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application.ExamplesCommand.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package application

import io.specmatic.core.Feature
import io.specmatic.core.Result
import io.specmatic.core.Results
import io.specmatic.core.SPECMATIC_STUB_DICTIONARY
import io.specmatic.core.examples.server.ExamplesInteractiveServer
import io.specmatic.core.examples.server.ExamplesInteractiveServer.Companion.externaliseInlineExamples
import io.specmatic.core.examples.server.ExamplesInteractiveServer.Companion.validateSingleExample
import io.specmatic.core.examples.server.defaultExternalExampleDirFrom
import io.specmatic.core.examples.server.loadExternalExamples
import io.specmatic.core.log.*
import io.specmatic.core.parseContractFileToFeature
import io.specmatic.core.pattern.ContractException
import io.specmatic.core.utilities.*
import io.specmatic.mock.ScenarioStub
import picocli.CommandLine.*
import java.lang.Thread.sleep
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import kotlin.system.exitProcess

private const val SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE = 0
private const val FAILURE_EXIT_CODE = 1

    name = "examples",
    mixinStandardHelpOptions = true,
    description = ["Generate externalised JSON example files with API requests and responses"],
    subcommands = [
class ExamplesCommand : Callable {
        names = ["--filter-name"],
        description = ["Use only APIs with this value in their name"],
        defaultValue = "\${env:SPECMATIC_FILTER_NAME}"
    var filterName: String = ""

        names = ["--filter-not-name"],
        description = ["Use only APIs which do not have this value in their name"],
        defaultValue = "\${env:SPECMATIC_FILTER_NOT_NAME}"
    var filterNotName: String = ""

        names = ["--extensive"],
        description = ["Generate all examples (by default, generates one example per 2xx API)"],
        defaultValue = "false"
    var extensive: Boolean = false

    @Parameters(index = "0", description = ["Contract file path"], arity = "0..1")
    var contractFile: File? = null

    @Option(names = ["--debug"], description = ["Debug logs"])
    var verbose = false

    @Option(names = ["--dictionary"], description = ["External Dictionary File Path, defaults to dictionary.json"])
    var dictionaryFile: File? = null

        names= ["--filter"],
        description = [
Filter tests matching the specified filtering criteria

You can filter tests based on the following keys:
- `METHOD`: HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST)
- `PATH`: Request paths (e.g., /users, /product)
- `STATUS`: HTTP response status codes (e.g., 200, 400)
- `HEADERS`: Request headers (e.g., Accept, X-Request-ID)
- `QUERY-PARAM`: Query parameters (e.g., status, productId)
- `EXAMPLE-NAME`: Example name (e.g., create-product, active-status)

To specify multiple values for the same filter, separate them with commas. 
For example, to filter by HTTP methods: 

You can supply multiple filters as well. 
For example:
--filter="METHOD=GET,POST" --filter="PATH=/users"
        required = false
    var filter: List = emptyList()

        names= ["--filter-not"],
        description = [
Filter tests not matching the specified criteria

This option supports the same filtering keys and syntax as the --filter option.
For example:
--filterNot="STATUS=400" --filterNot="METHOD=PATCH,PUT"
        required = false
    var filterNot: List = emptyList()

    override fun call(): Int {
        if (contractFile == null) {
            println("No contract file provided. Use a subcommand or provide a contract file. Use --help for more details.")
            return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE
        if (!contractFile!!.exists()) {
            logger.log("Could not find file ${contractFile!!.path}")
            return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE


        try {
            dictionaryFile?.also {
                System.setProperty(SPECMATIC_STUB_DICTIONARY, it.path)

                ExamplesInteractiveServer.ScenarioFilter(filterName, filterNotName, filter, filterNot),
        } catch (e: Throwable) {
            return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE

        return SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE

        name = "validate",
        mixinStandardHelpOptions = true,
        description = ["Validate the examples"]
    class Validate : Callable {
            names= ["--filter"],
            description = [
Filter tests matching the specified filtering criteria

