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* Copyright 2020 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
* The orca agent that performs peering of executions across different orca DBs
class PeeringAgent(
* ID of our peer
private val peeredId: String,
* Interval in ms at which this agent runs
private val pollingIntervalMs: Long,
* Maximum allowed clock drift when performing comparison of which executions need to be copied
* For example: it's possible we take a snapshot of the src db and the latest updated_at is 1000
* because not all orca instances are fully clock synchronized another instance might mutate an execution after we take
* the snapshot but its clock might read 998
private val clockDriftMs: Long,
* Source (our peers) database access layer
private val srcDB: SqlRawAccess,
* Destination (our own) database access layer
private val destDB: SqlRawAccess,
* Used to dynamically turn off either all of peering or peering of a specific host
private val dynamicConfigService: DynamicConfigService,
private val peeringMetrics: PeeringMetrics,
private val executionCopier: ExecutionCopier,
customPeerer: CustomPeerer?,
clusterLock: NotificationClusterLock
) : AbstractPollingNotificationAgent(clusterLock) {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
private val customPeerer: CustomPeerer?
private var completedPipelinesMostRecentUpdatedTime = 0L
private var completedOrchestrationsMostRecentUpdatedTime = 0L
private var deletedExecutionCursor = 0
init {
var initSuccess = false
if (customPeerer != null) {
try {
customPeerer.init(srcDB, destDB, peeredId)
initSuccess = true
} catch (e: Exception) {
peeringMetrics.incrementCustomPeererError(customPeerer.javaClass.simpleName, e)
log.error("Failed to initialize custom peerer '${customPeerer.javaClass.simpleName}' - this peerer will not be called", e)
this.customPeerer = if (initSuccess) customPeerer else null
override fun tick() {
if (dynamicConfigService.isEnabled("pollers.peering", true) &&
dynamicConfigService.isEnabled("pollers.peering.$peeredId", true)
) {
peeringMetrics.recordOverallLag {
private fun peerExecutions(executionType: ExecutionType) {
try {
val start =
val mostRecentUpdatedTime = when (executionType) {
ExecutionType.ORCHESTRATION -> completedOrchestrationsMostRecentUpdatedTime
ExecutionType.PIPELINE -> completedPipelinesMostRecentUpdatedTime
val isFirstRun = mostRecentUpdatedTime == 0L
// On first copy of completed executions, there is no point in copying active executions
// because they will be woefully out of date (since the first bulk copy will likely take 20+ minutes)
if (isFirstRun) {
} else {
peeringMetrics.recordLag(executionType, Duration.between(start,
} catch (e: Exception) {
log.error("Failed to peer $executionType", e)
* Migrate running/active executions of given type
private fun peerActiveExecutions(executionType: ExecutionType) {
log.debug("Starting active $executionType copy for peering")
val activePipelineIds = srcDB.getActiveExecutionIds(executionType, peeredId)
.plus(srcDB.getActiveExecutionIds(executionType, null))
if (activePipelineIds.isNotEmpty()) {
log.debug("Found ${activePipelineIds.size} active $executionType, copying all")
val migrationResult = executionCopier.copyInParallel(executionType, activePipelineIds, ExecutionState.ACTIVE)
if (migrationResult.hadErrors) {
log.error("Finished active $executionType peering: copied ${migrationResult.count} of ${activePipelineIds.size} with errors, see prior log statements")
} else {
log.debug("Finished active $executionType peering: copied ${migrationResult.count} of ${activePipelineIds.size}")
} else {
log.debug("No active $executionType executions to copy for peering")
* Migrate completed executions of given type
private fun peerCompletedExecutions(executionType: ExecutionType) {
val updatedAfter = when (executionType) {
ExecutionType.ORCHESTRATION -> completedOrchestrationsMostRecentUpdatedTime
ExecutionType.PIPELINE -> completedPipelinesMostRecentUpdatedTime
log.debug("Starting completed $executionType copy for peering with $executionType updatedAfter=$updatedAfter")
val newLatestUpdateTime = doMigrate(executionType, updatedAfter) - clockDriftMs
if (executionType == ExecutionType.ORCHESTRATION) {
completedOrchestrationsMostRecentUpdatedTime = newLatestUpdateTime.coerceAtLeast(0)
} else {
completedPipelinesMostRecentUpdatedTime = newLatestUpdateTime.coerceAtLeast(0)
* Propagate deletes
* NOTE: ids of executions (both orchestrations and pipelines) that have been deleted are stored in the deleted_executions table
* the "id/primarykey" on that table is an auto-incrementing int, so we use that as a "cursor" to know what we've deleted and
* what still needs to be deleted.
