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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import static;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.Commands.DEFAULT_CONSUMER_EPOCH;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.Entry;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.Position;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.PositionImpl;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageId;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.TxnID;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandAck;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandAck.AckType;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandSubscribe.InitialPosition;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandSubscribe.SubType;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.KeyLongValue;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.KeySharedMeta;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.MessageIdData;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.Commands;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.stats.Rate;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.DateFormatter;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.FutureUtil;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.collections.BitSetRecyclable;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.collections.ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.collections.ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.LongPair;
import org.apache.pulsar.transaction.common.exception.TransactionConflictException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * A Consumer is a consumer currently connected and associated with a Subscription.
public class Consumer {
    private final Subscription subscription;
    private final SubType subType;
    private final TransportCnx cnx;
    private final String appId;
    private final String topicName;
    private final int partitionIdx;
    private final InitialPosition subscriptionInitialPosition;

    private final long consumerId;
    private final int priorityLevel;
    private final boolean readCompacted;
    private final String consumerName;
    private final Rate msgOut;
    private final Rate msgRedeliver;
    private final LongAdder msgOutCounter;
    private final LongAdder bytesOutCounter;
    private final Rate messageAckRate;

    private long lastConsumedTimestamp;
    private long lastAckedTimestamp;
    private Rate chunkedMessageRate;

    // Represents how many messages we can safely send to the consumer without
    // overflowing its receiving queue. The consumer will use Flow commands to
    // increase its availability
    private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER =
            AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Consumer.class, "messagePermits");
    private volatile int messagePermits = 0;
    // It starts keep tracking of messagePermits once consumer gets blocked, as consumer needs two separate counts:
    // messagePermits (1) before and (2) after being blocked: to dispatch only blockedPermit number of messages at the
    // time of redelivery
    private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER =
            AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Consumer.class, "permitsReceivedWhileConsumerBlocked");
    private volatile int permitsReceivedWhileConsumerBlocked = 0;

    private final ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap pendingAcks;

    private final ConsumerStatsImpl stats;

    private final boolean isDurable;
    private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER =
            AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Consumer.class, "unackedMessages");
    private volatile int unackedMessages = 0;
    private volatile boolean blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false;

    private final Map metadata;

    private final KeySharedMeta keySharedMeta;

     * It starts keep tracking the average messages per entry.
     * The initial value is 0, when new value comes, it will update with
     * avgMessagesPerEntry = avgMessagePerEntry * avgPercent + (1 - avgPercent) * new Value.
    private final AtomicDouble avgMessagesPerEntry = new AtomicDouble(0);
    private static final long [] EMPTY_ACK_SET = new long[0];

    private static final double avgPercent = 0.9;
    private boolean preciseDispatcherFlowControl;
    private PositionImpl readPositionWhenJoining;
    private final String clientAddress; // IP address only, no port number included
    private final MessageId startMessageId;
    private final boolean isAcknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled;

    private volatile long consumerEpoch;

    private long negtiveUnackedMsgsTimestamp;

    public Consumer(Subscription subscription, SubType subType, String topicName, long consumerId,
                    int priorityLevel, String consumerName,
                    boolean isDurable, TransportCnx cnx, String appId,
                    Map metadata, boolean readCompacted, InitialPosition subscriptionInitialPosition,
                    KeySharedMeta keySharedMeta, MessageId startMessageId, long consumerEpoch) {

        this.subscription = subscription;
        this.subType = subType;
        this.topicName = topicName;
        this.partitionIdx = TopicName.getPartitionIndex(topicName);
        this.consumerId = consumerId;
        this.priorityLevel = priorityLevel;
        this.readCompacted = readCompacted;
        this.consumerName = consumerName;
        this.isDurable = isDurable;
        this.subscriptionInitialPosition = subscriptionInitialPosition;
        this.keySharedMeta = keySharedMeta;
        this.cnx = cnx;
        this.msgOut = new Rate();
        this.chunkedMessageRate = new Rate();
        this.msgRedeliver = new Rate();
        this.bytesOutCounter = new LongAdder();
        this.msgOutCounter = new LongAdder();
        this.messageAckRate = new Rate();
        this.appId = appId;