You can filter tests based on the following keys:
- `METHOD`: HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST)
- `PATH`: Request paths (e.g., /users, /product)
- `STATUS`: HTTP response status codes (e.g., 200, 400)
- `HEADERS`: Request headers (e.g., Accept, X-Request-ID)
- `QUERY-PARAM`: Query parameters (e.g., status, productId)
- `EXAMPLE-NAME`: Example name (e.g., create-product, active-status)

To specify multiple values for the same filter, separate them with commas. 
For example, to filter by HTTP methods: 

You can supply multiple filters as well. 
For example:
--filter="METHOD=GET,POST" --filter="PATH=/users"
            required = false
        var filter: List = emptyList()

            names= ["--filter-not"],
            description = [
Filter tests not matching the specified criteria

This option supports the same filtering keys and syntax as the --filter option.
For example:
--filterNot="STATUS=400" --filterNot="METHOD=PATCH,PUT"
            required = false
        var filterNot: List = emptyList()

        @Option(names = ["--contract-file", "--spec-file"], description = ["Contract file path"], required = false)
        var contractFile: File? = null

        @Option(names = ["--example-file"], description = ["Example file path"], required = false)
        val exampleFile: File? = null

        @Option(names = ["--examples-dir"], description = ["External examples directory path for a single API specification (If you are not following the default naming convention for external examples directory)"], required = false)
        val examplesDir: File? = null

        @Option(names = ["--specs-dir"], description = ["Directory with the API specification files"], required = false)
        val specsDir: File? = null

            names = ["--examples-base-dir"],
            description = ["Base directory which contains multiple external examples directories each named as per the Specmatic naming convention to associate them with the corresponding API specification"],
            required = false
        val examplesBaseDir: File? = null

        @Option(names = ["--debug"], description = ["Debug logs"])
        var verbose = false

            names = ["--filter-name"],
            description = ["Validate examples of only APIs with this value in their name"],
            defaultValue = "\${env:SPECMATIC_FILTER_NAME}"
        var filterName: String = ""

            names = ["--filter-not-name"],
            description = ["Validate examples of only APIs which do not have this value in their name"],
            defaultValue = "\${env:SPECMATIC_FILTER_NOT_NAME}"
        var filterNotName: String = ""

        override fun call(): Int {
            if (contractFile != null && exampleFile != null) return validateExampleFile(contractFile!!, exampleFile)

            if (contractFile != null && examplesDir != null) {
                val (exitCode, validationResults) = validateExamplesDir(contractFile!!, examplesDir)

                printValidationResult(validationResults, "Example directory")
                if (exitCode == 1) return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE
                if (validationResults.containsFailure()) return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE
                return SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE

            if (contractFile != null) return validateImplicitExamplesFrom(contractFile!!)

            if (specsDir != null && examplesBaseDir != null) {
                val exitCode = validateAllExamplesAssociatedToEachSpecIn(specsDir, examplesBaseDir)
                return exitCode
            if (specsDir != null) {
                val exitCode = validateAllExamplesAssociatedToEachSpecIn(specsDir, specsDir)
                return exitCode

            logger.log("Invalid combination of CLI options. Please refer to the help section using --help command to understand how to use this command")
            return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE

        private fun validateExampleFile(contractFile: File, exampleFile: File): Int {
            if (!contractFile.exists()) {
                logger.log("Could not find file ${contractFile.path}")
                return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE


            try {
                validateSingleExample(contractFile, exampleFile).throwOnFailure()

                logger.log("The provided example ${} is valid.")
                return SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE
            } catch (e: ContractException) {
                logger.log("The provided example ${} is invalid. Reason:\n")
                return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE

        private fun validateExamplesDir(contractFile: File, examplesDir: File, enableLogging: Boolean = true): Pair> {
            val feature = parseContractFileToFeature(contractFile)
            val (externalExampleDir, externalExamples) = loadExternalExamples(examplesDir = examplesDir)
            if (!externalExampleDir.exists()) {
                logger.log("$externalExampleDir does not exist, did not find any files to validate")
                return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE to emptyMap()
            if (externalExamples.none()) {
                logger.log("No example files found in $externalExampleDir")
                return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE to emptyMap()
            return SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE to validateExternalExamples(feature, externalExamples, enableLogging)

