io.stoys.scala.Configuration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.stoys.scala
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{JsonNode, ObjectReader}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.javaprop.{JavaPropsMapper, JavaPropsSchema}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLMapper
import io.stoys.scala.Configuration.ConfigurationConfig
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
// Configuration.
// parseConfigurationConfig - called when you construct this an instance of this class it will call.
// That will extract environments from comma separated environments in flag "--environments=".
// It will automatically append "local" environment to the end (highest precedence).
// readConfig[SomeType]() will return instance of T. It will first create empty instance (0 for primitives,
// empty for collections and null otherwise). Then it will start updating the instance by default
// config file some_type.yaml (some_type = snake cased SomeType), followed by some_type-ent.yaml (where env
// is environment in order specified). Finally the instance get updated by command line arguments
// (highest priority). Command line arguments are treated as property files prefixed by snake_cased_class_name.
// Note: Command line argument path separator is "__" instead of usual "." because sparkOptions
// have all the keys with "." and that would confuse the parser.
// Note: Do not use nested config classes. (your collections would become null instead of empty)
// Note: repeated properties are not comma separated. Instead they use "field__0=foo" "field__1=bar" notation.
// Note: This class is inspired by spring boot config. But that sadly does not work for scala case classes.
// Note: We can trivially add support for *.properties and *.json.
case class Configuration(config: ConfigurationConfig) {
private val logger = org.log4s.getLogger
import Configuration._
def readConfig[T <: Product : ClassTag : TypeTag]: T = {
val clazz = classTag[T].runtimeClass
val baseFileName = Strings.toSnakeCase(clazz.getSimpleName)
val allowInRootPackage = clazz.getAnnotationsByType(classOf[Params]).exists(_.allowInRootPackage())
var value = Arbitrary.empty[T]
// files based overrides
val candidateFileNames = Seq(s"$baseFileName.yaml") ++ => s"$baseFileName.$e.yaml")
val rootPackageCandidateFileNames = candidateFileNames.filter(_ => allowInRootPackage).map(cfn => "/" + cfn)
val allCandidateFileNames = candidateFileNames ++ rootPackageCandidateFileNames
allCandidateFileNames.foreach { fileName =>
value = update[T](value, IO.resourceToStringOption(clazz, fileName), yamlReader, fileName, None)
// main_config file based overrides
val mainCandidateFileNames = Seq("/main_config.yaml") ++ => s"/main_config.$e.yaml")
mainCandidateFileNames.foreach { fileName =>
value = update[T](value, IO.resourceToStringOption(clazz, fileName), yamlReader, fileName, Some(baseFileName))
// command line overrides
val argsConfigurationString = Option(config.args.mkString("\n"))
update[T](value, argsConfigurationString, propsReader, "'props' style command line flags", Some(baseFileName))
private def update[T <: Product : ClassTag](originalValue: T, configurationString: Option[String],
objectReader: ObjectReader, logMessage: String, rootFieldName: Option[String]): T = {
val logMessagePrefix = s"Configuring ${classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName}: $logMessage"
configurationString match {
case Some(configString) =>
val overridesJsonNode = objectReader.readTree(configString)
rootFieldName match {
case None =>"$logMessagePrefix overwritten ${prettyPrintJsonNode[T](overridesJsonNode)}")
Jackson.json.updateValue(Jackson.deepCopy(originalValue), overridesJsonNode)
case Some(fieldName) if overridesJsonNode.has(fieldName) =>"$logMessagePrefix overwritten ${prettyPrintJsonNode[T](overridesJsonNode.get(fieldName))}")
Jackson.json.updateValue(Jackson.deepCopy(originalValue), overridesJsonNode.get(fieldName))
case Some(fieldName) =>
logger.debug(s"$logMessagePrefix have no field $fieldName.")
case None =>
logger.debug(s"$logMessagePrefix not present.")
object Configuration {
private val ENVIRONMENT_ARGS_PREFIX = "--environments="
private val DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENTS = Seq("local")
private val javaPropsMapper = Jackson.setMapperBuilderDefaults(JavaPropsMapper.builder()).build()
private val javaPropsSchema = JavaPropsSchema.emptySchema().withPathSeparator(PROPERTIES_PATH_SEPARATOR)
private[stoys] val propsReader = javaPropsMapper.reader(javaPropsSchema)
private[stoys] val propsWriter = javaPropsMapper.writer(javaPropsSchema)
private[stoys] val yamlReader = Jackson.setMapperBuilderDefaults(YAMLMapper.builder()).build().reader()
def apply(args: String*): Configuration = {
def apply(args: Array[String]): Configuration = {
case class ConfigurationConfig(
environments: Seq[String],
args: Seq[String]
def parseConfigurationConfig(args: Array[String]): ConfigurationConfig = {
val (environmentArgs, remainingArgs) = args.partition(_.toLowerCase.startsWith(ENVIRONMENT_ARGS_PREFIX))
val environments = environmentArgs.flatMap(_.toLowerCase.stripPrefix(ENVIRONMENT_ARGS_PREFIX).split(','))
ConfigurationConfig(environments.toSeq ++ DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENTS, remainingArgs.toSeq)
private[scala] def prettyPrintJsonNode[T <: Product : ClassTag](jsonNode: JsonNode): String = {
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