io.swagger.codegen.ignore.rules.Rule Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.swagger.codegen.ignore.rules;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class Rule {
// The original rule
private final String definition;
private final List syntax;
Rule(List syntax, String definition) {
this.syntax = syntax;
this.definition = definition;
public abstract Boolean matches(String relativePath);
public String getDefinition() {
return this.definition;
protected String getPattern() {
if(syntax == null) return this.definition;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < syntax.size(); i++) {
Part current = syntax.get(i);
case TEXT:
case NEGATE:
return sb.toString();
* Whether or not the rule should be negated. !foo means foo should be removed from previous matches.
* Example: **\/*.bak excludes all backup. Adding !/test.bak will include test.bak in the project root.
* NOTE: It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded.
public Boolean getNegated() {
return this.syntax != null && this.syntax.size() > 0 && this.syntax.get(0).getToken() == IgnoreLineParser.Token.NEGATE;
public Operation evaluate(String relativePath) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(matches(relativePath))) {
if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.getNegated())) {
return this.getIncludeOperation();
return this.getExcludeOperation();
return Operation.NOOP;
protected Operation getIncludeOperation(){ return Operation.INCLUDE; }
protected Operation getExcludeOperation(){ return Operation.EXCLUDE; }
public static Rule create(String definition) {
// NOTE: Comments that start with a : (e.g. //:) are pulled from git documentation for .gitignore
// see: https://github.com/git/git/blob/90f7b16b3adc78d4bbabbd426fb69aa78c714f71/Documentation/gitignore.txt
Rule rule = null;
if (definition.equals(".")) {
return new InvalidRule(null, definition, "Pattern '.' is invalid.");
} else if (definition.equals("!.")) {
return new InvalidRule(null, definition, "Pattern '!.' is invalid.");
} else if (definition.startsWith("..")) {
return new InvalidRule(null, definition, "Pattern '..' is invalid.");
try {
List result = IgnoreLineParser.parse(definition);
Boolean directoryOnly = null;
if (result.size() == 0) {
return rule;
} else if (result.size() == 1) {
// single-character filename only
Part part = result.get(0);
if (IgnoreLineParser.Token.MATCH_ANY.equals(part.getToken())) {
rule = new RootedFileRule(result, definition);
} else {
rule = new FileRule(result, definition);
} else {
IgnoreLineParser.Token head = result.get(0).getToken();
//: An optional prefix "`!`" which negates the pattern; any
//: matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become
//: included again. It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent
//: directory of that file is excluded. Git doesn't list excluded
//: directories for performance reasons, so any patterns on contained
//: files have no effect, no matter where they are defined.
//: Put a backslash ("`\`") in front of the first "`!`" for patterns
//: that begin with a literal "`!`", for example, "`\!important!.txt`".
// see this.getNegated();
//: If the pattern ends with a slash, it is removed for the
//: purpose of the following description, but it would only find
//: a match with a directory. In other words, `foo/` will match a
//: directory `foo` and paths underneath it, but will not match a
//: regular file or a symbolic link `foo` (this is consistent
//: with the way how pathspec works in general in Git).
directoryOnly = IgnoreLineParser.Token.DIRECTORY_MARKER.equals(result.get(result.size() - 1).getToken());
if (directoryOnly) {
rule = new DirectoryRule(result, definition);
} else if (IgnoreLineParser.Token.PATH_DELIM.equals(head)) {
//: A leading slash matches the beginning of the pathname.
//: For example, "/{asterisk}.c" matches "cat-file.c" but not
//: "mozilla-sha1/sha1.c".
rule = new RootedFileRule(result, definition);
} else {
// case 1
//: If the pattern does not contain a slash '/', Git treats it as
//: a shell glob pattern and checks for a match against the
//: pathname relative to the location of the `.gitignore` file
//: (relative to the toplevel of the work tree if not from a
//: `.gitignore` file).
// case 2
//: Otherwise, Git treats the pattern as a shell glob suitable
//: for consumption by fnmatch(3) with the FNM_PATHNAME flag:
//: wildcards in the pattern will not match a / in the pathname.
//: For example, "Documentation/{asterisk}.html" matches
//: "Documentation/git.html" but not "Documentation/ppc/ppc.html"
//: or "tools/perf/Documentation/perf.html".
// case 3
//: Two consecutive asterisks ("`**`") in patterns matched against
//: full pathname may have special meaning:
//: - A leading "`**`" followed by a slash means match in all
//: directories. For example, "`**/foo`" matches file or directory
//: "`foo`" anywhere, the same as pattern "`foo`". "`**/foo/bar`"
//: matches file or directory "`bar`" anywhere that is directly
//: under directory "`foo`".
//: - A trailing "`/**`" matches everything inside. For example,
//: "`abc/**`" matches all files inside directory "`abc`", relative
//: to the location of the `.gitignore` file, with infinite depth.
//: - A slash followed by two consecutive asterisks then a slash
//: matches zero or more directories. For example, "`a/**/b`"
//: matches "`a/b`", "`a/x/b`", "`a/x/y/b`" and so on.
//: - Other consecutive asterisks are considered invalid.
rule = new FileRule(result, definition);
} catch (ParserException e) {
return new InvalidRule(null, definition, e.getMessage());
return rule;