Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.Entry;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.Position;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.PositionImpl;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.collections.ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.collections.ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap.LongPair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageId;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.TxnID;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandAck;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandAck.AckType;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandSubscribe.InitialPosition;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandSubscribe.SubType;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.KeyLongValue;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.KeySharedMeta;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.MessageIdData;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.Commands;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.stats.Rate;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.DateFormatter;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.FutureUtil;
import org.apache.pulsar.transaction.common.exception.TransactionConflictException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A Consumer is a consumer currently connected and associated with a Subscription.
public class Consumer {
private final Subscription subscription;
private final SubType subType;
private final TransportCnx cnx;
private final String appId;
private final String topicName;
private final int partitionIdx;
private final InitialPosition subscriptionInitialPosition;
private final long consumerId;
private final int priorityLevel;
private final boolean readCompacted;
private final String consumerName;
private final Rate msgOut;
private final Rate msgRedeliver;
private final LongAdder msgOutCounter;
private final LongAdder bytesOutCounter;
private long lastConsumedTimestamp;
private long lastAckedTimestamp;
private Rate chunkedMessageRate;
// Represents how many messages we can safely send to the consumer without
// overflowing its receiving queue. The consumer will use Flow commands to
// increase its availability
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Consumer.class, "messagePermits");
private volatile int messagePermits = 0;
// It starts keep tracking of messagePermits once consumer gets blocked, as consumer needs two separate counts:
// messagePermits (1) before and (2) after being blocked: to dispatch only blockedPermit number of messages at the
// time of redelivery
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Consumer.class, "permitsReceivedWhileConsumerBlocked");
private volatile int permitsReceivedWhileConsumerBlocked = 0;
private final ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap pendingAcks;
private final ConsumerStatsImpl stats;
private volatile int maxUnackedMessages;
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Consumer.class, "unackedMessages");
private volatile int unackedMessages = 0;
private volatile boolean blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false;
private final Map metadata;
private final KeySharedMeta keySharedMeta;
* It starts keep tracking the average messages per entry.
* The initial value is 1000, when new value comes, it will update with
* avgMessagesPerEntry = avgMessagePerEntry * avgPercent + (1 - avgPercent) * new Value.
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater AVG_MESSAGES_PER_ENTRY =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Consumer.class, "avgMessagesPerEntry");
private volatile int avgMessagesPerEntry = 1000;
private static final double avgPercent = 0.9;
private boolean preciseDispatcherFlowControl;
private PositionImpl readPositionWhenJoining;
private final String clientAddress; // IP address only, no port number included
private final MessageId startMessageId;
public Consumer(Subscription subscription, SubType subType, String topicName, long consumerId,
int priorityLevel, String consumerName,
int maxUnackedMessages, TransportCnx cnx, String appId,
Map metadata, boolean readCompacted, InitialPosition subscriptionInitialPosition,
KeySharedMeta keySharedMeta, MessageId startMessageId) {
this.subscription = subscription;
this.subType = subType;
this.topicName = topicName;
this.partitionIdx = TopicName.getPartitionIndex(topicName);
this.consumerId = consumerId;
this.priorityLevel = priorityLevel;
this.readCompacted = readCompacted;
this.consumerName = consumerName;
this.maxUnackedMessages = maxUnackedMessages;
this.subscriptionInitialPosition = subscriptionInitialPosition;
this.keySharedMeta = keySharedMeta;
this.cnx = cnx;
this.msgOut = new Rate();
this.chunkedMessageRate = new Rate();
this.msgRedeliver = new Rate();
this.bytesOutCounter = new LongAdder();
this.msgOutCounter = new LongAdder();
this.appId = appId;
// Ensure we start from compacted view
this.startMessageId = (readCompacted && startMessageId == null) ? MessageId.earliest : startMessageId;
this.preciseDispatcherFlowControl = cnx.isPreciseDispatcherFlowControl();
AVG_MESSAGES_PER_ENTRY.set(this, 1000);
this.metadata = metadata != null ? metadata : Collections.emptyMap();
stats = new ConsumerStatsImpl();
if (cnx.hasHAProxyMessage()) {
stats.setAddress(cnx.getHAProxyMessage().sourceAddress() + ":" + cnx.getHAProxyMessage().sourcePort());
} else {
stats.consumerName = consumerName;
stats.metadata = this.metadata;
if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) {
this.pendingAcks = new ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap(256, 1);
} else {
// We don't need to keep track of pending acks if the subscription is not shared
this.pendingAcks = null;
this.clientAddress = cnx.clientSourceAddress();
public SubType subType() {
return subType;
public long consumerId() {
return consumerId;
public String consumerName() {
return consumerName;
void notifyActiveConsumerChange(Consumer activeConsumer) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("notify consumer {} - that [{}] for subscription {} has new active consumer : {}",
consumerId, topicName, subscription.getName(), activeConsumer);
cnx.getCommandSender().sendActiveConsumerChange(consumerId, this == activeConsumer);
public boolean readCompacted() {
return readCompacted;
* Dispatch a list of entries to the consumer.