        // Ensure we start from compacted view
        this.startMessageId = (readCompacted && startMessageId == null) ? MessageId.earliest : startMessageId;

        this.preciseDispatcherFlowControl = cnx.isPreciseDispatcherFlowControl();
        MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.set(this, 0);
        UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER.set(this, 0);

        this.metadata = metadata != null ? metadata : Collections.emptyMap();

        stats = new ConsumerStatsImpl();
        if (cnx.hasHAProxyMessage()) {
            stats.setAddress(cnx.getHAProxyMessage().sourceAddress() + ":" + cnx.getHAProxyMessage().sourcePort());
        } else {
        stats.consumerName = consumerName;
        stats.metadata = this.metadata;

        if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) {
            this.pendingAcks = ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.newBuilder()
        } else {
            // We don't need to keep track of pending acks if the subscription is not shared
            this.pendingAcks = null;

        this.clientAddress = cnx.clientSourceAddress();
        this.consumerEpoch = consumerEpoch;
        this.isAcknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled = subscription.getTopic().getBrokerService()

    public SubType subType() {
        return subType;

    public long consumerId() {
        return consumerId;

    public String consumerName() {
        return consumerName;

    void notifyActiveConsumerChange(Consumer activeConsumer) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("notify consumer {} - that [{}] for subscription {} has new active consumer : {}",
                consumerId, topicName, subscription.getName(), activeConsumer);
        cnx.getCommandSender().sendActiveConsumerChange(consumerId, this == activeConsumer);

    public boolean readCompacted() {
        return readCompacted;

    public Future sendMessages(final List entries, EntryBatchSizes batchSizes,
                                     EntryBatchIndexesAcks batchIndexesAcks,
                                     int totalMessages, long totalBytes, long totalChunkedMessages,
                                     RedeliveryTracker redeliveryTracker) {
        return sendMessages(entries, batchSizes, batchIndexesAcks, totalMessages, totalBytes,
                totalChunkedMessages, redeliveryTracker, DEFAULT_CONSUMER_EPOCH);

