spray.json.ProductFormats.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A Scala library for easy and idiomatic JSON (de)serialization
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2011 Mathias Doenitz
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package spray.json
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Provides the helpers for constructing custom JsonFormat implementations for types implementing the Product trait
* (especially case classes)
trait ProductFormats extends ProductFormatsInstances {
this: StandardFormats =>
def jsonFormat0[T](construct: () => T): RootJsonFormat[T] =
new RootJsonFormat[T] {
def write(p: T) = JsObject()
def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
case JsObject(_) => construct()
case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Object expected")
// helpers
protected def productElement2Field[T](fieldName: String, p: Product, ix: Int, rest: List[JsField] = Nil)
(implicit writer: JsonWriter[T]): List[JsField] = {
val value = p.productElement(ix).asInstanceOf[T]
writer match {
case _: OptionFormat[_] if (value == None) => rest
case _ => (fieldName, writer.write(value)) :: rest
protected def fromField[T](value: JsValue, fieldName: String)
(implicit reader: JsonReader[T]) = value match {
case x: JsObject if
(reader.isInstanceOf[OptionFormat[_]] &
!x.fields.contains(fieldName)) =>
case x: JsObject =>
try reader.read(x.fields(fieldName))
catch {
case e: NoSuchElementException =>
deserializationError("Object is missing required member '" + fieldName + "'", e, fieldName :: Nil)
case DeserializationException(msg, cause, fieldNames) =>
deserializationError(msg, cause, fieldName :: fieldNames)
case _ => deserializationError("Object expected in field '" + fieldName + "'", fieldNames = fieldName :: Nil)
protected def extractFieldNames(tag: ClassTag[_]): Array[String] = {
val clazz = tag.runtimeClass
try {
// copy methods have the form copy$default$N(), we need to sort them in order, but must account for the fact
// that lexical sorting of ...8(), ...9(), ...10() is not correct, so we extract N and sort by N.toInt
val copyDefaultMethods = clazz.getMethods.filter(_.getName.startsWith("copy$default$")).sortBy(
_.getName.drop("copy$default$".length).takeWhile(_ != '(').toInt)
val fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields.filterNot { f =>
import Modifier._
(f.getModifiers & (TRANSIENT | STATIC | 0x1000 /* SYNTHETIC*/)) > 0
if (copyDefaultMethods.length != fields.length)
sys.error("Case class " + clazz.getName + " declares additional fields")
if (fields.zip(copyDefaultMethods).exists { case (f, m) => f.getType != m.getReturnType })
sys.error("Cannot determine field order of case class " + clazz.getName)
fields.map(f => ProductFormats.unmangle(f.getName))
} catch {
case NonFatal(ex) => throw new RuntimeException("Cannot automatically determine case class field names and order " +
"for '" + clazz.getName + "', please use the 'jsonFormat' overload with explicit field name specification", ex)
object ProductFormats {
private def unmangle(name: String) = {
import java.lang.{StringBuilder => JStringBuilder}
@tailrec def rec(ix: Int, builder: JStringBuilder): String = {
val rem = name.length - ix
if (rem > 0) {
var ch = name.charAt(ix)
var ni = ix + 1
val sb = if (ch == '$' && rem > 1) {
def c(offset: Int, ch: Char) = name.charAt(ix + offset) == ch
ni = name.charAt(ix + 1) match {
case 'a' if rem > 3 && c(2, 'm') && c(3, 'p') => { ch = '&'; ix + 4 }
case 'a' if rem > 2 && c(2, 't') => { ch = '@'; ix + 3 }
case 'b' if rem > 4 && c(2, 'a') && c(3, 'n') && c(4, 'g') => { ch = '!'; ix + 5 }
case 'b' if rem > 3 && c(2, 'a') && c(3, 'r') => { ch = '|'; ix + 4 }
case 'd' if rem > 3 && c(2, 'i') && c(3, 'v') => { ch = '/'; ix + 4 }
case 'e' if rem > 2 && c(2, 'q') => { ch = '='; ix + 3 }
case 'g' if rem > 7 && c(2, 'r') && c(3, 'e') && c(4, 'a') && c(5, 't') && c(6, 'e') && c(7, 'r') => { ch = '>'; ix + 8 }
case 'h' if rem > 4 && c(2, 'a') && c(3, 's') && c(4, 'h') => { ch = '#'; ix + 5 }
case 'l' if rem > 4 && c(2, 'e') && c(3, 's') && c(4, 's') => { ch = '<'; ix + 5 }
case 'm' if rem > 5 && c(2, 'i') && c(3, 'n') && c(4, 'u') && c(5, 's') => { ch = '-'; ix + 6 }
case 'p' if rem > 7 && c(2, 'e') && c(3, 'r') && c(4, 'c') && c(5, 'e') && c(6, 'n') && c(7, 't') => { ch = '%'; ix + 8 }
case 'p' if rem > 4 && c(2, 'l') && c(3, 'u') && c(4, 's') => { ch = '+'; ix + 5 }
case 'q' if rem > 5 && c(2, 'm') && c(3, 'a') && c(4, 'r') && c(5, 'k') => { ch = '?'; ix + 6 }
case 't' if rem > 5 && c(2, 'i') && c(3, 'l') && c(4, 'd') && c(5, 'e') => { ch = '~'; ix + 6 }
case 't' if rem > 5 && c(2, 'i') && c(3, 'm') && c(4, 'e') && c(5, 's') => { ch = '*'; ix + 6 }
case 'u' if rem > 2 && c(2, 'p') => { ch = '^'; ix + 3 }
case 'u' if rem > 5 =>
def hexValue(offset: Int): Int = {
val c = name.charAt(ix + offset)
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') c - '0'
else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') c - 87
else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') c - 55 else -0xFFFF
val ci = (hexValue(2) << 12) + (hexValue(3) << 8) + (hexValue(4) << 4) + hexValue(5)
if (ci >= 0) { ch = ci.toChar; ix + 6 } else ni
case _ => ni
if (ni > ix + 1 && builder == null) new JStringBuilder(name.substring(0, ix)) else builder
} else builder
rec(ni, if (sb != null) sb.append(ch) else null)
} else if (builder != null) builder.toString else name
rec(0, null)
* This trait supplies an alternative rendering mode for optional case class members.
* Normally optional members that are undefined (`None`) are not rendered at all.
* By mixing in this trait into your custom JsonProtocol you can enforce the rendering of undefined members as `null`.
* (Note that this only affect JSON writing, spray-json will always read missing optional members as well as `null`
* optional members as `None`.)
trait NullOptions extends ProductFormats {
this: StandardFormats =>
override protected def productElement2Field[T](fieldName: String, p: Product, ix: Int, rest: List[JsField])
(implicit writer: JsonWriter[T]) = {
val value = p.productElement(ix).asInstanceOf[T]
(fieldName, writer.write(value)) :: rest
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