swift.Models.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Models.swift
// Generated by swagger-codegen
// https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen
import Foundation
protocol JSONEncodable {
func encodeToJSON() -> AnyObject
public class Response {
public let statusCode: Int
public let header: [String: String]
public let body: T
public init(statusCode: Int, header: [String: String], body: T) {
self.statusCode = statusCode
self.header = header
self.body = body
public convenience init(response: NSHTTPURLResponse, body: T) {
let rawHeader = response.allHeaderFields
var header = [String:String]()
for (key, value) in rawHeader {
header[key as! String] = value as? String
self.init(statusCode: response.statusCode, header: header, body: body)
private var once = dispatch_once_t()
class Decoders {
static private var decoders = Dictionary AnyObject)>()
static func addDecoder(clazz clazz: T.Type, decoder: ((AnyObject) -> T)) {
let key = "\(T.self)"
decoders[key] = { decoder($0) as! AnyObject }
static func decode(clazz clazz: [T].Type, source: AnyObject) -> [T] {
let array = source as! [AnyObject]
return array.map { Decoders.decode(clazz: T.self, source: $0) }
static func decode(clazz clazz: [Key:T].Type, source: AnyObject) -> [Key:T] {
let sourceDictinoary = source as! [Key: AnyObject]
var dictionary = [Key:T]()
for (key, value) in sourceDictinoary {
dictionary[key] = Decoders.decode(clazz: T.self, source: value)
return dictionary
static func decode(clazz clazz: T.Type, source: AnyObject) -> T {
if source is T {
return source as! T
let key = "\(T.self)"
if let decoder = decoders[key] {
return decoder(source) as! T
} else {
fatalError("Source \(source) is not convertible to type \(clazz): Maybe swagger file is insufficient")
static func decodeOptional(clazz clazz: T.Type, source: AnyObject?) -> T? {
if source is NSNull {
return nil
return source.map { (source: AnyObject) -> T in
Decoders.decode(clazz: clazz, source: source)
static func decodeOptional(clazz clazz: [T].Type, source: AnyObject?) -> [T]? {
if source is NSNull {
return nil
return source.map { (someSource: AnyObject) -> [T] in
Decoders.decode(clazz: clazz, source: someSource)
static func decodeOptional(clazz clazz: [Key:T].Type, source: AnyObject?) -> [Key:T]? {
if source is NSNull {
return nil
return source.map { (someSource: AnyObject) -> [Key:T] in
Decoders.decode(clazz: clazz, source: someSource)
static private func initialize() {
dispatch_once(&once) {
let formatters = [
].map { (format: String) -> NSDateFormatter in
let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = format
return formatter
// Decoder for NSDate
Decoders.addDecoder(clazz: NSDate.self) { (source: AnyObject) -> NSDate in
if let sourceString = source as? String {
for formatter in formatters {
if let date = formatter.dateFromString(sourceString) {
return date
if let sourceInt = source as? Int {
// treat as a java date
return NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(sourceInt / 1000) )
fatalError("formatter failed to parse \(source)")
} {{#models}}{{#model}}
// Decoder for [{{{classname}}}]
Decoders.addDecoder(clazz: [{{{classname}}}].self) { (source: AnyObject) -> [{{{classname}}}] in
return Decoders.decode(clazz: [{{{classname}}}].self, source: source)
// Decoder for {{{classname}}}
Decoders.addDecoder(clazz: {{{classname}}}.self) { (source: AnyObject) -> {{{classname}}} in
let sourceDictionary = source as! [NSObject:AnyObject]
let instance = {{classname}}(){{#vars}}{{#isEnum}}
instance.{{name}} = {{classname}}.{{datatypeWithEnum}}(rawValue: (sourceDictionary["{{baseName}}"] as? String) ?? ""){{#unwrapRequired}}{{#required}}!{{/required}}{{/unwrapRequired}} {{/isEnum}}{{^isEnum}}
instance.{{name}} = Decoders.decode{{^unwrapRequired}}Optional{{/unwrapRequired}}{{#unwrapRequired}}{{^required}}Optional{{/required}}{{/unwrapRequired}}(clazz: {{{baseType}}}.self, source: sourceDictionary["{{baseName}}"]{{#unwrapRequired}}{{#required}}!{{/required}}{{/unwrapRequired}}){{/isEnum}}{{/vars}}
return instance
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