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io.specmatic.core.SpecmaticConfig.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Turn your contracts into executable specifications. Contract Driven Development - Collaboratively Design & Independently Deploy MicroServices & MicroFrontends.
package io.specmatic.core
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAlias
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory
import io.specmatic.core.Configuration.Companion.globalConfigFileName
import io.specmatic.core.log.logger
import io.specmatic.core.pattern.ContractException
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.EXAMPLE_DIRECTORIES
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.EXTENSIBLE_SCHEMA
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.ONLY_POSITIVE
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.SPECMATIC_GENERATIVE_TESTS
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.SPECMATIC_STUB_DELAY
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.SPECMATIC_TEST_TIMEOUT
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.VALIDATE_RESPONSE_VALUE
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.getBooleanValue
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.getLongValue
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.Flags.Companion.getStringValue
const val APPLICATION_NAME = "Specmatic"
const val APPLICATION_NAME_LOWER_CASE = "specmatic"
const val CONTRACT_EXTENSION = "spec"
const val YAML = "yaml"
const val WSDL = "wsdl"
const val YML = "yml"
const val JSON = "json"
const val DATA_DIR_SUFFIX = "_data"
const val TEST_DIR_SUFFIX = "_tests"
const val EXAMPLES_DIR_SUFFIX = "_examples"
class WorkingDirectory(private val filePath: File) {
constructor(path: String = DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY): this(File(path))
val path: String
get() {
return filePath.path
fun invalidContractExtensionMessage(filename: String): String {
return "The file $filename does not seem like a contract file. Valid extensions for contract files are ${CONTRACT_EXTENSIONS.joinToString(", ")}"
fun String.isContractFile(): Boolean {
return File(this).extension in CONTRACT_EXTENSIONS
fun String.loadContract(): Feature {
throw ContractException(invalidContractExtensionMessage(this))
return parseContractFileToFeature(File(this))
data class StubConfiguration(
val generative: Boolean? = false,
val delayInMilliseconds: Long? = getLongValue(SPECMATIC_STUB_DELAY)
data class WorkflowIDOperation(
val extract: String? = null,
val use: String? = null
data class WorkflowConfiguration(
val ids: Map = emptyMap()
data class SpecmaticConfig(
val sources: List = emptyList(),
val auth: Auth? = null,
val pipeline: Pipeline? = null,
val environments: Map? = null,
val hooks: Map = emptyMap(),
val repository: RepositoryInfo? = null,
val report: ReportConfiguration? = null,
val security: SecurityConfiguration? = null,
val test: TestConfiguration? = TestConfiguration(),
val stub: StubConfiguration = StubConfiguration(),
val examples: List = getStringValue(EXAMPLE_DIRECTORIES)?.split(",") ?: emptyList(),
val workflow: WorkflowConfiguration? = null
) {
fun isExtensibleSchemaEnabled(): Boolean {
return (test?.allowExtensibleSchema == true)
fun isResiliencyTestingEnabled(): Boolean {
return (test?.resiliencyTests?.enable != ResiliencyTestSuite.none)
fun isOnlyPositiveTestingEnabled(): Boolean {
return (test?.resiliencyTests?.enable == ResiliencyTestSuite.positiveOnly)
fun isResponseValueValidationEnabled(): Boolean {
return (test?.validateResponseValues == true)
data class TestConfiguration(
val resiliencyTests: ResiliencyTestsConfig? = ResiliencyTestsConfig(
isResiliencyTestFlagEnabled = getBooleanValue(SPECMATIC_GENERATIVE_TESTS),
isOnlyPositiveFlagEnabled = getBooleanValue(ONLY_POSITIVE)
val validateResponseValues: Boolean? = getBooleanValue(VALIDATE_RESPONSE_VALUE),
val allowExtensibleSchema: Boolean? = getBooleanValue(EXTENSIBLE_SCHEMA),
val timeoutInMilliseconds: Long? = getLongValue(SPECMATIC_TEST_TIMEOUT)
enum class ResiliencyTestSuite {
all, positiveOnly, none
data class ResiliencyTestsConfig(
val enable: ResiliencyTestSuite = ResiliencyTestSuite.none
) {
constructor(isResiliencyTestFlagEnabled: Boolean, isOnlyPositiveFlagEnabled: Boolean) : this(
enable = getEnableFrom(isResiliencyTestFlagEnabled, isOnlyPositiveFlagEnabled)
