io.strimzi.crdgenerator.CrdGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright Strimzi authors.
* License: Apache License 2.0 (see the file LICENSE or
package io.strimzi.crdgenerator;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ContainerNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLMapper;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.CustomResource;
import io.strimzi.api.annotations.ApiVersion;
import io.strimzi.api.annotations.KubeVersion;
import io.strimzi.api.annotations.VersionRange;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Alternation;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Alternative;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Crd;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Description;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Example;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Maximum;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Minimum;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.MinimumItems;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.OneOf;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Pattern;
import io.strimzi.crdgenerator.annotations.Type;
import static io.strimzi.api.annotations.ApiVersion.V1;
import static io.strimzi.crdgenerator.Property.hasAnyGetterAndAnySetter;
import static;
import static io.strimzi.crdgenerator.Property.sortedProperties;
import static io.strimzi.crdgenerator.Property.subtypes;
import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isAbstract;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
* Generates a Kubernetes {@code CustomResourceDefinition} YAML file
* from an annotated Java model (POJOs).
* The tool supports Jackson annotations and a few custom annotations in order
* to generate a high-quality schema that's compatible with
* K8S CRD validation schema support, which is more limited that the full OpenAPI schema
* supported in the rest of K8S.
* The tool works by recursing through class properties (in the JavaBeans sense)
* and the types of those properties, guided by the annotations.
* Annotations
* - @{@link Crd}
* - Annotates the top level class which represents an instance of the custom resource.
* This provides certain information used for the {@code CustomResourceDefinition}
* such as API group, version, singular and plural names etc.
* - @{@link Description}
* - A description on a class or method: This gets added to the {@code description}
* of {@code property}s within the corresponding Schema Object.
- @{@link Example}
* - An example of usage. This gets added to the {@code example}
* of {@code property}s within the corresponding Schema Object.
- @{@link Pattern}
* - A pattern (regular expression) for checking the syntax of string-typed properties.
* This gets added to the {@code pattern}
* of {@code property}s within the corresponding Schema Object.
- @{@link Minimum}
* - A inclusive minimum for checking the bounds of integer-typed properties.
* This gets added to the {@code minimum}
* of {@code property}s within the corresponding Schema Object.
* - @{@link Maximum}
* - A inclusive maximum for checking the bounds of integer-typed properties.
* This gets added to the {@code maximum}
* of {@code property}s within the corresponding Schema Object.
* - {@code @Deprecated}
* - When present on a JavaBean property this marks the property as being deprecated within
* the corresponding Schema Object.
* When present on a Class this marks properties of that type as
* being deprecated within the corresponding Schema Object
* - {@code @JsonProperty.value}
* - Overrides the default name (which is the JavaBean property name)
* with the given {@code value} in the {@code properties}
* of the corresponding Schema Object.
* - {@code @JsonProperty.required} and {@code}
* - Marks a getter method as being required, adding it to the
* {@code required} of the corresponding Schema Object.
* - {@code @JsonIgnore}
* - Marks a property as ignored, omitting it from the {@code properties}
* of the corresponding Schema Object.
* - {@code @JsonSubTypes}
* - See following "Polymorphism" section.
* - {@code @JsonPropertyOrder}
* - The declared order is reflected in ordering of the {@code properties}
* in the corresponding Schema Object.
* Polymorphism
* Although true OpenAPI Schema Objects have some support for polymorphism via
* {@code discriminator} and {@code oneOf}, CRD validation schemas don't support
* {@code discriminator} or references which means CRD validation
* schemas don't support proper polymorphism.
* This tool provides some "fake" support for polymorphism by understanding
* {@code @JsonTypeInfo.use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME},
* {@code} (which is Jackson's equivalent of a discriminator)
* and {@code @JsonSubTypes} (which enumerates on the supertype the allowed subtypes
* and their logical names).
* The tool will "fake" {@code oneOf} by constructing the union of the properties
* of all the subtypes. This means that different subtypes cannot have (JavaBean)
* properties of the same name but different types.
* It also means that you have to include in the property {@code @Description}
* which values of the {@code discriminator} (i.e. which subtype) the property
* applies to.