     * Dispatch a list of entries to the consumer. 
* It is also responsible to release entries data and recycle entries object. * * @return a SendMessageInfo object that contains the detail of what was sent to consumer */ public Future sendMessages(final List entries, EntryBatchSizes batchSizes, EntryBatchIndexesAcks batchIndexesAcks, int totalMessages, long totalBytes, long totalChunkedMessages, RedeliveryTracker redeliveryTracker, long epoch) { this.lastConsumedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (entries.isEmpty() || totalMessages == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] List of messages is empty, triggering write future immediately for consumerId {}", topicName, subscription, consumerId); } batchSizes.recyle(); if (batchIndexesAcks != null) { batchIndexesAcks.recycle(); } final Promise writePromise = cnx.newPromise(); writePromise.setSuccess(null); return writePromise; } int unackedMessages = totalMessages; int totalEntries = 0; for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { Entry entry = entries.get(i); if (entry != null) { totalEntries++; // Note // Must ensure that the message is written to the pendingAcks before sent is first, // because this consumer is possible to disconnect at this time. if (pendingAcks != null) { int batchSize = batchSizes.getBatchSize(i); int stickyKeyHash = getStickyKeyHash(entry); long[] ackSet = getCursorAckSet(PositionImpl.get(entry.getLedgerId(), entry.getEntryId())); if (ackSet != null) { unackedMessages -= (batchSize - BitSet.valueOf(ackSet).cardinality()); } pendingAcks.put(entry.getLedgerId(), entry.getEntryId(), batchSize, stickyKeyHash); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {}:{} ledger entry with batchSize of {} to pendingAcks in" + " broker.service.Consumer for consumerId: {}", topicName, subscription, entry.getLedgerId(), entry.getEntryId(), batchSize, consumerId); } } } } // calculate avg message per entry if (avgMessagesPerEntry.get() < 1) { //valid avgMessagesPerEntry should always >= 1 // set init value. avgMessagesPerEntry.set(1.0 * totalMessages / totalEntries); } else { avgMessagesPerEntry.set(avgMessagesPerEntry.get() * avgPercent + (1 - avgPercent) * totalMessages / totalEntries); } // reduce permit and increment unackedMsg count with total number of messages in batch-msgs int ackedCount = batchIndexesAcks == null ? 0 : batchIndexesAcks.getTotalAckedIndexCount(); MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.addAndGet(this, ackedCount - totalMessages); if (log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} minus {} messages to MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER in broker.service.Consumer" + " for consumerId: {}; avgMessagesPerEntry is {}", topicName, subscription, ackedCount, totalMessages, consumerId, avgMessagesPerEntry.get()); } incrementUnackedMessages(unackedMessages); Future writeAndFlushPromise = cnx.getCommandSender().sendMessagesToConsumer(consumerId, topicName, subscription, partitionIdx, entries, batchSizes, batchIndexesAcks, redeliveryTracker, epoch); writeAndFlushPromise.addListener(status -> { // only increment counters after the messages have been successfully written to the TCP/IP connection if (status.isSuccess()) { msgOut.recordMultipleEvents(totalMessages, totalBytes); msgOutCounter.add(totalMessages); bytesOutCounter.add(totalBytes); chunkedMessageRate.recordMultipleEvents(totalChunkedMessages, 0); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] Sent messages to client fail by IO exception[{}], close the connection" + " immediately. Consumer: {}", topicName, subscription, status.cause() == null ? "" : status.cause().getMessage(), this.toString()); } } }); return writeAndFlushPromise; } private void incrementUnackedMessages(int ackedMessages) { if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType) && addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(this, ackedMessages) >= getMaxUnackedMessages() && getMaxUnackedMessages() > 0) { blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = true; } } public boolean isWritable() { return cnx.isWritable(); } /** * Close the consumer if: a. the connection is dropped b. connection is open (graceful close) and there are no * pending message acks */ public void close() throws BrokerServiceException { close(false); } public void close(boolean isResetCursor) throws BrokerServiceException { subscription.removeConsumer(this, isResetCursor); cnx.removedConsumer(this); } public void disconnect() { disconnect(false); } public void disconnect(boolean isResetCursor) {"Disconnecting consumer: {}", this); cnx.closeConsumer(this); try { close(isResetCursor); } catch (BrokerServiceException e) { log.warn("Consumer {} was already closed: {}", this, e.getMessage(), e); } } public void doUnsubscribe(final long requestId) { subscription.doUnsubscribe(this).thenAccept(v -> {"Unsubscribed successfully from {}", subscription); cnx.removedConsumer(this); cnx.getCommandSender().sendSuccess(requestId); }).exceptionally(exception -> { log.warn("Unsubscribe failed for {}", subscription, exception); cnx.getCommandSender().sendError(requestId, BrokerServiceException.getClientErrorCode(exception), exception.getCause().getMessage()); return null; }); } public CompletableFuture messageAcked(CommandAck ack) { CompletableFuture future; this.lastAckedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map properties = Collections.emptyMap(); if (ack.getPropertiesCount() > 0) { properties = ack.getPropertiesList().