        private fun validateAllExamplesAssociatedToEachSpecIn(
            specsDir: File,
            examplesBaseDir: File
        ): Int {
            val validationResults = specsDir.walk().filter { it.isFile }.flatMapIndexed { index, it ->
                val associatedExamplesDir = examplesBaseDir.associatedExampleDirFor(it) ?: return@flatMapIndexed emptyList()

                logger.log("${}. Validating examples in ${} associated to ${}...${System.lineSeparator()}")
                val results = validateExamplesDir(it, associatedExamplesDir, false) { entry ->

                printValidationResult(results.toMap(), "The ${} Directory")
            printValidationResult(validationResults, "Overall")
            if (validationResults.containsFailure()) return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE
            return SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE

        private fun validateImplicitExamplesFrom(contractFile: File): Int {
            val feature = parseContractFileToFeature(contractFile)

            val (validateInline, validateExternal) = getValidateInlineAndValidateExternalFlags()

            val inlineExampleValidationResults = if (!validateInline) emptyMap()
            else validateInlineExamples(feature)

            val externalExampleValidationResults = if (!validateExternal) emptyMap()
            else {
                val (exitCode, validationResults)
                        = validateExamplesDir(contractFile, defaultExternalExampleDirFrom(contractFile))
                if(exitCode == 1) exitProcess(1)

            val hasFailures =
                inlineExampleValidationResults.containsFailure() || externalExampleValidationResults.containsFailure()

            printValidationResult(inlineExampleValidationResults, "Inline example")
            printValidationResult(externalExampleValidationResults, "Example file")

            if (hasFailures) return FAILURE_EXIT_CODE
            return SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE

        private fun validateInlineExamples(feature: Feature): Map {
            return ExamplesInteractiveServer.validateExamples(
                examples = feature.stubsFromExamples.mapValues { (_, stub) ->
           { (request, response) ->
                        ScenarioStub(request, response)
                inline = true,
                scenarioFilter = ExamplesInteractiveServer.ScenarioFilter(

        private fun validateExternalExamples(
            feature: Feature,
            externalExamples: List,
            enableLogging: Boolean = true
        ): Map {
            return ExamplesInteractiveServer.validateExamples(
                examples = externalExamples,
                scenarioFilter = ExamplesInteractiveServer.ScenarioFilter(
                enableLogging = enableLogging

        private fun getValidateInlineAndValidateExternalFlags(): Pair {
            return when {
                !Flags.getBooleanValue("VALIDATE_INLINE_EXAMPLES") && !Flags.getBooleanValue(
                ) -> true to true

                else -> Flags.getBooleanValue("VALIDATE_INLINE_EXAMPLES") to Flags.getBooleanValue("IGNORE_INLINE_EXAMPLES")

        private fun printValidationResult(validationResults: Map, tag: String) {
            if (validationResults.isEmpty())

            val titleTag = tag.split(" ").joinToString(" ") { if (it.isBlank()) it else it.capitalizeFirstChar() }

            if (validationResults.containsFailure()) {
                logger.log("=============== $titleTag Validation Results ===============")

                validationResults.forEach { (exampleFileName, result) ->
                    if (!result.isSuccess()) {
                        logger.log(System.lineSeparator() + "$tag $exampleFileName has the following validation error(s):")

            val summaryTitle = "=============== $titleTag Validation Summary ==============="

        private fun Map.containsFailure(): Boolean {
            return this.any { it.value is Result.Failure }

        private fun File.associatedExampleDirFor(specFile: File): File? {
            return this.walk().firstOrNull { exampleDir ->
                exampleDir.isFile.not() && exampleDir.nameWithoutExtension == "${specFile.nameWithoutExtension}_examples"

        name = "interactive",
        mixinStandardHelpOptions = true,
        description = ["Run the example generation interactively"]
    class Interactive : Callable {
            names= ["--filter"],
            description = [
Filter tests matching the specified filtering criteria

You can filter tests based on the following keys:
- `METHOD`: HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST)
- `PATH`: Request paths (e.g., /users, /product)
- `STATUS`: HTTP response status codes (e.g., 200, 400)
- `HEADERS`: Request headers (e.g., Accept, X-Request-ID)
- `QUERY-PARAM`: Query parameters (e.g., status, productId)
- `EXAMPLE-NAME`: Example name (e.g., create-product, active-status)