* @see OpenAPI Specification Schema Object doc
* @see Additional restriction for CRDs
public class CrdGenerator {
public static final YAMLMapper YAML_MAPPER = new YAMLMapper()
.configure(YAMLGenerator.Feature.WRITE_DOC_START_MARKER, false);
public static final ObjectMapper JSON_MATTER = new ObjectMapper();
private final ApiVersion crdApiVersion;
private final List generateVersions;
private final ApiVersion storageVersion;
private final VersionRange servedVersion;
private final VersionRange describeVersions;
// TODO CrdValidator
// extraProperties
// @Buildable
public interface Reporter {
void warn(String s);
void err(String s);
public static class DefaultReporter implements Reporter {
public void warn(String s) {
System.err.println("CrdGenerator: warn: " + s);
public void err(String s) {
System.err.println("CrdGenerator: error: " + s);
Reporter reporter = new DefaultReporter();
public void warn(String s) {
public static void argParseErr(String s) {
System.err.println("CrdGenerator: error: " + s);
public void err(String s) {
public interface ConversionStrategy {
public static class NoneConversionStrategy implements ConversionStrategy {
public static class WebhookConversionStrategy implements ConversionStrategy {
private final String url;
private final String name;
private final String namespace;
private final String path;
private final int port;
private final String caBundle;
public WebhookConversionStrategy(String url, String caBundle) {
this.url = url; = null;
this.namespace = null;
this.path = null;
this.port = -1;
this.caBundle = caBundle;
public WebhookConversionStrategy(String name, String namespace, String path, int port, String caBundle) {
if (port <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.url = null; = name;
this.namespace = namespace;
this.path = path;
this.port = port;
this.caBundle = caBundle;
public boolean isUrl() {
return url != null;
private final VersionRange targetKubeVersions;
private final ObjectMapper mapper;
private final JsonNodeFactory nf;
private final Map labels;
private final ConversionStrategy conversionStrategy;
private int numErrors;
public CrdGenerator(VersionRange targetKubeVersions, ApiVersion crdApiVersion) {
this(targetKubeVersions, crdApiVersion, CrdGenerator.YAML_MAPPER, emptyMap(), new DefaultReporter(),
emptyList(), null, null, new NoneConversionStrategy(), null);
* @param targetKubeVersions The targetted version(s) of Kubernetes.
* @param crdApiVersion The version of the CRD API for which to generate the CRD.
* @param mapper The object mapper.
* @param labels The labels to add to the CRD.
* @param reporter The error reporter.
* @param apiVersions The API versions to generate (allows selecting a subset of those in the @Crd annotation).
* @param storageVersion If not null, override the storageVersion to the given value.
* @param servedVersions If not null, override the serverd versions according to the given range.
* @param conversionStrategy The conversion strategy.
* @param describeVersions The range of API versions for which descriptions should be added
public CrdGenerator(VersionRange targetKubeVersions, ApiVersion crdApiVersion,
ObjectMapper mapper, Map labels, Reporter reporter,
List apiVersions,
ApiVersion storageVersion,
VersionRange servedVersions,
ConversionStrategy conversionStrategy,
VersionRange describeVersions) {
this.reporter = reporter;
if (targetKubeVersions.isEmpty()
|| targetKubeVersions.isAll()) {
err("Target kubernetes version cannot be empty or all");
this.targetKubeVersions = targetKubeVersions;
this.crdApiVersion = crdApiVersion;
this.mapper = mapper; = mapper.getNodeFactory();
this.labels = labels;
this.generateVersions = apiVersions;
this.describeVersions = describeVersions;
this.storageVersion = storageVersion;
this.servedVersion = servedVersions;
this.conversionStrategy = conversionStrategy;
public int generate(Class extends CustomResource> crdClass, Writer out) throws IOException {
ObjectNode node = nf.objectNode();
Crd crd = crdClass.getAnnotation(Crd.class);
if (crd == null) {
err(crdClass + " is not annotated with @Crd");
} else {
node.put("apiVersion", "" + crdApiVersion)
.put("kind", "CustomResourceDefinition")
.put("name", crd.spec().names().plural() + "." + crd.spec().group());
if (!labels.isEmpty()) {
((ObjectNode) node.get("metadata"))
.collect(Collectors., String, JsonNode, LinkedHashMap>toMap(
e -> new TextNode(
.replace("%group%", crd.spec().group())
.replace("%plural%", crd.spec().names().plural())
.replace("%singular%", crd.spec().names().singular())),
(x, y) -> x,
node.set("spec", buildSpec(crdApiVersion, crd.spec(), crdClass));
mapper.writeValue(out, node);
return numErrors;
private ObjectNode buildSpec(ApiVersion crdApiVersion,
Crd.Spec crd, Class extends CustomResource> crdClass) {
ObjectNode result = nf.objectNode();
ArrayNode versions = nf.arrayNode();
// Kube apiserver with CRD v1beta1 is picky about only using per-version subresources, schemas and printercolumns
