csharp.README.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# {{packageName}} - the C# library for the {{appName}}
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the [Swagger Codegen](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) project:
- API version: {{appVersion}}
- SDK version: {{packageVersion}}
- Build date: {{generatedDate}}
- Build package: {{generatorClass}}
For more information, please visit [{{{infoUrl}}}]({{{infoUrl}}})
## Frameworks supported
- .NET 4.0 or later
- Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)
## Dependencies
- [RestSharp](https://www.nuget.org/packages/RestSharp) - 105.1.0 or later
- [Json.NET](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/) - 7.0.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommned using [NuGet] (https://docs.nuget.org/consume/installing-nuget) to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See [RestSharp#742](https://github.com/restsharp/RestSharp/issues/742)
## Installation
Run the following command to generate the DLL
- [Mac/Linux] `/bin/sh build.sh`
- [Windows] `build.bat`
Then include the DLL (under the `bin` folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using {{packageName}}.Api;
using {{packageName}}.Client;
using {{{.}}};
## Getting Started
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using {{packageName}}.Api;
using {{packageName}}.Client;
using {{{.}}};
namespace Example
public class {{operationId}}Example
public void main()
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: {{{name}}}
Configuration.Default.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
Configuration.Default.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";{{/isBasic}}{{#isApiKey}}
// Configure API key authorization: {{{name}}}
Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("{{{keyParamName}}}", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("{{{keyParamName}}}", "Bearer");{{/isApiKey}}{{#isOAuth}}
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: {{{name}}}
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";{{/isOAuth}}{{/authMethods}}
var apiInstance = new {{classname}}();
var {{paramName}} = {{example}}; // {{{dataType}}} | {{{description}}}{{^required}} (optional) {{/required}}{{#defaultValue}} (default to {{{.}}}){{/defaultValue}}
var {{paramName}} = new {{{dataType}}}(); // {{{dataType}}} | {{{description}}}{{^required}} (optional) {{/required}}{{#defaultValue}} (default to {{{.}}}){{/defaultValue}}
// {{{.}}}
{{#returnType}}{{{.}}} result = {{/returnType}}apiInstance.{{{operationId}}}({{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/hasMore}}{{/allParams}});{{#returnType}}
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}: " + e.Message );
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to *{{{basePath}}}*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
{{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}{{#operations}}{{#operation}}*{{classname}}* | [**{{operationId}}**]({{apiDocPath}}{{classname}}.md#{{operationIdLowerCase}}) | **{{httpMethod}}** {{path}} | {{#summary}}{{{summary}}}{{/summary}}
## Documentation for Models
{{#models}}{{#model}} - [{{{modelPackage}}}.{{{classname}}}]({{modelDocPath}}{{{classname}}}.md)
No model defined in this package
## Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
### {{name}}
{{#isApiKey}}- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: {{keyParamName}}
- **Location**: {{#isKeyInQuery}}URL query string{{/isKeyInQuery}}{{#isKeyInHeader}}HTTP header{{/isKeyInHeader}}
{{#isBasic}}- **Type**: HTTP basic authentication
{{#isOAuth}}- **Type**: OAuth
- **Flow**: {{flow}}
- **Authorization URL**: {{authorizationUrl}}
- **Scopes**: {{^scopes}}N/A{{/scopes}}
{{#scopes}} - {{scope}}: {{description}}
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