* It is also responsible to release entries data and recycle entries object.
* @return a SendMessageInfo object that contains the detail of what was sent to consumer
public Future sendMessages(final List entries, EntryBatchSizes batchSizes,
EntryBatchIndexesAcks batchIndexesAcks,
int totalMessages, long totalBytes, long totalChunkedMessages,
RedeliveryTracker redeliveryTracker) {
this.lastConsumedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (entries.isEmpty() || totalMessages == 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}-{}] List of messages is empty, triggering write future immediately for consumerId {}",
topicName, subscription, consumerId);
if (batchIndexesAcks != null) {
final Promise writePromise = cnx.newPromise();
return writePromise;
// Note
// Must ensure that the message is written to the pendingAcks before sent is first , because this consumer
// is possible to disconnect at this time.
if (pendingAcks != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
Entry entry = entries.get(i);
if (entry != null) {
int batchSize = batchSizes.getBatchSize(i);
int stickyKeyHash = getStickyKeyHash(entry);
pendingAcks.put(entry.getLedgerId(), entry.getEntryId(), batchSize, stickyKeyHash);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()){
log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {}:{} ledger entry with batchSize of {} to pendingAcks in"
+ " broker.service.Consumer for consumerId: {}",
topicName, subscription, entry.getLedgerId(), entry.getEntryId(), batchSize, consumerId);
// calculate avg message per entry
int tmpAvgMessagesPerEntry = AVG_MESSAGES_PER_ENTRY.get(this);
tmpAvgMessagesPerEntry = (int) Math.round(tmpAvgMessagesPerEntry * avgPercent
+ (1 - avgPercent) * totalMessages / entries.size());
AVG_MESSAGES_PER_ENTRY.set(this, tmpAvgMessagesPerEntry);
// reduce permit and increment unackedMsg count with total number of messages in batch-msgs
int ackedCount = batchIndexesAcks == null ? 0 : batchIndexesAcks.getTotalAckedIndexCount();
MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.addAndGet(this, ackedCount - totalMessages);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()){
log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} minus {} messages to MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER in broker.service.Consumer"
+ " for consumerId: {}; avgMessagesPerEntry is {}",
topicName, subscription, ackedCount, totalMessages, consumerId, tmpAvgMessagesPerEntry);
msgOut.recordMultipleEvents(totalMessages, totalBytes);
chunkedMessageRate.recordMultipleEvents(totalChunkedMessages, 0);
return cnx.getCommandSender().sendMessagesToConsumer(consumerId, topicName, subscription, partitionIdx,
entries, batchSizes, batchIndexesAcks, redeliveryTracker);
private void incrementUnackedMessages(int ackedMessages) {
if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)
&& addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(this, ackedMessages) >= maxUnackedMessages
&& maxUnackedMessages > 0) {
blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = true;
public boolean isWritable() {
return cnx.isWritable();
* Close the consumer if: a. the connection is dropped b. connection is open (graceful close) and there are no
* pending message acks
public void close() throws BrokerServiceException {
public void close(boolean isResetCursor) throws BrokerServiceException {
subscription.removeConsumer(this, isResetCursor);
public void disconnect() {
public void disconnect(boolean isResetCursor) {"Disconnecting consumer: {}", this);
try {
} catch (BrokerServiceException e) {