// if they actually differ across the versions. If they're the same, it insists these things are
// declared top level
// With CRD v1 they have to be per-version :face-with-rolling-eyes:
Map subresources = buildSubresources(crd);
boolean perVersionSubResources = needsPerVersion("subresources", subresources);
Map schemas = buildSchemas(crd, crdClass);
boolean perVersionSchemas = needsPerVersion("schemas", schemas);
Map printerColumns = buildPrinterColumns(crd);
boolean perVersionPrinterColumns = needsPerVersion("additionalPrinterColumns", printerColumns);
result.set("names", buildNames(crd.names()));
result.put("scope", crd.scope());
if (!perVersionPrinterColumns) {
ArrayNode cols = printerColumns.values().iterator().next();
if (!cols.isEmpty()) {
result.set("additionalPrinterColumns", cols);
if (!perVersionSubResources) {
ObjectNode subresource = subresources.values().iterator().next();
if (!subresource.isEmpty()) {
result.set("subresources", subresource);
if (conversionStrategy instanceof WebhookConversionStrategy) {
// "Webhook": must be None if spec.preserveUnknownFields is true
result.put("preserveUnknownFields", false);
result.set("conversion", buildConversion(crdApiVersion));
for (Crd.Spec.Version version : crd.versions()) {
ApiVersion crApiVersion = ApiVersion.parse(;
if (!shouldIncludeVersion(crApiVersion)) {
ObjectNode versionNode = versions.addObject();
versionNode.put("name", crApiVersion.toString());
versionNode.put("served", servedVersion != null ? servedVersion.contains(crApiVersion) : version.served());
versionNode.put("storage", storageVersion != null ? crApiVersion.equals(storageVersion) :;
if (perVersionSubResources) {
ObjectNode subresourcesForVersion = subresources.get(crApiVersion);
if (!subresourcesForVersion.isEmpty()) {
versionNode.set("subresources", subresourcesForVersion);
if (perVersionPrinterColumns) {
ArrayNode cols = printerColumns.get(crApiVersion);
if (!cols.isEmpty()) {
versionNode.set("additionalPrinterColumns", cols);
if (perVersionSchemas) {
versionNode.set("schema", schemas.get(crApiVersion));
result.set("versions", versions);
if (crdApiVersion.compareTo(V1) < 0
&& targetKubeVersions.intersects(KubeVersion.parseRange("1.11-1.15"))) {
.map(v -> ApiVersion.parse(
if (!perVersionSchemas) {
result.set("validation", schemas.values().iterator().next());
return result;
private ObjectNode buildConversion(ApiVersion crdApiVersion) {
ObjectNode conversion = nf.objectNode();
if (conversionStrategy instanceof NoneConversionStrategy) {
conversion.put("strategy", "None");
} else if (conversionStrategy instanceof WebhookConversionStrategy) {
boolean v1Beta1CrdApi = crdApiVersion.compareTo(V1) < 0;
conversion.put("strategy", "Webhook");
WebhookConversionStrategy webhookStrategy = (WebhookConversionStrategy) conversionStrategy;
ObjectNode webhook = conversion.putObject(v1Beta1CrdApi ? "webhookClientConfig" : "webhook");
(v1Beta1CrdApi ? conversion : webhook).putArray("conversionReviewVersions").add("v1").add("v1beta1");
ObjectNode webhookClientConfig = (v1Beta1CrdApi ? conversion : webhook).putObject(v1Beta1CrdApi ? "webhookClientConfig" : "clientConfig");
webhookClientConfig.put("caBundle", webhookStrategy.caBundle);
if (webhookStrategy.isUrl()) {
webhookClientConfig.put("url", webhookStrategy.url);
} else {
.put("namespace", webhookStrategy.namespace)
.put("path", webhookStrategy.path)
.put("port", webhookStrategy.port);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
return conversion;
private Map buildSchemas(Crd.Spec crd, Class extends CustomResource> crdClass) {
.map(version -> ApiVersion.parse(
version -> buildValidation(crdClass, version, shouldDescribeVersion(version))));
private Map buildSubresources(Crd.Spec crd) {
.map(version -> ApiVersion.parse(
version -> buildSubresources(crd, version)));
private boolean shouldIncludeVersion(ApiVersion version) {
return generateVersions == null
|| generateVersions.isEmpty()
|| generateVersions.contains(version);
private boolean shouldDescribeVersion(ApiVersion version) {
return describeVersions == null
|| describeVersions.isEmpty()
|| describeVersions.isAll()
|| describeVersions.contains(version);
private Map buildPrinterColumns(Crd.Spec crd) {
.map(version -> ApiVersion.parse(
version -> buildAdditionalPrinterColumns(crd, version)));
private boolean needsPerVersion(String property, Map> subresources) {
if (crdApiVersion.compareTo(V1) >= 0) {
return true;
HashSet extends ContainerNode>> set = new HashSet<>(subresources.values());
int distinct = set.size();
boolean perVersionSubResources;
if (KubeVersion.supportsSchemaPerVersion(targetKubeVersions)) {
perVersionSubResources = distinct > 1;
} else {
if (distinct > 1) {
err("The " + property + " are per-version, but that's not supported " +
"by at least one Kubernetes version in " + targetKubeVersions);
perVersionSubResources = false;
return perVersionSubResources;
* Prevent things like v1 CRD API on kube < 1.16, or v1beta1 on kube > 2.21
* @param crdApiVersion The version of the CRD API being generated.