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(KeyLongValue::getKey, KeyLongValue::getValue)); } if (ack.getAckType() == AckType.Cumulative) { if (ack.getMessageIdsCount() != 1) { log.warn("[{}] [{}] Received multi-message ack", subscription, consumerId); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { log.warn("[{}] [{}] Received cumulative ack on shared subscription, ignoring", subscription, consumerId); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } PositionImpl position = PositionImpl.EARLIEST; if (ack.getMessageIdsCount() == 1) { MessageIdData msgId = ack.getMessageIdAt(0); if (msgId.getAckSetsCount() > 0) { long[] ackSets = new long[msgId.getAckSetsCount()]; for (int j = 0; j < msgId.getAckSetsCount(); j++) { ackSets[j] = msgId.getAckSetAt(j); } position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId(), ackSets); } else { position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); } } if (ack.hasTxnidMostBits() && ack.hasTxnidLeastBits()) { List positionsAcked = Collections.singletonList(position); future = transactionCumulativeAcknowledge(ack.getTxnidMostBits(), ack.getTxnidLeastBits(), positionsAcked) .thenApply(unused -> 1L); } else { List positionsAcked = Collections.singletonList(position); subscription.acknowledgeMessage(positionsAcked, AckType.Cumulative, properties); future = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(1L); } } else { if (ack.hasTxnidLeastBits() && ack.hasTxnidMostBits()) { future = individualAckWithTransaction(ack); } else { future = individualAckNormal(ack, properties); } } return future .thenApply(v -> { this.messageAckRate.recordEvent(v); return null; }); } //this method is for individual ack not carry the transaction private CompletableFuture individualAckNormal(CommandAck ack, Map properties) { List positionsAcked = new ArrayList<>(); long totalAckCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ack.getMessageIdsCount(); i++) { MessageIdData msgId = ack.getMessageIdAt(i); PositionImpl position; long ackedCount = 0; long batchSize = getBatchSize(msgId); Consumer ackOwnerConsumer = getAckOwnerConsumer(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); if (msgId.getAckSetsCount() > 0) { long[] ackSets = new long[msgId.getAckSetsCount()]; for (int j = 0; j < msgId.getAckSetsCount(); j++) { ackSets[j] = msgId.getAckSetAt(j); } position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId(), ackSets); ackedCount = getAckedCountForBatchIndexLevelEnabled(position, batchSize, ackSets, ackOwnerConsumer); if (isTransactionEnabled()) { //sync the batch position bit set point, in order to delete the position in pending acks if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { ((PersistentSubscription) subscription) .syncBatchPositionBitSetForPendingAck(position); } } } else { position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); ackedCount = getAckedCountForMsgIdNoAckSets(batchSize, position, ackOwnerConsumer); } addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(ackOwnerConsumer, -(int) ackedCount); positionsAcked.add(position); checkCanRemovePendingAcksAndHandle(position, msgId); checkAckValidationError(ack, position); totalAckCount += ackedCount; } subscription.acknowledgeMessage(positionsAcked, AckType.Individual, properties); CompletableFuture completableFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); completableFuture.complete(totalAckCount); if (isTransactionEnabled() && Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { completableFuture.whenComplete((v, e) -> positionsAcked.forEach(position -> { //check if the position can remove from the consumer pending acks. // the bit set is empty in pending ack handle. if (((PositionImpl) position).getAckSet() != null) { if (((PersistentSubscription) subscription) .checkIsCanDeleteConsumerPendingAck((PositionImpl) position)) { removePendingAcks((PositionImpl) position); } } })); } return completableFuture; } //this method is for individual ack carry the transaction private CompletableFuture individualAckWithTransaction(CommandAck ack) { // Individual ack List> positionsAcked = new ArrayList<>(); if (!isTransactionEnabled()) { return FutureUtil.failedFuture( new BrokerServiceException.NotAllowedException("Server don't support transaction ack!")); } LongAdder totalAckCount = new LongAdder(); for (int i = 0; i < ack.getMessageIdsCount(); i++) { MessageIdData msgId = ack.getMessageIdAt(i); PositionImpl position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); // acked count at least one long ackedCount = 0; long