log.warn("Consumer {} was already closed: {}", this, e.getMessage(), e);
public void doUnsubscribe(final long requestId) {
subscription.doUnsubscribe(this).thenAccept(v -> {"Unsubscribed successfully from {}", subscription);
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
log.warn("Unsubscribe failed for {}", subscription, exception);
cnx.getCommandSender().sendError(requestId, BrokerServiceException.getClientErrorCode(exception),
return null;
public CompletableFuture messageAcked(CommandAck ack) {
this.lastAckedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
Map properties = Collections.emptyMap();
if (ack.getPropertiesCount() > 0) {
properties = ack.getPropertiesList().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(KeyLongValue::getKey, KeyLongValue::getValue));
if (ack.getAckType() == AckType.Cumulative) {
if (ack.getMessageIdsCount() != 1) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Received multi-message ack", subscription, consumerId);
if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Received cumulative ack on shared subscription, ignoring",
subscription, consumerId);
PositionImpl position = PositionImpl.earliest;
if (ack.getMessageIdsCount() == 1) {
MessageIdData msgId = ack.getMessageIdAt(0);
if (msgId.getAckSetsCount() > 0) {
long[] ackSets = new long[msgId.getAckSetsCount()];
for (int j = 0; j < msgId.getAckSetsCount(); j++) {
ackSets[j] = msgId.getAckSetAt(j);
position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId(), ackSets);
} else {
position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId());
if (ack.hasTxnidMostBits() && ack.hasTxnidLeastBits()) {
List positionsAcked = Collections.singletonList(position);
return transactionCumulativeAcknowledge(ack.getTxnidMostBits(),
ack.getTxnidLeastBits(), positionsAcked);
} else {
List positionsAcked = Collections.singletonList(position);
subscription.acknowledgeMessage(positionsAcked, AckType.Cumulative, properties);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
} else {
if (ack.hasTxnidLeastBits() && ack.hasTxnidMostBits()) {
return individualAckWithTransaction(ack);
} else {
return individualAckNormal(ack, properties);
//this method is for individual ack not carry the transaction
private CompletableFuture individualAckNormal(CommandAck ack, Map properties) {
List positionsAcked = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < ack.getMessageIdsCount(); i++) {
MessageIdData msgId = ack.getMessageIdAt(i);
PositionImpl position;
if (msgId.getAckSetsCount() > 0) {
long[] ackSets = new long[msgId.getAckSetsCount()];
for (int j = 0; j < msgId.getAckSetsCount(); j++) {
ackSets[j] = msgId.getAckSetAt(j);
position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId(), ackSets);
if (isTransactionEnabled()) {
//sync the batch position bit set point, in order to delete the position in pending acks
if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) {
((PersistentSubscription) subscription)
} else {
position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId());
checkCanRemovePendingAcksAndHandle(position, msgId);
checkAckValidationError(ack, position);
subscription.acknowledgeMessage(positionsAcked, AckType.Individual, properties);
CompletableFuture completableFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
if (isTransactionEnabled() && Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) {
completableFuture.whenComplete((v, e) -> positionsAcked.forEach(position -> {
//check if the position can remove from the consumer pending acks.
// the bit set is empty in pending ack handle.