private void checkKubeVersionsSupportCrdVersion(ApiVersion crdApiVersion) {
if (!targetKubeVersions.lower().supportsCrdApiVersion(crdApiVersion)) {
err("Kubernetes version " + targetKubeVersions.lower() +
" doesn't support CustomResourceDefinition API at " + crdApiVersion);
if (targetKubeVersions.upper() != null &&
!targetKubeVersions.upper().supportsCrdApiVersion(crdApiVersion)) {
err("Kubernetes version " + targetKubeVersions.upper() +
" doesn't support CustomResourceDefinition API at " + crdApiVersion);
private ObjectNode buildSubresources(Crd.Spec crd, ApiVersion crApiVersion) {
ObjectNode subresources = nf.objectNode();
if (crd.subresources().status().length != 0) {
ObjectNode status = buildStatus(crd, crApiVersion);
if (status != null) {
subresources.set("status", status);
ObjectNode scaleNode = buildScale(crd, crApiVersion);
if (scaleNode != null) {
subresources.set("scale", scaleNode);
return subresources;
private ObjectNode buildStatus(Crd.Spec crd, ApiVersion crApiVersion) {
ObjectNode status;
long length =
.filter(st -> ApiVersion.parseRange(st.apiVersion()).contains(crApiVersion))
if (length == 1) {
status = nf.objectNode();
} else if (length > 1) {
err("Each custom resource definition can have only one status sub-resource.");
status = null;
} else {
status = null;
return status;
private ObjectNode buildScale(Crd.Spec crd, ApiVersion crApiVersion) {
ObjectNode scaleNode;
Crd.Spec.Subresources.Scale[] scales = crd.subresources().scale();
if (scales.length > 1 && !KubeVersion.supportsSchemaPerVersion(targetKubeVersions)) {
err("Multiple scales specified but " + targetKubeVersions.lower() + " doesn't support schema per version");
List filteredScales =
.filter(sc -> ApiVersion.parseRange(sc.apiVersion()).contains(crApiVersion))
if (filteredScales.size() == 1) {
scaleNode = nf.objectNode();
Crd.Spec.Subresources.Scale scale = filteredScales.get(0);
scaleNode.put("specReplicasPath", scale.specReplicasPath());
scaleNode.put("statusReplicasPath", scale.statusReplicasPath());
if (!scale.labelSelectorPath().isEmpty()) {
scaleNode.put("labelSelectorPath", scale.labelSelectorPath());
} else if (filteredScales.size() > 1 && KubeVersion.supportsSchemaPerVersion(targetKubeVersions)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Each custom resource definition can have only one scale sub-resource.");
} else {
scaleNode = null;
return scaleNode;
private ArrayNode buildAdditionalPrinterColumns(Crd.Spec crd, ApiVersion crApiVersion) {
ArrayNode cols = nf.arrayNode();
if (crd.additionalPrinterColumns().length != 0) {
for (Crd.Spec.AdditionalPrinterColumn col :
.filter(col -> crApiVersion == null || ApiVersion.parseRange(col.apiVersion()).contains(crApiVersion))
.collect(Collectors.toList())) {
ObjectNode colNode = cols.addObject();
colNode.put("description", col.description());
colNode.put(crdApiVersion.compareTo(V1) >= 0 ? "jsonPath" : "JSONPath", col.jsonPath());
colNode.put("type", col.type());
if (col.priority() != 0) {
colNode.put("priority", col.priority());
if (!col.format().isEmpty()) {
colNode.put("format", col.format());
return cols;
private JsonNode buildNames(Crd.Spec.Names names) {
ObjectNode result = nf.objectNode();
String kind = names.kind();
result.put("kind", kind);
String listKind = names.listKind();
if (listKind.isEmpty()) {
listKind = kind + "List";
result.put("listKind", listKind);
String singular = names.singular();
if (singular.isEmpty()) {
singular = kind.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
result.put("singular", singular);
result.put("plural", names.plural());
if (names.shortNames().length > 0) {
result.set("shortNames", stringArray(asList(names.shortNames())));
if (names.categories().length > 0) {
result.set("categories", stringArray(asList(names.categories())));
return result;
private ObjectNode buildValidation(Class extends CustomResource> crdClass, ApiVersion crApiVersion, boolean description) {
ObjectNode result = nf.objectNode();
// OpenShift Origin 3.10-rc0 doesn't like the `type: object` in schema root
boolean noTopLevelTypeProperty = targetKubeVersions.intersects(KubeVersion.parseRange("1.11-1.15"));
result.set("openAPIV3Schema", buildObjectSchema(crApiVersion, crdClass, crdClass, crdApiVersion.compareTo(V1) >= 0 || !noTopLevelTypeProperty, description));
return result;
private ObjectNode buildObjectSchema(ApiVersion crApiVersion, AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, Class> crdClass, boolean description) {
return buildObjectSchema(crApiVersion, annotatedElement, crdClass, true, description);
private ObjectNode buildObjectSchema(ApiVersion crApiVersion, AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, Class> crdClass, boolean printType, boolean description) {
ObjectNode result = nf.objectNode();
buildObjectSchema(crApiVersion, result, crdClass, printType, description);
return result;
private void buildObjectSchema(ApiVersion crApiVersion, ObjectNode result, Class> crdClass, boolean printType, boolean description) {
if (printType) {
result.put("type", "object");
result.set("properties", buildSchemaProperties(crApiVersion, crdClass, description));
ArrayNode oneOf = buildSchemaOneOf(crdClass);
if (oneOf != null) {
result.set("oneOf", oneOf);
ArrayNode required = buildSchemaRequired(crApiVersion, crdClass);
if (required.size() > 0) {
