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* Copyright 2018 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
import retrofit.http.Body
import retrofit.http.GET
import retrofit.http.POST
import retrofit.http.PUT
import retrofit.http.Path
import retrofit.http.Query
interface KayentaService {
fun create(
@Path("canaryConfigId") canaryConfigId: String,
@Query("application") application: String,
@Query("parentPipelineExecutionId") parentPipelineExecutionId: String,
@Query("metricsAccountName") metricsAccountName: String?,
@Query("configurationAccountName") configurationAccountName: String?,
@Query("storageAccountName") storageAccountName: String?,
@Body canaryExecutionRequest: CanaryExecutionRequest
): Map<*, *>
fun getCanaryResults(
@Query("storageAccountName") storageAccountName: String?,
@Path("canaryExecutionId") canaryExecutionId: String
): CanaryResults
fun cancelPipelineExecution(
@Path("executionId") executionId: String,
@Body ignored: String
): Map<*, *>
fun getCredentials(): List
fun getAllCanaryConfigs(): List
data class CanaryExecutionRequest(
val scopes: Map = emptyMap(),
val thresholds: Thresholds,
// TODO: Remove all remnants of siteLocal when addressing
val siteLocal: Map = emptyMap()
data class CanaryScopes(
val controlScope: CanaryScope,
val experimentScope: CanaryScope
data class CanaryScope(
val scope: String?,
val location: String?,
val start: Instant,
val end: Instant,
val step: Long = 60, // TODO: would be nice to use a Duration
val extendedScopeParams: Map = emptyMap()
data class Thresholds(
val pass: Int,
val marginal: Int
data class CanaryResults(
val complete: Boolean,
val status: String,
val result: CanaryResult?,
val buildTimeIso: Instant?,
val startTimeIso: Instant?,
val endTimeIso: Instant?,
val storageAccountName: String?,
val application: String,
val canaryExecutionRequest: CanaryExecutionRequest?,
val exception: Map?
) {
val executionStatus = ExecutionStatus.valueOf(status.toUpperCase())
data class CanaryResult(
val judgeResult: JudgeResult,
val canaryDuration: Duration?
data class JudgeResult(
val score: JudgeScore,
val results: Array
data class JudgeScore(
val score: Int,
val classification: String,
val classificationReason: String
data class JudgeResultEntry(
val controlMetadata: ControlMetadata
data class ControlMetadata(
val stats: ControlMetadataStats
data class ControlMetadataStats(
val count: Int
data class KayentaCredential(
val name: String,
val type: String
data class KayentaCanaryConfig(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val updatedTimestamp: Long?,
val updateTimestampIso: String?,
val applications: List