if (((PositionImpl) position).getAckSet() != null) {
if (((PersistentSubscription) subscription)
.checkIsCanDeleteConsumerPendingAck((PositionImpl) position)) {
removePendingAcks((PositionImpl) position);
return completableFuture;
//this method is for individual ack carry the transaction
private CompletableFuture individualAckWithTransaction(CommandAck ack) {
// Individual ack
List> positionsAcked = new ArrayList<>();
if (!isTransactionEnabled()) {
return FutureUtil.failedFuture(
new BrokerServiceException.NotAllowedException("Server don't support transaction ack!"));
for (int i = 0; i < ack.getMessageIdsCount(); i++) {
MessageIdData msgId = ack.getMessageIdAt(i);
PositionImpl position;
if (msgId.getAckSetsCount() > 0) {
long[] acksSets = new long[msgId.getAckSetsCount()];
for (int j = 0; j < msgId.getAckSetsCount(); j++) {
acksSets[j] = msgId.getAckSetAt(j);
position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId(), acksSets);
} else {
position = PositionImpl.get(msgId.getLedgerId(), msgId.getEntryId());
if (msgId.hasBatchIndex()) {
positionsAcked.add(new MutablePair<>(position, msgId.getBatchSize()));
} else {
positionsAcked.add(new MutablePair<>(position, 0));
checkCanRemovePendingAcksAndHandle(position, msgId);
checkAckValidationError(ack, position);
CompletableFuture completableFuture = transactionIndividualAcknowledge(ack.getTxnidMostBits(),
ack.getTxnidLeastBits(), positionsAcked);
if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType)) {
completableFuture.whenComplete((v, e) ->
positionsAcked.forEach(positionLongMutablePair -> {
if (positionLongMutablePair.getLeft().getAckSet() != null) {
if (((PersistentSubscription) subscription)
.checkIsCanDeleteConsumerPendingAck(positionLongMutablePair.left)) {
return completableFuture;
private void checkAckValidationError(CommandAck ack, PositionImpl position) {
if (ack.hasValidationError()) {
log.error("[{}] [{}] Received ack for corrupted message at {} - Reason: {}", subscription,
consumerId, position, ack.getValidationError());
private void checkCanRemovePendingAcksAndHandle(PositionImpl position, MessageIdData msgId) {
if (Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType) && msgId.getAckSetsCount() == 0) {
private boolean isTransactionEnabled() {
return subscription instanceof PersistentSubscription
&& ((PersistentTopic) subscription.getTopic())
private CompletableFuture transactionIndividualAcknowledge(
long txnidMostBits,
long txnidLeastBits,
List> positionList) {
if (subscription instanceof PersistentSubscription) {
TxnID txnID = new TxnID(txnidMostBits, txnidLeastBits);
return ((PersistentSubscription) subscription).transactionIndividualAcknowledge(txnID, positionList);
} else {
String error = "Transaction acknowledge only support the `PersistentSubscription`.";
return FutureUtil.failedFuture(new TransactionConflictException(error));
private CompletableFuture transactionCumulativeAcknowledge(long txnidMostBits, long txnidLeastBits,
List positionList) {
if (!isTransactionEnabled()) {
return FutureUtil.failedFuture(
new BrokerServiceException.NotAllowedException("Server don't support transaction ack!"));
if (subscription instanceof PersistentSubscription) {
TxnID txnID = new TxnID(txnidMostBits, txnidLeastBits);
return ((PersistentSubscription) subscription).transactionCumulativeAcknowledge(txnID, positionList);
} else {
String error = "Transaction acknowledge only support the `PersistentSubscription`.";
return FutureUtil.failedFuture(new TransactionConflictException(error));
public void flowPermits(int additionalNumberOfMessages) {
checkArgument(additionalNumberOfMessages > 0);
// block shared consumer when unacked-messages reaches limit
if (shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs() && unackedMessages >= maxUnackedMessages) {
blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = true;
int oldPermits;
if (!blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs) {
oldPermits = MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.getAndAdd(this, additionalNumberOfMessages);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} message permits in broker.service.Consumer before updating dispatcher "
+ "for consumer {}", topicName, subscription, additionalNumberOfMessages, consumerId);
subscription.consumerFlow(this, additionalNumberOfMessages);
} else {
oldPermits = PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER.getAndAdd(this, additionalNumberOfMessages);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}-{}] Added more flow control message permits {} (old was: {}), blocked = {} ", topicName,
subscription, additionalNumberOfMessages, oldPermits, blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs);
* Triggers dispatcher to dispatch {@code blockedPermits} number of messages and adds same number of permits to
* {@code messagePermits} as it maintains count of actual dispatched message-permits.