result.set("required", required);
private ArrayNode buildSchemaOneOf(Class> crdClass) {
ArrayNode alternatives;
OneOf oneOf = crdClass.getAnnotation(OneOf.class);
if (oneOf != null && oneOf.value().length > 0) {
alternatives = nf.arrayNode();
for (OneOf.Alternative alt : oneOf.value()) {
ObjectNode alternative = alternatives.addObject();
ObjectNode properties = alternative.putObject("properties");
for (OneOf.Alternative.Property prop: alt.value()) {
ArrayNode required = alternative.putArray("required");
for (OneOf.Alternative.Property prop: alt.value()) {
if (prop.required()) {
} else {
alternatives = null;
return alternatives;
private void checkClass(Class> crdClass) {
if (!crdClass.isAnnotationPresent(JsonInclude.class)) {
err(crdClass + " is missing @JsonInclude");
} else if (!crdClass.getAnnotation(JsonInclude.class).value().equals(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)
&& !crdClass.getAnnotation(JsonInclude.class).value().equals(JsonInclude.Include.NON_DEFAULT)) {
err(crdClass + " has a @JsonInclude value other than Include.NON_NULL");
if (!isAbstract(crdClass.getModifiers())) {
checkForBuilderClass(crdClass, crdClass.getName() + "Builder");
checkForBuilderClass(crdClass, crdClass.getName() + "Fluent");
checkForBuilderClass(crdClass, crdClass.getName() + "FluentImpl");
if (!Modifier.isAbstract(crdClass.getModifiers())) {
} else {
for (Class c : subtypes(crdClass)) {
checkDiscriminatorIsIncluded(crdClass, c);
checkInherits(crdClass, "");
if (crdClass.getName().startsWith("io.strimzi.api.")) {
checkInherits(crdClass, "io.strimzi.api.kafka.model.UnknownPropertyPreserving");
if (!Modifier.isAbstract(crdClass.getModifiers())) {
checkClassOverrides(crdClass, "hashCode");
checkClassOverrides(crdClass, "equals", Object.class);
private void checkDiscriminatorIsIncluded(Class> crdClass, Class c) {
try {
String typePropertyName = crdClass.getAnnotation(JsonTypeInfo.class).property();
String methodName = "get" + typePropertyName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + typePropertyName.substring(1).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
Method method = c.getMethod(methodName);
if (!isAnnotatedWithIncludeNonNull(method)) {
err(c.getCanonicalName() + "#" + methodName + " is not annotated with @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
private boolean isAnnotatedWithIncludeNonNull(Method method) {
JsonInclude ann = method.getAnnotation(JsonInclude.class);
return ann != null && ann.value().equals(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL);
private void checkInherits(Class> crdClass, String className) {
if (!inherits(crdClass, className)) {
err(crdClass + " does not inherit " + className);
private boolean inherits(Class> crdClass, String className) {
Class> c = crdClass;
boolean found = false;
outer: do {
if (className.equals(c.getName())) {
found = true;
break outer;
for (Class> i : c.getInterfaces()) {
if (inherits(i, className)) {
found = true;
break outer;
c = c.getSuperclass();
} while (c != null);
return found;
private void checkForBuilderClass(Class> crdClass, String builderClass) {
try {
Class.forName(builderClass, false, crdClass.getClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
err(crdClass + " is not annotated with @Buildable (" + builderClass + " does not exist)");
private void checkClassOverrides(Class> crdClass, String methodName, Class>... parameterTypes) {
try {
crdClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
err(crdClass + " does not override " + methodName);
private Collection unionOfSubclassProperties(ApiVersion crApiVersion, Class> crdClass) {
TreeMap result = new TreeMap<>();
for (Class subtype : Property.subtypes(crdClass)) {
result.putAll(properties(crApiVersion, subtype));
result.putAll(properties(crApiVersion, crdClass));
JsonPropertyOrder order = crdClass.getAnnotation(JsonPropertyOrder.class);
return sortedProperties(order != null ? order.value() : null, result).values();
private ArrayNode buildSchemaRequired(ApiVersion crApiVersion, Class> crdClass) {
ArrayNode result = nf.arrayNode();
for (Property property : unionOfSubclassProperties(crApiVersion, crdClass)) {
if (property.isAnnotationPresent(JsonProperty.class)
&& property.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class).required()
|| property.isDiscriminator()) {
return result;
private ObjectNode buildSchemaProperties(ApiVersion crApiVersion, Class> crdClass, boolean description) {
ObjectNode properties = nf.objectNode();
for (Property property : unionOfSubclassProperties(crApiVersion, crdClass)) {
if (property.getType().getType().isAnnotationPresent(Alternation.class)) {
List alternatives = property.getAlternatives(crApiVersion, targetKubeVersions);
if (alternatives.size() == 1) {
properties.set(property.getName(), buildSchema(crApiVersion, alternatives.get(0), description));
} else if (alternatives.size() == 0) {
err("Class " + property.getType().getType().getName() + " is annotated with " +
"@" + Alternation.class.getSimpleName() + " but has no " +
"@" + Alternative.class.getSimpleName() + "-annotated properties");
} else {
// TODO strictly speaking this is completely wrong if multiple versions aren't supported
buildMultiTypeProperty(crApiVersion, properties, property, alternatives, description);
} else {
buildProperty(crApiVersion, properties, property, description);
