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package org.apache.pulsar.admin.cli;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName.PUBLIC_TENANT;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
import com.beust.jcommander.converters.StringConverter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pulsar.admin.cli.utils.CmdUtils;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdmin;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdminException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.SubscriptionInitialPosition;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.FunctionConfig;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.ProducerConfig;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.Resources;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.UpdateOptionsImpl;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.Utils;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.WindowConfig;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.FunctionState;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.ObjectMapperFactory;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Interface for managing Pulsar Functions (lightweight, Lambda-style compute processes that work with Pulsar)")
public class CmdFunctions extends CmdBase {
private final LocalRunner localRunner;
private final CreateFunction creater;
private final DeleteFunction deleter;
private final UpdateFunction updater;
private final GetFunction getter;
private final GetFunctionStatus functionStatus;
private final GetFunctionStats functionStats;
private final RestartFunction restart;
private final StopFunction stop;
private final StartFunction start;
private final ListFunctions lister;
private final StateGetter stateGetter;
private final StatePutter statePutter;
private final TriggerFunction triggerer;
private final UploadFunction uploader;
private final DownloadFunction downloader;
* Base command
abstract class BaseCommand extends CliCommand {
void run() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
String chosenCommand = jcommander.getParsedCommand();
void processArguments() throws Exception {}
abstract void runCmd() throws Exception;
* Namespace level command
abstract class NamespaceCommand extends BaseCommand {
@Parameter(names = "--tenant", description = "The tenant of a Pulsar Function")
protected String tenant;
@Parameter(names = "--namespace", description = "The namespace of a Pulsar Function")
protected String namespace;
public void processArguments() {
if (tenant == null) {
if (namespace == null) {
* Function level command
abstract class FunctionCommand extends BaseCommand {
@Parameter(names = "--fqfn", description = "The Fully Qualified Function Name (FQFN) for the function")
protected String fqfn;
@Parameter(names = "--tenant", description = "The tenant of a Pulsar Function")
protected String tenant;
@Parameter(names = "--namespace", description = "The namespace of a Pulsar Function")
protected String namespace;
@Parameter(names = "--name", description = "The name of a Pulsar Function")
protected String functionName;
void processArguments() throws Exception {
boolean usesSetters = (null != tenant || null != namespace || null != functionName);
boolean usesFqfn = (null != fqfn);
// Throw an exception if --fqfn is set alongside any combination of --tenant, --namespace, and --name
if (usesFqfn && usesSetters) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"You must specify either a Fully Qualified Function Name (FQFN) or tenant, namespace, and function name");
} else if (usesFqfn) {
// If the --fqfn flag is used, parse tenant, namespace, and name using that flag
String[] fqfnParts = fqfn.split("/");
if (fqfnParts.length != 3) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Fully qualified function names (FQFNs) must be of the form tenant/namespace/name");
tenant = fqfnParts[0];
namespace = fqfnParts[1];
functionName = fqfnParts[2];
} else {
if (tenant == null) {
if (namespace == null) {
if (null == functionName) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"You must specify a name for the function or a Fully Qualified Function Name (FQFN)");
* Commands that require a function config
abstract class FunctionDetailsCommand extends BaseCommand {
@Parameter(names = "--fqfn", description = "The Fully Qualified Function Name (FQFN) for the function")
protected String fqfn;
@Parameter(names = "--tenant", description = "The tenant of a Pulsar Function")
protected String tenant;
@Parameter(names = "--namespace", description = "The namespace of a Pulsar Function")
protected String namespace;
@Parameter(names = "--name", description = "The name of a Pulsar Function")
protected String functionName;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--className", description = "The class name of a Pulsar Function", hidden = true)
protected String DEPRECATED_className;
@Parameter(names = "--classname", description = "The class name of a Pulsar Function")
protected String className;
@Parameter(names = "--jar", description = "Path to the JAR file for the function (if the function is written in Java). It also supports URL path [http/https/file (file protocol assumes that file already exists on worker host)/function (package URL from packages management service)] from which worker can download the package.", listConverter = StringConverter.class)
protected String jarFile;
names = "--py",
description = "Path to the main Python file/Python Wheel file for the function (if the function is written in Python). It also supports URL path [http/https/file (file protocol assumes that file already exists on worker host)/function (package URL from packages management service)] from which worker can download the package.",
listConverter = StringConverter.class)
protected String pyFile;
names = "--go",
description = "Path to the main Go executable binary for the function (if the function is written in Go). It also supports URL path [http/https/file (file protocol assumes that file already exists on worker host)/function (package URL from packages management service)] from which worker can download the package.")
