io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.web.resources.GraphqlCache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright The Stargate Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.web.resources;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine;
import graphql.GraphQL;
import graphql.execution.AsyncExecutionStrategy;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema;
import io.stargate.bridge.proto.Schema;
import io.stargate.bridge.proto.Schema.CqlKeyspaceDescribe;
import io.stargate.sgv2.common.futures.Futures;
import io.stargate.sgv2.common.grpc.StargateBridgeClient;
import io.stargate.sgv2.common.grpc.UnauthorizedKeyspaceException;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.persistence.graphqlfirst.SchemaSource;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.persistence.graphqlfirst.SchemaSourceDao;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.schema.CassandraFetcherExceptionHandler;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.schema.cqlfirst.SchemaFactory;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.schema.graphqlfirst.AdminSchemaBuilder;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.schema.graphqlfirst.migration.CassandraMigrator;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.schema.graphqlfirst.processor.ProcessedSchema;
import io.stargate.sgv2.graphql.schema.graphqlfirst.processor.SchemaProcessor;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* Manages the {@link GraphQL} instances used by our REST resources.
* This includes staying up to date with CQL schema changes.
public class GraphqlCache {
private final boolean disableDefaultKeyspace;
private final GraphQL ddlGraphql;
private final GraphQL schemaFirstAdminGraphql;
private volatile CompletionStage> defaultKeyspaceName;
private final Cache dmlGraphqlCache =
Caffeine.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000).expireAfterAccess(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();
public GraphqlCache(boolean disableDefaultKeyspace) {
this.disableDefaultKeyspace = disableDefaultKeyspace;
this.ddlGraphql = newGraphql(SchemaFactory.newDdlSchema());
this.schemaFirstAdminGraphql = newGraphql(new AdminSchemaBuilder().build());
public GraphQL getDdl() {
return ddlGraphql;
public GraphQL getSchemaFirstAdminGraphql() {
return schemaFirstAdminGraphql;
* @throws UnauthorizedKeyspaceException (wrapped in the future) if the client is not authorized
* to read the keyspace's contents.
public CompletionStage> getDmlAsync(
StargateBridgeClient bridge, String keyspaceName) {
String decoratedKeyspaceName = bridge.decorateKeyspaceName(keyspaceName);
GraphqlHolder holder =
dmlGraphqlCache.get(decoratedKeyspaceName, __ -> new GraphqlHolder(keyspaceName));
assert holder != null;
return holder.getGraphql(bridge);
public Optional getDml(StargateBridgeClient bridge, String keyspaceName) {
return Futures.getUninterruptibly(getDmlAsync(bridge, keyspaceName));
* Fill the cache entry when it's been computed externally. This is used after a schema-first
* deployment: we already have the GraphQL since it's been generated in order to validate the
* deployment, so use it instead of having the cache recompute it.
public void putDml(
CqlKeyspaceDescribe keyspaceDescribe, SchemaSource newSource, GraphQL graphql) {
Schema.CqlKeyspace keyspace = keyspaceDescribe.getCqlKeyspace();
GraphqlHolder holder =
dmlGraphqlCache.get(keyspace.getGlobalName(), __ -> new GraphqlHolder(keyspace.getName()));
assert holder != null;
holder.putGraphql(graphql, keyspaceDescribe.getHash().getValue(), newSource);
public CompletionStage> getDefaultKeyspaceNameAsync(
StargateBridgeClient bridge) {
// Lazy init with double-checked locking:
CompletionStage> result = this.defaultKeyspaceName;
if (result != null) {
return result;
synchronized (this) {
if (defaultKeyspaceName == null) {
defaultKeyspaceName =
? CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.empty())
: new DefaultKeyspaceHelper(bridge).find();
return defaultKeyspaceName;
public Optional getDefaultKeyspaceName(StargateBridgeClient bridge) {
return Futures.getUninterruptibly(getDefaultKeyspaceNameAsync(bridge));
private static GraphQL newGraphql(GraphQLSchema schema) {
return GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema)
// Use parallel execution strategy for mutations (serial is default)
new AsyncExecutionStrategy(CassandraFetcherExceptionHandler.INSTANCE))
static class GraphqlHolder {
private final String keyspaceName;
private final AtomicReference stateRef = new AtomicReference<>(null);
GraphqlHolder(String keyspaceName) {
this.keyspaceName = keyspaceName;
CompletionStage> getGraphql(StargateBridgeClient bridge) {
CompletionStage> keyspaceFuture =
bridge.getKeyspaceAsync(keyspaceName, true);
return keyspaceFuture.thenCompose(
maybeKeyspace ->
.map(keyspace -> handleExisting(keyspace, bridge))
// Handles a possible state change when we know the keyspace doesn't exist.
private CompletionStage> handleMissing() {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.empty());
// Handles a possible state change when we know the keyspace exists.
private CompletionStage> handleExisting(
CqlKeyspaceDescribe keyspace, StargateBridgeClient bridge) {
// Next step is to check if this is a GraphQL schema-first keyspace
CompletionStage> sourceFuture =
new SchemaSourceDao(bridge).getLatestVersionAsync(keyspaceName);
return sourceFuture.thenCompose(
maybeSource -> {
GraphqlHolderState newState =
new GraphqlHolderState(keyspace.getHash().getValue(), maybeSource);
GraphqlHolderState oldState = stateRef.get();
if (newState.equals(oldState)) {
// The state matches, we already have the latest version
return oldState.graphqlFuture;
} else if (stateRef.compareAndSet(oldState, newState)) {
// We installed our new state, it is our responsibility to recompute
compute(keyspace, maybeSource, bridge, newState.graphqlFuture);
} else {
// Another thread beat us to computing. Assume this is at least our keyspace
// hash (or even a more recent one).
newState = stateRef.get();
return newState.graphqlFuture;
private void compute(
CqlKeyspaceDescribe keyspace,
Optional maybeSource,
StargateBridgeClient bridge,
CompletableFuture> toComplete) {
GraphQL graphql =
.map(source -> computeSchemaFirst(keyspace, bridge, source))
.orElseGet(() -> computeCqlFirst(keyspace));
private GraphQL computeSchemaFirst(
CqlKeyspaceDescribe keyspace, StargateBridgeClient bridge, SchemaSource source) {
ProcessedSchema processedSchema =
new SchemaProcessor(bridge, true).process(source.getContents(), keyspace);
// Check that the data model still matches
CassandraMigrator.forPersisted().compute(processedSchema.getMappingModel(), keyspace);
return processedSchema.getGraphql();
private GraphQL computeCqlFirst(CqlKeyspaceDescribe keyspace) {
return newGraphql(SchemaFactory.newDmlSchema(keyspace));
void putGraphql(GraphQL graphql, int hash, SchemaSource newSource) {
GraphqlHolderState newState = new GraphqlHolderState(hash, Optional.of(newSource));
static class GraphqlHolderState {
// The hash of the CqlKeyspaceDescribe that this GraphQL is based on.
final int hash;
// If this is a schema-first GraphQL, the source that it is based on.
final Optional source;
// The result of the computation of this GraphQL (possibly still in progress).
final CompletableFuture> graphqlFuture;
GraphqlHolderState(int hash, Optional source) {
this.hash = hash;
this.source = source;
this.graphqlFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
// Note: graphqlFuture deliberately omitted
if (other == this) {
return true;
} else if (other instanceof GraphqlHolderState) {
GraphqlHolderState that = (GraphqlHolderState) other;
return this.hash == that.hash && this.source.equals(that.source);
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(hash, source);