return properties;
private void buildMultiTypeProperty(ApiVersion crApiVersion, ObjectNode properties, Property property, List alternatives, boolean description) {
ArrayNode oneOfAlternatives = nf.arrayNode(alternatives.size());
for (Property alternative : alternatives) {
oneOfAlternatives.add(buildSchema(crApiVersion, alternative, description));
ObjectNode oneOf = nf.objectNode();
oneOf.set("oneOf", oneOfAlternatives);
properties.set(property.getName(), oneOf);
private void buildProperty(ApiVersion crdApiVersion, ObjectNode properties, Property property, boolean description) {
properties.set(property.getName(), buildSchema(crdApiVersion, property, description));
private ObjectNode buildSchema(ApiVersion crApiVersion, Property property, boolean description) {
PropertyType propertyType = property.getType();
Class> returnType = propertyType.getType();
final ObjectNode schema;
if (propertyType.getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType
&& ((ParameterizedType) propertyType.getGenericType()).getRawType().equals(Map.class)
&& ((ParameterizedType) propertyType.getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[0].equals(Integer.class)) {
System.err.println("It's OK");
schema = nf.objectNode();
schema.put("type", "object");
schema.putObject("patternProperties").set("-?[0-9]+", buildArraySchema(crApiVersion, property, new PropertyType(null, ((ParameterizedType) propertyType.getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[1]), description));
} else if (Schema.isJsonScalarType(returnType)
|| Map.class.equals(returnType)) {
schema = addSimpleTypeConstraints(crApiVersion, buildBasicTypeSchema(property, returnType), property);
} else if (returnType.isArray() || List.class.equals(returnType)) {
schema = buildArraySchema(crApiVersion, property, property.getType(), description);
} else {
schema = buildObjectSchema(crApiVersion, property, returnType, description);
if (description) {
addDescription(crApiVersion, schema, property);
return schema;
private ObjectNode buildArraySchema(ApiVersion crApiVersion, Property property, PropertyType propertyType, boolean description) {
int arrayDimension = propertyType.arrayDimension();
ObjectNode result = nf.objectNode();
ObjectNode itemResult = result;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayDimension; i++) {
itemResult.put("type", "array");
MinimumItems minimumItems = selectVersion(crApiVersion, property, MinimumItems.class);
if (minimumItems != null) {
result.put("minItems", minimumItems.value());
itemResult = itemResult.putObject("items");
Class> elementType = propertyType.arrayBase();
if (String.class.equals(elementType)) {
itemResult.put("type", "string");
} else if (Integer.class.equals(elementType)
|| int.class.equals(elementType)
|| Long.class.equals(elementType)
|| long.class.equals(elementType)) {
itemResult.put("type", "integer");
} else if (Map.class.equals(elementType)) {
itemResult.put("type", "object");
} else if (elementType.isEnum()) {
itemResult.put("type", "string");
try {
Method valuesMethod = elementType.getMethod("values");
itemResult.set("enum", enumCaseArray((Enum[]) valuesMethod.invoke(null)));
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
buildObjectSchema(crApiVersion, itemResult, elementType, true, description);
return result;
private ObjectNode buildBasicTypeSchema(AnnotatedElement element, Class type) {
ObjectNode result = nf.objectNode();
String typeName;
Type typeAnno = element.getAnnotation(Type.class);
if (typeAnno == null) {
typeName = typeName(type);
if (Map.class.equals(type)) {
} else {
typeName = typeAnno.value();
result.put("type", typeName);
return result;
private void preserveUnknownFields(ObjectNode result) {
if (crdApiVersion.compareTo(V1) >= 0) {
result.put("x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields", true);
private void addDescription(ApiVersion crApiVersion, ObjectNode result, AnnotatedElement element) {
Description description = selectVersion(crApiVersion, element, Description.class);
if (description != null) {
result.put("description", DocGenerator.getDescription(description));
private ObjectNode addSimpleTypeConstraints(ApiVersion crApiVersion, ObjectNode result, Property property) {
Example example = property.getAnnotation(Example.class);
// TODO make support versions
if (example != null) {
result.put("example", example.value());
Minimum minimum = selectVersion(crApiVersion, property, Minimum.class);
if (minimum != null) {
result.put("minimum", minimum.value());
Maximum maximum = selectVersion(crApiVersion, property, Maximum.class);
if (maximum != null) {
result.put("maximum", maximum.value());
Pattern first = selectVersion(crApiVersion, property, Pattern.class);
if (first != null) {
result.put("pattern", first.value());
if (property.getType().isEnum()) {
result.set("enum", enumCaseArray(property.getType().getEnumElements()));
if (property.getDeclaringClass().isAnnotationPresent(JsonTypeInfo.class)
&& property.getName().equals(property.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(JsonTypeInfo.class).property())) {
result.set("enum", stringArray(Property.subtypeNames(property.getDeclaringClass())));
// The deprecated field cannot be set in Kube OpenAPI v3 schema. But we should keep this code for future when it might be possible.