batchSize = 0; if (msgId.hasBatchSize()) { batchSize = msgId.getBatchSize(); // ack batch messages set ackeCount = batchSize ackedCount = msgId.getBatchSize(); positionsAcked.add(new MutablePair<>(position, msgId.getBatchSize())); } else { // ack no batch message set ackedCount = 1 ackedCount = 1; positionsAcked.add(new MutablePair<>(position, (int) batchSize)); } Consumer ackOwnerConsumer = getAckOwnerConsumer(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); if (msgId.getAckSetsCount() > 0) { long[] ackSets = new long[msgId.getAckSetsCount()]; for (int j = 0; j < msgId.getAckSetsCount(); j++) { ackSets[j] = msgId.getAckSetAt(j); } position.setAckSet(ackSets); ackedCount = getAckedCountForTransactionAck(batchSize, ackSets); } addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(ackOwnerConsumer, -(int) ackedCount); checkCanRemovePendingAcksAndHandle(position, msgId); checkAckValidationError(ack, position); totalAckCount.add(ackedCount); } CompletableFuture completableFuture = transactionIndividualAcknowledge(ack.getTxnidMostBits(), ack.getTxnidLeastBits(), positionsAcked); if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { completableFuture.whenComplete((v, e) -> positionsAcked.forEach(positionLongMutablePair -> { if (positionLongMutablePair.getLeft().getAckSet() != null) { if (((PersistentSubscription) subscription) .checkIsCanDeleteConsumerPendingAck(positionLongMutablePair.left)) { removePendingAcks(positionLongMutablePair.left); } } })); } return completableFuture.thenApply(__ -> totalAckCount.sum()); } private long getBatchSize(MessageIdData msgId) { long batchSize = 1; if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { LongPair longPair = pendingAcks.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); // Consumer may ack the msg that not belongs to it. if (longPair == null) { Consumer ackOwnerConsumer = getAckOwnerConsumer(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); longPair = ackOwnerConsumer.getPendingAcks().get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId()); if (longPair != null) { batchSize = longPair.first; } } else { batchSize = longPair.first; } } return batchSize; } private long getAckedCountForMsgIdNoAckSets(long batchSize, PositionImpl position, Consumer consumer) { if (isAcknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled && Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { long[] cursorAckSet = getCursorAckSet(position); if (cursorAckSet != null) { return getAckedCountForBatchIndexLevelEnabled(position, batchSize, EMPTY_ACK_SET, consumer); } } return batchSize; } private long getAckedCountForBatchIndexLevelEnabled(PositionImpl position, long batchSize, long[] ackSets, Consumer consumer) { long ackedCount = 0; if (isAcknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled && Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType) && consumer.getPendingAcks().get(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId()) != null) { long[] cursorAckSet = getCursorAckSet(position); if (cursorAckSet != null) { BitSetRecyclable cursorBitSet = BitSetRecyclable.create().resetWords(cursorAckSet); int lastCardinality = cursorBitSet.cardinality(); BitSetRecyclable givenBitSet = BitSetRecyclable.create().resetWords(ackSets); cursorBitSet.and(givenBitSet); givenBitSet.recycle(); int currentCardinality = cursorBitSet.cardinality(); ackedCount = lastCardinality - currentCardinality; cursorBitSet.recycle(); } else { ackedCount = batchSize - BitSet.valueOf(ackSets).cardinality(); } } return ackedCount; } private long getAckedCountForTransactionAck(long batchSize, long[] ackSets) { BitSetRecyclable bitset = BitSetRecyclable.create().resetWords(ackSets); long ackedCount = batchSize - bitset.cardinality(); bitset.recycle(); return ackedCount; } private long getUnAckedCountForBatchIndexLevelEnabled(PositionImpl position, long batchSize) { long unAckedCount = batchSize; if (isAcknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled) { long[] cursorAckSet = getCursorAckSet(position); if (cursorAckSet != null) { BitSetRecyclable cursorBitSet = BitSetRecyclable.create().resetWords(cursorAckSet); unAckedCount = cursorBitSet.cardinality(); cursorBitSet.recycle(); } } return unAckedCount; } private void checkAckValidationError(CommandAck ack, PositionImpl position) { if (ack.hasValidationError()) { log.error("[{}] [{}] Received ack for corrupted message at {} - Reason: {}", subscription, consumerId, position, ack.getValidationError()); } } private void checkCanRemovePendingAcksAndHandle(PositionImpl position, MessageIdData msgId) { if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType) && msgId.getAckSetsCount() == 0) { removePendingAcks(position); } } private Consumer getAckOwnerConsumer(long ledgerId, long entryId) { Consumer ackOwnerConsumer = this; if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { if (!getPendingAcks().containsKey(ledgerId, entryId)) { for (Consumer consumer : subscription.getConsumers()) { if (consumer != this && consumer.getPendingAcks().containsKey(ledgerId, entryId)) { ackOwnerConsumer = consumer; break; } } } } return ackOwnerConsumer; } private long[] getCursorAckSet(PositionImpl position) { if (!