* There is no harm (just some wasted RDS CPU) to "deleting" an execution that doesn't exist
private fun peerDeletedExecutions() {
try {
val deletedExecutionIds = srcDB.getDeletedExecutions(deletedExecutionCursor)
val orchestrationIdsToDelete = deletedExecutionIds.filter { it.execution_type == ExecutionType.ORCHESTRATION.toString() }.map { it.execution_id }
val pipelineIdsToDelete = deletedExecutionIds.filter { it.execution_type == ExecutionType.PIPELINE.toString() }.map { it.execution_id }
log.debug("Found ${deletedExecutionIds.size} (orchestrations: ${orchestrationIdsToDelete.size} pipelines: ${pipelineIdsToDelete.size} deleted candidates after cursor: $deletedExecutionCursor")
val orchestrationDeletionResult = delete(ExecutionType.ORCHESTRATION, orchestrationIdsToDelete)
val pipelinesDeletionResult = delete(ExecutionType.PIPELINE, pipelineIdsToDelete)
val succeeded = !(orchestrationDeletionResult.hadFailures || pipelinesDeletionResult.hadFailures)
if (succeeded) {
deletedExecutionCursor = (deletedExecutionIds.maxByOrNull { })
?: deletedExecutionCursor
// It is likely that some executions were deleted during "general" peering (e.g. in doMigrate), but most will be
// deleted here so it's OK for the actual delete counts to not match the "requested" count
log.debug("Deleted orchestrations: ${orchestrationDeletionResult.numDeleted} (of ${orchestrationIdsToDelete.size} requested), pipelines: ${pipelinesDeletionResult.numDeleted} (of ${pipelineIdsToDelete.size} requested), new cursor: $deletedExecutionCursor")
} else {
log.error("Failed to delete some executions, not updating the cursor location to retry next time")
} catch (e: Exception) {
log.error("Failed to delete some executions", e)
* If we have a custom peerer, invoke it
private fun invokeCustomPeerer() {
if (customPeerer != null) {
val peererName = customPeerer.javaClass.simpleName
try {"Starting peering with custom peerer '$peererName'")
val peeringSuccess = customPeerer.doPeer()
if (peeringSuccess) {"Completed peering with custom peerer '$peererName'")
} else {
log.error("Completed peering with custom peerer '$peererName' with errors")
} catch (e: Exception) {
peeringMetrics.incrementCustomPeererError(peererName, e)
log.error("Custom peerer '$peererName' failed", e)
private fun doMigrate(executionType: ExecutionType, updatedAfter: Long): Long {
// Compute diff
val completedPipelineKeys = srcDB.getCompletedExecutionIds(executionType, peeredId, updatedAfter)
.plus(srcDB.getCompletedExecutionIds(executionType, null, updatedAfter))
val migratedPipelineKeys = destDB.getCompletedExecutionIds(executionType, peeredId, updatedAfter)
val completedPipelineKeysMap = completedPipelineKeys
.map { to it }
val migratedPipelineKeysMap = migratedPipelineKeys
.map { to it }
val pipelineIdsToMigrate = completedPipelineKeys
.filter { key -> migratedPipelineKeysMap[]?.updated_at ?: 0 < key.updated_at }
.map { }
val pipelineIdsToDelete = migratedPipelineKeys
.filter { key -> !completedPipelineKeysMap.containsKey( }
.map { }
fun getLatestCompletedUpdatedTime() =
( { it.updated_at }.maxOrNull() ?: updatedAfter)
if (pipelineIdsToDelete.isEmpty() && pipelineIdsToMigrate.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("No completed $executionType executions to copy for peering")
return getLatestCompletedUpdatedTime()
log.debug("Found ${completedPipelineKeys.size} completed $executionType candidates with ${migratedPipelineKeys.size} already copied for peering, ${pipelineIdsToMigrate.size} still need copying and ${pipelineIdsToDelete.size} need to be deleted")
val maxDeleteCount = dynamicConfigService.getConfig(, "pollers.peering.max-allowed-delete-count", Integer(100))
var actualDeleted = 0
if (pipelineIdsToDelete.size > maxDeleteCount.toInt()) {
log.error("Number of pipelines to delete (${pipelineIdsToDelete.size}) > threshold ($maxDeleteCount) - not performing deletes - if this is expected you can set the pollers.peering.max-allowed-delete-count property to a larger number")
} else if (pipelineIdsToDelete.any()) {
actualDeleted = destDB.deleteExecutions(executionType, pipelineIdsToDelete)
peeringMetrics.incrementNumDeleted(executionType, actualDeleted)
if (!pipelineIdsToMigrate.any()) {
log.debug("Finished completed $executionType peering: nothing to copy, $actualDeleted deleted")
return getLatestCompletedUpdatedTime()
val migrationResult = executionCopier.copyInParallel(executionType, pipelineIdsToMigrate, ExecutionState.COMPLETED)
if (migrationResult.hadErrors) {
log.error("Finished completed $executionType peering: copied ${migrationResult.count} of ${pipelineIdsToMigrate.size} (deleted $actualDeleted) with errors, see prior log statements")
return updatedAfter
log.debug("Finished completed $executionType peering: copied ${migrationResult.count} of ${pipelineIdsToMigrate.size} (deleted $actualDeleted) with latest updatedAt=${migrationResult.latestUpdatedAt}")
return migrationResult.latestUpdatedAt
* Delete specified executions of the given type
* @return number deleted and if there were any errors
private fun delete(executionType: ExecutionType, idsToDelete: List): DeletionResult {
var numDeleted = 0
var hadFailures = false
try {
numDeleted = destDB.deleteExecutions(executionType, idsToDelete)
peeringMetrics.incrementNumDeleted(executionType, numDeleted)
} catch (e: Exception) {
log.error("Failed to delete some $executionType", e)
hadFailures = true
return DeletionResult(numDeleted, hadFailures)
private data class DeletionResult(val numDeleted: Int, val hadFailures: Boolean)
override fun getPollingInterval() = pollingIntervalMs
override fun getNotificationType(): String = this.javaClass.simpleName