/*Deprecated deprecated = property.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class);
if (deprecated == null) {
deprecated = property.getType().getType().getAnnotation(Deprecated.class);
if (deprecated != null) {
result.put("deprecated", true);
return result;
private T selectVersion(ApiVersion crApiVersion, AnnotatedElement element, Class cls) {
T[] wrapperAnnotation = element.getAnnotationsByType(cls);
if (wrapperAnnotation == null) {
return null;
checkDisjointVersions(element, wrapperAnnotation, cls);
// TODO crApiVersion == null does not really imply we should return the first description.
.filter(element1 -> crApiVersion == null || apiVersion(element1, cls).contains(crApiVersion))
private void checkDisjointVersions(AnnotatedElement annotated, T[] wrapperAnnotation, Class annotationClass) {
long count =
.map(element -> apiVersion(element, annotationClass)).count();
if (count > 1 && !KubeVersion.supportsSchemaPerVersion(targetKubeVersions)) {
err("Target kubernetes versions " + targetKubeVersions + " don't support schema-per-version, but multiple versions present on " + annotated);
long distinctCount =
.map(element -> apiVersion(element, annotationClass)).distinct().count();
if (count != distinctCount) {
err("Duplicate version ranges on " + annotated);
.map(element -> apiVersion(element, annotationClass))
.flatMap(x ->
.map(y -> apiVersion(y, annotationClass))
.filter(y -> !y.equals(x))
.map(y -> new VersionRange[]{x, y}))
.forEach(pair -> {
if (pair[0].intersects(pair[1])) {
err(pair[0] + " and " + pair[1] + " are not disjoint on " + annotated);
private static VersionRange apiVersion(T element, Class annotationClass) {
try {
Method apiVersionsMethod = annotationClass.getDeclaredMethod("apiVersions");
String apiVersions = (String) apiVersionsMethod.invoke(element);
return ApiVersion.parseRange(apiVersions);
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private > ArrayNode enumCaseArray(E[] values) {
ArrayNode arrayNode = nf.arrayNode();
return arrayNode;
private String typeName(Class type) {
if (String.class.equals(type)) {
return "string";
} else if (int.class.equals(type)
|| Integer.class.equals(type)
|| long.class.equals(type)
|| Long.class.equals(type)
|| short.class.equals(type)
|| Short.class.equals(type)) {
return "integer";
} else if (boolean.class.equals(type)
|| Boolean.class.equals(type)) {
return "boolean";
} else if (Map.class.equals(type)) {
return "object";
} else if (List.class.equals(type)
|| type.isArray()) {
return "array";
} else if (type.isEnum()) {
return "string";
} else if (Double.class.equals(type)
|| double.class.equals(type)
|| float.class.equals(type)
|| Float.class.equals(type)) {
return "number";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(type.getName());
ArrayNode stringArray(Iterable list) {
ArrayNode arrayNode = nf.arrayNode();
for (String sn : list) {
return arrayNode;
static class CommandOptions {
private boolean yaml = false;
private LinkedHashMap labels = new LinkedHashMap<>();
VersionRange targetKubeVersions = null;
ApiVersion crdApiVersion = null;
List apiVersions = null;
VersionRange describeVersions = null;
ApiVersion storageVersion = null;
Map> classes = new HashMap<>();
private final ConversionStrategy conversionStrategy;
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "CyclomaticComplexity", "JavaNCSS", "MethodLength"})
public CommandOptions(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
String conversionServiceUrl = null;
String conversionServiceName = null;
String conversionServiceNamespace = null;
String conversionServicePath = null;
int conversionServicePort = -1;
String conversionServiceCaBundle = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String arg = args[i];
if (arg.startsWith("--")) {
switch (arg) {
case "--yaml":
yaml = true;
case "--label":
int index = args[i].indexOf(":");
if (index == -1) {
argParseErr("Invalid --label " + args[i]);
labels.put(args[i].substring(0, index), args[i].substring(index + 1));
case "--target-kube":
if (targetKubeVersions != null) {
argParseErr("--target-kube can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--target-kube needs an argument");
} else {
targetKubeVersions = KubeVersion.parseRange(args[++i]);
case "--crd-api-version":
if (crdApiVersion != null) {
argParseErr("--crd-api-version can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--crd-api-version needs an argument");
} else {
crdApiVersion = ApiVersion.parse(args[++i]);
case "--api-versions":
if (apiVersions != null) {
argParseErr("--api-versions can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--api-versions needs an argument");
} else {
apiVersions =[++i].split(",")).map(v -> ApiVersion.parse(v)).collect(Collectors.toList());