(subscription instanceof PersistentSubscription)) { return null; } return (((PersistentSubscription) subscription).getCursor()).getDeletedBatchIndexesAsLongArray(position); } private boolean isTransactionEnabled() { return subscription instanceof PersistentSubscription && ((PersistentTopic) subscription.getTopic()) .getBrokerService().getPulsar().getConfig().isTransactionCoordinatorEnabled(); } private CompletableFuture transactionIndividualAcknowledge( long txnidMostBits, long txnidLeastBits, List> positionList) { if (subscription instanceof PersistentSubscription) { TxnID txnID = new TxnID(txnidMostBits, txnidLeastBits); return ((PersistentSubscription) subscription).transactionIndividualAcknowledge(txnID, positionList); } else { String error = "Transaction acknowledge only support the `PersistentSubscription`."; log.error(error); return FutureUtil.failedFuture(new TransactionConflictException(error)); } } private CompletableFuture transactionCumulativeAcknowledge(long txnidMostBits, long txnidLeastBits, List positionList) { if (!isTransactionEnabled()) { return FutureUtil.failedFuture( new BrokerServiceException.NotAllowedException("Server don't support transaction ack!")); } if (subscription instanceof PersistentSubscription) { TxnID txnID = new TxnID(txnidMostBits, txnidLeastBits); return ((PersistentSubscription) subscription).transactionCumulativeAcknowledge(txnID, positionList); } else { String error = "Transaction acknowledge only support the `PersistentSubscription`."; log.error(error); return FutureUtil.failedFuture(new TransactionConflictException(error)); } } public void flowPermits(int additionalNumberOfMessages) { checkArgument(additionalNumberOfMessages > 0); // block shared consumer when unacked-messages reaches limit if (shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs() && unackedMessages >= getMaxUnackedMessages()) { blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = true; } int oldPermits; if (!blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs) { oldPermits = MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.getAndAdd(this, additionalNumberOfMessages); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} message permits in broker.service.Consumer before updating dispatcher " + "for consumer {}", topicName, subscription, additionalNumberOfMessages, consumerId); } subscription.consumerFlow(this, additionalNumberOfMessages); } else { oldPermits = PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER.getAndAdd(this, additionalNumberOfMessages); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] Added more flow control message permits {} (old was: {}), blocked = {} ", topicName, subscription, additionalNumberOfMessages, oldPermits, blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs); } } /** * Triggers dispatcher to dispatch {@code blockedPermits} number of messages and adds same number of permits to * {@code messagePermits} as it maintains count of actual dispatched message-permits. * * @param consumer: * Consumer whose blockedPermits needs to be dispatched */ void flowConsumerBlockedPermits(Consumer consumer) { int additionalNumberOfPermits = PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER.getAndSet(consumer, 0); // add newly flow permits to actual consumer.messagePermits MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.getAndAdd(consumer, additionalNumberOfPermits); if (log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} blocked permits to broker.service.Consumer for consumer {}", topicName, subscription, additionalNumberOfPermits, consumerId); } // dispatch pending permits to flow more messages: it will add more permits to dispatcher and consumer subscription.consumerFlow(consumer, additionalNumberOfPermits); } public int getAvailablePermits() { return MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.get(this); } /** * return 0 if there is no entry dispatched yet. */ public int getAvgMessagesPerEntry() { return (int) Math.round(avgMessagesPerEntry.get()); } public boolean isBlocked() { return blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs; } public void reachedEndOfTopic() { cnx.getCommandSender().sendReachedEndOfTopic(consumerId); } /** * Checks if consumer-blocking on unAckedMessages is allowed for below conditions:
* a. consumer must have Shared-subscription