protected String goFile;
@Parameter(names = {"-i",
"--inputs"}, description = "The input topic or topics (multiple topics can be specified as a comma-separated list) of a Pulsar Function")
protected String inputs;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--topicsPattern", description = "TopicsPattern to consume from list of topics under a namespace that match the pattern. [--input] and [--topic-pattern] are mutually exclusive. Add SerDe class name for a pattern in --custom-serde-inputs (supported for java fun only)", hidden = true)
protected String DEPRECATED_topicsPattern;
@Parameter(names = "--topics-pattern", description = "The topic pattern to consume from list of topics under a namespace that match the pattern. [--input] and [--topic-pattern] are mutually exclusive. Add SerDe class name for a pattern in --custom-serde-inputs (supported for java fun only)")
protected String topicsPattern;
@Parameter(names = {"-o", "--output"}, description = "The output topic of a Pulsar Function (If none is specified, no output is written)")
protected String output;
@Parameter(names = "--producer-config", description = "The custom producer configuration (as a JSON string)" )
protected String producerConfig;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--logTopic", description = "The topic to which the logs of a Pulsar Function are produced", hidden = true)
protected String DEPRECATED_logTopic;
@Parameter(names = "--log-topic", description = "The topic to which the logs of a Pulsar Function are produced")
protected String logTopic;
@Parameter(names = {"-st", "--schema-type"}, description = "The builtin schema type or custom schema class name to be used for messages output by the function")
protected String schemaType = "";
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--customSerdeInputs", description = "The map of input topics to SerDe class names (as a JSON string)", hidden = true)
protected String DEPRECATED_customSerdeInputString;
@Parameter(names = "--custom-serde-inputs", description = "The map of input topics to SerDe class names (as a JSON string)")
protected String customSerdeInputString;
@Parameter(names = "--custom-schema-inputs", description = "The map of input topics to Schema properties (as a JSON string)")
protected String customSchemaInputString;
@Parameter(names = "--custom-schema-outputs", description = "The map of input topics to Schema properties (as a JSON string)")
protected String customSchemaOutputString;
@Parameter(names = "--input-specs", description = "The map of inputs to custom configuration (as a JSON string)")
protected String inputSpecs;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--outputSerdeClassName", description = "The SerDe class to be used for messages output by the function", hidden = true)
protected String DEPRECATED_outputSerdeClassName;
@Parameter(names = "--output-serde-classname", description = "The SerDe class to be used for messages output by the function")
protected String outputSerdeClassName;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--functionConfigFile", description = "The path to a YAML config file that specifies the configuration of a Pulsar Function", hidden = true)
protected String DEPRECATED_fnConfigFile;
@Parameter(names = "--function-config-file", description = "The path to a YAML config file that specifies the configuration of a Pulsar Function")
protected String fnConfigFile;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--processingGuarantees", description = "The processing guarantees (aka delivery semantics) applied to the function", hidden = true)
protected FunctionConfig.ProcessingGuarantees DEPRECATED_processingGuarantees;
@Parameter(names = "--processing-guarantees", description = "The processing guarantees (aka delivery semantics) applied to the function")
protected FunctionConfig.ProcessingGuarantees processingGuarantees;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--userConfig", description = "User-defined config key/values", hidden = true)
protected String DEPRECATED_userConfigString;
@Parameter(names = "--user-config", description = "User-defined config key/values")
protected String userConfigString;
@Parameter(names = "--retainOrdering", description = "Function consumes and processes messages in order", hidden = true)
protected Boolean DEPRECATED_retainOrdering;
@Parameter(names = "--retain-ordering", description = "Function consumes and processes messages in order")
protected Boolean retainOrdering;
@Parameter(names = "--retain-key-ordering", description = "Function consumes and processes messages in key order")
protected Boolean retainKeyOrdering;
@Parameter(names = "--batch-builder", description = "BatcherBuilder provides two types of batch construction methods, DEFAULT and KEY_BASED. The default value is: DEFAULT")
protected String batchBuilder;
@Parameter(names = "--forward-source-message-property", description = "Forwarding input message's properties to output topic when processing (use false to disable it)", arity = 1)
protected Boolean forwardSourceMessageProperty = true;
@Parameter(names = "--subs-name", description = "Pulsar source subscription name if user wants a specific subscription-name for input-topic consumer")
protected String subsName;
@Parameter(names = "--subs-position", description = "Pulsar source subscription position if user wants to consume messages from the specified location")
protected SubscriptionInitialPosition subsPosition;
@Parameter(names = "--parallelism", description = "The parallelism factor of a Pulsar Function (i.e. the number of function instances to run)")
protected Integer parallelism;
@Parameter(names = "--cpu", description = "The cpu in cores that need to be allocated per function instance(applicable only to docker runtime)")