case "--describe-api-versions":
if (describeVersions != null) {
argParseErr("--describe-api-versions can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--describe-api-versions needs an argument");
} else {
describeVersions = ApiVersion.parseRange(args[++i]);
case "--storage-version":
if (storageVersion != null) {
argParseErr("--storage-version can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--storage-version needs an argument");
} else {
storageVersion = ApiVersion.parse(args[++i]);
case "--conversion-service-url":
if (conversionServiceUrl != null) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-url can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-url needs an argument");
} else {
conversionServiceUrl = args[++i];
case "--conversion-service-name":
if (conversionServiceName != null) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-name can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-name needs an argument");
} else {
conversionServiceName = args[++i];
case "--conversion-service-namespace":
if (conversionServiceNamespace != null) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-namespace can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-namespace needs an argument");
} else {
conversionServiceNamespace = args[++i];
case "--conversion-service-path":
if (conversionServicePath != null) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-path can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-path needs an argument");
} else {
conversionServicePath = args[++i];
case "--conversion-service-port":
if (conversionServicePort > 0) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-port can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-port needs an argument");
} else {
conversionServicePort = parseInt(args[++i]);
case "--conversion-service-ca-bundle":
if (conversionServiceCaBundle != null) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-ca-bundle can only be specified once");
} else if (i >= arg.length() - 1) {
argParseErr("--conversion-service-ca-bundle needs an argument");
} else {
// TODO read file and base64
File file = new File(args[++i]);
byte[] bundleBytes = Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath());
conversionServiceCaBundle = new String(bundleBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
if (!conversionServiceCaBundle.contains("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("File " + file + " given by --conversion-service-ca-bundle should be PEM encoded");
conversionServiceCaBundle = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bundleBytes);
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported command line option " + arg);
} else {
String className = arg.substring(0, arg.indexOf('='));
String fileName = arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1).replace("/", File.separator);
Class> cls = Class.forName(className);
if (!CustomResource.class.equals(cls)
&& CustomResource.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
classes.put(fileName, (Class extends CustomResource>) cls);
} else {
argParseErr(cls + " is not a subclass of " + CustomResource.class.getName());
if (targetKubeVersions == null) {
targetKubeVersions = KubeVersion.parseRange("1.11+");
if (crdApiVersion == null) {
crdApiVersion = ApiVersion.V1BETA1;
if (conversionServiceName != null) {
conversionStrategy = new WebhookConversionStrategy(conversionServiceName, conversionServiceNamespace, conversionServicePath, conversionServicePort, conversionServiceCaBundle);
} else if (conversionServiceUrl != null) {
conversionStrategy = new WebhookConversionStrategy(conversionServiceUrl, conversionServiceCaBundle);
} else {
conversionStrategy = new NoneConversionStrategy();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
CommandOptions opts = new CommandOptions(args);
CrdGenerator generator = new CrdGenerator(opts.targetKubeVersions, opts.crdApiVersion,
opts.yaml ? YAML_MAPPER.configure(YAMLGenerator.Feature.MINIMIZE_QUOTES, true) : JSON_MATTER,
opts.labels, new DefaultReporter(),
opts.apiVersions, opts.storageVersion, null, opts.conversionStrategy, opts.describeVersions);
for (Map.Entry> entry : opts.classes.entrySet()) {
File file = new File(entry.getKey());
if (file.getParentFile().exists()) {
if (!file.getParentFile().isDirectory()) {
generator.err(file.getParentFile() + " is not a directory");
} else if (!file.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
generator.err(file.getParentFile() + " does not exist and could not be created");
try (Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
generator.generate(entry.getValue(), w);
if (generator.numErrors > 0) {
System.err.println("There were " + generator.numErrors + " errors");
} else {