* b. {@link this#getMaxUnackedMessages()} value > 0 * * @return */ private boolean shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs() { return Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType) && getMaxUnackedMessages() > 0; } public void updateRates() { msgOut.calculateRate(); chunkedMessageRate.calculateRate(); msgRedeliver.calculateRate(); messageAckRate.calculateRate(); stats.msgRateOut = msgOut.getRate(); stats.msgThroughputOut = msgOut.getValueRate(); stats.msgRateRedeliver = msgRedeliver.getRate(); stats.messageAckRate = messageAckRate.getValueRate(); stats.chunkedMessageRate = chunkedMessageRate.getRate(); } public void updateStats(ConsumerStatsImpl consumerStats) { msgOutCounter.add(consumerStats.msgOutCounter); bytesOutCounter.add(consumerStats.bytesOutCounter); msgOut.recordMultipleEvents(consumerStats.msgOutCounter, consumerStats.bytesOutCounter); lastAckedTimestamp = consumerStats.lastAckedTimestamp; lastConsumedTimestamp = consumerStats.lastConsumedTimestamp; MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.set(this, consumerStats.availablePermits); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] Setting broker.service.Consumer's messagePermits to {} for consumer {}", topicName, subscription, consumerStats.availablePermits, consumerId); } unackedMessages = consumerStats.unackedMessages; blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = consumerStats.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs; avgMessagesPerEntry.set(consumerStats.avgMessagesPerEntry); } public ConsumerStatsImpl getStats() { stats.msgOutCounter = msgOutCounter.longValue(); stats.bytesOutCounter = bytesOutCounter.longValue(); stats.lastAckedTimestamp = lastAckedTimestamp; stats.lastConsumedTimestamp = lastConsumedTimestamp; stats.availablePermits = getAvailablePermits(); stats.unackedMessages = unackedMessages; stats.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs; stats.avgMessagesPerEntry = getAvgMessagesPerEntry(); if (readPositionWhenJoining != null) { stats.readPositionWhenJoining = readPositionWhenJoining.toString(); } return stats; } public long getMsgOutCounter() { return msgOutCounter.longValue(); } public long getBytesOutCounter() { return bytesOutCounter.longValue(); } public int getUnackedMessages() { return unackedMessages; } public KeySharedMeta getKeySharedMeta() { return keySharedMeta; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("subscription", subscription).add("consumerId", consumerId) .add("consumerName", consumerName).add("address", this.cnx.clientAddress()).toString(); } public CompletableFuture checkPermissionsAsync() { TopicName topicName = TopicName.get(subscription.getTopicName()); if (cnx.getBrokerService().getAuthorizationService() != null) { return cnx.getBrokerService().getAuthorizationService().canConsumeAsync(topicName, appId, cnx.getAuthenticationData(), subscription.getName()) .handle((ok, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.warn("[{}] Get unexpected error while authorizing [{}] {}", appId, subscription.getTopicName(), e.getMessage(), e); } if (ok == null || !ok) {"[{}] is not allowed to consume from topic [{}] anymore", appId, subscription.getTopicName()); disconnect(); } return null; }); } return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Consumer) { Consumer other = (Consumer) obj; return consumerId == other.consumerId && Objects.equals(cnx.clientAddress(), other.cnx.clientAddress()); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return consumerName.hashCode() + 31 * cnx.hashCode(); } /** * first try to remove ack-position from the current_consumer's pendingAcks. * if ack-message doesn't present into current_consumer's pendingAcks * a. try to remove from other connected subscribed consumers (It happens when client * tries to acknowledge message through different consumer under the same subscription) * * * @param position */ private void removePendingAcks(PositionImpl position) { Consumer ackOwnedConsumer = null; if (pendingAcks.get(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId()) == null) { for (Consumer consumer : subscription.getConsumers()) { if (!consumer.equals(this) && consumer.getPendingAcks().containsKey(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId())) { ackOwnedConsumer = consumer; break; } } } else { ackOwnedConsumer = this; } // remove pending message from appropriate consumer and unblock unAckMsg-flow if requires LongPair ackedPosition = ackOwnedConsumer != null ? ackOwnedConsumer.getPendingAcks().get(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId()) : null; if (ackedPosition != null) { if (!ackOwnedConsumer.getPendingAcks().remove(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId())) { // Message was already removed by the other consumer return; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] consumer {} received ack {}", topicName, subscription, consumerId, position); } // unblock consumer-throttling when limit check is disabled or receives half of maxUnackedMessages => // consumer can start again consuming messages int unAckedMsgs = UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER.get(ackOwnedConsumer); if ((((unAckedMsgs <= getMaxUnackedMessages() / 2) && ackOwnedConsumer.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs) && ackOwnedConsumer.shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs()) || !shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs()) { ackOwnedConsumer.