protected Double cpu;
@Parameter(names = "--ram", description = "The ram in bytes that need to be allocated per function instance(applicable only to process/docker runtime)")
protected Long ram;
@Parameter(names = "--disk", description = "The disk in bytes that need to be allocated per function instance(applicable only to docker runtime)")
protected Long disk;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--windowLengthCount", description = "The number of messages per window", hidden = true)
protected Integer DEPRECATED_windowLengthCount;
@Parameter(names = "--window-length-count", description = "The number of messages per window")
protected Integer windowLengthCount;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--windowLengthDurationMs", description = "The time duration of the window in milliseconds", hidden = true)
protected Long DEPRECATED_windowLengthDurationMs;
@Parameter(names = "--window-length-duration-ms", description = "The time duration of the window in milliseconds")
protected Long windowLengthDurationMs;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--slidingIntervalCount", description = "The number of messages after which the window slides", hidden = true)
protected Integer DEPRECATED_slidingIntervalCount;
@Parameter(names = "--sliding-interval-count", description = "The number of messages after which the window slides")
protected Integer slidingIntervalCount;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--slidingIntervalDurationMs", description = "The time duration after which the window slides", hidden = true)
protected Long DEPRECATED_slidingIntervalDurationMs;
@Parameter(names = "--sliding-interval-duration-ms", description = "The time duration after which the window slides")
protected Long slidingIntervalDurationMs;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--autoAck", description = "Whether or not the framework acknowledges messages automatically", hidden = true)
protected Boolean DEPRECATED_autoAck = null;
@Parameter(names = "--auto-ack", description = "Whether or not the framework acknowledges messages automatically", arity = 1)
protected Boolean autoAck;
// for backwards compatibility purposes
@Parameter(names = "--timeoutMs", description = "The message timeout in milliseconds", hidden = true)
protected Long DEPRECATED_timeoutMs;
@Parameter(names = "--timeout-ms", description = "The message timeout in milliseconds")
protected Long timeoutMs;
@Parameter(names = "--max-message-retries", description = "How many times should we try to process a message before giving up")
protected Integer maxMessageRetries;
@Parameter(names = "--custom-runtime-options", description = "A string that encodes options to customize the runtime, see docs for configured runtime for details")
protected String customRuntimeOptions;
@Parameter(names = "--secrets", description = "The map of secretName to an object that encapsulates how the secret is fetched by the underlying secrets provider")
protected String secretsString;
@Parameter(names = "--dead-letter-topic", description = "The topic where messages that are not processed successfully are sent to")
protected String deadLetterTopic;
protected FunctionConfig functionConfig;
protected String userCodeFile;
private void mergeArgs() {
if (isBlank(className) && !isBlank(DEPRECATED_className)) {
className = DEPRECATED_className;
if (isBlank(topicsPattern) && !isBlank(DEPRECATED_topicsPattern)) {
topicsPattern = DEPRECATED_topicsPattern;
if (isBlank(logTopic) && !isBlank(DEPRECATED_logTopic)) {
logTopic = DEPRECATED_logTopic;
if (isBlank(outputSerdeClassName) && !isBlank(DEPRECATED_outputSerdeClassName)) {
outputSerdeClassName = DEPRECATED_outputSerdeClassName;
if (isBlank(customSerdeInputString) && !isBlank(DEPRECATED_customSerdeInputString)) {
customSerdeInputString = DEPRECATED_customSerdeInputString;
if (isBlank(fnConfigFile) && !isBlank(DEPRECATED_fnConfigFile)) {
fnConfigFile = DEPRECATED_fnConfigFile;
if (processingGuarantees == null && DEPRECATED_processingGuarantees != null) {
processingGuarantees = DEPRECATED_processingGuarantees;
if (isBlank(userConfigString) && !isBlank(DEPRECATED_userConfigString)) {
userConfigString = DEPRECATED_userConfigString;
if (retainOrdering == null && DEPRECATED_retainOrdering != null) {
retainOrdering = DEPRECATED_retainOrdering;
if (windowLengthCount == null && DEPRECATED_windowLengthCount != null) {
windowLengthCount = DEPRECATED_windowLengthCount;
if (windowLengthDurationMs == null && DEPRECATED_windowLengthDurationMs != null) {
windowLengthDurationMs = DEPRECATED_windowLengthDurationMs;
if (slidingIntervalCount == null && DEPRECATED_slidingIntervalCount != null) {
slidingIntervalCount = DEPRECATED_slidingIntervalCount;
if (slidingIntervalDurationMs == null && DEPRECATED_slidingIntervalDurationMs != null) {
slidingIntervalDurationMs = DEPRECATED_slidingIntervalDurationMs;
if (autoAck == null && DEPRECATED_autoAck != null) {
autoAck = DEPRECATED_autoAck;
if (timeoutMs == null && DEPRECATED_timeoutMs != null) {
timeoutMs = DEPRECATED_timeoutMs;
void processArguments() throws Exception {
// merge deprecated args with new args
// Initialize config builder either from a supplied YAML config file or from scratch
if (null != fnConfigFile) {
functionConfig = CmdUtils.loadConfig(fnConfigFile, FunctionConfig.class);
} else {
functionConfig = new FunctionConfig();
if (null != fqfn) {
parseFullyQualifiedFunctionName(fqfn, functionConfig);
} else {
if (null != tenant) {
if (null != namespace) {
if (null != functionName) {
if (null != inputs) {
List inputTopics = Arrays.asList(inputs.split(","));
if (null != customSerdeInputString) {
Type type = new TypeToken