* @param consumer:
* Consumer whose blockedPermits needs to be dispatched
void flowConsumerBlockedPermits(Consumer consumer) {
int additionalNumberOfPermits = PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER.getAndSet(consumer, 0);
// add newly flow permits to actual consumer.messagePermits
MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.getAndAdd(consumer, additionalNumberOfPermits);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()){
log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} blocked permits to broker.service.Consumer for consumer {}", topicName,
subscription, additionalNumberOfPermits, consumerId);
// dispatch pending permits to flow more messages: it will add more permits to dispatcher and consumer
subscription.consumerFlow(consumer, additionalNumberOfPermits);
public int getAvailablePermits() {
public int getAvgMessagesPerEntry() {
return AVG_MESSAGES_PER_ENTRY.get(this);
public boolean isBlocked() {
return blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs;
public void reachedEndOfTopic() {
* Checks if consumer-blocking on unAckedMessages is allowed for below conditions:
* a. consumer must have Shared-subscription
* b. {@link this#maxUnackedMessages} value > 0
* @return
private boolean shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs() {
return Subscription.isIndividualAckMode(subType) && maxUnackedMessages > 0;
public void updateRates() {
stats.msgRateOut = msgOut.getRate();
stats.msgThroughputOut = msgOut.getValueRate();
stats.msgRateRedeliver = msgRedeliver.getRate();
stats.chunkedMessageRate = chunkedMessageRate.getRate();
public void updateStats(ConsumerStatsImpl consumerStats) {
msgOut.recordMultipleEvents(consumerStats.msgOutCounter, consumerStats.bytesOutCounter);
lastAckedTimestamp = consumerStats.lastAckedTimestamp;
lastConsumedTimestamp = consumerStats.lastConsumedTimestamp;
MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.set(this, consumerStats.availablePermits);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()){
log.debug("[{}-{}] Setting broker.service.Consumer's messagePermits to {} for consumer {}", topicName,
subscription, consumerStats.availablePermits, consumerId);
unackedMessages = consumerStats.unackedMessages;
blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = consumerStats.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs;
AVG_MESSAGES_PER_ENTRY.set(this, consumerStats.avgMessagesPerEntry);
public ConsumerStatsImpl getStats() {
stats.msgOutCounter = msgOutCounter.longValue();
stats.bytesOutCounter = bytesOutCounter.longValue();
stats.lastAckedTimestamp = lastAckedTimestamp;
stats.lastConsumedTimestamp = lastConsumedTimestamp;
stats.availablePermits = getAvailablePermits();
stats.unackedMessages = unackedMessages;
stats.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs;
stats.avgMessagesPerEntry = getAvgMessagesPerEntry();
if (readPositionWhenJoining != null) {
stats.readPositionWhenJoining = readPositionWhenJoining.toString();
return stats;
public int getUnackedMessages() {
return unackedMessages;
public KeySharedMeta getKeySharedMeta() {
return keySharedMeta;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("subscription", subscription).add("consumerId", consumerId)
.add("consumerName", consumerName).add("address", this.cnx.clientAddress()).toString();
public void checkPermissions() {
TopicName topicName = TopicName.get(subscription.getTopicName());
if (cnx.getBrokerService().getAuthorizationService() != null) {
try {
if (cnx.getBrokerService().getAuthorizationService().canConsume(topicName, appId,
cnx.getAuthenticationData(), subscription.getName())) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("[{}] Get unexpected error while autorizing [{}] {}", appId, subscription.getTopicName(),
e.getMessage(), e);
}"[{}] is not allowed to consume from topic [{}] anymore", appId, subscription.getTopicName());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Consumer) {
Consumer other = (Consumer) obj;
return Objects.equals(cnx.clientAddress(), other.cnx.clientAddress()) && consumerId == other.consumerId;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return consumerName.hashCode() + 31 * cnx.hashCode();
* first try to remove ack-position from the current_consumer's pendingAcks.