companion object {
private fun getEnableFrom(isResiliencyTestFlagEnabled: Boolean, isOnlyPositiveFlagEnabled: Boolean): ResiliencyTestSuite {
return when {
isResiliencyTestFlagEnabled -> ResiliencyTestSuite.all
isOnlyPositiveFlagEnabled -> ResiliencyTestSuite.positiveOnly
else -> ResiliencyTestSuite.none
data class Auth(
@JsonProperty("bearer-file") val bearerFile: String = "bearer.txt",
@JsonProperty("bearer-environment-variable") val bearerEnvironmentVariable: String? = null
enum class PipelineProvider { azure }
data class Pipeline(
val provider: PipelineProvider =,
val organization: String = "",
val project: String = "",
val definitionId: Int = 0
data class Environment(
val baseurls: Map? = null,
val variables: Map? = null
enum class SourceProvider { git, filesystem, web }
data class Source(
val provider: SourceProvider = SourceProvider.filesystem,
val repository: String? = null,
val branch: String? = null,
val test: List? = null,
val stub: List? = null,
val directory: String? = null,
data class RepositoryInfo(
val provider: String,
val collectionName: String
data class ReportConfiguration(
val formatters: List? = null,
val types: ReportTypes = ReportTypes()
data class ReportFormatter(
var type: ReportFormatterType = ReportFormatterType.TEXT,
val layout: ReportFormatterLayout = ReportFormatterLayout.TABLE,
val title: String? = "Specmatic Report",
val heading: String? = "Contract Test Results",
val outputDirectory: String? = "./build/reports/specmatic/html"
enum class ReportFormatterType {
enum class ReportFormatterLayout {
data class ReportTypes (
val apiCoverage: APICoverage = APICoverage()
data class APICoverage (
val openAPI: APICoverageConfiguration = APICoverageConfiguration()
data class APICoverageConfiguration(
val successCriteria: SuccessCriteria = SuccessCriteria(),
val excludedEndpoints: List = emptyList()
data class SuccessCriteria(
val minThresholdPercentage: Int = 0,
val maxMissedEndpointsInSpec: Int = 0,
val enforce: Boolean = false
data class SecurityConfiguration(
val OpenAPI:OpenAPISecurityConfiguration?
data class OpenAPISecurityConfiguration(
val securitySchemes: Map = emptyMap()
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = OAuth2SecuritySchemeConfiguration::class, name = "oauth2"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = BasicAuthSecuritySchemeConfiguration::class, name = "basicAuth"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = BearerSecuritySchemeConfiguration::class, name = "bearer"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = APIKeySecuritySchemeConfiguration::class, name = "apiKey")
sealed class SecuritySchemeConfiguration {
abstract val type: String
interface SecuritySchemeWithOAuthToken {
val token: String
data class OAuth2SecuritySchemeConfiguration(
override val type: String = "oauth2",
override val token: String = ""
) : SecuritySchemeConfiguration(), SecuritySchemeWithOAuthToken
data class BasicAuthSecuritySchemeConfiguration(
override val type: String = "basicAuth",
val token: String = ""
) : SecuritySchemeConfiguration()
data class BearerSecuritySchemeConfiguration(
override val type: String = "bearer",
override val token: String = ""
) : SecuritySchemeConfiguration(), SecuritySchemeWithOAuthToken
data class APIKeySecuritySchemeConfiguration(
override val type: String = "apiKey",
val value: String = ""
) : SecuritySchemeConfiguration()
fun loadSpecmaticConfig(configFileName: String? = null): SpecmaticConfig {
val configFile = File(configFileName ?: globalConfigFileName)
if (!configFile.exists()) {
throw ContractException("Could not find the Specmatic configuration at path ${configFile.canonicalPath}")
try {
return ObjectMapper(YAMLFactory()).readValue(configFile.readText(),
} catch(e: LinkageError) {
logger.log(e, "A dependency version conflict has been detected. If you are using Spring in a maven project, a common resolution is to set the property to your pom project.")
throw e
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logger.log(e, "Your configuration file may have some missing configuration sections. Please ensure that the $configFileName file adheres to the schema described at:")
throw Exception("Your configuration file may have some missing configuration sections. Please ensure that the $configFileName file adheres to the schema described at:", e)