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io.starter.ignite.generator.DMLgenerator.Table Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package io.starter.ignite.generator.DMLgenerator;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import io.starter.ignite.generator.Configuration;
import io.starter.ignite.generator.DBGen;

 * Defines Table DML 
 * CREATE TABLE `humorme`.`template 1` (
 *   `one` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
 *   `create_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NOW() COMMENT 'Creation Date of Record',
 *   `blob` BLOB NULL COMMENT 'Data BLOB Column',
 *   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 *   UNIQUE INDEX `id_UNIQUE` (`id` ASC));
*/ public class Table implements Configuration { public static final Map myMap; static { Map aMap = new HashMap(); int precision = 10; aMap.put("Integer.fkid", "BIGINT(" + precision + ") UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Auto generated Incrementing PK - do not update'"); aMap.put("IDX_TEMPLATE", "CREATE TABLE `${IDX_TABLE}` (\n" + " `id` BIGINT(" + precision + ") UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Auto generated Incrementing PK - do not update',\n" + " `${MY_TABLE}_id` int(11) DEFAULT -1,\n" + " `${REF_TABLE}_id` int(11) DEFAULT -1,\n" + " PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n" + " UNIQUE KEY `StackGenUQIDX` (`${MY_TABLE}_id`,`${REF_TABLE}_id`))"); aMap.put("Timestamp.createdDate", " TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Auto create record create date - do not update'"); aMap.put("Timestamp.modifiedDate", " TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Auto update record modification date - do not update'"); // Standard Data Type Handling aMap.put("Boolean", "BOOLEAN ${NOT_NULL} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("Enum", "VARCHAR(256) ${DEFAULT} COMMENT \"ENUM field to store values\""); aMap.put("Integer", "INTEGER ${NOT_NULL} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("int", "INTEGER ${NOT_NULL} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("String", "VARCHAR(${MAX_LENGTH}) ${NOT_NULL} ${CHAR_SET} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("Text", "TEXT ${CHAR_SET} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("Double", "DOUBLE ${NOT_NULL} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("Long", "BIGINT(" + precision + ") UNSIGNED ${NOT_NULL} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("Date", "DATE ${NOT_NULL} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("LocalDate", "DATE ${NOT_NULL} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("OffsetDateTime", "TIMESTAMP ${NOT_NULL} ${DEFAULT} ${COMMENT}"); aMap.put("Integer.pkid", "'id' BIGINT(" + precision + ") SIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT," + Configuration.LINE_FEED + "PRIMARY KEY (`id`), COMMENT 'Ignite-generated Integer.pkid'"); aMap.put("pkid", "PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE INDEX `ID_UNIQUE` (`ID` ASC));"); myMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap); } public static String generateTableDropDML(String tableName) { tableName = convertToDBSyntax(tableName); return DROP_TABLE + " " + tableName + Configuration.LINE_FEED; } /** ALTER TABLE `ignite`.`ignite$user` RENAME TO `ignite`.`ignite$user_old` ; * @param tableName * @return */ public static String generateTableRenameDML(String tableName) { tableName = convertToDBSyntax(tableName); String dml = ALTER_TABLE + " " + tableName + Configuration.LINE_FEED; dml += " RENAME TO " + RENAME_TABLE_PREFIX + tableName + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); return dml; } public static String generateTableBeginningDML(String tableName) { tableName = convertToDBSyntax(tableName); return CREATE_TABLE + " " + tableName + CREATE_TABLE_BEGIN_BLOCK + Configuration.LINE_FEED; } /** * this will result in a decamelized and force-cased name. * * @param colName * @return */ public static String convertToDBSyntax(String colName) { colName = DBGen.decamelize(colName); if (!colName.startsWith(TABLE_NAME_PREFIX)) { colName = TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + colName; } if (columnsUpperCase) { colName = colName.toUpperCase(); } else { colName = colName.toLowerCase(); } return colName.trim(); } public static String convertToJavaSyntax(String colName) { String rep = TABLE_NAME_PREFIX; if (columnsUpperCase) { colName = colName.toUpperCase(); rep = rep.toUpperCase(); } else { colName = colName.toLowerCase(); rep = rep.toLowerCase(); } colName = colName.replace(rep, ""); colName = colName.toLowerCase(); colName = DBGen.camelize(colName); return colName.trim(); } }

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