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false; flowConsumerBlockedPermits(ackOwnedConsumer); } } } public ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap getPendingAcks() { return pendingAcks; } public int getPriorityLevel() { return priorityLevel; } public void redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(long consumerEpoch) { // cleanup unackedMessage bucket and redeliver those unack-msgs again clearUnAckedMsgs(); blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] consumer {} received redelivery", topicName, subscription, consumerId); } if (pendingAcks != null) { List pendingPositions = new ArrayList<>((int) pendingAcks.size()); MutableInt totalRedeliveryMessages = new MutableInt(0); pendingAcks.forEach((ledgerId, entryId, batchSize, stickyKeyHash) -> { int unAckedCount = (int) getUnAckedCountForBatchIndexLevelEnabled(PositionImpl.get(ledgerId, entryId), batchSize); totalRedeliveryMessages.add(unAckedCount); pendingPositions.add(new PositionImpl(ledgerId, entryId)); }); for (PositionImpl p : pendingPositions) { pendingAcks.remove(p.getLedgerId(), p.getEntryId()); } msgRedeliver.recordMultipleEvents(totalRedeliveryMessages.intValue(), totalRedeliveryMessages.intValue()); subscription.redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(this, pendingPositions); } else { subscription.redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(this, consumerEpoch); } flowConsumerBlockedPermits(this); } public void redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(List messageIds) { int totalRedeliveryMessages = 0; List pendingPositions = Lists.newArrayList(); for (MessageIdData msg : messageIds) { PositionImpl position = PositionImpl.get(msg.getLedgerId(), msg.getEntryId()); LongPair longPair = pendingAcks.get(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId()); if (longPair != null) { int unAckedCount = (int) getUnAckedCountForBatchIndexLevelEnabled(position, longPair.first); pendingAcks.remove(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId()); totalRedeliveryMessages += unAckedCount; pendingPositions.add(position); } } addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(this, -totalRedeliveryMessages); blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] consumer {} received {} msg-redelivery {}", topicName, subscription, consumerId, totalRedeliveryMessages, pendingPositions.size()); } subscription.redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(this, pendingPositions); msgRedeliver.recordMultipleEvents(totalRedeliveryMessages, totalRedeliveryMessages); int numberOfBlockedPermits = PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER.getAndSet(this, 0); // if permitsReceivedWhileConsumerBlocked has been accumulated then pass it to Dispatcher to flow messages if (numberOfBlockedPermits > 0) { MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.getAndAdd(this, numberOfBlockedPermits); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} blockedPermits to broker.service.Consumer's messagePermits for consumer {}", topicName, subscription, numberOfBlockedPermits, consumerId); } subscription.consumerFlow(this, numberOfBlockedPermits); } } public Subscription getSubscription() { return subscription; } private int addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(Consumer consumer, int ackedMessages) { int unackedMsgs = 0; if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) { subscription.addUnAckedMessages(ackedMessages); unackedMsgs = UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER.addAndGet(consumer, ackedMessages); } if (unackedMsgs < 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - negtiveUnackedMsgsTimestamp >= 10_000) { negtiveUnackedMsgsTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.warn("unackedMsgs is : {}, ackedMessages : {}, consumer : {}", unackedMsgs, ackedMessages, consumer); } return unackedMsgs; } private void clearUnAckedMsgs() { int unaAckedMsgs = UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER.getAndSet(this, 0); subscription.addUnAckedMessages(-unaAckedMsgs); } public boolean isPreciseDispatcherFlowControl() { return preciseDispatcherFlowControl; } public void setReadPositionWhenJoining(PositionImpl readPositionWhenJoining) { this.readPositionWhenJoining = readPositionWhenJoining; } public int getMaxUnackedMessages() { //Unacked messages check is disabled for non-durable subscriptions. if (isDurable && subscription != null) { return subscription.getTopic().getHierarchyTopicPolicies().getMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer().get(); } else { return 0; } } public TransportCnx cnx() { return cnx; } public String getClientAddress() { return clientAddress; } public MessageId getStartMessageId() { return startMessageId; } public Map getMetadata() { return metadata; } private int getStickyKeyHash(Entry entry) { byte[] stickyKey = Commands.peekStickyKey(entry.getDataBuffer(), topicName, subscription.getName()); return StickyKeyConsumerSelector.makeStickyKeyHash(stickyKey); } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Consumer.class); }

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