To specify multiple values for the same filter, separate them with commas. 
For example, to filter by HTTP methods: 

You can supply multiple filters as well. 
For example:
--filter="METHOD=GET,POST" --filter="PATH=/users"
            required = false
        var filter: List = emptyList()

            names= ["--filter-not"],
            description = [
Filter tests not matching the specified criteria

This option supports the same filtering keys and syntax as the --filter option.
For example:
--filterNot="STATUS=400" --filterNot="METHOD=PATCH,PUT"
            required = false
        var filterNot: List = emptyList()

        @Option(names = ["--contract-file"], description = ["Contract file path"], required = false)
        var contractFile: File? = null

            names = ["--filter-name"],
            description = ["Use only APIs with this value in their name"],
            defaultValue = "\${env:SPECMATIC_FILTER_NAME}"
        var filterName: String = ""

            names = ["--filter-not-name"],
            description = ["Use only APIs which do not have this value in their name"],
            defaultValue = "\${env:SPECMATIC_FILTER_NOT_NAME}"
        var filterNotName: String = ""

        @Option(names = ["--debug"], description = ["Debug logs"])
        var verbose = false

        @Option(names = ["--dictionary"], description = ["External Dictionary File Path"])
        var dictFile: File? = null

        @Option(names = ["--testBaseURL"], description = ["The baseURL of system to test"], required = false)
        var testBaseURL: String? = null

            names = ["--allow-only-mandatory-keys-in-payload"],
            description = ["Generate examples with only mandatory keys in the json request and response payloads"],
            required = false
        var allowOnlyMandatoryKeysInJSONObject: Boolean = false

        var server: ExamplesInteractiveServer? = null

        override fun call() {

            try {
                if (contractFile != null && !contractFile!!.exists())
                    exitWithMessage("Could not find file ${contractFile!!.path}")

                server = ExamplesInteractiveServer(

                consoleLog(StringLog("Examples Interactive server is running on Ctrl + C to stop."))
                while (true) sleep(10000)
            } catch (e: Exception) {

        private fun addShutdownHook() {
            Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(object : Thread() {
                override fun run() {
                    try {
                        println("Shutting down examples interactive server...")
                    } catch (e: InterruptedException) {
                    } catch (e: Throwable) {

        name = "transform",
        mixinStandardHelpOptions = true,
        description = ["Transform existing examples"]
    class Transform: Callable {
        @Option(names = ["--contract-file"], description = ["Contract file path"], required = true)
        lateinit var contractFile: File

        @Option(names = ["--overlay-file"], description = ["Overlay file path"], required = false)
        val overlayFile: File? = null

        @Option(names = ["--examples-dir"], description = ["Directory where existing examples reside"], required = true)
        lateinit var examplesDir: File

        @Option(names = ["--only-mandatory-keys-in-payload"], description = ["Transform existing examples so that they contain only mandatory keys in payload"], required = false)
        var allowOnlyMandatoryKeysInPayload: Boolean = false

        @Option(names = ["--debug"], description = ["Debug Logs"])
        var verbose: Boolean = false

        override fun call() {

            if(allowOnlyMandatoryKeysInPayload) {
            } else {
                logger.log("Please choose one of the transformations from the available command-line parameters.")

        name = "export",
        mixinStandardHelpOptions = true,
        description = ["Export the inline examples from the contract file"]
    class Export: Callable {
        @Option(names = ["--contract-file"], description = ["Contract file path"], required = true)
        lateinit var contractFile: File

        override fun call() {
            try {
                val examplesDir = externaliseInlineExamples(contractFile)
                consoleLog("${System.lineSeparator()}The inline examples were successfully exported to $examplesDir")
            } catch(e: Exception) {
                exitWithMessage("Failed while exporting the inline examples from ${contractFile.nameWithoutExtension}:\n${e.message}")

private fun configureLogger(verbose: Boolean) {
    val logPrinters = listOf(ConsolePrinter)

    logger = if (verbose)

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