* if ack-message doesn't present into current_consumer's pendingAcks
* a. try to remove from other connected subscribed consumers (It happens when client
* tries to acknowledge message through different consumer under the same subscription)
* @param position
private void removePendingAcks(PositionImpl position) {
Consumer ackOwnedConsumer = null;
if (pendingAcks.get(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId()) == null) {
for (Consumer consumer : subscription.getConsumers()) {
if (!consumer.equals(this) && consumer.getPendingAcks().containsKey(position.getLedgerId(),
position.getEntryId())) {
ackOwnedConsumer = consumer;
} else {
ackOwnedConsumer = this;
// remove pending message from appropriate consumer and unblock unAckMsg-flow if requires
LongPair ackedPosition = ackOwnedConsumer != null
? ackOwnedConsumer.getPendingAcks().get(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId())
: null;
if (ackedPosition != null) {
int totalAckedMsgs = (int) ackedPosition.first;
if (!ackOwnedConsumer.getPendingAcks().remove(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId())) {
// Message was already removed by the other consumer
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}-{}] consumer {} received ack {}", topicName, subscription, consumerId, position);
// unblock consumer-throttling when limit check is disabled or receives half of maxUnackedMessages =>
// consumer can start again consuming messages
int unAckedMsgs = addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(ackOwnedConsumer, -totalAckedMsgs);
if ((((unAckedMsgs <= maxUnackedMessages / 2) && ackOwnedConsumer.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs)
&& ackOwnedConsumer.shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs())
|| !shouldBlockConsumerOnUnackMsgs()) {
ackOwnedConsumer.blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false;
public ConcurrentLongLongPairHashMap getPendingAcks() {
return pendingAcks;
public int getPriorityLevel() {
return priorityLevel;
public void redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages() {
// cleanup unackedMessage bucket and redeliver those unack-msgs again
blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}-{}] consumer {} received redelivery", topicName, subscription, consumerId);
if (pendingAcks != null) {
List pendingPositions = new ArrayList<>((int) pendingAcks.size());
MutableInt totalRedeliveryMessages = new MutableInt(0);
pendingAcks.forEach((ledgerId, entryId, batchSize, stickyKeyHash) -> {
totalRedeliveryMessages.add((int) batchSize);
pendingPositions.add(new PositionImpl(ledgerId, entryId));
for (PositionImpl p : pendingPositions) {
pendingAcks.remove(p.getLedgerId(), p.getEntryId());
msgRedeliver.recordMultipleEvents(totalRedeliveryMessages.intValue(), totalRedeliveryMessages.intValue());
subscription.redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(this, pendingPositions);
} else {
public void redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(List messageIds) {
int totalRedeliveryMessages = 0;
List pendingPositions = Lists.newArrayList();
for (MessageIdData msg : messageIds) {
PositionImpl position = PositionImpl.get(msg.getLedgerId(), msg.getEntryId());
LongPair longPair = pendingAcks.get(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId());
if (longPair != null) {
long batchSize = longPair.first;
pendingAcks.remove(position.getLedgerId(), position.getEntryId());
totalRedeliveryMessages += batchSize;
addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(this, -totalRedeliveryMessages);
blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs = false;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}-{}] consumer {} received {} msg-redelivery {}", topicName, subscription, consumerId,
totalRedeliveryMessages, pendingPositions.size());
subscription.redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(this, pendingPositions);
msgRedeliver.recordMultipleEvents(totalRedeliveryMessages, totalRedeliveryMessages);
int numberOfBlockedPermits = PERMITS_RECEIVED_WHILE_CONSUMER_BLOCKED_UPDATER.getAndSet(this, 0);
// if permitsReceivedWhileConsumerBlocked has been accumulated then pass it to Dispatcher to flow messages
if (numberOfBlockedPermits > 0) {
MESSAGE_PERMITS_UPDATER.getAndAdd(this, numberOfBlockedPermits);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}-{}] Added {} blockedPermits to broker.service.Consumer's messagePermits for consumer {}",
topicName, subscription, numberOfBlockedPermits, consumerId);
subscription.consumerFlow(this, numberOfBlockedPermits);
public Subscription getSubscription() {
return subscription;
private int addAndGetUnAckedMsgs(Consumer consumer, int ackedMessages) {
return UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER.addAndGet(consumer, ackedMessages);
private void clearUnAckedMsgs() {
int unaAckedMsgs = UNACKED_MESSAGES_UPDATER.getAndSet(this, 0);
public boolean isPreciseDispatcherFlowControl() {
return preciseDispatcherFlowControl;
public void setReadPositionWhenJoining(PositionImpl readPositionWhenJoining) {
this.readPositionWhenJoining = readPositionWhenJoining;
public int getMaxUnackedMessages() {
return maxUnackedMessages;
public void setMaxUnackedMessages(int maxUnackedMessages) {
this.maxUnackedMessages = maxUnackedMessages;
public TransportCnx cnx() {
return cnx;
public String getClientAddress() {
return clientAddress;
public MessageId getStartMessageId() {
return startMessageId;
private int getStickyKeyHash(Entry entry) {
byte[] stickyKey = Commands.peekStickyKey(entry.getDataBuffer(), topicName, subscription.getName());
return StickyKeyConsumerSelector.makeStickyKeyHash(stickyKey);
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Consumer.class);
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