perl.ApiFactory.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package {{moduleName}}::ApiFactory;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Module::Find;
usesub {{moduleName}}::Object;
use {{moduleName}}::ApiClient;
=head1 Name
{{moduleName}}::ApiFactory - constructs APIs to retrieve {{moduleName}} objects
=head1 Synopsis
package My::Petstore::App;
use {{moduleName}}::ApiFactory;
my $api_factory = {{moduleName}}::ApiFactory->new( ... ); # any args for ApiClient constructor
# later...
my $pet_api = $api_factory->get_api('Pet');
# $pet_api isa {{moduleName}}::PetApi
my $pet = $pet_api->get_pet_by_id(pet_id => $pet_id);
# object attributes have proper accessors:
printf "Pet's name is %s", $pet->name;
# change the value stored on the object:
# Load all the API classes and construct a lookup table at startup time
my %_apis = map { $_ =~ /^{{moduleName}}::(.*)$/; $1 => $_ }
grep {$_ =~ /Api$/}
usesub '{{moduleName}}';
=head1 new()
Any parameters are optional, and are passed to and stored on the api_client object.
base_url: (optional)
supply this to change the default base URL taken from the Swagger definition.
sub new {
my ($class, %p) = (shift, @_);
$p{api_client} = {{moduleName}}::ApiClient->instance(%p);
return bless \%p, $class;
=head1 get_api($which)
Returns an API object of the requested type.
$which is a nickname for the class:
FooBarClient::BazApi has nickname 'Baz'
sub get_api {
my ($self, $which) = @_;
croak "API not specified" unless $which;
my $api_class = $_apis{"${which}Api"} || croak "No known API for '$which'";
return $api_class->new(api_client => $self->api_client);
=head1 api_client()
Returns the api_client object, should you ever need it.
sub api_client { $_[0]->{api_client} }
=head1 apis_available()
sub apis_available { return map { $_ =~ s/Api$//; $_ } sort keys %_apis }
=head1 classname_for()
sub classname_for {
my ($self, $api_name) = @_;
return $_apis{"${api_name}Api"};
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