = {
import ContextSupervisor._
val msg =
if (context.isDefined) {
} else {
GetAdHocContext(classPath, contextConfig)
val future = (supervisor ? msg)(contextTimeout.seconds)
Await.result(future, contextTimeout.seconds) match {
case (manager: ActorRef, resultActor: ActorRef) => Some(manager)
case NoSuchContext => None
case ContextInitError(err) => throw new RuntimeException(err)